Ashley And Brad Show

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editora: Podcast
  • Duração: 64:05:38
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Ashley and Brad bring upbeat fun and laughs, and the best in pop culture to you every week day. The show features funny bits, trivia, and popular guest interviews, along with humorous conversation, and the latest in entertainment and music news. Ashley and Brad are both married (not to each other!) and have children. Ashley has two girls, and Brad has two boys. Both are pet lovers, and own dogs. Together Ashley & Brad deliver laughs and entertainment, while sharing their life with you!


  • Ashley and Brad Show - ABS 2025-03-10

    11/03/2025 Duração: 32min

    News; birthdays/events; are we "over holiday-ed"?; word of the day. News; game: quiz; game: feud; do you watch animal baby cams? News; Denmark will no longer deliver mail...what?!?!;  the game Monopoly is getting rid of this iconic character; will you ever admit defeat when you can't "fix it myself"!? News; game: calendar trivia; if you could time travel...would you go forward in time or back in time? goodbye/fun facts....National Pack Your Lunch Day...encourages everyone across the country to take their lunch to work, school, or wherever they're spending the day. there are lot of benefits to packing your own savings. Many home-prepared lunches cost less than ordering off the take-out menu or eating out. Another benefit of making your own lunch is controlling portion sizes and ingredients. By adding fruits, vegetables, and whole grains to your lunches, they will be healthier, too. Mickey Mouse was the first licensed character to appear on a lunchbox in 1935.

  • Ashley and Brad Show - ABS 2025-03-07

    08/03/2025 Duração: 36min

    News; birthdays/events; if the airlines change their bag policies...would you still fly?; word of the day. News; we like to brag about how much we save on vacations...what other kinds of deals do you brag about?; game: the office trivia game; songs you don't want to admit that "get you out of your funk". News; 3 words to live by; game: classic tv show theme songs; is there a doctor you haven't been to in many years? News; would you rather live in an rv or a sailboat?; game: word ladder; goodbye/fun facts....Sock Monkey Day...these stuffed toys are a blend of folk art and silliness. The most likely forerunners who are responsible for the sock monkey date are the Victorians. During that era, the demand for replica stuffed animals spread through Europe to North America and collided with the developing Arts and Crafts movement. In 1869, John Nelson got a patent for sock knitting machines and founded The Nelson Knitting Company in Rockford, Illinois. In 1890, the Red Heel Socks were introduced, and they were mostl

  • Ashley and Brad Show - ABS 2025-03-06

    07/03/2025 Duração: 35min

    News; birthdays/events; sfa...boomer saves the day; word of the day. News; game: The Sound of Music movie trivia; what's a grandma stand?; jobs u.s. presidents had before they became president. News; game: I should have known that; would you use a.i. to be a neutral party in a dispute you're having?; if you've ever won an award or gotten a plaque at you feel obligated to display it? News; game: movie trivia (Ashley gives to Brad); what British terms mean in America...(crisps-potato chips); goodbye/fun facts....nametag day...Perhaps if everyone wore name tags, like an episode of the T.V. series, “Seinfeld,” suggested, then we would have better friendships, firmer relationships, and more human people. Maybe this way, the world can one day become a true global village. although, originally, they were a form of punishment...back in 34 A.D., the Roman Emperor Nero invented name tags as a form of punishment for offenders. The use of name tags by the military can be traced to laundry tags, which were used

  • Ashley and Brad Show - ABS 2025-03-05

    06/03/2025 Duração: 34min

    News; birthdays/events; how much would you pay to get to the front of the line? (or would you?); word of the day. News; game: Blues Brothers trivia; clocks change this you have clocks you manually have to change?; do you get "upsold" when you go out?...what about "downsold"? News; game: 3 word movie titles; great ways to use ice cube trays; complainers need to use the "but-positive' technique. News; game: finish the lyrics; garage sales season is starting...are you in?; goodbye/fun facts....National Cheese Doodle Day...Like many popular snack stories, the history of cheese doodles has multiple possible origins. One of the most accepted ones involves a man named Morrie Yohai. Yohai was the president of his father’s company, Old London Foods, based in the Bronx. After a series of food inventions, the company set about creating another using cornmeal-based animal feed. In 1948, their machines accidentally processed this cornmeal under high pressure, resulting in a tubular shape. Old London Foods sta

