The Model Health Show: Nutrition | Exercise | Fitness | Health | Lifestyle

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editora: Podcast
  • Duração: 991:45:36
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The Model Health Show is a fun, entertaining, and enlightening look at health and fitness. No subject is off limits here! World-renown author and nutritionist Shawn Stevenson breaks down complex health issues and makes them easy to understand and overcome. Whether it's weight loss, chronic fatigue, heart disease, diet, exercise, sex, hormones, sleep problems, or countless other health topics, the insights you get here will help you transform your health and live your best life ever. The Model Health Show is brought to you by RareGem Productions.


  • TMHS 227: The Pros And Cons Of Coconut Oil + 20 Ways To Use Coconut Oil For Wellness

    28/06/2017 Duração: 01h17min

    The next Watergate… the next Covfefe… the next New World Order is… coconut oil? It’s remarkable how foods go in and out of fashion. A similar thing has happened with eggs. For centuries folks were eating whole eggs because, well, that’s how they come. Then saturated fat and cholesterol were villainized, and the egg yolks got the boot. Suddenly we were forced to endure the not-quite-right taste of egg white omelets. Then, years later, whole eggs are vindicated, and they are back on the menu again. Come to find out, cholesterol is an important part of building all of your sex hormones. It’s an important carrier molecule to ship critical nutrients from one place to another in your body. Plus, it helps the neurons in your brain to function properly and do things like form memories. So, yeah, it’s kind of important. Unless you don’t want to remember what you just read. The reality is, it’s not cholesterol, but the oxidation of cholesterol that is the culprit behind increased risk of health problems. This study pub

  • TMHS 226: The Truth About Adrenal Fatigue - With Dr. Alan Christianson

    21/06/2017 Duração: 01h04min

    What does adrenal fatigue really mean? What causes it? And is there actually a cure? These are just some of the questions we’re answering today with the author of the New York Times bestselling book The Adrenal Reset Diet, Dr. Alan Christianson. Dr. C knows about adrenal issues at a far deeper level than most. Being the accomplished endocrinologist that he is, that’s one thing. But being someone who’s overcome devastating health issues himself, puts him in a league of his own. You’re going to uncover piece-by-piece how your incredible endocrine system works to keep you fit, energized, and healthy. It’s these connective pieces that can bring you game-changing results in how you feel in just a matter of days. Adrenal fatigue is a hot illness right now, but it’s time that we kick it off the runway and let radiant health strut its stuff. Click play, take good notes, and enjoy! In this episode you'll discover: How struggles with severe childhood illnesses led Dr. Christianson into the field of medicine. What your

  • TMHS 225: Paying Off Sleep-Debt, The Truth About Naps, And Sleep Tips For Parents

    13/06/2017 Duração: 01h06min

    When the going gets tough, the tough take a nap. That’s how it goes, right? More and more today, napping is being considered acceptable by societal standards. There was a time when being caught “sleeping on the job” was frowned upon. Now, today, innovative companies like Google actually encourage their employees to nap if they feel the desire to. The results?... Higher employee work output, higher levels of job satisfaction, and lower levels of stress. Can a good nap do all of that? Well, maybe. One thing for certain is that simply having the ability to catch a few z’s during the day is comforting. Life happens, and even the tough get sleepy. But, as you’ll discover in this episode, you don’t want to let the smooth nap fool you. There is a lot more to napping than meets the eye. Also, there is a growing amount of national sleep deficit that we are currently trying to find a way to pay off. The need for a nap might just be a symptom of a bigger issue… and all of that we’ll be rolling the covers back on today.

  • TMHS 224: Unconventional Exercise And Creating An Alpha Brain - With Aubrey Marcus

    07/06/2017 Duração: 01h12min

    There are many paths to our fitness goals. Some will get you there faster than others. And some will get you there so overly yolked that you look like crossfitting, keto eating Hulk Hogan. Having 24 inch pythons like Hulk Hogan probably isn’t the goal for everyone. But getting to our body composition and fitness goals injury-free is. We’ve become strangely trapped in our linear movements in exercise today. Press with both arms in one direction with equal weight (i.e. bench press), squat up and down with both legs with equal weight (i.e. barbell squats), pull yourself straight up with total symmetry (i.e. strict pull ups), and these are the basics of our exercise programs today. Don’t get me wrong, those movements are all valuable and popular for a reason. But, we may have gotten so set in those movements that they may have put us at a disadvantage when it comes to moving in the real world. In reality… in life, and in competition, very rarely are you facing resistance that’s perfectly balanced on both sides of

  • TMHS 223: Transform Your Body And Life From The Inside Out - With Carrie Wilkerson

