Energy Guru

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editora: Podcast
  • Duração: 6:02:06
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Discover your inner power while living a life full of growth, light, and purpose. Tapping into your inner Energy Guru will allow you to heal, let go, forgive, and unleash your greatest potential. YOU are the best guru for your life.


  • 3 Ways to Start Mastering Your Mindset

    22/03/2020 Duração: 16min

    The first part in Mastering Your Mindset focuses on recognizing and replacing negative thoughts, emotions, and actions.  How do you speak to yourself? Are you kind, gentle, supportive, and loving? Or doubtful, full of fear, mean, and hurtful? The way you speak to yourself sets the tone for what you allow and attract into your life. Make sure you are feeding the good! The second part of Mastering Your Mindset includes feeding your mind. We are constantly influenced by outside noise. It is crucial to watch what you allow to influence you. Reading books, listening to podcasts, being in good company, and learning from mentors and role models are all great ways to feed your mind.   The third part of Mastering Your Mindset is getting down to your why. What is the impact you want to leave? How do you want to show up for yourself, your loved ones, and the world?  It is crucial for you to show up as your best self in order to serve the word. Be your biggest advocate, fill up your cup, and you will be able to contri

  • How to Improve Your Confidence and Quiet Your Inner Villain

    11/03/2020 Duração: 18min

    We all have two sides to us that we can feed- the inner villain or the inner hero.  Which one you choose to feed will significantly influence your life. Feeding the inner villain will lower your confidence and have you doubting yourself.  The inner villain feeds off of what can bring you down. There are many ways you can protect yourself from feeding the villain and what will attack your confidence.   It’s important to be aware of what outside influences you allow into your life.  Focus on your strengths!!!  Take advice from those who preach what they practice and remember history leaves clues. ;) Make sure the story you tell yourself is supporting you!   Important links: Follow me on the 'Gram: @marrjennings Learn more about me: Energy Guru the book: 2Caps%2C124&ref=nb_sb_ss_i_1_11

  • Unleash Your Gift!

    04/03/2020 Duração: 19min

    This week I’ve been focusing a lot on the importance of unleashing your gift. I am such a strong supporter of aligning with your gifts and being able to make a living doing what you love!!! Many of us go to work chasing a check but not meaning. We set out to do things in the world based off of how society, our family, and the people around us have shaped us to view work life and success. However, you are set out to do so much more than chase a check!!! You have a purpose and wonderful gifts that have been given to you for a purpose. Once I realized this for myself the way I lived my life completely shifted. I want to share 5 benefits of aligning with and unleashing your gift!    People need your gift. It may be a creative talent, outstanding baking or cooking skills, a passion for working with children, or an entrepreneurial drive that allows you to take great risk. Whatever your gift may be, you can find a way to serve and contribute through it.   Your gift is the sauce of your value. Your value contribut

  • Fixed vs. Growth Mindset

    28/02/2020 Duração: 15min

    Growth Mindset   Its about the process not just an end result Thrives on challenge Failure isn’t viewed as unintelligence but rather developing character and a chance to learn. It doesn’t define you. Passion for learning Working hard to become the best you Believe in healthy confrontation, an opportunity to learn and grow View feedback as an opportunity to improve Effort to improve Focus on a journey of continuous improvement Fixed Mindset  More end result focused Abilities are innate and unchangeable Believes talents and intelligence or fixed traits (black and white) Talent alone creates success without effort Tunes in when it reflects their ability Tunes out when it challenges them Success is about superiority Instant gratification Failure is viewed as permanent Feedback is viewed as a critical attack Give up Focus on measurable accomplishments   Important links: Follow me on the 'Gram: @marrjennings Learn more about me: Energy Guru the book:

  • Ways to Calm Anxiety

    21/02/2020 Duração: 11min

    This episode focuses on techniques that can be incorporated into your way of life to reduce anxiety.   Mental Health = Wealth  Stay present Replace fearful thoughts Focus on your breathing Phone a friend or family member Write it out Engage in a calming activity Play some soothing music Reduce your caffeine, sugar, and processed foods intake Speak with a therapist   Important links: Follow me on the 'Gram: @marrjennings Learn more about me: Energy Guru the book: 2Caps%2C124&ref=nb_sb_ss_i_1_11

