Seize Your Adventure

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editora: Podcast
  • Duração: 14:56:13
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Adventure and outdoor living with epilepsy. The stories and interviews in this podcast cover a spectrum of activities, from long-distance hiking with epilepsy medication in a backpack, to the pleasure of the first duck dive after brain surgery. It advocates adventure in all forms, for everyone, as a way to connect with ourselves, others and the outdoors. This is how we live with epilepsy.


  • Q&A with Cameron Schwartzkopf

    01/05/2021 Duração: 23min

    Hello Patrons! Your episode for April follows on from Cameron's Article - Learning from Surfing with Epilepsy. Here is a Q&A that I had with Cameron back in December 2020. We talked about surfing, snowboarding, holding on to hope in tough times, and how adventure can be having the confidence to stay safe. Enjoy! Get bonus content on Patreon See for privacy and opt-out information.

  • Cameron: Learning from Surfing with Epilepsy

    28/04/2021 Duração: 22min

    Welcome to the first The Articles episode!Is surfing with epilepsy dangerous? What happens if you have a seizure in the water? This is something we hear about in Cameron's story. CW: Cameron goes into detail on the consequences of having a seizure in water whilst he's surfing. So please bear in mind that some of the content and descriptions might be upsetting. Frankie and I discuss the story from 9:30mins.-Fran and Frankie catch up and discuss the article-The article resonates with and is very important to Frankie due to her background surfing with epilepsy and similar experiences of dealing with seizures in the water-Fran and Frankie discuss the slightly traumatic nature of the article and how Cameron acknowledges any mistakes he made leading up to the incident-Frankie comments that she would have liked more detail on how Cameron mitigates the risk and impact of this reoccurring-Fran discusses the importance of handling this article delicately due to its intensity.I had also had a short chat with Cameron abo

  • Introducing: The Articles

    26/04/2021 Duração: 02min

    Introducing: The ArticlesFRAN: You’re listening to The Articles from Seize Your Adventure.[Sound of waves breaking]Season 3 of SYA is going to sound a little bit different. The articles are simple stories taken from across the internet and read by the person that wrote them.[Wave sound increases]CAMERON: I remember the first time the instructor said I was ready to paddle into a wave unassisted. I’ll be honest, it took a while to get into one. But when I did, I realised I was partnering with the power of Mother Nature. I was drawing lines in the waves, creating new feelings, It was beautiful.[Waves end]FRAN: ...and then after you’ve heard the story, Frankie and I will discuss it, talking about what we liked, what we learned and what we take away from each article.FRANKIE: I think this article is beautifully written. But I think it resonates a lot with me because he manages to vocalise a very similar experience to myself in a way that I never could…FRAN: For Patrons there’s going to be some bonus content every

  • Fran Rambles | Patreon Taster

    28/02/2021 Duração: 18min

    Surprise episode for your audio feed! This bonus episode has come from the Patreon feed. I wanted you all to listen to this one today, not only as a bit of encouragement to head over to if you are missing the podcast... but also because it shares some information on what Season 3 of the podcast is going to sound like.For December's Patron episode, I waited until January so that I could share my New Year's Day walk. Listen to me ramble as I ramble about the year just gone - the 30 at 30 challenge, the type of lockdown adventures I will remember, and how my listeners and Patrons have helped me this year.If you can't support the show financially, I understand! Please do support it by sharing it, subscribing and reviewing the podcast. It really helps to boost the show in podcast apps, and get stories of epilepsy in adventure into the mainstream.Thank you for continuing to support the podcast in any way you can (and apologies for the slightly bad audio!).Safe adventures x Get bonus c

  • A Change of Track | Birthday Bonus

    04/12/2020 Duração: 16min

    "How would you feel if you had a seizure again? Could you emotionally and mentally handle it? Would it feel like everything was falling apart? Would epilepsy have control?”WARNING: This episode contains a graphic descriptions and creative depiction of what it feels like to Jade when she has a seizure.For 2 years, this podcast has been sharing stories from adventurous people with epilepsy. And making this podcast has taken my life in a direction I never thought about. I have learned to make a number of different types of episode on this show. This series, we’ve had a lot more chats with new adventurers - and these chats are so much fun to have. But, my favourite episodes to make, have to be the storytelling episodes. They are very labour intensive, they can take months to write, record and edit together, pick the right music and making sure the narration fits into the rhythm of that music.So, we haven’t had a storytelling episode in Season 2. But, I’m very happy to be able to bring you this bonus by

