Rebel Moon

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editora: Podcast
  • Duração: 123:51:49
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Taking you into the hidden world of hidden agendas of the elite, conspiracies, ancient and occult knolwedge, true history and other things suppressed things that the elites do not want you to know.


  • Happy Real New Year - Now It Begins

    21/03/2023 Duração: 01h08min

    Happy Real New Year - Now It BeginsHappy New New Year my friends. Today is the first day of the real New Year. The Spring Equinox which started yesterday on March 20th. Now we are officially in the sign of Aries. The first sign of the ancient Zodiac ruled by Mars the God of War. Now the time has come to brace yourself because you are about to witness sights to behold in the coming year onwards as a great change sweeps over the Earth. Let me outline some Future Events for you in real time. This one Rabbit Hole you should embrace with Love Hope and Faith.** Donations Welcome - Click Here **Hacking The Future Support the show

  • Battle For The Soul Of The World Enters Final Phase

    13/03/2023 Duração: 01h46min

    Battle For The Soul Of The World Enters Final PhaseAmerica 'The Great Satan' of Global Wars and World Poverty and it's colonial satellite countries has been mortally wounded as the secret plot to bring it down nears the final phase... as Forewarned here many Moons ago.Driven out of Afghanistan, Kazakstan and now losing the not so secret Proxy War in the Nazi State of Ukraine will soon withdraw into the final trap of the Asian Pacific where the Khazarian forces and fleet will be turned into a floating junk yard as the thousand year Battle for the Soul of the World enters the final and indeed most dangerous stage.** Donations Welcome - Click Here **Hacking The Future Support the show

  • Time Traveller Warns The End Is Coming

    10/03/2023 Duração: 44min

    Time Traveller Warns The End Is ComingA time is coming when Men will go Mad.. and when they see someone who is Not Mad, they will attack him saying.. 'You are Mad. You are not like us'. - St Anthony The Great.2 Timothy 4:3 - "In the last times there will be scoffers who will follow after their own ungodly desires." There are more ancient Prophesies depicting 'End of Times' inside the Pod which mirror what we are seeing now in Real Time with Uncanny Accuracy. Now such a warning comes from someone who claims to be a Time Traveller from 2049 AD on a mission to warn the World when WW3 will break out and another date when the World will End... Let's put this one to bed my friends...Hacking The Future Support the show

  • The Antichrist Is Here Ruling The West

    25/02/2023 Duração: 01h01min

    The Antichrist Is Here Ruling The WestNobody of sound mind can deny that we have been witnessing some strange and bizarre events these past few years. Lockdowns, Psyop Viruses and Vaccines, Millions of Mysterious Deaths, Afghanistan retreat now moved to our doorstep in Eastern Europe and treacherous Governments now bordering in Nazism.The Domino Effect has already Begun. Cost of Living Crisis causing Mass Unrest, Looming Man Made Food Crisis and soon a push into a Cashless Society with the CBCD Digital Currency. Yet our Puppet Leaders smile as if nothing is wrong... And even the Alternative Media is now under control. These things are all signs of the workings of the Antichrist... Down the the scary Rabbit Hole we go.Hacking The Future Support the show

  • America Brace Yourself - Wrath Is Nigh

    21/02/2023 Duração: 01h31min

    America  Brace Yourself - Wrath Is Nigh Precognitive insights into the 'Immediate Future' have been short on the ground these past months, Most of us who still practice this Ancient Art have also been left with very low energy levels which I suspect could be linked to the mysterious Vibrations currently running through the Earth's Crust or the 'Schumann Resonance' as its known which has been speeding up as covered recently.However, some of us have started to adapt so flashes of the immediate Future have started to trickle in again. It seems the Global mass chaos and death being caused by the American arm of the Khazarian Empire is about to come home to roost and our American cousins would be wise to brace themselves if I am correct about what I've been seeing. (My tack record speaks for itself)** Donations Welcome Click Here **Hacking The Future Support the show

