Nehma Ministries Podcast
- Autor: Vários
- Narrador: Vários
- Editora: Podcast
- Duração: 1:16:42
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When we heard and declared Jesus as our savior back in 2000, we thought we knew everything about the Lord and His love message to save the world. Not until we met and experienced his Grace. We felt that with all these years we only came to know the first paragraph of His biography. Grace is Jesus and Jesus is Grace and only when we had our eyes opened to this truth our life was never the same as before. NEHMA is my wife, our kids and my life after grace ( )
Born Again - Just2 | الولادة الثانية - دقيقتين_بس
15/09/2016 Duração: 02minWhat is to be "born again", and did Jesus really talk about it? الولادة الجديدة أو الولادة الثانية، كيف ولماذا؟ وان كانت مهمة لكان يسوع تكلم عنها. !! ============================================= WHY GOD - PART 1 | لماذا الله - الجزء الاول 1- God 's Will - Just2 | هيدي إرادة ربنا - دقيقتين_بس 2- Free Will - Just2 | الإرادة الحرة (آدم وحوا) - دقيقتين_بس 3- The Original Sin - Just2 | عزة نفسي (الخطية الأصلية) - دقيقتين_بس 4- Born Again - Just2 | الولادة الثانية - دقيقتين_بس ============================================= If you have any question about this episode or previous ones, send it to: ask[at] SHARE, LIKE AND SUBSCRIBE! Find us: [Audio Version] [Free iTunes Podcast] Sit
The Original Sin - Just2 | عزة نفسي (الخطية الأصلية) - دقيقتين_بس
15/09/2016 Duração: 02minWhat is the original sin? And how God dealt with it in the Garden of Eden. ما هي الخطية الاصلية؟ وهل هي فقط العصيان ام التمرد؟ اضغط على الرابط لمشاهدة هذه الحلقة الجديدة من دقيقتين-بس // WATCH THE WHOLE SERIES// شاهد السلسلة كاملة 1- God 's Will - Just2 | هيدي إرادة ربنا - دقيقتين_بس 2- Free Will - Just2 | الإرادة الحرة (آدم وحوا) - دقيقتين_بس 3- The Original Sin - Just2 | عزة نفسي (الخطية الأصلية) - دقيقتين_بس 4- Born Again - Just2 | الولادة الثانية - دقيقتين_بس If you have any question about this episode or previous ones, send it to: ask[at] SHARE, LIKE AND SUBSCRIBE! Find us: [Audio Version] [Free iTunes Podcast] Site: Email: ask[at] #
Free Will - Just2 | الإرادة الحرة (آدم وحوا) - دقيقتين_بس
15/09/2016 Duração: 02minWhy wait for some writers or philosophers to talk about Free Will, let see what God thinks about that since He created us free and for a purpose. كيف افهم الإرادة الحرة و لماذا وضع الرب شجرة معرفة الخير والشر؟ // WATCH THE WHOLE SERIES// شاهد السلسلة كاملة 1- God 's Will - Just2 | هيدي إرادة ربنا - دقيقتين_بس 2- Free Will - Just2 | الإرادة الحرة (آدم وحوا) - دقيقتين_بس 3- The Original Sin - Just2 | عزة نفسي (الخطية الأصلية) - دقيقتين_بس 4- Born Again - Just2 | الولادة الثانية - دقيقتين_بس If you have any question about this episode or previous ones, send it to: ask[at] SHARE, LIKE AND SUBSCRIBE! Find us: [Audio Version] [Free iTunes Podcast] Site: E
God 's Will - Just2 | هيدي إرادة ربنا - دقيقتين_بس
15/09/2016 Duração: 02minSince God is strong and almighty, why He doesn't stop a car accident from happening or stop a flood coming to cover a whole village with its people? Since we don't know the answer, we normally say: " It's God's Will". Watch this episode and learn about the true biblical answer. أذا الله قوي وقادر , ليش ما بوقف حادث سيارة اللي رح يأدي لموت طفلة صغيرة هي وامها؟ أو بيمنع فيضان جاي يغطي ضيعة بكاملها مع سكّانها؟ لأنو معظمنا ما منعرف الجواب, منقول "هيده ارادة ربنا" . ============================================= WHY GOD - PART 1 | لماذا الله - الجزء الاول 1- God 's Will - Just2 | هيدي إرادة ربنا - دقيقتين_بس 2- Free Will - Just2 | الإرادة الحرة (آدم وحوا) - دقيقتين_بس 3- The Original Sin - Just2 | عزة نفسي (الخطية الأصلية) - دقيقتين_بس 4- Born Again - Just2 | الولادة الثانية - دقيقتين_بس ============================================= If you have any question about this episode or previous one
No More Orphan - Just2 | أنا مش يتيم - دقيقتين_بس
