Peggy Willms

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editora: Podcast
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You know that moment when you realize you have mastered your wellness? Or that you will never fall off the Roller Coaster of Life? Yeah, me either, but I still ride unicorns. I will teach you how to become a Mindset Master. You will learn how your habits and behavior affect the success of your nutrition, exercise, relationships, organization and more. Motivation doesnt arrive in an email so stop waiting for it. You have to take action, then motivation follows. I am Coach Peggy Willms. Join me on Coach, Couch, and Coffee Radio where you will learn that being happy and healthy is way more than carrot sticks and squats. Get out of your comfort zone and recognize the simple truth - we arent that special. We all have crap to deal with, and we all have more in common than not. I want to spark you into action. We will learn, love and laugh together. Tune in for a cozy, coffee chat thatll make you want to make a difference in your life and in others.


  • Get Out of Your Head and into Your Running Shoes


    Join me as we highlight two powerhouses who are making a difference in the lives of those struggling with mental health and homelessness. You do not want to miss this conversation.   Mathew Broster and Nikki Hardman. Mat is the Founder and Director of Off The Street On Our Feet, where they harness the power of running to transform lives, empowering those at risk or experiencing homelessness to lace up their shoes, conquer marathons, and reclaim their journey.   Nikki has worked in the homelessness sector, engaging with people suffering from drug/alcohol abuse, ex-offenders, and mental health issues, sourcing their support and accommodation.   Watch Here:  

  • Seeing the World Through Children's Eyes


    Many people dream of writing children’s books. Join me and these brilliant authors, Marla Harmann, Kenyetta Obie, Will Pollock, and Teresa Velardi have chosen to share their creativity with the world, thus creating life-changing messages for future generations.      

  • Speak for the Victims of Human Trafficking and Exploitation


    Join me and my special guest, Andi Buerger, international speaker, author, and fearless advocate for victims of human trafficking and exploitation. Andi herself was a victim of child sex trafficking and unspeakable abuses by family members for 17 years.    Andi will expand our awareness of human trafficking in her efforts to lead the world into action, which leads to prevention - the real cure to human trafficking.   Watch Here:  

  • Our Soldiers Fight for Us - Now We Must Fight for Them


    My guest is Christopher Meek, co-founder, chairman, and CEO of SoldierStrong, a nonprofit focused on helping America’s servicemen, women, and veterans take their next steps forward. Beyond philanthropy, Chris has served as a financial services executive for over 25 years. He holds a BA in economics and political science, an MBA in financial management, and an MPA from the Maxwell School and is currently working on his doctoral. Chris is also a podcast host and author.   Our soldiers fight for our freedom. Ignoring and even turning our backs on them, especially when they re-enter civilian life, is unacceptable.   Chris will help us understand how revolutionary medical technologies can be used to transform the lives of veterans and help us understand many of their struggles, including combat trauma, injury, military sexual trauma, or post-military stressors such as job loss, financial difficulties, dissolution of relationships, restructuring their support

  • Laugh or Cry — How to Live, Thrive, and Survive


    Join me and my special guest, Andy Vargo.   LAUGH OR CRY — HOW TO LIVE, THRIVE & SURVIVE. We control our attitude and approach to life. Right? Join the candor and craziness of two coaches as they help you take charge.    Andy Vargo is a Podcast host, Own Your Awkward, Best-selling Author, and creator of the Awkward Journal series and Own Your Awkward Life Changes. He is a motivational speaker, business and life-change coach, and comedian. He lived the first forty years of his life feeling “awkward.” Coming out of the closet at forty doesn’t define him; pursuing his passion to help others does. Having changed everything about his life, Andy leads others as a motivational speaker and helps people live their fullest lives as a business and life-change coach. At night you can find him working stages around the northwest as a comedian, making light of his journey with the gift of laughter. Awkward is not only his brand but his style as Andy encourages us a

