Zach on Leadership

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editora: Podcast
  • Duração: 18:10:04
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Better Leaders in Enterprise Technology


  • Reimagining the Buy vs. Build Process

    06/09/2024 Duração: 06min

    One of the most fundamental questions a tech executive must answer is, should we buy or build our software solutions? On the surface, this seems like a pretty straightforward question, but it can get complicated in a hurry. The basic line of reasoning works like this: Is there a commercial solution that meets my needs? If so, I should probably buy it, because why would I reinvent the wheel? That would be dumb. On the other hand, if I have... Read More Read More The post Reimagining the Buy vs. Build Process appeared first on Zach on Leadership.

  • The Balancing Act of Innovation and Operations

    09/08/2024 Duração: 05min

    Mark Zuckerberg famously started Facebook with the motto, “Move Fast and Break Things.” Eventually, they abandoned that motto after they broke a few too many things. I relate to this struggle more than most. Some lean more toward operational stability. Some lean more toward disruptive innovation. I’m squarely in the uncomfortable middle. Operations I’ve been accountable for operations my whole career. Twice now, I’ve been explicitly hired into a company because they really needed some operational rigor. Things were breaking... Read More Read More The post The Balancing Act of Innovation and Operations appeared first on Zach on Leadership.

  • Leadership Lessons from Volunteering for Extra Work

    02/08/2024 Duração: 04min

    Last week, I shared some leadership lessons from our company’s response to the global outage caused by a CrowdStrike update. Upon further reflection, there is an additional lesson to be shared. If you missed last week’s article go back and read it, then continue on here. After the initial recovery of our critical workloads, we took stock of the enormous job ahead of us to recover a large number of individual end-user computers spread across the globe. By then, we... Read More Read More The post Leadership Lessons from Volunteering for Extra Work appeared first on Zach on Leadership.

  • The Day 8.5 Million Computers Died

    26/07/2024 Duração: 05min

    I awoke on Friday, July 19th to a phone full of missed calls and texts. Rubbing the sleep from my eyes, I went to my work computer, and jiggled my mouse to wake it up, only to see the blue screen of death. I returned the calls and quickly got up to speed on the technical carnage impacting the planet. Some of you never heard of CrowdStrike before last Friday, but most of us in enterprise technology know it well.... Read More Read More The post The Day 8.5 Million Computers Died appeared first on Zach on Leadership.

  • Servant Leadership Isn’t for Wimps

    12/07/2024 Duração: 04min

    If you’ve been following Zach on Leadership for any amount of time, you know that I’m all about servant leadership. It’s a regular theme on this blog. If you’d like an overview of my views on servant leadership, check out this article. I’m in favor of it because it yields such good outcomes for everyone involved. The employees win, the customers win, and the leaders win. There aren’t any downsides. Yet, some still resist this leadership philosophy. Some argue that... Read More Read More The post Servant Leadership Isn’t for Wimps appeared first on Zach on Leadership.

  • The Meeting Cascade: A Small Tweak to Improve Communication Speed and Cross-team Collaboration

    21/06/2024 Duração: 04min

    Don’t you love it when you find a small tweak that makes a big difference? That always feels like a win because so much of what we do requires tremendous effort and the benefits are not always realized. We experienced one of these low-effort, high-reward changes this past year, and I thought I’d share our insights. Problem #1: Like many organizations, we rely on the timely cascade of relevant, contextualized information. Discussions at the executive level get shared with the... Read More Read More The post The Meeting Cascade: A Small Tweak to Improve Communication Speed and Cross-team Collaboration appeared first on Zach on Leadership.

  • Can You Really Take a Two-week Vacation?

    14/06/2024 Duração: 04min

    I just got back from a two-week vacation. A common reaction I get is, “Wow. How did you pull that off?” I didn’t always do this. I started taking 2-3 week vacations annually about 9 years ago. The thing that triggered it was the purchase of an RV for our family of six. Sure, you can take your RV out for a weekend, and we do, but if you really want to use it for what it’s capable of, you... Read More Read More The post Can You Really Take a Two-week Vacation? appeared first on Zach on Leadership.

  • Leadership Lessons from Seeing the Northern Lights through a Camera Lens

    17/05/2024 Duração: 03min

    This past weekend, the world got one of the best-ever looks at the Aurora Borealis, aka the Northern Lights. Personally, I was in northern Minnesota at the time. I forgot my DSLR camera at home but managed to snap some decent shots with my iPhone. I took in the beautiful sights with several friends, who were also feverishly taking photos of the sky with their phones. This is what I experienced last weekend. Many of you probably experienced something similar:... Read More Read More The post Leadership Lessons from Seeing the Northern Lights through a Camera Lens appeared first on Zach on Leadership.

  • Recreating Engineering Excellence as a Leader

    10/05/2024 Duração: 06min

    Note to my non-techie audience: This article is a bit more technical than usual, but as always, there’s a leadership lesson. This week, I’m reflecting on my time as an engineer and am considering what that means for my leadership practice. There are things that I did back then, that I now oversee. The technologies and times have changed, but a lot of the principles have not. 20 years ago, I worked as a senior systems engineer for a financial... Read More Read More The post Recreating Engineering Excellence as a Leader appeared first on Zach on Leadership.

  • Leadership Lessons from Serving on a Church Board

    03/05/2024 Duração: 05min

    Is leadership a general skill, or is it context-specific? In other words, does it help to have domain knowledge in the area you are leading, or can a skilled leader lead anything effectively? I’ve spent 100% of my professional career leading in the technology domain. I’ve never led a business unit, sales team, marketing function, or anything else. I generally consider my technical knowledge a huge asset when leading technology teams. It gives me credibility and empathy with my team... Read More Read More The post Leadership Lessons from Serving on a Church Board appeared first on Zach on Leadership.

