Rescue Radio With Marjorie Cole

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editora: Podcast
  • Duração: 445:29:00
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RESCUE RADIO "Because There Is A War For Your Soul"Nothing boring or too political or super spiritual. Just probably some of the most revolutionary and useful information you will find on radio.Join us live Tuesdays at 10AM CST or catch us on the run. Its time to talk straight about the war between God and Satan that is going on in our souls. And though the battle is the Lords and has already been won, the Enemy still seems to have a lot to say that has left too many of us doubtful and confused about what is going on and what can be done about it. It is time to talk back and tell it like it is! Hosted by Marjorie Cole, founder of Life Recovery, Inc., and author of Taking the Devil to Court with Jarry Cole, Pastor of True Light Church as the featured guest pastor and roving co-host. Special Guests include youth leaders, spiritual leaders, health and nutrition advocates, experts in the new age, giants, the Bible, and numerous other subjects relevant to the perilous times in which we find ourselves. Along with a team of warfare specialists Jarry and Marjorie will offer you an opportunity to find real answers to tough questions.Jesus told us it would get dark and difficult in the days before His return. He told us not to be deceived. Rescue Radio is here to help you sort through the lies and respond to the spiritual challenges of serving Jesus Christ in this desperately wicked world.


  • "Fear of the Lord" Rescue Radio with Marjorie Cole

    04/02/2025 Duração: 37min

    How big a deal is the Fear of the Lord in a believer's life? What does is do? Where has if gone? The first first sign of the loss of fear of the Lord is the subtle  corrusion and corruption of our relationship with our Heavenly Father. The lack of fear of the Lord promotes the fear of everything. We are overtaken by fear of man, fear of failure, fear of the future, fear of making a mistake, fear of being left out, fear of being alone, all because we do not live inthe fear of the Lord! Learn about the dangers of idolatry, the deceptive nature of worldly desires, and how a distorted view of God can create complacency and obscure the eternal consequences of our everyday decisions. Discover the significance of fearing the Lord - not as terror, but as a holy reverence and respect for His almighty power and wisdom. God's justice, and our genuine faith in the faithfulness of God can transform your obstacles into divine opportunities. Check out God On Trial and start listening today! Get your copy of "Spiritual Warfa

  • "The Real Jesus" Rescue Radio with Marjorie Cole

    28/01/2025 Duração: 31min

    Do not be deceived, Jesus said. “Take heed that no one deceives you. For many will come in My name, saying, ‘I am the Christ,’ And will deceive many.” -Mt 24:4-5 “If anyone says, here is the Christ, do not believe it.” Mt. 24:23 Paul was afraid that if anyone came preaching “another Jesus” the people might put up with it. -II Cor. 11:4 One thing we may have completely overlooked in understanding the mysteries of iniquity is how the Enemy uses counterfeits to deceive us. Jesus Christ and the true gospel of Jesus Christ are two of his primary targets. But how do we know if we have the real Jesus?  Using His own instructions, Jesus said, by their fruits, you shall know them. To discern whether something is good or evil, we must look at the fruit. If the fruit of the Jesus you are listening to is not compassionate, forgiving, understanding, and going with you through your trials and afflictions, it is not the real Jesus! If the Jesus you are listening to brings guilt, shame, condemnation, scolding, striving, do m

  • "Can A Christian Have A Demon?" Rescue Radio with Marjorie Cole

    21/01/2025 Duração: 31min

    The Apostle Paul addressed that issue in Romans chapter 7 when he said, ”If I am doing what I will not to do, then it is no longer I who do it but the sin that dwells in me.” Jesus very distinctly told us to cast out demons as one of the jobs he gave us to do on a regular basis. He did not call us to exert more willpower, work on a course of self-improvement, or try harder to be good. Defeating the Enemy that controls us requires recognizing the war within us. This is a fast-moving, excellent explanation of spiritual warfare and understanding the firm footing the scripture gives us to cry out with Paul, “Oh wretched man, who will deliver me?” Join us in getting some solid direction on this very controversial issue. Get your copy of "Spiritual Warfare and How Deliverance Can Change Your Life" on Amazon, and explore Marjorie's other books. "Because There Is A War For Your Soul"  

