Kristi Borst

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Tune-in every Tuesday at 9am PT12 Noon ETPerspective RebootTM with Kristi Borst provides an hour of WISDOM, HEALING and EMPOWERMENT. Kristi is a gifted Intuitive Energy Healer with an uplifting message and, perhaps, a unique perspective. Kristi is able to connect with and share her connection to the pure love of Source energy. This resonance helps her clients, and now her listeners, heal and shift toward their greater potential. Kristi has seen such profound shifts in her clients, emotionall ...


  • Information Overload: Finding the Nuggets of Gold in Mirky Waters Perspective Reboot with Kristi Borst


    One doesn't have to look far to find doom and gloom predictions of things that will happen today, tomorrow, at some future point in time. Perhaps you even have a doom and gloom program looping continually in your subconscious mind? Let's explore your "secret" abilities to pan for gold and consistently come out a winner Perhaps you already have gold in your hands but just cannot believe your eyes? Or others are telling you "That isn't Gold" Is it all a mirage? You deserve to be happy. You deserve to live a life of joy. The door to your getting there may be much closer than you've realized. What if all it takes is one more try to succeed? I am a gifted intuitive energy healer and have helped many people in private session and through gifted mini session on this show. Despite opening the 800 number call-in line at the top of the hour, no one called until the very last couple of minutes of the show. I worked very briefly with Bernie who was having shoulder pain, but was not able to fully connect with her in that

  • Taking Back Your Personal Power: Reclaiming the SELF Perspective Reboot with Kristi Borst


    Together, let's review how forgiveness and staying true to our ultimate Creator abilities keep us living in the present and in joy. Release anger, resentment, and blame. Let's talk about the tools with which we can walk our walks and talk our talks with ease, grace and confidence Kristi offers love-based healing energy and opened the phone lines for an intuitive energy healing or a chakra clearing during the show. As there were no calls, she utilized the time to provide clearing energy healing for audience members facing breast cancer in their past, present, and/or future. Kristi's audio connection dropped a couple of times, so transition to breaks is abrupt. Please overlook this.

  • Trusting Your Path and Its Fulfillment ... Focus, Force, Faith Perspective Reboot&174; with Kristi Borst


    In each moment, we have Creator abilities to choose our reality and to live the life we want to express. However, sometimes the 8-track of past mis-takes and choices is playing too loudly in our heads. Let's move past that. And once we're seeing what we want to BE, how do you bring THAT reailty into focus, define it, shape it? What happens when things don't happen when YOU want? These are questions I have and continue to work with. I hope sharing my process can be one tool for you as well. I am channeling love-based healing energy and offered intuitive energy healing or a chakra clearing to one caller during the show. I worked with Bonnie who has been having ear ringing which sounds to her like incessant crickets. She had messaged me that she noticed the noise became faster and louder when she was too busy and she was taking this as her cue to slow down. I helped support her in affirming this to her greater body intelligence.

  • Color: How Color Affects You on Many Levels ... Mind, Body, Spirit Perspective Reboot&174; with Kristi Borst


    In prior show segments, Kristi has shared some information about chakras and the role they play in our bodies. Did you know that color is one of the aspects that is typically conveyed in talking about these integral aspects of your BEING? Let's explore how color can enhance our living, healing, and growth. This conversation may add a dimension to understanding your innermost needs. Kristi is a gifted channeler of healing energy. She worked with Theresa who called into the show with persistent upper back and neck pain. She went from a pain level of 9/10 to 2/10 in those couple of minutes and wrote that the relief has been improving more. Listening to session will help others with similar problems.

  • Releasing Fear of Dying Puts Living into Perspective: You are an Eternal Being of Divine Essence Perspective Reboot&174; with Kristi Borst. Call 800 930 2819 during with Kristi.


    When you can fully understand this, it can help put fears of the everyday living into perspective. Mary Karman will be joining me as we discuss living with the knowledge that there is more to us than this physical being our ego identifies us as. Mary had a multi-leveled near death experience in 2010 which gifted her with amazing insights into this life and beyond as well as a lesson of love. Join us and release what no longer serves. In lieu of a live caller, Kristi did some healing/release addressing fear of ticks and Lyme Disease.

  • Avoiding Spin-outs in the Fast Lane of Life Perspective Reboot&174; with Kristi Borst. Do you ever feel like your life is out of control? Let's easily steer clear of obstacles Kristi is a gifted intuitive energy hea


    Do you ever feel like your life is out of control? Everywhere you look you find drama and struggle. Life is not easy. "Why me?" you ask. Even with the best intentions to stay centered and grounded, we can spin off course and off our sense of balance. Perhaps it's a question of perspective. I will be providing some ways to help stay on the course of JOY. I offered a chakra clearing or abbreviated intuitive energy healing session with one caller, and I worked with Elizabeth to help her with digestive tract issues.

