The Model Health Show: Nutrition | Exercise | Fitness | Health | Lifestyle

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editora: Podcast
  • Duração: 991:45:36
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The Model Health Show is a fun, entertaining, and enlightening look at health and fitness. No subject is off limits here! World-renown author and nutritionist Shawn Stevenson breaks down complex health issues and makes them easy to understand and overcome. Whether it's weight loss, chronic fatigue, heart disease, diet, exercise, sex, hormones, sleep problems, or countless other health topics, the insights you get here will help you transform your health and live your best life ever. The Model Health Show is brought to you by RareGem Productions.


  • TMHS 307: 12 Tips For Conquering Distraction And Getting More Done

    05/09/2018 Duração: 58min

    A huge factor in your ability to achieve your goals lies in your capacity to focus and concentrate. Especially in our culture of persistent push notifications and constantly-updated newsfeeds, it’s important that we learn how to set limits with our technology. But our devices and apps are only part of the equation. Whether it’s the people around you or the different tasks on your to-do list, you have to choose where (and when) to apply your focus. Once you master how to most efficiently manage your time, nothing can stop you from reaching success. On today’s show, you’re going to learn 12 practical tips you can implement in order to reduce distractions and skyrocket your productivity. This episode is loaded with very specific tactics I’ve found to be effective in optimizing focus, plus the science to back them up! In this episode you’ll discover: The two types of distractions that contribute to the interference of focus. How you can change your phone settings in order to reduce distractions. The shocking num

  • TMHS 306: Coconuts, Kettlebells, & Breaking The Wagon Mentality - With Guest Noelle Tarr

    02/09/2018 Duração: 01h04min

    Changing the conversation around diet is no easy feat. Our society is appearance-obsessed, always looking for the next quick fix, and constantly immersed in a toxic diet culture. Too many people fall prey to this system, but there’s a better, more-sustainable approach. For many of us, the solution to finding peace with food isn’t found in the newest diet book or achieving a certain number on the scale—it lies in our mindset. Health is a life-long journey, and a process that is meant to be enjoyed. On today’s show, Noelle Tarr of Coconuts and Kettlebells is here to share her experience with overcoming diet culture and finding balance in a health-centered approach. Her story is full of insight about how to shift the paradigm around food and exercise, finding your worth, and what it truly means to be healthy. In this episode you’ll discover: The importance of shifting your focus away from the number on the scale. Why the concept of “falling off the wagon” is toxic for our well-being. How to stop thinking of hea

  • TMHS 305: The Science Of Flavor & The Dorito Effect - With Guest Mark Schatzker

    28/08/2018 Duração: 01h01min

    It’s no secret that food-based illnesses have become deeply ingrained in our culture. From the obesity epidemic to an uptick in food addiction, it’s clear that somewhere along the way we’ve lost touch with how to form healthy relationships with food. Unlike many other health problems, finding a solution to these issues isn’t clear. Traditional medical solutions aren’t applicable due to food’s basic function—we need it to survive. Food is something we all have to interact with on a regular basis. Mark Schatzker has extensively studied and written about the link between food and behavior, including how traditional knowledge has overlooked an important piece of the puzzle—flavor. On today’s show, he’s sharing the fascinating science behind the production of flavor, and how modern food is designed to get us hooked. We’ll talk about how to hack the system, and how you can get back to your roots in order to find balance between flavorful foods and nutrition. In this episode you’ll discover: How our food’s nutritio

  • TMHS 304: Maximizing Fitness To Stand Out In Hollywood & The Baseline Of Happiness - With Guest Tom Hopper

    22/08/2018 Duração: 01h06min

    In my experience, when you transform your life and achieve a greater level of fitness, many people assume it’s due to a strict (and unrealistic) regimen. They imagine hours upon hours logged at the gym, and tiny portions of boring, bland meals on repeat. But anyone who’s maintained a healthy lifestyle long-term knows that there’s a better and more sustainable way. Making healthy choices isn’t about torture—it’s about focusing on the things that you enjoy, and creating a lifestyle that works for you. Today’s episode is about finding that balance for yourself, not only physically, but in all aspects of your life. My guest is Tom Hopper, an incredible actor, husband, father, and fitness advocate. His story will inspire you to cultivate your confidence, shift your perception, and create a sustainable baseline of health and happiness for yourself. In this episode you’ll discover: The two main ways you can spark a change in your thinking. How Tom used fitness to set himself apart from other actors in the industry.