  • "Restoring Family Bonds" Rescue Radio with Marjorie Cole

    14/01/2025 Duração: 31min

    We all have mothers. Our relationship with our mother is our first connection with life. The bond is strong, but the diabolical work of the enemy to undo the foundations of the righteous begins with how we treat our mothers and how they treat us. The pain of children losing their mothers and mothers losing their children to the wiles of the Evil One, whether it be through drugs, gender identity confusion, other controlling relationships,  or one of a thousand other deceptive schemes to pull them away from their parents, is real. The pain it creates in our hearts can almost immobilize our faith. It creates a crisis in our hearts the Enemy uses to try to destroy us and beat down our faith in God’s ability to bring them back. God has a lot to say about what is going on and has a plan to bring them back from the north, the south, the east, and the west. Join us for what He has to say. Get your copy of "Spiritual Warfare and How Deliverance Can Change Your Life" on Amazon, and explore Marjorie's other books. "Beca

  • "Speak To The Mountain" Rescue Radio with Marjorie Cole

    07/01/2025 Duração: 34min

    Are you caught circling around old habits, stuck in a rut, living your life in passive un-fulfillment,  up against a mountain of resistance and difficulty? It is time to speak to the mountain, as Jesus told us and move out, into the place of the promise. For the Hebrews, it was going to reclaim the land God had promised to Abraham. For us, it is the Abundant Life, Jesus died to give us. Getting up and moving out of the rut fear has dug all around us will require that we first identify the traps that hold us, the lies that we believed that led us to sin. Repentance for believing those lies and surrendering to the guidance of the Holy Spirit that lives inside of us is the first step to defeating the mountains in your life. Join us for words of encouragement and details that will fuel your victory to overcome the mountains in your life. Get your copy of "Spiritual Warfare and How Deliverance Can Change Your Life" on Amazon, and explore Marjorie's other books. "Because There Is A War For Your Soul"  www.liferecov

  • "Cirling The Mountain or Conquering It?" Rescue Radio with Marjorie Cole

    31/12/2024 Duração: 33min

    As Moses charges the Children of Israel with his last words before he dies, he tells the people they have hung around this mountain long enough. They had been going in circles for forty years, and it was time to move on. Their inheritance was waiting to be reclaimed. What are the mountains you have been hanging around too long? Is it a mountain of offense, unforgiveness, discouragement, self-condemnation, or being too comfortable with the familiar that the fight to get up and conquer what is rightfully yours looks too overwhelming? It is time to seek the help of the Holy Spirit to get your divine intervention for breakthroughs in 2025. As believers, we are called not to settle for comfort zones but to take bold steps of faith to advance into 'enemy territory' with the assurance of God's presence and promise. Let us lay down the burdens that keep us from knowing who we really are, sons and daughters of God, and go forward as conquerors. Check out God On Trial and start listening today! Get your copy of "Spirit

  • "Fulfilment of God's Promises" Rescue Radio with Marjorie Cole

    17/12/2024 Duração: 36min

    Mary needed faith to move the promises of God forward in the redemption of mankind. We look for results, outcomes, answers to prayer. God looks at the process, the refining of our faith to believe in the faithfulness of God. He promises to go with us through the flood and the fire.  Jesus's identity and faith was forged in the heat of the 40 day trial in the Wilderness where all distractions, escapes and comforts  were removed. Our journey is not much different. Will we continue to believe and let God complete His workmanship in us as we journey together to the promise of completion and rich fulfillment in spite of what it looks like for now?   In this episode of Rescue Radio, we embark on a profound journey exploring the intersection of faith, divine promises, and the challenges believers face in fulfilling God's plan. Through biblical examples, the discussion highlights how faith is refined through trials, drawing from the experiences of Mary, Abraham, and Jesus Himself. Discover the significance of trustin