  • Revisit West Texas | Birthday Bonus

    03/12/2020 Duração: 16min

    The Seize Your Adventure podcast is 2 years old! Join me in the celebrations with a Happy Birthday, some facts and stats about the last 2 years, and a return to where it all started in West Texas with Jade Nelson...The facts and stats:-The first episode of the podcast went live on 3rd December 2018-But the trailer launched on November 5th 2018-There are 32 episodes in the back-catalogue-Including 6 story episodes, 13 chats, 3 trailers, 3 journalistic episodes, 2 times I had to make 2 episodes with 1 chat, and 5 times you have listened to my monologues...-We have featured 14 adventurers with epilepsy-Adventurous activities mentioned so far include hiking, running, camping, ultimate Frisbee, paddleboarding and stand-up paddleboarding, skiing, mountain biking, bike-packing, swimming, surfing, karate, ice climbing, trail running, ultra marathons, archery, freediving, wild swimming, canoeing, snowboarding, ballroom dancing, yoga, and swimming with crocodiles!-The podcast has had over 5000 downloads-Which works out

  • Surfing, Seizures and Safety with Frankie York

    03/11/2020 Duração: 35min

    Is it safe to surf with epilepsy? How can you support somebody who has seizures  in the water?  And do surfing instructors know how to help someone with epilepsy? In this episode, Frankie York takes us through some of her own experiences surfing with epilepsy, and how having epilepsy affects her relationships with other surfers.Surfing is classified as a top tier extreme sport, with inherent danger and a need to be aware and alert at all times. But it is also a sport recognised for the therapeutic benefits, and the sense of escapism being in the water can provide. Frankie found a passion for surfing when she was travelling in Ecuador. Over the last 2 years, she has had to explore her relationship with the sport, and examine how to stay safe.And she has also had to explore and examine the relationships she has with her fellow surfers, who have supported her through her epilepsy journey.In this episode, Frankie talks to three surfers: Simon, who runs her local surf school; Jessie, who was the former V

  • A LIVE Chat with Frankie York: Surfing and learning how to adventure with epilepsy

    30/09/2020 Duração: 31min

    Back in July, Seize Your Adventure grew a little bit bigger. Francesca York (who luckily goes by Frankie to stop any confusion!) has volunteered her help over the next few months as an SYA Intern and it will be great to get her fresh eyes/ears on things.This episode shares the Instagram LIVE conversation me and Frankie had back in August, where we got to learn a little bit more about her, and how she seizes her adventure.We talked about: Learning to surf (because of a boy...) The dangers of surfing with epilepsy, and some close calls How your choices regarding risk can affect others The best way to learn to surf as a beginner How surfing can be addictive and becomes a lifestyle Learning to listen to your body when you have epilepsy Speaking to lifeguards about your epilepsy Basic safety in the water when surfing Plans for Frankie's study abroad year in Spain...Frankie is hard at work on her own episode about her relationship with surfing, and how people have helped her through her diagnosis., so make s

  • A Chat with Chris Winwood: Endurance cycling, backcountry hikes and working in adventure with epilepsy.

    05/08/2020 Duração: 43min

    Chris is an Epilepsy Education & Outreach Worker for the British Columbia Epilepsy Society and in summer last year Chris also raised money for BCES by cycling from Prince George to Jasper - a distance of 375KM - in just two days.(N.B. I can't add up and in the podcast I say 275KM... Sorry Chris!)Chris is a hardcore adventurer. I was introduced to Chris about a year ago, via the British Columbia Epilepsy Society. Chris is an Epilepsy Education & Outreach Worker for the BCES.As well as his work for BCES, he’s also a ski instructor, and he did a BA in Nature Based Tourism at university. His Facebook page always shows beautiful pine forest, trees and rocks and rocks and trees and the odd lake.Chris' lifestyle, his career and his independence really relies on being healthy and able drive.We talked about:-His first seizure when he was 21 years old-Having to give up driving-Depression due to epilepsy-Reaching a moment of crisis due to depression-How his friends, family and colleagues supported him (and how s

  • Epilepsy, Pregnancy and Birth with Jewel Gibson

    22/07/2020 Duração: 14min

    In this bonus episode we get to hear some more of my chat with mom, wife, teacher and blogger, Jewel Gibson. I asked Jewel to tell me a bit more about the specifics of have a baby when you have epilepsy.Last time, we heard about Jewel’s path to an epilepsy diagnosis, and her personal challenge of running the New York Half Marathon to raise epilepsy awareness. We also heard that Jewel is diagnosed with ‘catamenial seizures’ - seizures that are affected or triggered by changes in hormones.But I was also really interested to learn more from Jewel as a mom. As well as her blog, Jewel has also done a short podcast series called Well Fit Mama. So what does it take to be a Well Fit Mama? And how did epilepsy affect her pregnancy? I asked her about what steps she had to take to make sure both she and the baby were safe, and whether there was anything she wanted to say to other women with epilepsy who want to have children.Jewel was already a Mom, but she didn’t have epilepsy when she was pregnant the first time.A QUI