  • Preparing Your Goals as You Step into a New Decade

    20/01/2020 Duração: 12min

    This episode will walk you through the steps needed to create a plan of action for your goals.  Make Your Goals S.M.A.R.T.Specific: Define your goals as precisely as you can.Measurable: Use smaller, mini-goals, to track your progress.Attainable: Be careful not to set goals too high that they become unattainable. Realistic: The root word of realistic is “real”. The purpose of a goal is to impact your reality. You have to make sure even if your goal has to be stretched to the max, that it can still be achieved. Time: Goals need a timeline. You need to take action and set deadlines. If you have to break up larger goals into different parts with several deadlines that is absolutely okay, and sometimes necessary! With the right discipline, mindset, and plan of action you will be able to achieve your goals and keep on winning! "An idiot with a plan can beat a genius without a plan." - Warren Buffet   Important links: Follow me on the 'Gram: @marrjennings Learn more about me: Get the Free Goa

  • Aligning with Your Purpose

    23/12/2019 Duração: 16min

    This episode focuses on discovering your purpose and how to get into alignment.You have gifts, interests, talents, passions, and an inner purpose that is waiting to be shared with the world. That passion and calling that make you feel alive doesn’t exist for no reason. It is your responsibility to listen to what sparks your soul, begin to get into alignment, and share your gift. When you continuously put in the effort and energy, trust that your outer world will begin to align with your inner purpose. The people, resources, and opportunities that are meant for you will finally be able to cross your path once you begin to move! Living in alignment with your purpose is one of the best gifts you can give to yourself and those around you. The world is waiting for you to share your greatness! Resources mentioned: Pythagorus Life Path Number A Purpose Driven Life by Rick Warren I See Your Dream Job by Sure Frederick StrengthsFinder 2.0 by Tom Rath   Important links: Follow me on the 'Gram: @marrjennings Learn more

  • Living in the NOW

    24/11/2019 Duração: 19min

    Have you ever thought about if you are actually being present or just existing in the Now?  This episode will explain the difference between clock and psychological time and the importance of giving your energy and attention to what is happening in the present moment. Being present allows you to strengthen relationships, gain new opportunities, and continuously learn from the experiences life presents to you. A lack of presence tends to lead to worry, stress, and fear over things outside of your control. Being conscious enough to focus on the Now will allow you to live a more peaceful and balanced life.    Important links: Follow me on the 'Gram: @marrjennings Learn more about me: Energy Guru the book: 2Caps%2C124&ref=nb_sb_ss_i_1_11  

  • Empathy

    24/10/2019 Duração: 16min

    There is an empathy deficit that occurs, and in order to tackle greater human crisis empathy is needed. Empathy is a seed that can change the world. Being able to understand the feelings of another allows for greater connection, understanding, and influences us all to become change agents in a world filled with chaos.    Important links: Follow me on the 'Gram: @marrjennings Learn more about me: Energy Guru the book:  

  • Gratitude

    12/09/2019 Duração: 15min

    There's a lot that gratitude can do for the self and in turn, the world. There are numerous health benefits that come from gratitude including better sleep, reduced anxiety and depression, and improved psychological health. Expressing gratitude allows you to release the stress that has been getting you off balance. It will eliminate fear and negative energy and put the focus on love and appreciation.  "A grateful heart is a magnet for miracles."     Important links: Follow me on the 'Gram: @marrjennings Learn more about me: Energy Guru the book: 2Caps%2C124&ref=nb_sb_ss_i_1_11  

  • Embracing Vulnerability

    20/08/2019 Duração: 14min

    As humans, we are wired for connection: spiritually, physically, and emotionally. It is natural for us to crave opening ourselves up, being acknowledged, and creating meaningful relationships. Vulnerability is the tool that can help us to do so.  There is strength in vulnerability. Important links: Follow me on the 'Gram: @marrjennings Learn more about me: Energy Guru the book:            

  • Higher Power

    11/07/2019 Duração: 11min

    This episode focuses on the value of aligning to a higher power. God does miraculous work through those who have opened their hearts to him. God loves you unconditionally, and you can feel safe placing your worries and fears in the hands of God. Having a mustard seed of faith can help you feel balanced, overcome obstacles, and will allow you to be blessed beyond measure.  God's got you, always.   Important links: Follow me on the 'Gram: @marrjennings Learn more about me: Energy Guru the book: 2Caps%2C124&ref=nb_sb_ss_i_1_11  