  • Ashley and Brad Show - ABS 2025-03-04

    05/03/2025 Duração: 38min

    News; birthdays/events; if you could have an grown up sleepover in any store...which one? word of the day. News; Oscars/scmoscars...the real buzz was Saturday night!' game: who are these celebrity authors?; favorite and least favorite board/card games? News; sick of beef and chicken? give "taste of the wild outdoors" a chance; game: just over $900 pyramid; crazy animal encounters. News; funny places you've seen people fall asleep; game: everybody knows; goodbye/fun facts....National Salt Awareness Week...Salt is arguably the most common and essential seasoning in the world. It is even referred to as the taste or flavor of life. But, like most things, too much (or too little) of this fine seasoning can make you sick. This is why it is important to monitor your salt intake and adjust it accordingly. You’ll be amazed at how many health problems you could avoid by sticking to the recommended daily salt intake. In the 6th century, salt was a commodity with the exchange rate of salt became equal to gold. there are

  • Ashley and Brad Show - ABS 2025-03-03

    04/03/2025 Duração: 32min

    News; birthdays/events; Ashley might be turning into her grandmother (sfa); word of the day. News; game: quiz; game: feud; if you could make one thing illegal...what would it be? News; what would you do if someone stole your credit card but something good came from it?; what personality type are you? A,B,C,orD?; game: calendar trivia. News; indestructible careers; fun party ideas that will leave your guests talking; goodbye/fun facts....World Tennis Day on the first Monday of March...It started out as a handball game, known as “jeu de paume” (“game of the palm”), and has transcended into one of the most popular sports in the's played by millions of people— in public courts or in clubs. Louis X of France, was one of the major pioneers of the sport, so much so that by the end of the 13th century, he became the first person to construct indoor tennis courts in the modern style. This new feature quickly spread across royal palaces all over Europe. The invention of the lawn mower served as a catalyst f

  • Ashley and Brad Show - ABS 2025-02-28

    01/03/2025 Duração: 37min

    News; birthdays/events; feel good story of the day; word of the day. News; how do you feel about advanced technology in sports?; game: battle of the sexes part 1; game: battle of the sexes part 2. News; have you ever crashed a wedding (or a funeral...or some other gathering?); what's in this year's Oscar goodie bag?; not all celebrity clothing makes it to those fancy auction houses. News; March is tomorrow already...Daylight Saving, St. Patty's Day...etc.; game:  MASH trivia; goodbye/fun facts....national chocolate souffle day...They make us feel fancy. France is synonymous with fancy, and just saying the phrase “chocolate soufflé” makes us feel chic and continental. The word soufflé is the past participle of the French verb souffler, which means “to blow up” or more loosely “puff up”...They are deceptively easy to make even though they are a seriously fancy dessert. Many people think the dish is hard — we’ve all heard of the dreaded deflated soufflé! But here’s a secret: they are delicious even when imperfec

  • Ashley and Brad Show - ABS 2025-02-27

    28/02/2025 Duração: 36min

    News; birthdays/events; what's the oldest thing you own?;  word of the day. News; game: scattergories; are there too many of the same type of show on tv...(law shows/medical shows) etc?; do you hang on to concert ticket or movie ticket stubs? travel brochures? etc? News; game: movie password; really bad product designs (list of 3 things); did you ever consider buying 2 'one way' tix instead of 1 'roundtrip' ticket? News; game: getting to know you; most Americans (2 out of 3) say they can no longer deal with do you avoid crowds?; goodbye/fun facts....big breakfast day...What’s the first thing we do after waking up and checking our phones? We think about what we want for breakfast — and the options are endless! what you eat for breakfast determines how energized and ready you are for the rest of your day. in 1620 Pilgrims from the Netherlands first introduce waffles to North Americans, changing how they eat breakfast forever. by 1869 the french introduced us to can try breakfast th

