Baldwin/mccullough 'xtreme' Radio

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editora: Podcast
  • Duração: 15:41:00
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Baldwin/McCullough Xtreme Radio is the joint radio effort of long time talk radio veteran Kevin McCullough (Dallas, Chicago, New York) and 20 year Hollywood actor Stephen Baldwin. Both Baldwin and McCullough are best selling authors...



    01/02/2011 Duração: 06s

    1. THE HEADLINE ITEMS:In a move whereby 26 states had combined together to form a majority of the United States challenging the constitutionality of the Obamacare legislation signed into law in 2010, a judge has agreed and voided the entire law. The options are now for the other cases to work their way through the appellate court system, or for the justices to reach down and grab the issue now and issue a ruling. Which would you prefer? Disagree with me here: 877.572.8446.2. THE PRACTICAL DILEMMA: Mom pours hot sauce on her child’s tongue, and forces him to take cold showers in an attempt to curb behavior of dishonesty, rebellion, and other issues. She feels so bad about it she writes Dr. Phil for help, where he asks her to come on the show to discuss. After the show airs people from her hometown in Alaska seek to have her son taken from her. And now she faces serious charges of child abuse… Huh? 877.572 8446.


    01/02/2011 Duração: 32min

    1. THE HEADLINE ITEMS:In a move whereby 26 states had combined together to form a majority of the United States challenging the constitutionality of the Obamacare legislation signed into law in 2010, a judge has agreed and voided the entire law. The options are now for the other cases to work their way through the appellate court system, or for the justices to reach down and grab the issue now and issue a ruling. Which would you prefer? Disagree with me here: 877.572.8446.2. THE PRACTICAL DILEMMA: Mom pours hot sauce on her child’s tongue, and forces him to take cold showers in an attempt to curb behavior of dishonesty, rebellion, and other issues. She feels so bad about it she writes Dr. Phil for help, where he asks her to come on the show to discuss. After the show airs people from her hometown in Alaska seek to have her son taken from her. And now she faces serious charges of child abuse… Huh? 877.572 8446.


    31/01/2011 Duração: 01h58min

    The leaders of several nations spent Sunday attempting to convince Hosni Mobarak to step down from his post as Egypt’s President and to begin democratic reforms as soon as possible. From your perspective do you think what we are seeing is an attempt at genuine democratic freedom, or the attempt by terrorists of the region to dismantle and ally of the U.S.? Much is riding on the outcome of several nations’ protests taking place in the Middle East right now. Many of them centering on the idea of democratic reforms. The question is, will terror groups assume the void left in these situations, or will the people of the region have the final say? Disagree with me here: 877.572.8446.2. THE PRACTICAL DILEMMA: A new Ohio State University study makes some interesting claims after carefully following 112 families with children aged 4: “Results showed that couples had a stronger, more supportive co-parenting relationship when the father spent more time playing with their child,” the press release says. “But when the fat

  • Libertine Freedom?

    30/01/2011 Duração: 02h02min

    1. How does a free society, in its desire not to limit freedom, deal with the abuse of freedom? When should laws play a role in intervention? When should people be allowed to rot in their own choices? An obvious example of such is Charlie Sheen, and Stephen weighs in on that story tonight. But this question is the central difference between freedom loving conservatives, and the absolute anarchy of libertarianism. 877.573.8446.2. A new survey out this week claims that men have a lower retention of news information when delivered by an attractive female news anchor. According to the statistics the difference in retention is significant. Yet is it true? What do YOU think? We take your calls LIVE tonight on our final “radio only” broadcast. 877.573.8446.

  • 01.28.11-KMC MegaCast: “Taking Liberties, Unrequited Justice!”