15/09/2016 Duração: 01minIf you don't have a dad that doesn't make you an orphan. But on the other hand, don't think you are not an orphan simply because you have an earthly father..... Click to listen to our latest Vlog. اذا لم يكن لديك والد هذا لا يعني أنك يتيم. وان كان لديك والد أرضي (جسدي) فأنت ايضا معرّض ان تكون يتيم. اضغط على الرابط لمشاهدة هذه الحلقة الجديدة. If you have any question about this episode or previous ones, send it to: ask[at] SHARE, LIKE AND SUBSCRIBE! Find us: [Audio Version] [Free iTunes Podcast] Site: Email: ask[at] #NEHMAministries #NEHMA #AMB_AD #OurLifeAfterGrace #devotional #inspirational #meditation #يسوع_المسيح#دقيقتين_بس#زوادة_اليوم#محبة#حياتنا_بعد_النعمة# #Jesus#Byblos#proudlylebanese #livelovebeirut #livelovelebanon #whatsuplebanon #lebanoninstagr
No Justice - Just2 | وين العدالة ؟ - دقيقتين_بس
15/09/2016 Duração: 01minYou've been abused or lived in an unhealthy place and you think it's unfair?! Try to imagine the day Jesus was born, His life, His persecutors, the traitor was one of His disciples, His friends left him in Gathemany. His trial, crucifixion and His death and then tell me if you still feel unfairly treated. Enjoy watching this new Vlog! If you have any question about this episode or previous ones, send it to: ask[at] SHARE, LIKE AND SUBSCRIBE! Find us: [Audio Version] [Free iTunes Podcast] Site: Email: ask[at] NEHMAministries #NEHMA #AMB_AD #OurLifeAfterGrace #يسوع_المسيح#دقيقتين_بس#زوادة_اليوم#محبة#حياتنا_بعد_النعمة# #graceistheanswer #loveistheanswer #grace #النعمة#
Teavana - Just2 | شاي غالي - دقيقتين_بس
15/09/2016 Duração: 01minSometimes we hide the most precious thing on earth because it's expensive or has a high value. The Bible is the Word of God. It is His Story and ours. Don't hide it. Read it! If you have any question about this episode or previous ones, send it to: ask[at] SHARE, LIKE AND SUBSCRIBE! Find us: [Audio Version] [Free iTunes Podcast] Site: Email: ask[at] NEHMAministries #NEHMA #AMB_AD #OurLifeAfterGrace #يسوع_المسيح#دقيقتين_بس#زوادة_اليوم#محبة#حياتنا_بعد_النعمة# #graceistheanswer #loveistheanswer #grace #النعمة#
The Nails - Just2 | المسامير - دقيقتين_بس
15/09/2016 Duração: 01minDuring this time of the year, people will watch the life of Jesus and His Passion. All the people I talked to, they can't stand the idea that Our Savior and Hero was crucified. For us crucifixion is lowly, defeat, cursed and this is true, but also judgment and justice. Which justice and why judgment? From the day Adam sinned and wanted to be independent from God, the Lord promised the human race to send a Savior to crush evil and restore back our relationship with Him to become one again. And since the wages of sin is death, this "Savior" has to DIE to pay our debts. 23:6 ﺭﻭﻣﻴﺔ لأَنَّ أُجْرَةَ الْخَطِيئَةِ هِيَ الْمَوْتُ، وَأَمَّا هِبَةُ اللهِ فَهِيَ الْحَيَاةُ الأَبَدِيَّةُ فِي الْمَسِيحِ يَسُوعَ رَبِّنَا. Jesus was crucified to fulfill the justice and take our punishment. ﺭﻭﻣﻴﺔ 23:3 لأَنَّ الْجَمِيعَ قَدْ أَخْطَأُوا وَهُمْ عَاجِزُونَ عَنْ بُلُوغِ مَا يُمَجِّدُ اللهَ. 24 فَهُمْ يُبَرَّرُونَ مَجَّاناً، بِنِعْمَتِهِ، بِالْفِدَاءِ بِالْمَسِيحِ يَسُوعَ 25 الَّذِي قَدَّمَهُ اللهُ كَفَّارَةً، عَنْ طَرِيقِ ال
Jesus loves you - Just2 | يسوع بحبّك - دقيقتين_بس
15/09/2016 Duração: 02minJesus loves you. Maybe you've heard this phrase a million time or it's your first time. But what's evident is each time you hear it, you say in your heart: "Well, I'm not sure He does". You immediately recall your neighbor (he loves God) who died from cancer. Or you remember a bad accident happened to one mother and her little baby, and you are scared, because you don't know if you really can count on Jesus; in other terms your question would be: "Does Jesus really love me?" And the answer is found throughout the bible from Adam's fall till the last book in the bible when Jesus will return to take His church home. God's love is not just words, it's a reality. Don't let some "gray" verses mess up with your mind, verses like: - "He cuts off every branch in me that bears no fruit,..." - "But everyone who denies me here on earth, I will also deny before my Father in heaven..." - " out your own salvation with fear and trembling..." And many other verses that stop people from believing that we have a l