  • Alien Invasion Hysteria 1938

    15/02/2023 Duração: 01h14min

    Alien Invasion Hysteria 1938 ADFollowing on from the last Pod about Is a fake  ET Invasion being staged. This is a real planned Psy-Op called Project Blue Beam. A Hologram Event either to mimic the return of the Messiah or an Alien Invasion. The recent attempted Media hysteria of an Alien Invasion of the US isn't the first time we have witnessed similar mass paranoia from America. As I keep saying, past historical keep revisiting us as if to wake people up to common sense.It happened in real time back in 1938 with an Orson Wells 'War Of The Worlds' Radio Broadcast which thousands of people took seriously as a real invasion from Mars. It resulted in a wave of panic across America including suicides before the Martians got them. If it was one of the early Psy Op's.. it was much more effective than Mickey Mouse Balloon UFO's being bandied around for the feeble minded!Hacking The Future Support the show

  • Is The Fake ET Invasion Being Staged?

    13/02/2023 Duração: 51min

    Is The Fake ET Invasion Being Staged?Now the proxy war in Ukraine is lost, are the Khazarian Elites preparing for another distraction. That being the long held 'Out There' Conspiracy Theory Agenda of staging an ET Invasion?The Media has now morphed the Chinese Weather Balloon Hoo Ha into shooting down 3 more 'Unidentified Objects'. Furthermore, the Pentagon won't rule out whether these UFO's are ET related.  All will be explained.Hacking The Future Support the show

  • Mysterious Earth Vibrations - Now Every 26 Seconds

    10/02/2023 Duração: 01h15min

    Mysterious Earth Vibrations  - Now Every 26 Seconds Something is Causing Mysterious Vibrations to run through Earth Every 26 Seconds which could be effecting the bizarre realty we are finding ourselves in... and indeed my total lack of energy... For instanceThe German Khazar Jew imposter Charles Philip Arthur George Saxe-Coburg and Gotha aka Charles Windsor (currently masquerading as King Charles the lll) has greeted his Ukrainian Jew Nazi puppet at the Palace in full view of the World when the Monarchy isnt supposed to get involved in Politics at all. And that my friends is only a smidgen of what is happening to our Planet.Hacking The Future Support the show

  • China Ballon Mystery Solved (But Leads To A Bigger Enigma

    07/02/2023 Duração: 56min

    China Balloon Mystery Solved  (But Leads To A Bigger Enigma)The mystery of the Chinese Balloon solved. It was indeed a legitimate 'Weather Balloon investigating a previous Arctic Blast similar to the one in America and is related to 'Space Weather'.. The real cause behind freak Weather anomalies around the World we've known for many years now and not the Fake disinformation from the WEF blaming humans. This also involves the real phenomenon of the shifting of our Magnetic Poles and record Sunspots reaching a Nine Year High' for Solar Cycle 25. Are we being distracted from catastrophic Pole Reversal?** Donations Welcome Click Here **Hacking The Future Support the show

  • Holly Weird And Balloon Paranoia

    04/02/2023 Duração: 01h14min

    Holly Weird And China Balloon Paranoia   (73 Mins Duration)Deep State Paranoia and Hypocrisy over Chinese Weather Balloons. Hollywood Stars on Strike over 'None Vaccinated'. The Gobbledegook just keeps getting worse.Hacking The Future Support the show

  • Khazar Purge Or Regroup Tactic?