  • TMHS 303: Demolish Your Limitations & Detox Your Life - With Guest Drew Canole

    15/08/2018 Duração: 58min

    In the age of social media, we’ve become accustomed to seeing everyone’s highlight reel and comparing ourselves to fluffed up, often unrealistic standards. Many of us are plagued by a constant state of doubting our self-worth and feeling like we’re not enough. But what could you achieve if you simply slowed your scroll, took a break from the constant stream of external influences, and focused inward? What would happen if you redirected that time you spend influenced by negative energy, and put it to good use? Our guest today, Drew Canole, has done exactly that. He is passionate about inspiring others to push past their limitations, learn to overcome their past mistakes and traumas, and create a life that they love. His story of triumph and transformation will motivate you to reach your greatest potential peak as well. In this episode you’ll discover: How Drew’s traumatic childhood experiences gave him deeper levels of compassion. The therapeutic releasethat occurs when you forgive others. Why being focused o

  • TMHS 302: 10 Tips To Increase Your Emotional Intelligence

    08/08/2018 Duração: 01h05min

    Have you ever reacted poorly based on raw emotions, and then later regretted it? Or have you ever impulsively eaten something that didn’t align with your goals—based on emotion alone? Emotional intelligence is our ability to identify, evaluate, control, and express our emotions. It allows us to recognize and understand our own feelings, as well as the emotions of others. Having a high emotional intelligence allows us to align our behaviors with our values by understanding the critical piece that emotions play in decision-making. Not only that, but multiple studies have shown that high emotional intelligence is linked to success. The good news is, this capability is not some static, set-in-stone trait. You actually hold the ability to fine-tune your emotional intelligence. In this episode, I’m sharing ten tactics you can utilize to increase your emotional intelligence so that you can better relate to others, meet your goals, and reach higher levels of success. In this episode you’ll discover: What emotional i

  • TMHS 301: Get Yourself In Position To Win: Hard Work, Consistency, & Longevity - With Guest Ozzie Smith

    06/08/2018 Duração: 01h09min

    Have you ever made a huge New Year’s Resolution, and then crashed and burned because the challenge was too overwhelming? I’m all for dreaming big, but if your method for reaching your goals isn’t realistic, you’re just setting yourself up for failure and disappointment. But what would happen if you simply committed to getting 1% better every day? Whether it be in your personal development, training, or relationships, small consistent improvements are what bring lasting results. Change isn’t typically an overnight 360-degree pivot, it’s learning and incorporating new behaviors, habits, and mindsets over time. If there’s anyone on the planet that knows what it takes to put in that effort day-after-day, it’s one of my heroes—Ozzie Smith. Ozzie is a Hall of Fame MLB baseball player who is known as one of the greatest defensive shortstops of all time. Not only has he won countless awards and redefined his position, but he is also a stand-up human being and an incredible example of what it means to set yourself up

  • TMHS 300: 300th Episode Celebration! My Top 10 Favorite Moments

    31/07/2018 Duração: 01h25min

    Becoming empowered is a process of gaining knowledge, and then putting it into action. When I started my career in the health field, my intent was to empower people with the tools to help them reach their goals—whether that be losing body fat or reversing disease. I’ve been fortunate enough to serve countless people in my clinical work and in the gym. But stepping up and putting a show out there for the public at large has really been a game-changer on so many levels. It’s taken that reach from the thousands to the millions. And I’m just blown away every time I think about it. And I’m ON FIRE to keeping taking things to another level. On today’s show, we’re celebrating our 300th episode by highlighting ten impactful and very special moments from the past 100 shows. We’ve got slices of insight and inspiration from many different areas that impact our health and well being. I think this will help supercharge your day. And I want to thank you for celebrating 300 episodes with me! I’m eternally grateful to you fo