  • "God's Unwavering Mercy" Rescue Radio with Marjorie Cole

    10/12/2024 Duração: 26min

    As the world faces upheaval and turmoil, we are reminded of God's mercy, ever-present and unyielding, in keeping His Promises. From Genesis to Bethlehem to Revelation, God overshadowed HIs people with mercy and strength. Through the stories of Mary, Zacharias, Elizabeth, and the shepherds, we see how their faith kept the glimmer of hope alive for all of us. We too can flourish amidst doubt to see God's promises fulfilled in the middle of our struggles. Let us meditate on the miraculous events surrounding the birth of Jesus, the unwavering mercy of God, and the profound joy brought by the realization of His promises. Discover how even in the most obscure and seemingly hopeless circumstances, God is fulfilling His covenant and bringing light to those who sit in darkness. Check out God On Trial and start listening today! Get your copy of "Spiritual Warfare and How Deliverance Can Change Your Life" on Amazon, and explore Marjorie's other books. "Because There Is A War For Your Soul"

  • "God on Trial" Rescue Radio with Marjorie Cole

    03/12/2024 Duração: 28min

    Today, we will treat you to a scene from the audio Drama God On Trial, a 28-episode radio drama. The premise of the story is the war between God and Satan for the souls of men, told from Satan’s point of view. The series is inspirational, entertaining, educational, and good to use as an outreach tool for evangelism. The title, God on Trial, examines whether God has a right to rule the world. God is being charged with abusive use of power, criminal neglect of the universe, and conflict of interests, among other things.  God On Trial is a creative alternative for those caught up in spending too much time on their screens. Children, both young and old, love it. If you need a gift for someone who is shut in, driving a lot, or is ready for a fresh listen to the Scripture, try this fantastic, new option. We pray that you have a very holy and joyful Christmas this year. You can purchase your copy of God on Trial, one episode at a time or the whole set at Blessings to you and yours. Get your copy of "

  • "Idolatry and Enchantment" Rescue Radio with Marjorie Cole

    26/11/2024 Duração: 34min

    We are still is grave danger as a nation, until we get to the root of the problem in this world. The issue is one of idolatry, our fascination with the pursuit of everything other than the One True God. Until the spell of the enchantments of the Evil One is broken, we will be captivated by our own opinions, our experiences and the enslaved to the plans of the gods of this world. Most people do not perceive how much the darkness has become light to us. Jesus said “If the light that is in you be darkness, how great is that darkness? We cannot serve two masters. Idolatry is serving the other gods, fear, self, man, and the desire to control our own lives. Confession and repentance are our only hope to be truly set free from the agenda of the god of this world. The One True God, the creator of Heaven and Earth, is waiting to hear from us! Get your copy of "Spiritual Warfare and How Deliverance Can Change Your Life" on Amazon, and explore Marjorie's other books. "Because There Is A War For Your Soul"  www.liferecov

  • "Wake Up" Rescue Radio with Marjorie Cole

    19/11/2024 Duração: 37min

    It is time to wake up and realize where we are at and what time it is. “And do this, knowing the time, that now it is high time to awake out of sleep; for our salvation is nearer than when we first believed.”  Rom. 13:11. It is time to be transformed, not just to change. We have all tried to change, but now it is time to walk in the Spirit and know what the Spirit is saying. God wants to lift us up into the place of laying aside every weight and the sin that so easily besets us and walk in the appointed course - the race, the Lord has set before us. It is not about doing so much as being – being aware that not everything we thought was God, or was us, was correct. We must decide to get up, out of our beds of comfort and follow the leading of the Holy Spirit by reading His Word and abiding in it. Get your copy of "Spiritual Warfare and How Deliverance Can Change Your Life" on Amazon, and explore Marjorie's other books. "Because There Is A War For Your Soul"