Not worthy - Just2 | لا أستحق - دقيقتين_بس
15/09/2016 Duração: 02minDo you feel under stress and lonely? Have you crossed the line and committed a big mistake with your personal life or took the wrong decision, I want you to know that you are still on Jesus' mind. You may be thinking: "Yeah, that's nice but I don't feel I'm worthy to be a daughter again / a son again". And that reminds me with the story of the Prodigal son who did all kind of stuff and took very bad decisions but he decided to come back home and this is what he said in his well prepared speech to his father: "Father, I'm no longer worthy to be called your son...") لوقا 15:19 وَلَسْتُ مُسْتَحِقًّا بَعْدُ أَنْ أُدْعَى لَكَ ٱبْنًا. اِجْعَلْنِي كَأَحَدِ أَجْرَاكَ. And that speech is so funny because he didn't deserve to BE a son in the first place, he was BORN a son, so how he is saying now that he is not worthy to be called a son.!!! You don't become a son by worth but by birth. If you want to be a son of God you have to born of God, that's why Jesus said to Nicodemus: "You MUST be born again" يوحنا 3:7 ل
Come as you are - Just2 | متل ما إنت - دقيقتين_بس
10/02/2016 Duração: 02minCrepaway launched a campaign called "come as you " in 2009 and the cause wasto let you feel comfortable and that you can fit no matter who you are or what you do or what you dress. Surprisingly, McDonald's in Paris, launched a campaign under the same name in 2010. But the real author of this sentence is actually Jesus Christ where He said in Matthew 11:28 "Come to me all you who labor and are heavy laden and I will give you rest". You may immediately say: "Yes, I will come one day but definitely not today. I have my midterms and got to finish my projects". It doesn't matter what you are "busy" with come now, Jesus wants to be your best friend and remember, you will always be "busy". Midterms go and you have your finals , then you have to find a job , then you have to find a car, and find your girl. Come as you are today and don't quit what you currently are doing, just come! And when you do that, don't look around and judge other "comers" because they are not similar to you. They don't pray like you or we
Immanuel - Just2 | عمانوئيل - دقيقتين_بس
10/02/2016 Duração: 02minJesus didn't come to visit us, He came to stay. لم يأت يسوع ليزورنا، بل ليمكث معنا If you have any question about this episode or previous ones, send it to: ask[at] SHARE, LIKE AND SUBSCRIBE! Find us: [Audio Version] Podcast: (iTunes) Newsletter: Site:
Stronger - Just2 | بيّي أقوى - دقيقتين_بس
10/02/2016 Duração: 01minBecause we are seeing lots of destruction, evil, death, murder and fear, I decided to film a clip about the Lord's protection. Then I remembered this old tv ad entitled "My father is stronger than yours", but I tell you that my Father is the Strongest in the whole world. Why? Because He says so. Let's read together from Psalms 91 who speaks about the protection of the Lord for our lives. "Because you have made the Lord your dwelling place, the Most High, who is my refuge,no evil shall be allowed to befall you, no plague come near your tent.For he will command his angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways. On their hands they will bear you up, lest you strike your foot against a stone." This verse tells us how the Lord cares and protects us from all evil. But the Psalm starts with a very important verse. Psalm 91:1 "He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will abide in the shadow of the Almighty. I will say to the Lord, My refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust." To be able to enjo