  • Finding Your Internal Guidance System with Guest, Jeffrey Chappell author of Answers From Silence Perspective Reboot&174; with Kristi Borst. What would it be like to have a connection to a Higher Knowing with answer


    When he was just 13, Jeffrey Chappell "entered the silence" and began hearing answers to his most difficult life struggles from his "Enlightened Self." He recently published "Answers From Silence" which has become a best seller. This inspirational book offers insights which are helpful in moving beyond many every-day struggles. Through the healing work I do, I connect "in the silence" with the "knowing" required to move a person to accelerated healing/clearing on many levels. Join Jeffrey and me as we share ways in which to connect with your highest and best on this level ... that connection has always been and always will be there for you. We hope this discussion will help you find your way back to SELF. Before the end of the show, I will offered a chakra clearing or abbreviated intuitive energy healing session with one caller. Before the end of the show, I worked with Nina to release grief of the loss of the physical presence of her husband.

  • Energy Healing Across Space and Time ... The Mind/Body Connection and Releasing That Which No Longer Serves You Perspective Reboot&174; with Kristi Borst. Kristi worked with a live caller on air to release blocks ca


    Is there a mind-body connection to health and happiness? I will be sharing information through examples and my experience from many intuitive energy healing sessions. These will illustrate how our thoughts what we consciously think and what we unconsciously hold on to can lead to physical discomfort. My gift is helping people to release what no longer serves their highest good through the energy healing resonance I offer. What is Energy Healing? Tune in to find out more. I am honored to have worked with a live caller on air near the end of the show to release blocks causing hip pain. If you have hip or leg pain you may benefit from listening to this show.

  • Messages from Animals Within and Throughout Our Lives with Guest, Lynn Andrews Perspective Reboot&174; with Kristi Borst. Kristi offered an abbreviated intuitive healing session to a caller to address her not feelin


    We have become conditioned to believe only what our five senses tell us and sometimes we even miss what is right before our eyes. Indigenous people have long been in touch with the animal and elemental kingdoms and the messages they can help bring to light. Lynn Andrews has dedicated over three decades of her life and has been equally gifted in the study of and indoctrination into the native ways. Lynn's book series "Medicine Woman" was a primer for me in releasing what I thought I knew and accepting that I knew both nothing and everything. You won't want to miss this discussion of the wonderful messages that animals bring to our lives, when we have the awareness to recognize them. This can be through our own Power Animal/True Nature and through the animals that make themselves known to us in our "everyday" journeys. Kristi is a gifted Intuitive Energy Healer. Toward the end of the show, she took a call from Ella for an abbreviated chakra clearing or intuitive energy healing session. The focus was on removing

  • Exceptional Living, Exceptional You ... CHOOSING to Respond and Live Life with Love Perspective Reboot&174; with Kristi Borst. Abbreviated on-air healing session with caller addressed blocks on prosperty.


    So much of our reality is shaped by the biases and filters we have on processing that reality. Together we're working to strip away some of these layers to help you KNOW how truly important, powerful, and whole you are. Today's show will be exploring the choices we are offered each day, if we only have the awareness to perceive them. This awareness was critical in my being able to assist individuals in such profound and permanent physical, mental, emotional and spiritual shifts and healings. We'll talk about shaping our past, present and future, aging and more. Why not be happy and thrive Mini intuitive energy healing session near the end of the show with caller Yvonne was to address blockages about prosperity and abundance.

  • Kristi Borst's Healing Resonance Busting Through Pain on Many Levels with a Perspective RebootSM as well


    Through her inward journey, Kristi Borst reconnected to what she calls her "Healing Resonance," an ability to assist people in healing on many levels...physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually...rapidly and permanently. Kristi has recently joined the Transformation Talk Radio team as host of her weekly show, Perspective Reboot with Kristi Borst. Kristi coined this phrase because of the dramatic results brought about through her intuitive energy healing work. Tune in to hear about this soft-spoken miracle worker. You'll want to share her information with your friends and family members. It is bringing not only hope, but also recovery to individuals who have resigned themselves to a life of physical, emotional, mental and/or spiritual pain.

  • We are Each Important Pieces in the Puzzle of Life with guest Fran Caproon, Intuitive Communicator and Awesomism Certified Practitioner Perspective Reboot&174; with Kristi Borst. Will you heed the gentle call for so


    Many people are labeled as having a "disability" when they cannot fully engage in the "3D Game" school, job, home, family, stress, etc.. Yet, for me, intentionally releasing many of the boundaries and parameters of the 3D Game, has brought a stronger connection to my Higher Self, greater joy, and a life filled with miracles. Majority may rule; but majority is not always most closely in counsel with the Divine. I can easily understand the importance YES IMPORTANCE to the rest of us, collectively, of our family members, friends and associates who are unable to fully engage in the 3D Game due to Autism, sensitivities, "spectrum variations" and other "disabilities". Gifted intuitive communicator, Fran Caproon who works with non-verbal children and adults will be joining me . Fran shares "I feel these dear hearts are here to assist humanity 'us' to embody the change into one of caring with more love-based choices..." You may never use the word "disabilities" again At the bottom of the hour, Kristi offered an abbre

  • You Cannot Change the World, but When You Change the Way You SEE the World, The World Changes; Releasing Fear and Seeing Judgment as an Opportunity to Expand Perspective Reboot&174; with Kristi Borst.