  • Ashley and Brad Show - ABS 2025-02-26

    27/02/2025 Duração: 43min

    News; birthdays/events; would you give a company like Fyre Fest a second chance?; word of the day. News; game: internet acryomn game; inventions that never really caught the "Hula Chair"; best revenge songs (Hub pages list). News; Webster's Dictionary accidentally included a 'ghost word' and didn't take it out for 5 years!; Harris poll/happiness index; game: Outburst. News; only 39% of men can iron a shirt properly...but Ashley thinks it's probably the same for women!  (who irons anymore?); game: Is Ashley as Smart as a 5th Grader?; goodbye/fun facts....National Set A Good Example Day...When we observe kindness in others, we are often inspired to offer kindness ourselves. Everyone influences others. The influence could be positive or negative. Even from a young age, we experience good and bad behavior....from parents to sibllings to extended families, educators, mentors, community leaders, and even organizations. so setting a good example can be applied in every setting.

  • Ashley and Brad Show - ABS 2025-02-25

    26/02/2025 Duração: 38min

    News; birthdays/events; Glen Whitman says every industry can be boiled down into "2 words"; word of the day. News; do you care if baseball players have beards? what about other professions?; game: world wide wrestling trivia; how much personal space do you need at the office? News; ever move next door (or within a few houses) to family or close friends?; game: 1 second song intro; would you want your mark on the world is to have your name become part of the vernacular (freudian). News; 1980's baby names are making a big comeback; game: 80's/90's trivia; goodbye/fun facts....National Chocolate Covered Nut Day...the pleasing combination of chocolate with nuts like peanuts, almonds, cashews, hazelnuts and more that are enjoyed by people of all ages. Chocolate is said to have originated in Mesoamerica where the Aztecs are said to have grown cacao plants, from which they made chocolate....The Mayans even referred to chocolate as the drink of the Gods. back then it consumed in liquid form and was unsweetened, which

  • Ashley and Brad Show - ABS 2025-02-24

    25/02/2025 Duração: 36min

    News; birthdays/events; the newest trend for 2025...according to the wall street journal; word of the day. News; actors with small parts that stole the show (or movie)...Buzzfeed list; game: quiz; game: feud. News; what is "leisure/work synergy"?; fast food restaurants don't "stay in their lane" so why should streamers.  (what Netflix wants to start showing); game: calendar trivia. News; we would rather receive shocks than be bored!; for people who do eat in bed...what's on their "no-no" list?; goodbye/fun facts....National Tortilla Chip Day (shouldn't this have been on Superbowl?) Tortilla chips were initially an afterthought, a simple snack made with leftover tortillas. But these crispy triangles of deliciousness soon became a nationwide sensation! Whether you eat yours plain or dip them in a spicy salsa, tortilla chips bring the fiesta to any occasion. it all started in the 1940's Rebecca Webb Carranza repurposes rejected tortillas from the automated line at her workplace. She and her husband operated a de

  • Ashley and Brad Show - ABS 2025-02-21

    22/02/2025 Duração: 37min

    News; birthdays/events; was there a teacher you gave lots of grief to?; word of the day. News; Buzzfeed list of roles that basically ruined an up and comers acting career; game: password, when you're sick do you want to be left alone or doted on? News; what's the next holiday you're looking forward to? (Ashey's dad loved April Fool's Day); game: minute mysteries; what things do you care less about as you age? News; manners our moms tried to drill in our heads are still just as important today; game: think n sync; goodbye/fun facts....National Boiled Peanuts Day...Boiling peanuts has been a cultural practice in the Southern U.S. since the 1800s, but it has been widely growing in popularity across the country, too. Originally called "goober peas," boiled peanuts are often referred to as the "Edamame of the South". Whatever you call them, boiled peanuts have been a tradition during family celebrations and social gatherings throughout many parts of the country. It is believed the practice of eating boiled peanuts

