Center For Tranquility

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editora: Podcast
  • Duração: 14:36:31
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Receive the keys to feeling complete within yourself, a goal each of us has on some level, whether we are aware of it or not. We try all kinds of things: Relationships, Drugs, Sports, Shopping, Self Help Programs, Religions, Medicine etc., and still many of us feel like we are missing the boat, and we are. We need to find an inner pivot, a place of tranquility that we can center ourselves in at any given moment. From this center, problems always have solutions as we are free to move out thinking to a new level of awareness.The show is a message of hope. Understanding we are energy and that we can become master of it, is key to living a life of limitless possibilities.Americans at large have not been given the facts of life on planet earth and tend to operate from the small picture of ourselves as flawed humans when we are actually powerful spirits capable of aligning with the Universal Laws of the Cosmos. Listen Thursdays at 6 AM Pacific on VoiceAmerica Empowerment.


  • Triggers and Hooks

    21/06/2018 Duração: 55min

    Everything vies for our attention. Add some emotion and the pull to be involved increases. Advertisers and the media not only understand this, they study it relentlessly. Electronic media forums rotate items before your eyes like a fishing boat dragging bait in hopes of a hit. What triggers us, personally, in our lives? How can we sit by while one story fails to attract us and then bite on a specific story like a hungry shark, tearing and ripping through our emotions with great force. Understanding our triggers and how they work, can assist us in living a life of inner peace.

  • Angels

    14/06/2018 Duração: 54min

    We are never alone. A mixture of high souls and ascended masters surround the earth offering comfort and assistance. We have free will and high souls will never interfere with that, as a result we much ask for help or invite them to come close. When we can relax and trust we can experience their energy through our psychic senses and ESP. Practice in communicating with these high souls will result in more clarity and an increased confidence in every aspect of our lives. We have a personal team of Angels that came to work with us in this incarnation, high souls working for the highest good of mankind on earth and many, many other Angels involved in healing mankind, the earth, and relationships of every kind. Learn how you can you can tell if Angelic beings are near you or trying to communicate with you in your everyday life on the planet.

  • Is That You? Are You Sure?

    07/06/2018 Duração: 53min

    Souls without bodies roam the earth. They are looking for comfort, familiarity, understanding and healing. They will attract to your energy when they feel you provide one or more of these needs. When they enter your aura they can influence you in every aspect of your life, in fact, you may begin to think their thoughts are your thoughts. Most of us consistently say, do and feel things that we attribute to ourselves that are not us at all. Discover how much you can be impacted when you leave your energy boundaries open and your aura unclear.

  • Themes for Inner Tranquility

    31/05/2018 Duração: 53min

    The answers are around us and presenting themselves hourly to our questions, challenges and stresses. When you can stop and quiet your mind, detach yourself from the emotions of it all, you can begin to tune into your inner knowing. Yes, your authentic self does know, and is the resource to assist you in every moment of your life. Awakening is about being present and paying attention from a relaxed state of being where you can hear, see, feel and know from the wisdom of your spirit. You are never alone, but you will have to invite your guides and angels to assist you as they will not interfere in your free will. Center yourself for inner peace or tranquility and begin participating in life from honesty and sincere desire to be the greatest version of yourself and in service to the authentic you.

  • Time and Manifesting

    24/05/2018 Duração: 53min

    All of us have great ideas and inspirations. We can even check with our spirit guides to get ideas or verify inspirations. Still sometimes these good ideas seem to fall short or lose energy. Is it possible to simply have the wrong timing for our aspirations? The Universe desires to back us in every endeavor, however we need to align with universal time to take full advantage. Through awareness of some aspects of time, we can more easily manifest our aspirations. Consider the possibility that you are at any given moment: On time, ahead of time, or behind time. Patience is a virtue, but do we understand it's value in divine timing? Discover how easy life can be when you have aligned with the timing of the Universe.

  • Blueprint for Life

    17/05/2018 Duração: 55min

    Hey they never told me about that! Do you feel you might have a couple of missing facts pertaining to life on earth? Few of us are presented with the big picture facts of life. We might get the: be good, work hard, get an education rough in, of how to live our lives, that ends up in a house that's paid for and a monthly check. However, there is a lot more going on between here and there. A good foundation needs to be built on solid ground, in this case solid understanding, so we can build our lives with clear direction, expansive consciousness, open inspiration, and a relaxed outlook. Tune in for a blueprint of life.

  • Cycles of Life

    10/05/2018 Duração: 54min

    Science tells us that every cell in our body is replaced over a 7 year period. Does this affect us energetically? Yes it does! Every 7 years you enter a different energy or area of expansion of your consciousness. Have you noticed that many religions have ceremonies for their students that occur at 7 and 14 years of age. Reoccurring themes or events in our lives can leave us feeling like we aren't gaining any wisdom, however we really aren't the same person having the same experience. We are having a similar experience from a different perspective and place of our unfoldment. Tune in to find out where you are in your cycles and what they can tell you about your life right now.