I am happy (Adults) - Just2 | أنا مبسوط (للكبار) - دقيقتين_بس
06/12/2015 Duração: 02minWhen I was 7 years old all i wanted is a small BMX bike to play around the house and I got it. When I became 10, I wanted a skateboard and I got it and my dream came true. Later when I was 12, I wanted to be member in the local football team, I became a bench player. When I was 15, I wanted to love someone and to be loved and got a nice girlfriend. I wanted to become a Priest when I reached 17 but God was preparing me for something else. I completed my university degree, got the car, wanted to settle, got married and I got 2 lovely kids. Was I HAPPY? The answer is Yes and No. But I said to myself, if I got the iPhone, I would be happy, but that didn’t happen. Maybe if I got the iPad?!! No, same result. When I bring new clothes, phone, car…I would feel happy for a while, and later I needed a new "happiness dose". But JOY which is superior to happiness, is found in the bible in 1Peter 1:8-9 "Though you do not now see him, you believe in him and rejoice with joy that is inexpressible and filled with glory,
What is Grace? Part1 - Just2 | ما هي النعمة؟ الجزء1 - دقيقتين_بس
06/12/2015 Duração: 02minGrace is a big and very hard topic. To be able to understand it, we need the help of experts,… but it’s not the case. Would you like me to tell you Grace? Grace is when you stand in your lane on the traffic light and suddenly a man comes and wants to take your place, but since the time is limited maybe if you give him your place, you may not make it to the green light. But GRACE will cause you to do that and you do it joyfully and by the way, this is a true story that actually happened to me. Driving few meters, I wanted to park next to the destined shop but there was one vacant parking and guess who raced me to park there? The same guy I graced few seconds ago. And again, I didn't get angry with him. This is Graceeeeee. So funny when we think that what we do sometimes, we call it sacrifice / grace, but when we compare it to Jesus sacrificial act, is beyond comparison. In Romans 3:23 “for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God” and in Ephesians 2:8 says “For it is by grace you have been saved, t
I'm a Father Too - Just2 | وأنا كمان بيّ - دقيقتين_بس
06/12/2015 Duração: 01minFew weeks ago I was working and suddenly I heard God through his Holy Spirit saying literally these words: ”I'M A FATHER TOO”. As if God wants to continue an unfinished conversation and He asked me: “If your son wants to swim for the first time, how do you prepare him? I said: “I will get him a pair of floats” and then He asked me if would it be a bad pair or a good one and I said: " No, Impossible. I don’t want to kill him”. Then He said in the same way I answered: “I AM ALSO A FATHER” and when I sent Jesus Christ to this earth to rescue you, I didn’t send a bad pair of floats or a defected lifeboat. Many times, we attribute things to God which He's not responsible of, such as floods, tornadoes, war or sickness. We all know this passage where Jesus and the disciples were rejected in a Samaritan village and asked Jesus to call fire from heaven and kill them all. Luke 9:55-56: "But He turned and rebuked them, and said, "You do not know what kind of spirit you are of; for the Son of Man did not come to destr
Who's Karim? - Just2 | مين كريم؟ - دقيقتين_بس