  • TMHS 299: The Comfort Zone Myth & Motivation Through Empathy - With Guest Drew Manning

    25/07/2018 Duração: 01h01min

    No matter what your goal is, a clearly defined purpose is key to success. If you haven’t outlined why you’re working toward change, you’ll quickly become unmotivated and give up. But it’s not enough to simply have a motive. In order to create lasting change, your why should have meaning behind it. Your why should give you a purpose, bring you fulfillment, and inspire you on days when motivation is lacking. Once you define your why, everything becomes much clearer. Whether we’re talking about fitness, money, or life in general, a fulfilling purpose is a catalyst for change. On today’s show, my friend Drew Manning is back to share the lessons he’s learned about discovering a meaningful purpose, practicing gratitude, and developing a stronger sense of empathy. We’ll talk about the dangers of staying in your comfort zone, the importance of learning self-love, and how to find strength in vulnerability. In this episode you’ll discover: The biggest lesson Drew learned throughout gaining and losing 70 pounds. Why ch

  • TMHS 298: The Sleep & Fat Loss Masterclass

    18/07/2018 Duração: 01h21min

    If you were to type in your search engine, “how to lose fat,” I bet you’d find a lot of articles emphasizing the importance of diet and exercise. Undoubtedly, those two components play a major role in changing your body composition. But there’s a huge piece of the puzzle that is missing from common knowledge—sleep. If you really dig into the science, you’ll find that your sleep quality plays a more important role in fat loss than diet and exercise! However, this information has not (yet!) made its way into our culture. Sleep isn’t part of the conversation, because it is seemingly less actionable than meal prepping or putting in work in the gym. In this episode, my mission is to help you understand the importance of sleep for your body, hormones, and overall fitness. I’ll share facts and strategies about regulating hormone levels, and how sleep influences the body’s basic mechanisms (including the brain and gut!) You’ll learn four actionable steps you can take to enhance your sleep quality, and in turn improve

  • TMHS 297: The Truth About Collagen, Genetic Plasticity, & Sugar Bombs - With Guest Dr. Cate Shanahan

    11/07/2018 Duração: 01h13min

    Eating isn’t as simple as consuming calories for energy. With the advent of frozen dinners and drive-thrus, we’ve lost sight of the importance of proper nutrition, and how what you eat can influence your health long-term. Food is information, medicine, and nourishment. The quality of food you put in your body literally affects everything—from the way you feel and look, to how you perform. Science now shows that what we choose to eat ultimately influences the expression of our genes. By understanding how to properly fuel our bodies, we can not only transform our health, but also the health of future generations. On this episode, Dr. Cate Shanahan is back to share her in-depth research (yet simple philosophy) on the optimal human diet. Her influential work has transformed the way I think about nutrition, and I know it will inspire you to implement positive changes in your life. In this episode you’ll discover: Why new science takes time to infiltrate into traditional wisdom. What it means to eat in alignment w

  • TMHS 296: 3 Simple Keys To Take Control of Your Health & Fitness

    04/07/2018 Duração: 01h24min

    When it comes down to it, making small changes consistently is what will bring you lasting results. No matter your skill or knowledge level, there are a few simple lifestyle changes you can make to completely transform your health. In this episode, I’m taking it back to basics and sharing some tried-and-true health tips that you can easily implement into your routine. I’ll explain a few essential nutrition, movement, and sleep tips that are scientifically proven to help you look and feel your very best. If you’re ready to take your health to the next level, today’s show is for you! In this episode you’ll discover: The importance of striving for better while still having appreciation for what you have. The approach you should consider before turning to medication or supplementation. How your environment influences your habits. How consciously building new habits can rewire your brain. The four levelsyou go through when mastering any new behavior. How to overcome unconscious self-sabotage. The two main factors