  • "When Will the Kingdom of God Come?" Rescue Radio with Marjorie Cole

    05/11/2024 Duração: 38min

    The disciples asked Jesus the same question. The kingdom would not be recognized physically because it would be revealed from within. This is not what they wanted to hear, nor did they understand it. Jesus’ prediction and description of the end events were solid and sure, but they were not going to be easily discerned. Men would be distracted, like in the days of Lot when they were busy building and getting married. The devil would come with sinister schemes, according to Daniel. Some of the righteous would fall and be refined. There would be a lot of deception and enchantments coming from the kingdom of Darkness. Not to mention the host of scoffers Peter warned about. One thing is sure: we will give an account of our words and our decisions before the Lord on that Day. Only God can get us through this inescapable finale. Trust in God. Get your copy of "Spiritual Warfare and How Deliverance Can Change Your Life" on Amazon, and explore Marjorie's other books. "Because There Is A War For Your Soul"  www.liferec

  • "Divine Justice" RESCUE RADIO with Marjorie Cole

    29/10/2024 Duração: 38min

    Where is Your Justice, Oh God? The righteous are pushed down, persecuted, and perish, while the godless mock, toast, and relentlessly pressure the innocent. The Psalms are full of the prayers of those being persecuted, hunted, and suffering from the injustices of those who resist them. We know God is just and will repay those who plunder our lives, but what about words that tell us it is God who has proved us, refined us, and brought us into the net, laid affliction on our backs, and caused men to ride over our heads? Is God bipolar in His intentions toward us? Or is there some other explanation for these things? If the Lord is known by the judgments He executes, how do we explain the troubles we go through? Are we being punished or perfected? Join us in searching out these things more deeply. Lord, give us Your understanding so we can stand in the evil day, and having done all, stand! Get your copy of "A Case For Justice" on Amazon, and explore Marjorie's other books. "Because There Is A War For Your Soul" 

  • "Nation In Crisis" RESCUE RADIO with Marjorie Cole

    22/10/2024 Duração: 36min

    The nation of Israel in Nehemiah's day was in a crisis. The only thing that could restore it was in recognizing a need for revelation and repentance. The cycle of blessing and rebellion and rejection of God's commandments had left the people of God again in a desperate situation. The ongoing spiritual battle for our souls, our nation and the preservation of human life, itself, again hangs in the balance. Nehemiah led the people in how to approach the Lord God to petition Him to restore the blessings that came from true contrition. As we face a similar crises, we are reminded of the urgency and importance of turning back to God, much like the Israelites did during their time of distress.  Join us as we pray for divine intervention and reflect on the lessons from the past that can guide us towards a future of spiritual awakening and deliverance. May the Lord hear our prayers and heal our land. "Because There Is A War For Your Soul"

  • "Politics And Religion" RESCUE RADIO with Marjorie Cole

    15/10/2024 Duração: 29min

    How do we, as Christians, participate in today's politics? Do politics and religion mix? We have all heard that there must be a separation of church and state. But is this the way things are supposed to be? The Bible tells us the opposite. Prophets warned kings. Prophets like Daniel served many administrations. The kings, like Josiah, cleansed the temple of idolatry. The working together, not the division of Church and State was the divine order of the day. And what has been the fruit of our efforts to separate God from Government? Riots, homelessness, general and wide spread perversion, bloodshed and the legalizing of that which is not lawful in the eyes of God. The intentions of the founding fathers, in writing the Constitution  was to preserve Religious freedom. The Constitution never intended the church to rule the state of for the state to rule the church, but their working together for the honorable pursuit of truth, justice and freedom as their mutual pursuit. The church serves as the moral compass of