06/12/2015 Duração: 01minThe other day I was in the living room and I sighed and I said :"Ohhh, Ya Rab Ya Karim" (God is generous); My oldest son jumped in and asked me, Dad who is Karim? I explained to him that this is a common phrase we say it to Jesus. Maybe you are laughing about that, but people always ask us about Jesus, and why He died on the cross and other stuff, and when we start talking about the "biblical" Jesus and why He died for us (to be saved by grace not by works) their reaction will be: " who is this? - who is Karim? :-) No way - this is not Jesus that we know. Someone said to me once: "I have to do something to earn heaven, no way it's that easy". But then we stop convincing them and pray instead for the Holy Spirit to open the eye of their hearts since the Word of God was inspired by the Spirit of God. We pray now for every one of our audience so that reality be revealed to them. Maybe your friend sent you our YouTube channel link, and that is not by coincidence. God wants you to hear this. We are doing
What Really Matters - Just2 | أهم شي - دقيقتين_بس
26/09/2015 Duração: 01minIf some doctors came to you and asked you to give them your eye for experimental purposes for 1 Million Dollars, would you accept? What if they offered you 4 Million Dollars for both eyes? No one with his sane mind will do that. Jesus said, "if your eye causes you to stumble, pluck it out. It is better for you to enter the kingdom of God with one eye than to have two eyes and be thrown into hell” [Mathew 18:9]. So now it's clear from Jesus own words that what really matters is life after death (Eternity). Jesus said to the thief next to him on the cross: "And he said unto him, Verily I say unto thee, To-day shalt thou be with me in Paradise.” [Luke 23:43]. Jesus would have never lied to him and He assured him that he would be with Him in Paradise. What about us? Can we also be sure about our eternity? Even the thief knew about his eternity although he did “do” anything. The thief only put his trust in Jesus’s words and promise. In John 11:25, "Jesus said unto her, I am the resurrection, and the life: he
Dettol - Just2 | ديتول - دقيقتين_بس
16/09/2015 Duração: 01minNo, it's not another TV commercial for Dettol, but what's funny is that each time I read the 99% I laugh because that company wants to take zero responsibility in case anything happened to you (إخلاء مسوؤلية) but what's funny, we still trust this product, that's why we buy it and we feel safer by using it for the kitchen, toilets, our hands,... Unfortunately, most of the time, we don't treat God's Word the same as we do with Dettol. Jesus tells you don't worry about tomorrow, take no care. Jesus saved you from the punishment of sin and took all the judgment upon himself on the cross. Also in Matthew 6:26 "Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they?". That's why we want to trust Jesus. We are using a funny example to talk about a very important topic. Jesus loves you, trust his Words. If you have any question about this episode or the previous ones, send it to: ask[at] SHARE, LI
Hi, Kifak, Ca Va? - Just2 | كيفك، منيح؟ - دقيقتين_بس
16/09/2015 Duração: 01minHi, Kifak? CA VA! If you are not fine, then this video is for you. How many times we've been asked this questions? Maybe 20-30 times per day. Friends and colleagues ask us all day long "Hi, Kifak? CA VA!", and later the question got shorter: "Ca Va?" and we automatically say "we are fine" even-though we may feel the opposite and that happens for 2 reasons: 1- We believe that this person is not that close to us and these problems / issues are private. 2- We have embraced the idea that there is no hope so why bother and talk about it; why tell them about our sickness or depression or other problems. And since we feel so bad about ourselves, we think that the last person that we can ask him for help is Jesus. But the truth is exactly the opposite. Jesus said (Mark 2:17): " It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick". If you humble yourself and ask for help, Jesus is ready for it. Jesus took all our pain (Isaiah 53:4) so that we live pain-free. Jesus is not expecting you to be perfect to accept you.

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