  • TMHS 295: The Link Between Power And Aging, Cross Training Secrets, And How To Play On - With Guest Jeff Bercovici

    02/07/2018 Duração: 01h06min

    It’s important to have goals, but being fixated on the end result can actually be a huge obstacle to your overall success. Whether you’re trying to top a personal record at the gym, or drop some pounds before a vacation, there will frequently be times that you will fall short. And that’s okay, because it’s part of the process that forges greatness. If you can flip the switch in your mind to become process-oriented instead of results-oriented, a whole new world of joy and success will open up for you. How you react in those difficult moments can be a powerful testimony to your strength. If you accept defeat and stop moving toward your goal, you will have gained nothing. But if you can understand that hardship is simply part of the process, you’ll come out stronger on the other end. Success isn’t strictly about results. Part of the journey is embracing the process and gaining experience along the way. Our guest for today’s show is Jeff Bercovici, journalist, athlete, and author of the mind-blowing book, Play On

  • TMHS 294: Meal Prep Tips And Tricks And How To Eat More To Weigh Less - With Guest Amanda Meixner

    27/06/2018 Duração: 48min

    Whether your goal is to lose weight, build muscle, or boost endurance, following a consistent nutrition approach is essential. Without proper planning, many of us become easily consumed by our busy schedules and turn to run-of-the-mill restaurants or packaged foods. Consequently, we end up consuming subpar fuel for our bodies. Achieving one’s health and fitness goals does not happen by chance. It really boils down to creating an actionable plan and following through on it. This is why meal planning can be so powerful. By implementing a weekly meal prep routine you can plan your meals in advance, give your body the proper nutrients, and ultimately reach your goals. On this episode of The Model Health Show, meal prep expert and superstar nutrition blogger Amanda Meixner is sharing her tried and true methods for meal planning like a boss! Amanda also shares her early struggles with eating (and how she ultimately found balance with food), how to start thinking about food as fuel (that can also be fun), and how yo

  • TMHS 293: Go Slow To Get Fast And Get Fit For Life -With Guest Peter Park

    20/06/2018 Duração: 59min

    When it comes down to it, performance is a key aspect of everything we do. Whether it’s in our relationships, jobs, or physical fitness, the ability to perform at a high level is what creates incredible results. Sharpening that ability begins with building a strong foundation. Many people want to jump to achieving an end result, while not realizing the importance of putting in the work and mastering the basics. Physically, this can manifest in a whole host of problems. Without a strong foundation in place, we can develop faulty patterns that negatively affect our movement, posture, and strength. My guest on today’s show is Peter Park, former Ironman triathlete, ultramarathon runner, and strength and conditioning coach. Peter has 28 years of experience training everyone from elite athletes to everyday folks. On today’s show, Peter is sharing the guiding principles from his proven methods, sharing what it means to go slow to go fast, and discussing the importance of ensuring your body is functional, no matter y

  • TMHS 292: Create A Culture Of Health In Your Family And Why Fitness Is A Launchpad To Success - With Guest Anne Stevenson

    13/06/2018 Duração: 01h26min

    No one else can do your push-ups for you. This means that there is always an amount of personal responsibility and action you need to take to be a better version of yourself. Those are your arms, your lungs, and your chesticles you’re working doing those push-ups. But, in many ways, we share our hearts and minds with others. Your desire to be better for your kids could be the WHY behind your reps. Your drive to show your community what’s possible could be the WHY behind the choices you make at the dinner table each day. Our relationships drive us.... and they also devastate us. They give us the fuel we need to grow: the good, the bad, and the ugly. But I’m here to share with you today that you can have a lot more of the good, and a lot less of the ugly, if you realize how to approach your relationships with heart, intention, and a willingness to be better yourself. I’m in a pretty interesting place because I’ve been with my wife for almost 15 years, yet a lot of the time I feel like I just met her, and I’m ov