    05/06/2017 Duração: 56min

    “It was the best of times, it was the worst of times.” That’s how the timeless classic from Charles Dickens A Tale of Two Cities begins... and it couldn’t be any more accurate today. Right now we have instant information at our fingertips. The answers to almost any question you can ask (including important questions like “Why do they keep remaking Spider-man?”) are just seconds away. We have an abundance of food for billions of people (I have some issues with this, but let me not digress). We have the ability to travel anywhere on the planet within hours. We have safer communities, more wealth, more access to education, and the ability to bypass conventional gatekeepers and become a shining success through the power of social media. Sounds like a pretty cool world, right? Well, don’t sign up for this field trip quite yet. At the same time today, we have higher rates of disease and poor health than at any other time in documented human history. We have cyberbullying and endless criticism if you do decide to “p

  • TMHS 222: The History Of Sugar: Sex, Drugs, And Entertainment

    30/05/2017 Duração: 01h30min

    Pretty please with sugar on top. Who could resist a request like that? Sugar does, indeed, make everything sweeter. Whether it’s a cake, a cup of coffee, or a deal brokered by a 5-year old, when sugar is added to the mix, things can become irresistible. I’ve loved sugar as far back as I can remember. It’s been a staple in our lives… even when we didn’t have much money or food, we had sugar on the shelf. I can think back on the times that my younger siblings and I made butter and sugar sandwiches when the refrigerator was next to empty. Sugar was there for us, making life sweeter even then. So, how did things go so terribly wrong? To say that I was addicted to sugar would be an understatement. I easily ate over 100 pounds of sugar each year through the foods and beverages I consumed. You might think that a number like that is outlandish, or even unusual, but today it’s actually the norm. Our society puts so much sugar into our metaphorical gas tanks each year that you’d be hard-pressed to figure out how any of

  • TMHS 221: Real Solutions For ADHD And Staying Focused In A Hyper World - With Dr. John Gray

    24/05/2017 Duração: 01h19min

    What if every child with ADHD is actually gifted? As a society, we’ve been struggling to support our kids who have ADHD. And, as it turns out, many of these children are not just hyper-active, but also hyper-intelligent. The great tragedy today is that many of these kid’s amazing gifts are, unfortunately, overlooked or suppressed. ADHD is typically a blanket diagnosis that covers hundreds of different variations in symptoms and experiences. Yet, millions of children are lumped together and given a cookie-cutter treatment, and the results of have been less than impressive. Some rarely discussed side effects of conventional treatment and/or neglect of ADHD are greater levels of depression and anxiety, higher incidences of drug abuse, and higher rates of suicide. Simply giving a child a drug to help them be more focused in grade school may seem appropriate in the short-term, but neglecting the underlying cause of the ADHD could have devastating consequences in the long-term. ADHD simply does not “wear off” when

  • TMHS 220: Lose Stubborn Fat And Heal Your Thyroid Function With The Hashimoto’s Protocol - With Dr. Izabella Wentz

    17/05/2017 Duração: 01h10min

    With the rapidly growing rates of Hashimoto’s disease, either you or someone you know will be stricken by this disease if we don’t do something about it. Hashimoto’s is hot right now. Not in a Zoolander hitting the runway kind of hot, but a full-fledged epidemic featuring the fastest spreading autoimmune disease in the nation. Dr. Izabella Wentz had Hashimoto’s for years and didn’t know it. It just about wrecked her entire life (as you’ll learn about today), but it was also an amazing gift in disguise. After years of struggle, she was able to successfully put the disease into full remission. Now she’s on a mission to share the life-changing strategies she discovered with the millions of people battling Hashimoto’s thyroiditis. The rub is that many of the people with Hashimoto’s don’t know that they have it. It could be expressed in chronic fatigue, stubborn body fat, constipation, hair loss, memory lapses, or many other symptoms. It’s important to know the signs, but it’s also important to know the right test

  • TMHS 219: Combat Cancer, Heal Your Metabolism, And Use Fat For Fuel - With Dr. Joseph Mercola

    10/05/2017 Duração: 01h08min

    It may sound strange to hear, but cancer actually has a purpose in the human body. And there are many theories on the origins and role of cancer. Theories related to fungus overgrowth, to oxygenation, to immune function, and many others. Researchers have been furiously searching to find the cure for cancer for decades, but not coming to grips with what cancer really is and where it all begins. Understanding the role that cancer actually plays, and what the body is doing when it sparks the life of cancer cells is vital to overcoming this epidemic. If we search deep enough, like we are finally able to do today, we see that cancer is actually tied intimately to one of the fundamental processes that give you life, and that’s the process of making energy. The remarkable New York Times bestselling author Dr. Joseph Mercola is on the show today to share with you how the causes of cancer are related to your metabolism. You’ll learn how these microscopic energy power plants in your cells called mitochondria are the ke

  • TMHS 218: Demolish Fitness Myths And Sculpt Your Best Body With The Cut - With Morris Chestnut And Obi Obadike