  • "Revelation Knowledge" RESCUE RADIO with Marjorie Cole

    08/10/2024 Duração: 38min

    "Where there is no revelation, the people cast off restraint." Pr. 2:13 God tells the prophet Hosea, "My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge." Hos. 4:6 Isaiah continues the theme speaking for God, "Therefore , My people have gone into captivity because they have no knowledge." The loss of the knowledge of the revelation of Jesus Christ, God's ultimate Revelation of His Will and His Salvation, is bringing us into captivity. That captivity is manifesting all around us. We are bound with lies and surrounded with liars, counterfeit prophets, deception, disillusionment, despair and death. But, we still have time to repent and embrace the Revelation of Jesus Christ. It is not too late to come back to the One Who is the truth. Get your copy of "Spiritual Warfare and How Deliverance Can Change Your Life" on Amazon, and explore Marjorie's other books. "Because There Is A War For Your Soul"

  • "Health, Healing, and Divine Protection" Rescue Radio with Marjorie Cole

    01/10/2024 Duração: 33min

    Join us as we examine the biblical insights from Luke 11 and Ephesians 6, revealing the roles of the strong man in our spiritual battles. Discover the significance of the armor of God and how truth, righteousness, faith, and the Word of God can protect us from the enemy's deceitful schemes. Gain practical wisdom on identifying and breaking free from the lies and agreements that have led to physical and spiritual ailments. Through prayer and spiritual discernment, learn how to reclaim health and walk in the abundant life promised by God. Get your copy of "A Case for Healing" on Amazon, and explore Marjorie's other books. "Because There Is A War For Your Soul"  

  • "Healing Miracles" RESCUE RADIO with Marjorie Cole

    24/09/2024 Duração: 34min

    Have we learned to accept life without miracles? It was the compassion of Jesus that compelled Him to heal the people. (Mt 4:23-25) But what blocks us from receiving our healing? Some people resign themselves to accepting pain and sickness as inevitable, as punishment, or as their cross to bear—unforgiveness, bitterness, unworthiness, guilt, and confusion all block healing. Pain, symptoms, and weariness are all deterrents to receiving healing, but God wants us well.   Don’t forget to listen to the specific words of knowledge given at the end of the program today. One was for pain on the right side of the face from the forehead to the face bone down into the chin, several for liver issues, and one for a knot on the left wrist. There were several other words given. Let us know if any of those pertain to you. God wants to heal those conditions. Get your copy of "A Case For Healing" at Amazon, and you can also check out Marjorie's other books. "Because There Is A War For Your Soul"

  • "Scoffers, Scoundrels and Salt" RESCUE RADIO with Marjorie Cole

    17/09/2024 Duração: 31min

    What has happened to those called to be the salt of the earth? Salt mixed with impurities loses its saltiness and is good for nothing but to be cast into the street and trampled underfoot. Have we become disillusioned with holiness and truth and left our first love? Even as Peter warns us of scoffers and scoundrels coming in the last days who disdain the King and His Kingdom, are we in danger of being overrun by their arguments and demonic persuasions? We must surrender our opinions and reasonings to the Word of God and not become mixed and compromised with the impurities of pleasant-sounding euphemisms and political, demonic rhetoric.   Get your copy of "Spiritual Warfare and How Deliverance Can Change Your Life" at Amazon, and you can also check out Marjorie's other books. "Because There Is A War For Your Soul"

  • "Insanity" RESCUE RADIO with Marjorie Cole

    10/09/2024 Duração: 27min

    Where does all this insanity, the zombification, and dullness of hearing that has erupted among us come from? Jeremiah says, “For it is a land of carved images, and they are insane with their idols.” (Jer. 50:38) So, how does idolatry produce insanity among the worshippers? And why did God make it such a big deal about not having any other gods before Him? Our agreement gives the demons the right to use our power to strip us of it! Join us in learning how idolatry is undermining our strength and peace of mind and opening the door to insanity and falsehood in our nation and our individual lives. Get your copy of "Spiritual Warfare and How Deliverance Can Change Your Life" on Amazon, and explore Marjorie's other books. "Because There Is A War For Your Soul"

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