  • Ashley and Brad Show - ABS 2025-02-20

    21/02/2025 Duração: 33min

    News; birthdays/events; when was the last time you printed a picture? (1 hour photo rarely exists); word of the day. News; game: slogan game; if you could make a guest appearance on any TV show (current or past show) which one and what character would you like to play?; instead of using money...would you ever barter?  what would you trade? News; game: TV show descriptions; they say to flip a coin when you have a big decision to make...but does it depend on how big the decision is?; what type of vanilla ice cream do you like?  (research into your personality). News; game: Shakespeare movies; best beaches in the whole world;  goodbye/fun facts....Clean Out Your Bookcase Day. bookcases have been around since we invented 513 B.C. The Roman republic used bookshelves in their private scholar libraries. you can even build your own bookcase...or maybe find one at garage sales.  but today, take out your cleaning supplies and organizing tools, and get ready to revamp the bookcase. Yes, your old dusty bookcas

  • Ashley and Brad Show - ABS 2025-02-19

    20/02/2025 Duração: 39min

    News; birthdays/events; U.S. cities with the worst drivers; word of the day. News; if you're Catholic...what are you giving up for lent and if you're not Catholic...what could you give up for a month?; game: who are these celebrity autobiographies?; is it helpful or stressful when parents make specific requirements for their kids b-day party/presents? News; ever known anyone to get a lifetime/nationwide ban (to a store or bar?); game: Mind the Gap1; game: Mind the Gap 2. News; unlikely animal friends (blt story); things we do now in society that we'll probably look back and wonder "why did we do that"?; goodbye/fun facts....Tug of War day...If your only introduction to the game of tug of war was at summer camp or in elementary school, you are in desperate need to celebrate today! people have been playing for centuries!  in the 1500's Tug of war tournaments are a popular form of entertainment in French chateau gardens. in 1900 Tug of war enters the Olympic Games as an event....but was dropped by 1920. In addit

  • Ashley and Brad Show - ABS 2025-02-18

    19/02/2025 Duração: 37min

    News; birthdays/events; would you rent a chicken?; word of the day. News; game: John Hughes film trivia; would you want to 'jump scare' yourself into paying attention at work?; how do movie characters get their names? sometimes it's paying homage..Buzzfeed has a cute list.  News; game: just over $1,000 pyramid; McDonald's discontinued menu items people wish would make a comeback; which food(s) did you used to like/love but now can't stand? News; game: everybody knows; when was the last time someone "double dog dared you" to do something?; goodbye/fun facts.... National Battery Day... A battery changes chemical energy into electricity by bringing the different chemicals together in a specific order. In 1800, Italian scientist Alessandro Volta layered silver, cloth, or paper soaked in salt or acid and zinc into what he called "voltaic piles." The voltaic piles generated a limited electrical current. Volta proceeded to publish his work, and we get the word "volt" from his name to describe the electric potential.

  • Ashley and Brad Show - ABS 2025-02-17

    18/02/2025 Duração: 36min

    News; birthdays/events; we judge people on the condition of their you?; word of the day. News; game: quiz; game: feud; crazy but true things caught on camera (kayaker/whale) News; people whose names have been ruined by pop culture (Karen); job description of a "stewardess" in 1954 (actual ad in the paper); how you decorate your office says a lot about you. News; what was your favorite SNL skit?; game: calendar trivia; goodbye/fun facts....National Pancake Week always takes place in the last week of February.  It honors one of the favorite breakfast foods in North America — pancakes! Did you know that this batter-made breakfast item dates back more than 5,500 years? Yes, researchers and scientists even predict that pancakes might be the oldest breakfast food in history. In fact, they found a pancake-like food in the stomach of Ötzi, the Iceman, whose human remains are estimated to be 5,300 years old. Pancakes are round, flat cakes, prepared from a thick batter made of flour, milk, and eggs. The pancak