  • Children's Storytelling Crusade


    These international bestselling authors, Donna Gaury, Dr. Anne Worth, Ida Ra Nalbandian, and publisher Teresa Velardi, share their experiences with writing and publishing children's books.   Reading to our children and celebrating storytelling enhances their growth and future. Reading and writing stories educate us, connect us, and strengthen our communication skills and problem-solving.    This conversation is for everyone. Children are the future.    Watch Here:    

  • Bulldozer, Doormat, or Something in Between


    What we believe and what we can conceive, we can achieve. Join me and my guest, Susan Denee a certified High-Performance coach specializing in woman empowerment in four key areas of life: emotions, relationships, health, and profession, author, and podcaster. As a recovered alcoholic since 2001, she attributes her spiritual foundation to servicing others in recovery.    Get ready to go off-road as we chat about how you can operate under high stress, become a limit buster, and get to Know Your Crazy.   Watch Here:  

  • Foster Care & How it Affects Homelessness


    Join me and my guests, Lauren Bailey and Patricia McNair, who bring two very different perspectives to the Foster Care system and how it relates to the unsheltered/homeless epidemic.   Foster Care and homelessness affect all of us. Become part of the solution, not part of the problem. What is wrong with our current Foster Care system? Where are the disconnects and gaps? How do these gaps lead to homeless youth?   Lauren is a senior at Wayne State College in Wayne, Nebraska, majoring in Human Service Counseling. Her senior research project focused on the foster care system, and in an attempt to understand why the system is failing the children of America, she has decided to continue into a Master's program where she will become an advocate to find solutions for children in the foster care system.   Beginning at age three and a half, Patricia spent many years in foster care. Too many to count. The system failed her, and ultimately, she became homeless. Her first-hand

  • You Can Do Anything


    My guest, Martariesa Logue, epitomizes dedication, conscientiousness, and an unwavering drive, earning acclaim for surpassing expectations. Born with Thrombocytopenia-absent radius (TAR) syndrome, a condition that affects fewer than 5,000 people in the U.S., she was left with the absence of a radial bone in both arms. Growing up, she actively participated in gymnastics, music, and ski club, played soccer, and excelled academically, becoming an esteemed Phi Theta Kappa honor society member.   In a world fixated on the newest gadgets and speediest vehicles, the mere act of existing on this chaotic Earth is an achievement in itself. Opting out of surgeries and navigating life while missing a few bones has sculpted her version of 'normal,' distinct from the conventional yet undeniably extraordinary.   You will be inspired by the ways Martariesa has embraced the rarity of her journey.

  • Finding Peace on Earth as We Live in a Global Ugly State


    Join me and my guest, Kornelia Stephanie, as we talk about the ugly state of the world. With fears, anxiety, destruction, and war playing out simultaneously, how can we find miracles within the destruction? Let's talk about Peace in the Garden and how each of us can be the Peace we want to see in the World. Watch Here;

  • Homelessness Doesn't Discriminate


    When you think of the homeless, do you think about children? Over 40% of the homeless in the US are under the age of 18. They are America's Hidden Population. My guest, Christopher Rausch, lived with his mother on the streets in Orange County, California, for four years. He shares his experience and how he turned his life around. As a motivation and transformation coach and speaker, Christopher has made it his mission to help others reach their full potential.

  • From Suits and Scrubs to Studios - Three Pivoting Journeys


    Join us. My three guests, Syya Yasotornrat, Bryan Sagray, and Mark Reid have mastered The Art of Reinvention. They have shape-shifted conventional jobs and forged new paths aligning with their burning passions and talents. These three have tackled limited beliefs and transitioned their careers and industries. They will inspire and motivate you. Watch Here:

  • Wellness G.P.S. Opportunity & Experience with Peggy Willms!