  • Ghosts, Earthbound Souls and More

    03/05/2018 Duração: 54min

    We are constantly bombarded in our physical senses. Constant sights and sounds surround us and impact us in most every moment of our lives.. What if I told you these were but the tip of the iceberg? Our spiritual or psychic senses are also under constant stimulation by many energies that we may not be aware of. Learn about earthbound souls, ghosts and other entities that you are encountering every day that can impact your life. Our personal auras and vibration constantly attract like energies. Discover how you are interacting with these energies through your thoughts and feelings.

  • Actions for Spiritual Awakening

    26/04/2018 Duração: 54min

    You are the only person who came to this earth to be loyal to you. You have done the right things, worked hard, followed the directions and given your best. Do you feel complete? If not, I assure you, you are not alone. This is the story of many seeking a happy, successful life. Maybe it is time to tune back into the real you and begin again with actions designed to unfold the life you desire. Join Alma Phillips and her guest Amanda Jackson as they offer simple actions you can take in your daily life to assist you in reconnecting with that joyful, childlike part of you.

  • ESP, You Have It!

    19/04/2018 Duração: 55min

    All of us have ESP, a sixth sense and gifts of the spirit. It may come to us in different forms and ways, but we are all receiving information and impressions of energy from every person we encounter. We are energy that creates vibration or an aura and we may sense it as sound, pictures, inner knowing, or feelings. We will delve in to the primary categories of psychic sensitivity and how you, as a sensitive being, receive energy, insights and inspirations. Through understanding that this is happening and how you are perceiving it ,will expand your self confidence and ability to stay relaxed and responsive in every moment of your life.

  • Inner Guidance-You Already Have It

    12/04/2018 Duração: 55min

    You can experience great personal freedom in every aspect of your life. You came to earth this lifetime with a team of angels, guides or helpers. They have experienced life here and want to see you feeling accomplished and fulfilled in your life. They will never interfere with your free will and wait patiently for you to begin a conscious communication with them. Learn how you can free yourself from anxiety, doubt and indecision with the input you receive from beyond the veil.

  • Past Lives? One Life?

    05/04/2018 Duração: 54min

    Past Lives? One Life? We are the sum total of all of our experiences throughout time. As eternal souls would we want to consider where we have been before this lifetime on earth? Many of us seek answer in the here and now that do appear to have answers. Maybe the answers lies somewhere in our distant past. To understand life, we may need to understand death as it pertains to an eternal spirit. join me as we venture to our distant past.

  • Aligning the Mind

    29/03/2018 Duração: 54min

    Would you like to have more self understanding and feel more empowered in your life? All of us have unrealized wishes, goals and dreams. It comes out in our daily conversations when we express our needs, wants and frustrations. We say things like; I want to feel good, I just need some peace of mind, or I want to do that. Much of what we suffer is a result of not understanding that thoughts are energy and how we use them to co create our life. It can be an exciting adventure to be mindful of our thoughts, create through intentions, and manifest what we want. Learn tips and techniques that puts your mind to working for you in every aspect of your life.

  • Finding Balance

    22/03/2018 Duração: 54min

    The 2 natures of man are the intelligent part and the feeling part. Through understanding these two natures we can manage our lives in a way that keeps us in a sense of emotional balance. Think of them as the road signs along the highway of life. Most all of us have experienced days that flow by with contentment as the theme. The flip side we may have those days when we find ourselves struggling. We may feel pressure, anxiety, dis-ease or any number of symptoms when we least expect them. The tools we practice daily can seem to be ineffective, we may experience doubt and be left feeling powerless. We have what we need, and with a little organization of our thoughts and feelings, we can operate consistently from a pivot of tranquility and peace.

  • Why Earth? Why Now?

    15/03/2018 Duração: 54min

    Why Earth? Why Now? Most of us will at sometime ask this question. We may ask it as a child. Or maybe we will ask later in life when we become involved in an experience that brings us to our knees. Some of use just enjoy contemplating philosophical questions with no intent of solving the riddle. No matter the how, we will seek an answer for this until we find an idea or answer that works for us in our timing. Life on earth is not accidental. None of us ended up on earth because of some fate or random event in which we were powerless over. You, me, everyone: we came here on purpose and by choice. To understand life on earth, we will need to understand death. Is it possible for a spirit or energy to die or be destroyed? Why would I as a free spirit in the universe decide to come to planet earth? How could I as a powerful eternal soul benefit from landing on this rock. Let's explore what, I as spirit, am getting out of this experience.

  • Awakening: The One Key Concept

    08/03/2018 Duração: 55min

    Everything you know is wrong....or it could be. Our lives, our thinking, our actions all begin with a premise in some form. A premise is something assumed, taken for granted or specified which forms the basis for a work or theory. It is the foundation on which we build our world. What are you building on? What would be the most valuable premise on which you could build your life? Tune in and find out.