  • A Chat with Jewel Gibson: Catamenial Seizures and Running with Epilepsy

    15/07/2020 Duração: 41min

    Jewel Gibson is a mom, a wife, a teacher,  and a blogger from Brooklyn, New York. Her Instagram and blog, Life's A Jewel, focuses on motherhood and encouraging women to live healthier lives, experience fulfilling relationships and conquer parenthood fashionably. She also uses her platform to talk about the day-to-day challenges navigating a seizure disorder.Jewel was an athlete and runner in highschool, so when she saw  an advert from The Epilepsy Foundation of Metropolitan New York about running the United Airlines Half Marathon, she figured it would be fun to try. She wanted to run to help eliminate the stigma about epilepsy and seizures, as well as raise awareness within the community.But when Jewel started training, she realised that her seizures and epilepsy were going to make running more difficult than she remembered! Jewel couldn't find any information on running with epilepsy, and how this might affect the way you train. She had to figure it out on her own and learn how to run without aggra

  • Cath Shanks Takes Over: Skateboards, Slacklining and Urban Exploring with Epilepsy

    03/07/2020 Duração: 15min

    On Tuesday 19th May, I handed over the Seize Your Adventure Instagram account to Cath Shanks,  a skate coach who was diagnosed with temporal lobe epilepsy in 2010. In this bonus episode, you get to hear how it went, and listen to the Instagram Live interview we had afterwards.I've only discovered Cath recently, and her account @specialeptic is still new. But the account is a mix of great fun and heart-breakingly honest:"SOME DAYS.... some days are harder than others. some days are that little bit darker. some days it’s not even the seizures that are the problem. some days I think I’d rather have seizures than take meds. some days it’s just a little bit too much to cope with. some days I can pull myself out of the rut, some days I can’t. some days Epilepsy sucks WAY MORE than others. some days I just wish I had a different brain. some days, like today."Cath has also been learning to slackline during lockdown. Which is just so cool. You can see some of her progress on her YouTube channel.Cath talks about:H

  • A Chat with Jared Muscat: Surfing, Paddleboarding and Epileptic Opportunity

    12/06/2020 Duração: 37min

    For Jared Muscat, surfing has been a passion, an obsession, and in his own words an addiction, since he was a teenager. Surfing was part of what led Jared to his current job working for the outdoor clothing company Patagonia. And it was on Patagonia’s blog that I first read some of Jared’s story about surfing with epilepsy, his hard epilepsy diagnosis and journey, and a paddleboarding challenge he did to raise awareness for the condition.It slightly surprised me to realise that I haven’t had any sea-based adventurers on the podcast yet. The ocean has often offered ‘adventure’ in the traditional sense - the swashbuckling, finding new lands kind of adventure.But whilst the heyday of adventure on the high seas is over, in today’s conversation, we talk about how the power and unpredictability of the sea can still offer adventure of the everyday kind.In today's episode Jared talks about: Having brain surgery to stop seizures Not being allowed to surf post-surgery How yoga helped him with his recovery Whether rem

  • A Chat with Annie Brooks: Swimming, Triathlons and Races with Partial Seizures

    22/05/2020 Duração: 44min

    Annie Brooks, is a blogger and Youtuber from the award-winning blog Tales of Annie Bean, a website and video channel that covers fitness, travel, lifestyle and  (of course) adventure!Annie was diagnosed with epilepsy in the form of complex partial seizures back in 2012, so a lot of her blog journey has been about learning to be active with the condition. She recently took on 12 in 12 challenges to raise awareness to the condition, and hopefully inspire fellow sufferers to keep healthy and active. Beyond her condition Annie covers a lot of travel and takes herself on a variety of adventures with her husband Nick and dog Winnie.In today's episode we talk about: How a blog about fashion became something very different The best things to do in California Camping in the Lake District Running a 10K at the Keswick Mountain Festival Annie's epilepsy diagnosis Learning to live with partial seizures How Annie started triathlons Doing 12 challenges in 12 months for epilepsy awareness Safely doing open water

  • Seizure First Aid by Jamie Wissinger from the '1 in 26' Podcast

    05/05/2020 Duração: 20min

    Enjoy this quick bonus episode from Jamie Wissinger, host of the epilepsy podcast '1 in 26' . I thought it was about time to share some official Seizure First Aid , and asked Jamie to share her knowledge as an official trainer.Be CalmRemove Dangerous ObjectsAlways Time the SeizureIf the person falls, turn them on their sideNever put anything in their mouthAs well as hosting 1 in 26, Jamie is a wife and a mama to three children and owns her own business.She has always had seizures, from being born two months early, to not having a breakthrough seizure until age 5, then a hiatus until age 21.  After having multiple seizures, in 2011, she decided to make a change.  She was unhappy with the way she looked, felt, and acted.  One day she decided she was no longer accepting that unhappiness and did everything she could to change her life.And it did.  Since then, she has grown mentally in ways that are amazing.  Just a few years ago she was filled with self doubt