    So much of our physical reality, whether it's our health, our relationships or experience of the world, is guided by our expectations and perceptions. We're going to talk about how subtle shifts in our perspectives on health, relationships and society can lead to our improved quality of life. Realize and seize the choices you have as a Divine BEing, living in the now Kristi is a gifted Intuitive Energy Healer. She is committed to taking at least one caller for an abbreviated intuitive energy healing session, live during the show. On this segment, there were no callers.

  • Multidimensional You with Guest Suzanne Lie, PhD, MFT Perspective Reboot&174; with Kristi Borst. Sue pen name Suzan Caroll and Kristi discuss the Multidimensional You, How our Expectations Guide our Perceptions and


    We are moving to a consciousness beyond Black and White. Dr. Suzanne Lie is a gifted psychotherapist, author, artist, spiritual psychotherapist, and channel. She has spent decades sharing information about the various levels of our consciousness with the aim of assisting others in expanding their own awareness of SELF. "Sue's work was one of the door openers to my own mind expansion that led me back to the connection to my intuitive energy healing gift. I am thrilled to have her on Perspective Reboot with Kristi" Gain a greater understanding of your Multidimensional SELF through this conversation. Additionally, we will be discussing how our expectations truly predict our perceptions. What is the unconscious, conscious, and superconscious and how would a basic understanding of these layers of perception help provide a greater understanding and awareness in many aspects of our lives. Kristi is a gifted Intuitive Energy Healer. She provided an abbreviated intuitive energy healing with Gemma who was frustrated a

  • Seeing Yourself as More than a Body ... The Key to Releasing Pain, Challenges, Blocks and Boundaries Perspective Reboot&174; with Kristi Borst. Kristi worked on air with a caller who was in a great relationship but


    Meet Kristi Borst and learn about her amazing intuitive healing gift and her Perspective Reboot . Come explore our being more than flesh and bones can guide us toward our next step of wellness while bringing us closer to the true essence we are here to express. In today's debut show, Kristi talk about her personal journey which took her to an extraordinary destination Her process and her show are called "Perspective Reboot " because the transformations that she's helped facilitate are quick and effective. In the last few minutes of the show, Kristi worked energetically with Terri who was in a great relationship but was having feelings that she was not good enough nor worthy. These feelings were released with this "work".

  • Healing Resonance with Kristi Borst: What is this Perspective RebootSM that Kristi Offers? Learn how it's possible to reset your healing resonance, happiness perspective and outlook on the past, present and futu


    Imagine shifting from a reality of pain, insecurity and limitation to a place of joy and unlimited possibilities. The healing frequency that Kristi is offering has brought about this type of change in her clients in just minutes. This coming month, she will be launching her weekly Perspective RebootSM radio show. Each week, she'll be offering empowering vantage points of wisdom. She will also take on air callers with whom she'll do some energetic healing and/or activation work. Shift and grow in your sense of what you are and can do in this "reality."

  • Healing Resonance with Kristi Borst: Life Is Meant to Savor....You ARE Worthy


    Nearly every day there are situations in which people would give the world to another yet deny basic necessities to themselves. Through Kristi's connection to Source Energy, she knows that we are all connected and equally Divine and deserving of life's best. This knowledge is the cornerstone, she believes, to living in health, happiness and abundance. Kristi has the ability to assist individuals in moving from a place of inferiority.

  • Kristi BorstHealing Resonance: Can Healing the Emotional Layers of Our Bodies Actually Lead to Physical Healing?


    For the past year, Kristi Borst has been using her healing gift to help bring about Perspective RebootSM transformations that have led to incredible emotional and physical healings for her clients. Kristi will be joining Dr Pat to discuss the mind-body connection and how critical our thoughts are in our wellness.

  • Kristi Borst Healing Resonance: Release That Which No Longer Serves You....Have Pain and Emotional Trauma Become Obsolete?


    Kristi Borst's life path has brought her full circle to reconnect with a Divine Healing Gift she had when she was born but was told as a child to stop using. Through her in-person and distance intuitive healing sessions, Kristi has helped individuals overcome physical pain and illness, emotional trauma and depression, and overcome self-limiting beliefs. Learn the amazing story of how this woman expanded her definition of what was possible for her to BE and DO and in the process transformed from wife, mother, small business owner to facilitating hands-on and long distance healing miracles.