  • Less Ego, More Soul

    13/06/2019 Duração: 21min

    This episode explains the differences between the ego and the soul. The ego displays a false reality that may influence one to think too highly or too low of themselves. The ego is associated with the mind and can leave you fooled into seeing yourself in a light that is far from the truth, which is why it's super important to keep the ego in check! The soul on the other hand is the you without all of the labels, titles, and masks. It is your purest self that allows you to lead with wisdom and an open heart. Unlike the ego, the soul doesn't need to be stroked. Understanding the differences between the two can greatly influence how you react to certain situations, how you view yourself, and how you perceive the world.  Less Ego, More Soul.      Important links: Follow me on the 'Gram: @marrjennings Learn more about me: Energy Guru the book:  

  • Giving Back

    02/06/2019 Duração: 10min

    This episode is going to focus on giving back. It's important to recognize your blessings in life and allow them to influence you to make a positive difference in the lives of others as well as the world. Fulfillment doesn't come from being a taker, but rather a giver. Acts of kindness and the domino effect are introduced and demonstrate how one's life can be greatly impacted even from the smallest of acts. Don't ever doubt that a small act won't make a difference; it will.  Important links: Follow me on the 'Gram: @marrjennings Learn more about me: Energy Guru the book:  

  • Forgiveness

    02/05/2019 Duração: 10min

    On today's episode we will be focusing on forgiveness and the weight it will lift off of your soul. Forgiving our friends and family, forgiving those who we never receive and apology from, and forgiving ourselves is going to open up any blockages. Forgiving is ultimately done for you, it's an act of self-love.  Sometimes forgiveness is exactly what you need to do in order to close one chapter in your journey and peacefully move onto the next. Forgiveness does not mean forgetting. It means peacefully letting go and not allowing whatever it is you have forgiven to hold you back anymore.     Important links: Follow me on the 'Gram: @marrjennings Blog: Energy Guru the book:    

  • Importance of Healing

    26/04/2019 Duração: 16min

    This episode introduces the numerous ways that pain comes into our lives: pain from the past, pain from out thoughts, pain from a loss, and pain from things we have done. There is strength in acknowledging the need for healing and taking the necessary steps to heal. You need to be present with your pain and determine the source of it in order to overcome it. Be consciously aware of your desire to heal and work on reacting to your pain in a way that demonstrates growth. React out of love not out of fear and allow yourself to be positively changed through what your pain can teach you.      Important links: Follow me on the 'Gram: @marrjennings Learn more about me: Energy Guru the book:  

  • Letting Go. Period.

    19/04/2019 Duração: 16min

    This episode introduces the steps of letting go: acknowledging, accepting, forgiving, and healthily moving forward.  Is your career hindering your growth or not getting you closer to your dream job that will allow you to live out your purpose? Is your intimate relationship not leaving you feeling fulfilled? Are you holding on to your past? Are your eating or drinking habits unhealthy? Do you find yourself in negative or chaotic environments? Are your thoughts lowering your self-esteem or diminishing your worth? When you can recognize what you need to let go of, you can start to align with living a healthier lifestyle and attract the meaningful relationships, careers, and habits into your life. Letting go only provides room for the right blessings to cross paths with you.    Important links: Follow me on the 'Gram: @marrjennings Learn more about me: Energy Guru the book:

  • Cutting Off Toxic Relationships

    11/04/2019 Duração: 15min

    This episode introduces the importance of cutting off toxic relationships from your life. You will be introduced to understanding how associations from your past may be affecting your present relationships and how it is important to heal from negative associations that are only blocking your blessings.  Letting go and loving from a distance will lift the burdens from your soul and allow you to focus on nurturing the healthy and loving relationships in your life.     Important links: Follow me on the 'Gram: @marrjennings Learn more about me: Energy Guru the book:  

  • Aligning with the Source of Love

    17/03/2019 Duração: 27min

    Love is one of the key ingredients to being a human. It is such a beautiful source that has the ability to heal, connect, and awaken. In this episode you will be guided into understanding the importance of self-love, how loving humanity is what the world needs, and what a balanced and healthy romantic love should include.     Loving freely, willingly, and without expectations is that unconditional Energy Guru type of love.    Important links: Follow me on the 'Gram: @marrjennings Learn more about me: Energy Guru the book:  

  • Trust

    05/03/2019 Duração: 15min

    Trust is a seed for enhancing numerous areas of your life. It is important for you to trust yourself, your path, humanity, and a higher power. It is also of value for you to be someone who can be trusted. The right things will always align to you in divine timing!   Important links: Follow me on the 'Gram: @marrjennings Learn more about me: Energy Guru the book:  

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