    02/05/2017 Duração: 56min

    For generations, many of us have aspired to be like the heroes and heroines we see on the big screen. The charisma, the confidence, and, of course, the incredible physiques have motivated people to hit the gym for decades. Morris Chestnut is definitely on that list of favorite fit actors for millions of people. In his own words, getting in shape and staying in shape wasn’t that hard for him. But then something changed… As Morris was busy doing his thing making movies and television shows, he noticed that the extra weight wasn’t hopping off of his frame like it used to. In fact, the weight snuck up on him so fast that he barely knew what hit him. And, as life would so poetically write it, this is when he gets a call for a big movie role where he needs to be in jaw-dropping shape. He needed an assist, big time! And this is where celebrity fitness trainer Obi Obadike steps on the scene. In this episode you’re going to learn Morris and Obi’s story, and how they were able to transform Morris’ physique (and get jus

  • TMHS 217: Create Epic Health, Wealth, And Relationships Through The Power Of No - With James Altucher

    01/05/2017 Duração: 57min

    Every choice we make in life instantly has two outcomes. Every time you say yes to something, you are inherently saying no to something else. And every time you say no to something, you are automatically saying yes to something else. For example, when you say yes to eating healthy food, then you are saying no to eating deep-fried Twinkies by default. That cream-stuffed heart attack may be attractive, but one yes decision accomplishes both in one fell swoop. That example is for a positive outcome. But in a negative context, saying yes to a job that you can’t stand (and not opening yourself up to another one), is saying no to a career that you could really enjoy, automatically. You can have anything, but you can’t have everything. And your no’s and yes’s are the priceless currency of your life. According to bestselling author James Altucher, The Power of No is one of the least utilized keys to a healthy and happy life. When you say “NO” to the things that you don’t want, then you actually make room for the thin

  • TMHS 216: Evening Routines That Enhance Sleep, Accelerate Fat Loss, And Supercharge Your Brain

    26/04/2017 Duração: 01h15min

    Morning routine versus an evening routine… which one is more important? Experts all over the world have been touting the benefits of having a strong morning routine if you want to be successful. The early bird get the worm, right?! So, whether you’re into eating worms or not (I did see a kid do it when I was in elementary school) I think you’ll discover today that success isn’t about what you do in the morning, it’s really about what you do the night before. You’re about to discover some mind-blowing science that links a consistent, smart evening routine with improved heart health, better brain function, protection against unwanted weight gain, and an overall better quality of life. Some of the things you’ll learn today will stick with you for a lifetime. I’m sure of it. And the best news is that taking advantage of these benefits does not require you to makeover your entire life (let me hear all of my night owls let out a collective, “Whooo Whooo!”). It’s simply the small things that you can add in or adjust

  • TMHS 215: Proven Methods To Reverse Multiple Sclerosis And Other Chronic Autoimmune Diseases - With Dr. Terry Wahls

    19/04/2017 Duração: 01h49s

    I thought that it was too late for me. I thought that too much time had passed… For two and a half years I was in pain as my spine was essentially falling apart. Two herniated discs, advanced degeneration, and a disease prognosis that gave me no hope of recovery. Leading up to the day that I finally decided to make some changes and do something about it, this profound sense of hopelessness came over me. I thought to myself, “Too much time has passed. If my body was going to get any better it would’ve happened by now.” I was giving myself an out before I even started. But, fortunately I woke up and gave my body a chance. The funny thing was actually witnessing how quickly my body turned things around. My body was wanting all along to restore vibrant health, but I was fighting against it. All I needed to do was give my body the right conditions to do what it already knows how to do. Our bodies are designed to heal. Our bodies are designed to thrive. But what about the case of an autoimmune disease? Isn’t your b

  • TMHS 214: Hijacking Our Appetite And Being Wired To Eat - With Robb Wolf

    17/04/2017 Duração: 01h08min

    Are your food choices really determined by you? In a way, yes. You are the one that has full responsibility of driving that body of yours around. But in another way, no. If you look a little closer, you’ll see that the roads you have been driving on were set up in a way that makes your decisions less conscious… robotic even. Your vehicle (that amazing body of yours) has been wired to eat in a certain way. And you’re probably not the one who did the initial wiring. If this brings to mind the scene in The Matrix where Neo wakes up all covered in goo, and hooked to wires that have been draining his life-force, then good. That was such an awesome scene. I’m not talking about that kind of wiring though. I’m talking about the internal wiring. How your brain and nervous system are wired up to automate behaviors. Believe it or not, you don’t come here with a lot of advanced programming set up. Sure, you have all the basics: eating, crying, laughing, pooping (oh, how many diapers I’ve changed!). You don’t have to work

  • TMHS 213: The 4 Barriers To Break Through When Building Your Body And Your Life