  • TMHS 291: 5 Simple (But Overlooked!) Ways To Reduce Your Risk Of Cancer

    06/06/2018 Duração: 52min

    Billions of dollars have already been spent on cancer research. But it’s shocking to me how little effort has been invested in teaching our society the basics of cancer prevention. What if there were SIMPLE lifestyle changes that were clinically proven to reduce your risk of various cancers by over 50 percent? Wouldn’t that justify a couple million dollars in promotion? I think so. Benjamin Franklin said it best, “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.” But the money and attention is on the backend… in drugs and other treatments for cancer that have startlingly low long-term success rates. Today I’m advocating that we remove the veil from cancer, and stand up to reduce the rates of cancer even showing up in the first place! This episode is filled with practical, actionable advice that can serve you and your family for a lifetime. Check it out now, and please make sure to share it with those you care about. In this episode you'll discover: Why immersion is so significant in transforming our health (

  • TMHS 290: Gaining Strength From Adversity & Overcoming Self-Doubt - With Andrea Navedo

    04/06/2018 Duração: 01h28min

    What could you accomplish if you weren’t afraid? Have you ever held yourself back because you were worried what other people might think? Have you ever rejected an opportunity because you feared rejection or failure? We all experience fear, but what truly matters is how you direct that fear and ultimately overcome it. Often we see a successful person, but neglect to understand the shortcomings and insecurities they had to push through in order to thrive. We think that maybe one day we will reach this magical place where our fears dissipate, but that isn’t reality. Our power lies in our ability to break outside of our comfort zone and go after what we want, despite fear. Today’s episode features one of my favorite people, Andrea Navedo from Jane the Virgin. Andrea is a living testament of what it takes to overcome fear, find strength, and unleash your potential. Her story will inspire you to let go of your excuses, live with integrity, and pursue your dreams. In this episode you'll discover: Why it’s importan

  • TMHS 289: Waist Management, Appetite Control, & Heart-Healthy Foods - With Guest Dr. Oz

    30/05/2018 Duração: 48min

    What separates good from great? It’s usually not the presence of an innate talent, and it’s usually not a particularly unattainable skillset. What decides whether someone will be good, great, or phenomenal are “soft skills” like caring, focus, perspective-taking, continuous study, and a willingness to serve. My guest today has all of these soft skills in spades. Not only is he a highly respected cardiothoracic surgeon, he’s gained world-acclaim and become a household name by devoting himself to sharing prevention strategies to keep folks from ending up on his office in the first place. You’d think that in the field of medicine, it would be obvious to help people prevent their illnesses in the first place (rather than being forced to treat them with drugs and surgery after the problems have occurred). Unfortunately, our culture was lost for a few decades, and that reality was simply not the case. Though, we’ve still got a long way to go, folks like Dr. Oz have stepped to the forefront to teach people how to ta

  • TMHS 288: Redefining What It Means To Be Fit & Healthy - With Lita Lewis

    23/05/2018 Duração: 01h18min

    Keeping up with the Joneses is not just reserved for material objects. Today, more than ever, keeping up with the Joneses means measuring up with your body and physical appearance as well. For decades, if you wanted to fit in with the fitness “in” crowd, slim and lean was the standard. Think, Sharon Stone in Basic Instinct, Brad Pitt in Fight Club, and Robin Givens in Boomerang. No rolls, no back fat, no thick thunder thighs were welcome. In fact, having too much thickness just might make other people uncomfortable. All the while, ultra-slim models can prance around essentially naked, and no one bats an eye. Now, just to be clear, being super slim and lean is not the problem. That’s absolutely awesome for some people! But, who decided that that was the definition of what healthy looks like? What we’ve come to accept as the ideal picture of health has led to a lot of body dysmorphia, and a subtle to strong belief that we’re just not good enough. You may eat healthy most of the time, workout consistently, get p

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