    28/01/2011 Duração: 01h59min

    1. THE HEADLINE ITEMS:A man’s sister is killed by her husband. In the court room the dead woman’s brother confronts the killer and attempts to attack him. The police whisk the killer out of the courtroom, and now it looks as though the brother will not be charged with anything. But should he be? Disagree with me here: 877.572.8446.2. THE PRACTICAL DILEMMA:A mom and dad have gotten a divorce. The mom home-schools the child, and now the dad has won a court fight claiming the child is experiencing too much religion in the home-school process. As a result a judge has claimed that the mother is too faith-based and has ordered the child be enrolled in the local public school. To what degree of say should a parent have over the educational process of their children… in divorced scenarios? 877.572 8446.3. THE DAILY GOD THOUGHT:“Even when it looks like he’s not ruling, He’s ruling. When chaos appears, he’s in charge of the chaos. When things start falling apart, he’s in charge of the falling apart of those things.”Fan

  • 01.27.11-KMC MEGACAST: PALIN: “WTF!”

    27/01/2011 Duração: 01h58min

    Does being a lady include using the acronym “WTF?” Sarah Palin used it to analyze the President’s State of the Union speech last night on Greta Van Sustern. And while I largely agree with her sentiment, I do not think it is necessary to lower the level of discourse… to intercourse. PLEASE Gov. Palin–what were you thinking? Disagree with me here: 877.572.8446. 2. THE PRACTICAL DILEMMA:A public high school is deciding to segregate classrooms according to race and gender. So far no outcry from the community. So what is the theory here? Is segregation of students, for purposes of helping them learn something ALL schools should consider? I know it’d make going to class a lot less distracting… 877.572 8446.3. THE DAILY GOD THOUGHT:


    26/01/2011 Duração: 01h58min

    1. THE HEADLINE ITEMS: All things pointing to the State of the Union for Tuesday evening. What do you want to see him address? Do you have State of the Union “blehs”? How much of the Tuscon tragedy do you feel should be incorporated? Senators will sit co-mingled instead of separated? Does it matter? Does anyone care? Disagree with me here: 877.572.8446. 2. THE PRACTICAL DILEMMA: So two high school girls basketball team meet on the court. One of them wins 108-3. The coach of the winning team claims he had no desire to run up the score. But these are girls in high school. So what ARE the ethics involved in a situation like this? What would you tell the girls in the huddle? How do you teach them the pursuit of excellence and the quality of mercy, humanity, humility at the same time? 877.572 8446.


    25/01/2011 Duração: 01h58min

    All things pointing to the State of the Union for Tuesday evening. What do you want to see him address? Do you have State of the Union “blehs”? How much of the Tuscon tragedy do you feel should be incorporated? Senators will sit co-mingled instead of separated? Does it matter? Does anyone care? Disagree with me here: 877.572.8446. 2. THE PRACTICAL DILEMMA: So two high school girls basketball team meet on the court. One of them wins 108-3. The coach of the winning team claims he had no desire to run up the score. But these are girls in high school. So what ARE the ethics involved in a situation like this? What would you tell the girls in the huddle? How do you teach them the pursuit of excellence and the quality of mercy, humanity, humility at the same time? 877.572 8446.


    24/01/2011 Duração: 01h58min

    The first victim of Kermit Gosnell to come to light has spoken to the press. Despite all the pain that the Philadelphia butcher/abortionist initiated against patients and children, she claims he should not get the death penalty.The new hit television show SKINS is planning on airing a scene between two teen girls in which they dress suggestively, kiss, and have even more implied in the looks between them.


    23/01/2011 Duração: 01h14min

    1. Alex Chua has been getting death threats since her recent op-ed/excerpt appeared in the Wall Street Journal espousing the value of being a “Tiger Mom.” She’s a Yale University professor of law, she has raised two daughters that would be outstanding young women by nearly any measure. So why do you think she has gotten such push-back in writing her memoirs? 877.573.8446.2. The new TV show SKINS debuted and has the Parents Television Council screaming “Child ” to all the appropriate legal and judicial authorities. In all likelihood MTV will scrape by with some sort of “skin of teeth” legalism. Taco Bell has dropped it’s advertising, but will this action be enough to get the network to whip its act into shape? And who’s responsibility is it for your teens? The networks? Or the parents?