  • A Chat with Ian Johnston: Epilepsy, Exercise and the Psychology of Sport with Seizures

    02/05/2020 Duração: 37min

    "Having a chronic condition such as epilepsy consistently prevents individuals from participating in sport. For someone with epilepsy the fear of making the condition worse, sustaining injury or even dying (Kale, 1997) are regularly quoted as reasons for very low participation levels, known to be as low as half that of the general population (Han, Choi-Kwon and Lee, 2011).”Ian Johnston was a very active football coach and runner before he started having seizures. Then, he became one of the 80% of people with epilepsy who are sedentary.But such a dramatic change in lifestyle prompted Ian to go to university. He wanted to study the reasons why he, and others like him, stop doing exercise when they start having seizures. We spoke about his path towards a Master in Clinical Exercise Physiology, his research and  findings and how  study the psychology of epilepsy and exercise helped him get back to exercise himself.In today's episode we talk about: Ian's life-long love of football Doing the Great North R

  • Coronavirus Complications with Becky Sampson

    23/04/2020 Duração: 16min

    In this bonus episode, I catch-up with Becky Sampson. Four months after our initial conversation, coronavirus has changed plans for many. Becky tells me how it affected her round-the-world trip.In today's episode we talk about: Walking the Coast to Coast Track in Australia - in 9 days! Taking epilepsy medication across international borders The limits on anti-seizure medication for long journeys The unwanted side-effects of Sodium Valporate Seeing orangutans in Sumatra Being surrounded by monkeys in Angkor Wat without tourists Deciding whether to come back to the UK because of coronavirus Struggling to be repatriated Flying over the mountains in Cambodia Planning hikes in the UK Plus, what does 'adventure' mean to Becky?FIND BECKY: THE PODCAST:Become a patron to support the podcast and continue telling stories of epilepsy in adventure. Find out more and sign up at You can also make a one-off donation at https://w

  • A Chat with Becky Sampson: Travelling the World by Bicycle, with Epilepsy

    15/04/2020 Duração: 44min

    Welcome to Season Two of Seize Your Adventure! This season, I will be speaking to even more people about a wider range of sports, and the conversations coming up in Season Two feel even more relevant in the current climate.  Today’s chat is with a lady called Becky Sampson. Becky is from the UK, but she hasn’t been based there for over three years now. She got in touch with me over a year ago when she was halfway through riding a bike across New Zealand. I was already pretty impressed and jealous of this fact, but she went on to tell me that she had already been riding in Canada and some of the US. And after New Zealand she was heading on to Australia and then planning to cycle the long way home through Asia and Europe.I really think the guests talking about accepting and adapting to limits.In today's episode we talk about: Cycling around the world Adapting her bike to her own needs Travel insurance for long-term trips The extra costs on travel insurance for having epilepsy Which epilepsy medications

  • Epilepsy, Adventure and the Outdoors in a Pandemic

    30/03/2020 Duração: 04min

    So this is actually a sneaky extra episode of Season Two because I wanted to add a little prologue before we get into the season.Most of the interviews in the first part of this season were recorded in a very different world to one in which they are being released. The UK and a lot of the world are on lockdown because of the coronavirus pandemic. And like many in the outdoor community, in some ways seems odd to be releasing a podcast about getting outside, adventuring, not washing for days in some cases, when at the moment I am advocating for the opposite - stay close to home, stay inside.But I do feel that this is what makes Seize Your Adventure is more relevant than ever. The podcast has always toed that narrative between access to the outdoors, and being cut off from it. In many of the stories and interviews in Season Two, we talk about losing the ability to drive to our favourite places, or being stuck in hospital when mother ocean is calling. This series dives even deeper in the ways epilepsy has limited

  • Season Two Trailer: Exploring Adventure Through Epilepsy

    26/03/2020 Duração: 03min

    Hello everyone, I am Fran Turauskis and I’m happy to introduce you to Season 2 of Seize Your Adventure. This season continues to explore the concept of adventure on a spectrum. Over the past few months, I’ve been hunting down even more people living with epilepsy who enjoy the adventure lifestyle. This season will have more ‘chats’ with guests. We talked about how the smaller adventures can help maintain a sense of self after a diagnosis, and how it has helped some people change their path in life.We’ll be hearing about even more sports, from cycling to surfing, and we’ll continue to shed a light on some of the hidden aspects of taking on adventures with epilepsy.The guests acknowledge the limitations of living with epilepsy everyday and also go into some of the consequences and risks of having seizures at the wrong time.Whatever your knowledge level of adventure or epilepsy, Season Two of Seize Your Adventure will help you explore what adventure means to you.Episode 0 is out on 30th March, hit the subscribe

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