  • How to Get a Job in 2024

    19/04/2024 Duração: 04min

    My 16-year-old son, Nathan, got a job this week at a local fast-food restaurant. His experience reminded me of the stories I hear every week from “open-to-work” technology professionals looking for their next opportunity. While there are differences, there are more similarities than you might think. I’ll tell you his story, and then we will see what lessons apply to the rest of us. Originally, Nathan had no interest in working in fast food. He wanted to work at our... Read More Read More The post How to Get a Job in 2024 appeared first on Zach on Leadership.

  • I Need More Staff!

    05/04/2024 Duração: 07min

    “I need more staff,” says the manager, with a look of panic and exhaustion in his eyes. What happens next varies from leader to leader, but usually winds up in the same place: “No.” This experience is demotivating for the manager, aggravating for the overworked team, and is no picnic for those up the management chain either. In this article, I will unpack this dynamic a bit. A lot is going on here. I’ll even offer a few suggestions for... Read More Read More The post I Need More Staff! appeared first on Zach on Leadership.

  • Exploring the Disconnect Between Leadership Communication and Reality

    22/03/2024 Duração: 06min

    You are a fantastic leader. You’ve got a great team. You gather everyone together in an all-team meeting. You carefully announce and explain your new innovative and strategic initiative. It’s inspiring. People nod their heads. They even clap at the end. Then the meeting ends and everyone goes back to their desks and does what they’ve always done. Despair This doesn’t really happen, does it? Your team members are good people. You are the boss. Of course, they listen to what you have to... Read More Read More The post Exploring the Disconnect Between Leadership Communication and Reality appeared first on Zach on Leadership.

  • A Legacy of Innovation: Happy 60th Anniversary to the CHS IT Department

    15/03/2024 Duração: 05min

    I love the future, but sometimes, it is important to recognize the past. More than most, I pay attention to company history. I love our origin story and the twists and turns along the way. Understanding our past can help us make sense of our present and realize our future. CHS is a 95-year-old company. That history is filled with a lot of mergers. The most significant merger happened in 1998 when Cenex and Harvest States joined to form CHS. CHS’... Read More Read More The post A Legacy of Innovation: Happy 60th Anniversary to the CHS IT Department appeared first on Zach on Leadership.

  • How to Use Your Leadership Lenses

    02/02/2024 Duração: 03min

    Ever had a leader who was too involved in all of the details? We call that leader a micromanager. It can feel suffocating and unempowering. Ever had a leader who was aloof, uninvolved, with their head in the clouds? I’ve not heard “macromanager” as a commonly used term, but it seems like the appropriate semantic. This leader makes you feel unsupported and alone. Have you ever heard someone describe themself as detail-oriented? Have you ever heard someone describe themself as... Read More Read More The post How to Use Your Leadership Lenses appeared first on Zach on Leadership.

  • Building Your Leadership Brand

    26/01/2024 Duração: 06min

    Each week on this blog, I build my leadership brand. Whether you know it or not, that is what I’m doing. I spend more time doing it than talking about how or why I do it. It occurred to me recently that my readers may want to build their leadership brands. First, a caveat: What I do works for me because I’m me. How much of this is transferrable to you depends on so many factors. So, I’ll tell you... Read More Read More The post Building Your Leadership Brand appeared first on Zach on Leadership.

  • What You’ve Learned Matters a Little. What You’ve Learned Lately Matters a Lot.

    19/01/2024 Duração: 04min

    I was cleaning out my desk over the weekend and found some old relics of my professional past. I found a mix of trinkets, awards, business cards, certifications, and some old floppy disks. I flipped through the disks and found this exam preparation software for the Networking Essentials exam, which was part of the Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer NT 4.0 certification. I passed this exam back in 1998 and completed the entire certification for MCSE in 1999. That was 25... Read More Read More The post What You’ve Learned Matters a Little. What You’ve Learned Lately Matters a Lot. appeared first on Zach on Leadership.

  • Leadership Practices for Technology Vendor Management

    12/01/2024 Duração: 04min

    One of the biggest themes in Zach on Leadership is leading teams. That’s the core part of the job where most leaders need the most help and encouragement. However, that’s not all there is. Another big piece, especially for technology leaders, is vendor management. I’ve written plenty about the technology sales process. In case you missed those articles, you can check them out here, here, here, and here. I’ve even written specific articles about price negotiations and sourcing. So, what... Read More Read More The post Leadership Practices for Technology Vendor Management appeared first on Zach on Leadership.

  • Leadership Lessons from Community Tech Support

    05/01/2024 Duração: 05min

    This is an article for all of you who spent Christmas and the ensuing days setting up and fixing all of the electronic gadgets that your friends and family received. If you’re that guy or gal, you know exactly what I’m talking about. This used to mean installing computers, televisions, and sound systems. Also, setting the clock on Grandma’s microwave, but times have changed. Now, so much has a digital component to it. Gaming systems, online services, internet of toys,... Read More Read More The post Leadership Lessons from Community Tech Support appeared first on Zach on Leadership.

  • Leadership Lessons from the Christmas Story

    22/12/2023 Duração: 05min

    I love to look at the world around me and glean leadership lessons to inspire myself and others to rise to our calling. It’s Christmas. In years past, I’ve drawn leadership lessons from pop culture movies. If you are in the mood for that, please check out my series on Elf. Some of you read the title and guessed that I’d be writing about Ralphie from the movie, A Christmas Story. But this isn’t about “a” Christmas story, but “the”... Read More Read More The post Leadership Lessons from the Christmas Story appeared first on Zach on Leadership.

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