    23/01/2023 Duração: 01h07min

    Khazar Purge Or Regroup Tactic?  (67 Mins Duration)UK Gov mired in more scandal and corruption yet again. Same deal in America. Game of Musical Chairs continues around the World with NZ's Adhern sudden shock resignation with other Key Politicians quitting posts throughout Europe over Ukraine.Schwab and Soros still not seen since missing from Globalist Davos Bilderberg meeting and more rogue states like Israel installing extreme Right Wing Govs headed by criminal ex leaders still under investigation or facing charges from corruption to crimes against humanity... Are these bizarre events desperate measures because of a Purge against the Khazarian Elite or just another con trick to replace damaged leaders past their sell by date? Down the Rabbit Hole we go...Hacking The Future Support the show

  • America Now Officially A Threat To Humanity

    21/01/2023 Duração: 45min

    America Now Officially A Threat To HumanityAs Russia becomes more powerful, the Khazarian controlled American British Empire grows weak, defenceless and indeed more dangerous. A fact that can't be hidden much longer. Especially after the US Nuclear Doomsday Plane under the designation B742 TITAN 25 took off across the Atlantic last week.If this is supposed to be a bluff by the clinically insane Deep State Biden Regime, it is indeed an extremely dangerous one that has now put Russia on full scale alert and preparation for Nuclear War with it's ally China also ready to strike from the shadows.Hacking The Future Support the show

  • Khazars Opting For Nuclear War?

    17/01/2023 Duração: 01h08min

    Khazars Opting For Nuclear War?      (68 Mins Duration)Once again I am forced to interrupt my planned Podcasts on 'Inner Earth' and Flat Earth because of unseen events taking place outside the Public Domain... yet are there for all to see because they are Hidden In Plain Sight.Events that are now escalating at a speed to the point of becoming uncontrollable even for the Khazarian Elites and their overlords as we plunge headlong into a race for Armageddon. This is another of my 'Forewarnings' deemed far to 'Out There' to happen by the average mind.... but as you know, I have a track record of them inevitably manifesting into reality during these 'Strange and Exceptional' times.Hacking The Future Support the show

  • Let's Break The Great Illusion

    09/01/2023 Duração: 48min

    Let's Break The Great IllusionThe Lies, Deceit and Distractions will be stepped up on a scale never seen before this year. This isn't a Revelation, it's something that has already begun back in 2020 and has been stepped up every year since.Take a moment to stop what you are doing. Find a quiet place and suspend 'All' beliefs you have been conditioned with since childhood, then step back from the world you are told to see... Then lo and behold.... What wonders and horrors you will see.Hacking The Future Support the show

  • Welcome To La La Land 2023

    04/01/2023 Duração: 44min

    Welcome To La La Land 2023   (44 Mins Duration)Lies, Disinformation, Deception, Fables and Myths. Expect to be told anything except the Truth during the coming Months.Hacking The Future Support the show

  • 2023 Time To Brace Yourself

    03/01/2023 Duração: 35min

    2023 Time To Brace Yourself   (35 Mins Duration)As duty requires, I've been delving ahead into the first few Months of 2023. My key advice would be to brace yourself and here's why.Hacking The Future Support the show

  • From 2022 Into The Unknown of 2023

    31/12/2022 Duração: 44min

    From 2022 Into The Unknown of 2023   (43 Mins Duration)2022 AD has been most bizarre year we have encountered  so far even by our standards. Now we enter the realms of the real unknown with 2023 on the Horizon. Hacking The Future Support the show

  • 2022 AD Review

    24/12/2022 Duração: 55min

    2022 AD Review    (55 Mins Duration)2022 has been the most Intense and Bizarre year so far. Has the Madness peaked or is there more yet to come in 2023AD ?Hacking The Future Support the show

  • Self Delusion Doesn't Win Wars

    22/12/2022 Duração: 46min

    Self Delusion Doesn't Win Wars  (46 Mins Duration)As Xmas Madness peaks, the more serious Virus of Self Delusion is spreading like a pandemic amongst the Ruling Class. Hence why they have already lost the War.Donate To The Old Man Here:Hacking The Future Support the show

  • Dragon Flicks Tail - Khazars Tremble

    21/12/2022 Duração: 43min

     Dragon Flicks Tail - Khazars Tremble  (42 Mins Duration)The Chinese Dragon flicks it's tail and Khazars Tremble as it awakens from it's slumber. Is a Khazar surrender on the cards?Hacking The Future Support the show

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