    WOW Divine Guidance at it's BEST! On the Show I will reveal to you My own personal unfolding of this amazing opportunity! SPIRIT is so amazing and full of Love for each of US! So many things to unpack about this show... Let me start with about a year or so agoo I contacted The TTR execs with an idea to see if I could promote some of the Amazing Hosts that Bring it for our audiences every Show. I think it was also to celebrate Dr. Pat and what she has created for each of us as Hosts and how doing our SHows on TTR has completely changed our Lives. [ Dr Pat you beautiful SOUL - if you are reading this I still feel that way - oh and the idea still brings joy to my being - wink wink- So... Yes! Peggy IS one of TTRS amazing Hosts and she is going to be on here with me. And... Peggy is bringing forward a unique opprtunity to me and possibly YOU - to join in the experience of being an author in her latest Book "Wellness GPS" This boom is the 3rd of her Wellness Series - The last one went to the Best Seller list!!!

  • Shifting the Paradigm on Grandparenting


    Being a grandparent in the 21st century doesn't have to be about knitting blanketts, baking cookies or going fishing. How do we balance being involved in our children's and grandchildren's lives while not losing sight of our own purpose and passion?

  • The Told and Untold Stories of Grieving


    Grieving is subjective. We each cope with grief differently. Join me and my guest, Annie McDonnell, as we discuss ways to honor our grief and better support ourselves and one another by sharing our stories. Annie will share ways to reconnect with deep inner joy that heals grief, fear, and pain. Watch Here:

  • What comes to mind when you hear the word homeless?


    What comes to mind when you hear the word homeless? It s their choice to be on the street? They re just lazy and don't want to work? They re all mentally ill, alcoholics, or addicted to drugs? They're dangerous? While some have mental health or substance abuse problems, most do not. Dangerous? Homeless people are more likely to be targets of violence and theft and live in constant fear for their safety. Join Dennis Pitocco and me as we discuss the unsheltered/homeless global epidemic and our upcoming book series called "Unsheltered: Voices From the Street." If you have any questions or would like to be a guest, email Watch Here:

  • How Personal Should You Be At Work


    Are you a physician, teacher, coach, or in another leadership role? How transparent are you at work when it comes to sharing your personal life without feeling you are oversharing? How much is too much? Do you keep your head down, focus on your task list, and leave it all behind when you clock out? Join me as I chat with Evelyn Knight and Dr. Rachelle Sweet about sharing their health, wellness, and personal stories with their mentors, co-workers and employees. How can you connect yet maintain your professional respect, image, and responsibilities? If you have any questions or would like to be a guest, email Watch Here:

  • Going Against Expectations and Living Your Truth


    My guests Mark Reid and Andy Vargo have walked the path of self-discovery and continue to face and conquer societal "rights and wrongs." They discuss how their journeys, through tribulations and elations, present challenges, but they continue to persevere. Markus Wettstein, MD, and co-author in my All Things Wellness book series joins us. Watch Here :

  • Powerful Stories that impact your Wellness Narrative.


    I have the great pleasure to invite Dr Markus and Coach Peggy to the show. I have written stories in both of their books, the Four Fold Formula and Win the War on Wellness. Stories are a powerful way for people to relate to others and understand how to make lifestyle changes. In fact, people are more likely to change their lifestyles when they see a character they identify with making the same change. Join us not only to understand how these powerful stories can be enlightening and entertaining, but also how they can change your health and well-being for the better. We are going to discuss the premise behind All Things Wellness, the Wellness Wheel and how they correlate to B.E.S.T. Living.

  • Living through a 156 mph hurricane


    On September 28, 2022, my guest, Peggy Willms, lived through nine hours of the eye of "hurricane Ian". Peggy says "Never again will I look at people, things, or animals the same." Peggy has spent over 30 years in the health and wellness field helping others, and the storm taught her to help herself. Peggy will share with us how this event changed her life. When things happen that you can't control, emotional resilience and having the ability to pivot to self-care helps you bounce back. We must be grateful for every moment we have.

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