Ty Brown is a professional dog trainer and owner of and
Dog Training Journey
22/09/2014 Duração: 35minRick Clark is on a journey to become a great trainer. In his quest he has spent countless time and money in learning from some of the best around the country.In this unique interview he takes us on that journey to help us understand what he's found as the most critical components to having a well trained dog.
Dog Training Journey
22/09/2014 Duração: 35minRick Clark is on a journey to become a great trainer. In his quest he has spent countless time and money in learning from some of the best around the country.In this unique interview he takes us on that journey to help us understand what he's found as the most critical components to having a well trained dog.
How to Leave Your Dog Home Alone
15/09/2014 Duração: 31minLeaving your dog home alone is a goal that a lot of dog owners have. There is an art and a science to doing it, though. Listen in to this podcast to learn skills for safely having your dog home alone.
Seizure Alert Dog Training
09/01/2014 Duração: 31minLori Shanks is a Georgia based dog trainer who specializes in service dogs. One of the more unique trainings that she does is Seizure Alert and Response training for dog owners with various types of seizure disorders. In this interview she explains how she's able to train this unique skill.
Critical Thinking About Dog Training
08/11/2013 Duração: 26minSo often we get dog owners who ask us questions but they haven't taken the time to critically think through their issue.In this episode I teach you how to look at your dog problems critically to uncover:- WHY your dog is doing something wrong- WHAT you can do to fix it- HOW you can troubleshoot along the way
Kelly Slocum- Truffle Dogs
24/10/2013 Duração: 28min Slocum trains dogs how to find truffles and dig them up. This episode is a fun exploration into another interesting job that dogs are trained for.
Mitch Seavey of
05/09/2013 Duração: 31minThis interview is a must listen. Mitch Seavey, author of the popular book, Lead, Follow, or Get Out of the Way, and current champion of the Iditarod race in Alaska joins us to talk sled dog racing.Learn about which breeds are used, their care, their training and their capacity for endurance races in this unique interview.
Dog Trailing With Jeff Schettler
07/08/2013 Duração: 32minIn this episode the go-to guy on dog trailing and tracking, Jeff Schettler of, teaches how he trains trailing dogs, how the pet owner can apply that to their own dog, and plenty of other wisdom along the way.
Diabetic Alert Dogs- Linda Cree
17/06/2013 Duração: 25minThere are few people in the country training dogs as diabetic alert dogs. Linda Cree of is an expert in teaching dogs to help people with diabetes.
E-Collar Training- Robin MacFarlane
10/06/2013 Duração: 31minRobin MacFarlane is a recognized expert in e-collar training. In this episode she teaches which dogs should use this tool, whether or not it's humane, skills for proper usage and more.
Environments Where Dogs WANT To Obey
19/04/2013 Duração: 42minMany people attempt to fix dog problems head on. While this is not always a bad idea, what if you could create an environment where your dog didn't feel the need to act out in the first place. This podcast will teach you several checklist items so that you can create that environment for your dog.
Interview With JJ Belcher
21/03/2013 Duração: 42minJJ Belcher is the owner of in Tucson, Arizona. At his dog training company they hold a ton of interesting classes. One of the most interesting is scent work; teaching dogs how to use their nose to locate specific odors.Nearly any dog can do it, even yours. Listen to this interview to learn key tips on training your dog for Scent Work. Happy Training!
Interview With Chad Mackin
26/02/2013 Duração: 26minIn this episode I pick the brain of renowned dog trainer, Chad Mackin, of Chad travels the country teaching dog owners how to solve dog problems through understanding when their dogs are in an adrenalized state and how to counteract that state of mind.If your dog is dealing with aggression, destruction, hyperactivity, or other such behaviors this is a must listen.
Dog Training Brainstorm- Dog Bites Man
25/02/2013 Duração: 38minIn another episode I sit down with Glen Sherrill of to brainstorm why a dog is biting people and what can be done to fix it.
Dog Training Brainstorming- Growling Dog
20/02/2013 Duração: 28minAs dog trainers we often find it helps to brainstorm on how to solve various dog training problems. In this brief episode I brainstorm with Glen Sherrill on how to solve the problem of a Rottweiler who is growling at his owners and fighting with other dogs.
How To Solve Dog Destruction
05/02/2013 Duração: 36minIs yours the dog that eats your iPhone? That chews up your couch? That, when left in the back yard, will dig to China and eat all of your expensive plants?If so, you need to know that help is on the way.Yes, dog destruction is a pain in the neck. But it can also be fixed. In this episode I outline the 5 most important steps to stopping destruction.I've applied these steps with hundreds of dogs with a great deal of success. Is your dog next?
Stop Dog Destruction- Tele-seminar
16/07/2012 Duração: 44minDoes your dog dig, chew, or otherwise act destructively? Did you know there is a very formulaic, connect the dots, way of putting a stop to destructive behavior. I've been using this system for years with a very high success rate.
My Hate Affair With Clickers And More
30/04/2012 Duração: 22minThere are certain dog training tools that just don't work well or just don't get the job done right. In this episode I explain to you why you want to ditch your clicker, burn your harness, and trash your flexi-leash.
Old School vs New School Dog Training
23/04/2012 Duração: 24minIt's time to stop listening to the politically correct elite of the dog training world. Common sense has left the dog training arena. Want to get it back? Listen to this show.