Rooftop Church Sermons

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editora: Podcast
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What does it really mean to follow Jesus? Find out here. Listen to past sermons from Rooftop Church in St. Louis, MO. Rooftop is a place where you can bring your doubts and questions. We'll work through them with you.


  • The One Anothers; Part 9, "Teach and Admonish One Another"


    In a world full of information and gurus how can we make out way in life? Join us as we look at what it means for a community to Teach and Admonish one another. Our hope is that you are blessed by our time together!

  • The One Anothers; Part 8, "Serve One Another"


    "Don't Look Up" is a movie about the end of the world, and how people choose to spend their last night on earth. Christians also believe the world will someday end. How do we want to spend our last days? Regardless of how we might want to, the Bible tells us how we should: by serving one another in love, as Jesus serves us.

  • The One Anothers; Part 6, "Forgive One Another"


    In a world that appears less and less interested in forgiveness, what would it look like to be a people marked by forgiveness? Join us as we continue in our series "The One Anothers" and find out what it means to be a church of forgiveness.

  • The One Anothers; Part 5, "Accept One Another"


    The Bible says we must accept one another. But does that mean everybody? What if we disagree with each other? Is there a difference between accepting people and affirming who they are? Listen in as Pastor Matt talks about what it really means to accept each other in the same way Jesus accepts us.

  • The One Anothers; Part 4, "Confess to One Another"


    What is confession, and what is God up to in it? Join us as we continue on in our series, "the One Anothers" as we explore confession and what I means for our lives.

  • The One Anothers; Part 3, "Honor One Another"


    What does it mean to Honor someone? What would be different about us if we became men and women of honor. Join us as we walk through Romans 12:10 as we continue on in our series "The One Anothers".

  • The One Anothers; Part 2, "Encourage One Another"


    The Bible says that Christians must encourage one another. To encourage someone literally means to put courage in them. But how do we do that? God tells us how, in His word. And he gives us many profiles in courage to inspire us to become the encouraging people our friends and fellow believers need us to be.

  • The One Anothers; Part 1, "Love One Another"


    When Jesus saves us from sin, he also calls us into a new community of relationships with God's people. And he gives us some instructions on how to BLANK one another. The Bible fills in the "blank" with all kinds of words: serve one another, submit to one another, pray for one another. We cannot exist as Christians without one another. Join us as we kick off the series with the most important one another command.

  • Y'all Called


    What does the Bible really say about calling? Today we learn that we are simply called just to be Christians and God will lay out everything else in His timing.

  • Rooftop Christmas Service


    Christmas a an apocalypse? What is God up to on Christmas and what does it mean for a tried world. Join us this week and find out!

  • Rooftop Christmas Eve Service


    There are lots of Christmas movies that aren't really Christmas movies: Die Hard, Gremlins. But what about the 1982 Disney classic, Tron? Doesn't it tell the story of a Creator entering a world of his own making to save the world from evil? And isn't that the story of Christmas?

  • Religion Redefined; Part 21, "True and False Disciples"


    Join us as we take a look at Matthew 7:21-23. We will look at Jesus’ final warning to those listening as we wind down the Sermon on the Mount. Have you ever wondered what “The Will of God is?” We will dive into that and a few other topics as we explore Religion Redefined.

  • Religion Redefined; Part 20, "True and False Prophets"


    In the final section of the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus issues a start warning about Christian leaders who are bad for us. And what's worse, it can be hard to tell who they are. But he gives us a simple rule to know how to identify them--that is, if we care to. Because if we're honest, we have to admit that sometimes we prefer wolves over shepherds.

  • Religion Redefined; Part 19, "The Narrow and Wide Gates"


    We are programmed to look for shortcuts. This serves us well, most of the time. But when it comes to following Jesus, there is no shortcut. There is no escalator. There is only the stairs.

  • Religion Redefined; Part 18, "Ask, Seek, Knock"


    We all want wisdom and understanding from God. But how do we go about acquiring it? Pastor Jeremy gives us insight in his latest message. from our "Religion Redefined" series.

  • Religion Redefined; Part 17, "Judging Others"


    "One author says that 9 out of 10 young people think that Christians are judgmental hypocrites. Is that true? Is so, how did followers of Jesus get such a terrible reputation? And what can we do about it?"

  • Religion Redefined; Week 16, "Do Not Worry"


    Scientists say that the average human being might spend as much as 2 hours per day experiencing anxiety. There is a lot to worry about in the world. But worry impedes our peace of mind, shortens our lives, and undermines our witness as God's children. How do we stop worrying? Jesus' answer is simple: "Look at the birds."

  • Religion Redefined; Week 15, "Treasures in Heaven"


    People can either store treasures in two places here on earth or in heaven. Storing up treasures in heaven is hard but one of the most rewarding things we can do. God blesses those who bless others.

  • Religion Redefined; Part 14 "Fasting"


    Doctors know that fasting can be good for your body. But the BIble teaches that fasting can be good for your soul. In fact, Jesus assumes that we're already doing it. Who knew that fasting from food could be one of the best things we could do to follow Jesus more closely?

  • Religion Redefined; Part 13, "The Lord's Prayer"


    In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus tells us we shouldn't pray like the Pharisees. And then he gives us the Lord's Prayer as a model of how we should. There's lots of great stuff in the Lord's prayer--and even some stuff we miss, because we're so familiar with it.

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