  • Ashley and Brad Show - ABS 2025-02-14

    15/02/2025 Duração: 40min

    News; birthdays/events; how often do you change jobs? word of the day. News; game: famous couples; worst Valentine's day gift people have received; long weekend plans. News; Buzzfeed weird house rules; game: word ladder; any thing happen in your life that at first seemed overwhelming...but turned out to be a blessing in disguise? News; Brad's parking SFA; game: guess these romance movie music clips; goodbye/fun facts....National Cream-Filled Chocolate during the week of Valentine’s Day, over 50 million pounds of chocolate are purchased all around the world...but the ones that are filled with things like marshmallow cream and coffee cream to butterscotch, chocolate, and vanilla are extra delicious! A Belgian chocolatier, Jean Neuhaus Junior, invented the first hard chocolate shell in 1912, which allowed chocolates to be filled with soft fillings. It was Neuhaus Jr. who created the very first chocolate-filled bonbons, which he called pralines. However, some other chocolatiers referred to them as truff

  • Ashley and Brad Show - ABS 2025-02-13

    14/02/2025 Duração: 38min

    News; birthdays/events; game: prison commissary price is right; word of the day. News; why are people wearing Apple watches/fitness watches on their ankles?; game: 1985 song lyrics; there's the Butterball hotline, the National Academy of Sciences hotline for filmmakers...what kind of hotline would make your day better? News; no matter where you live in the should have a 'go bag' packed...what should be in it?; game: general trivia; how long will you wait/stand in line for something free? (Ashley's story). News; offbeat terms of endearment (remember smoopie from seinfeld?); top 3 cities to spend St. Patty's Day; goodbye/fun facts....national tortellini day...As the story goes, the Goddess Venus had come to stay at a tavern in the Italian city of Bologna. The owner, trying to spy on her through the keyhole, was only able to see her navel. He was so inspired by the sight that he rushed to his kitchen and created the navel-shaped pasta we now call tortellini. Now these pasta pillows of deliciousness a

  • Ashley and Brad Show - ABS 2025-02-12

    13/02/2025 Duração: 38min

    News; birthdays/events; now that Superbowl/football season is over...what are you looking forward to now?; word of the day. News; game: Abraham Lincoln true or false?; university student helps low vision/blind people "see" live action sports; most popular "dream jobs". News; game: music from 1975; things you didn't know you could put in the dishwasher; have you ever snuck your dogs into a hotel? News; game: Mind Trap; feel good story of the day; goodbye/fun facts....Hug Day...It’s hard to deny the power a simple hug can have over our moods and general well-being. It’s amazing how such a simple gesture can just melt your troubles away. You hug someone to celebrate their highest of highs and to soothe them during their lowest of lows. Approximately 450 years ago, the term ‘hug’ was first recorded in Old Norse. It’s believed to have sprung from the verb ‘hugga,’ which meant ‘to comfort.’ According to historical records, hugging and handshaking were first used in warfare to communicate to your adversary that you

  • Ashley and Brad Show - ABS 2025-02-11

    12/02/2025 Duração: 35min

    News; birthdays/events; more cashless-only options; word of the day. News; do you like when fast food places write "have a nice day" on your cup?; game: Gilligan's Island trivia; Tik Tok list of the best advice ever heard. News; names for billionaires (boys and girls); game: famous people in 3 words; do you like to sleep in silence? News; we eat a lot more fast food when we're stuck in traffic; game: mascots in 3 words; goodbye/fun facts....National Peppermint Patty Day...and yes it's candy...but did you know that one of the health benefits of peppermint patties is that they have fewer calories and less fat, compared to other candy bars? because they are coated with at least 70% dark chocolate...the peppermint contained in the candy aids digestion. The history and invention of Peppermint Patty Day dates way back centuries ago. Historically, the making of this bundle of deliciousness started in the Quiggin family, who made the first production of the patty on the Isle of Man, a Northern Irish Sea island in the

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