The Lyndon LaRouche Political Action Committee
Part 7 — Abraham Lincoln Conquers Inflation
10/12/2021 Duração: 20minIf we look at the empty plots of land where our manufacturing once thrived; if we look at the poverty and anarchy in our cities; if we look at the material and spiritual devastation throughout the “opioid belt;” if we look at the lack of opportunities and inspiration for our upcoming generation of young adults;—if we take in the full sweep of all of this; the nation cries out: “Help us; Heal our wounds; Provide for us a Future!” Read along here,
Part 6 — American Economics
10/12/2021 Duração: 19minThe ideas which created the American Republic do not come down to us from John Locke or other oligarchical spokesmen of the British Empire. If you wish to understand the truth about America, study instead the sermons of John Robinson of the Plymouth Church; or the writings of Cotton Mather; or Benjamin Franklin’s lifelong pursuit of scientific investigation. It is all there, plain as the nose on your face: Man is a rational, creative being. He can make discoveries. He can advance his condition. He can love his fellow men and women. He can willfully create a better future for his posterity. He can create a Republic which will embody those principles and defend them. Read along here,
Part 5 — The Anglo-Dutch Financial Empire
10/12/2021 Duração: 18minIn 1461, only nine years after the birth of Leonardo da Vinci, Louis XI ascended the throne of France, this at a time when the radiance of the Italian Renaissance was approaching its zenith. The reign of Louis coincided with—and was a lawful product of—that Renaissance. This was the beginning of the modern sovereign nation state and the beginning of modern economics. Louis authored a book, Le Rosier des Guerres (“The Rosebush of Wars”), wherein he defined the raison d'être of the state to act on behalf of the Common Good; to act in such a way as to advance and improve the conditions of life of the people. Read along here,
Part 4 — Hayek and Keynes: Two Peas in a Pod
10/12/2021 Duração: 20min“Come One. Come All. It’s the ‘Thrilla in Manilla’. It’s the great Ali vs. Frazier rivalry. Get your tickets today!” This is how the imaginary rivalry between Friedrich Hayek and John Maynard Keynes has been popularized,—sort of as a Battle of the Titans, only now in the economic arena. But unlike the real Ali and Frazier, who bloodied each other unmercifully, this is a delusory myth designed for the credulous. The only blood that will be spilt will come from the victims of British imperial economics. Read along here,
Part 3 — Hayek’s Constitution of Liberty: The Worship of Oligarchical Culture
10/12/2021 Duração: 24minIn this installment of the Hillsdale/Hayek series, my intention was to report on Hayek’s magnum opus, The Constitution of Liberty. I must begin, however, by claiming that I, Robert Ingraham, deserve some form of literary Purple Heart for having subjected myself to such a mind-damaging experience. The book is excruciatingly boring, shallow, and repetitive beyond belief. Written fifteen years after the Road to Serfdom, the Constitution contains nothing new whatsoever; only the same catchphrases and slogans, but now drawn out to an interminable 571 pages. Read along here,
Part 2 — The Road to Serfdom: Hayek—the Imperial Sophist
10/12/2021 Duração: 20minThe first thing to understand about the “Austrian School” is that it doesn’t exist. What Hayek, von Mises and others put forward is not Austrian at all; it is imperial British Economics, specifically the economics of the 19th century British Empire. Read along here,
Part 1 — Introduction: What’s Wrong with Hillsdale College?
09/12/2021 Duração: 18minWe are at a time when millions of Americans are outraged at government coercion over citizens’ lives, particularly the assaults on personal freedom and free speech. This ranges across the spectrum, from the vaccine mandates to the censorship and “de-platforming” now occurring on YouTube and throughout social media, to outright Satanic actions like suspending (or firing) teachers and school children for publicly stating that “there are only two genders.” All rational people recognize these attacks on personal liberty and sanity as un-Constitutional, anti-American, and evil. Read along here,