    11/04/2017 Duração: 01h02min

    Before you have a physical transformation, you must first have a mental transformation. All change begins in our mind. So, change your mind and change your life. It sounds pretty simple, right? But trying to change your mind can be like an American Ninja Warrior obstacle course. There are barriers, pitfalls, and outlandish obstacles scattered throughout the process. Real change, lasting change, is really about being prepared to navigate these obstacles. In fact, there may be nothing more important on your path to success than becoming skilled at moving past the curveballs that life throws at you. In this episode we’re going to detail the 4 barriers to breakthrough when changing your body and your life. Often times these barriers can be hiding in plain sight, sabotaging your progress. Today we’re going to bring these things to light and, most importantly, provide you with tools and insights to blast through these barriers with a vengeance. In this episode you'll discover: Why your gut microbiome is very much

  • TMHS 212: Carb-Cycling For Fat Loss And The Sweet Potato Diet - With Michael Morelli

    05/04/2017 Duração: 58min

    I remember playing the hot potato game when I was a little kid. The music plays, and the “hot potato” (usually a tiny beanbag) is passed around by kids in a circle. When the music stops, if you’re the unlucky one holding the potato, you’re out! The potato makes you lose. Well, maybe that silly (and fun!) kids game was onto something. According to our guest today, if you get caught with the potato in your hand (specifically a sweet potato) then you will lose yet again… but this time the loss is in body fat. Michael Morelli is an absolute superstar in the fitness space. With over 4 million followers and fans on his social media platforms, he’s one of the strongest voices in the health movement today. This guy is super fit, and he’s helped thousands of other people get super fit. One of the tools of the trade: The Sweet Potato Diet. It’s a real food, intelligent carb-cycling approach that just flat-out gets results. As you’ll discover today, carb-cycling is a valuable tool that’s heavily underutilized because ma

  • TMHS 211: The Great Cardio Myth - With Craig Ballantyne

    03/04/2017 Duração: 01h05min

    If I had a dollar for every time I’ve heard a professor, a trainer, a coach, a well-meaning gym buddy, a special news report, or a random passerby say that you need to do more cardio to burn more fat, I’d have Scrooge McDuck level cash in my account. If so many people say it, then it must be true, right? Scratch that… if so many intelligent and well-meaning people say it, then it must be true, right? And therein lies one of the problems… If you take really smart, well-meaning people and teach them the wrong thing, they can become world-class at doing the wrong thing. So good at doing the wrong thing, in fact, that they create compelling arguments as to why they should continue doing it (even if it’s not working). When it comes to doing hours of cardio each week, and still not seeing the weight budge, we can justify and say… “Ah, I just need to sneak another hour in each week.” Or “I just need to cut back on the calories even more.” Or “I’m just not good at this.” Or, and this is the worst, “I’m obviously not

  • TMHS 210: 4 Reasons You’re Tired All The Time (And What To Do About It!)

    28/03/2017 Duração: 01h20min

    Working as a clinician for many years, one of the most common questions I would get is, “What can I take for more energy?”. It was always a tough question because I knew I’d just be treating a symptom by giving them energizing natural supplements like maca, cordyceps, and ginseng. Sure, it’s better that they didn’t ask a drug dealer the same question. In the immortal words of Rick James, “Cocaine is a helluva drug…” But, I didn’t want them to see me like a natural pill-pusher, and get them hooked on something just to get them by, either. So, I dedicated myself to helping them get to the root of their energy problems. And today you’ll learn the very best of what I came up with. In this episode you'll discover: How my struggle with chronic fatigue began. A potent superherb that’s clinically proven to improve insulin sensitivity. What going to the gym is compensating for. How you’re able to literally charge up your cells like a battery. The surprising amount of energy the human body can generate. Simple strateg

  • TMHS 209: How Culture Controls Your Lifespan And The Causes Of Health - With Dr. Mario Martinez

    22/03/2017 Duração: 01h01min

    Culture is a very interesting and versatile thing. Culture is like the invisible force that guides our beliefs, behaviors, and knowledge. Culture is what gives color to how you experience your life. There are many shades and varieties of colors (you already know there are 50 Shades of Gray), and your culture, versus the culture of someone else, is a fundamental reason why two people can have a totally different experience from the same event. Take seeing a new superhero movie, for example. You have been immersed in a culture that loves the ideas of superpowers. They believe human potential is limitless. They believe that good always wins in the end. While your friend, who you’ve unwittingly brought along to see the movie with you, has been immersed in a culture believes only in what they see. They value hard, cold facts and extreme rationality. They believe in love, but also that bad things happen no matter what, and it’s all about probability. You think the movie is fantastic and inspiring. As a result, you

  • TMHS 208: The One Minute Workout - With Dr. Martin Gibala

    12/03/2017 Duração: 50min

    Saying that this will change your life is an understatement. What we were taught about conventional exercise is running people into the ground (literally) and our society isn’t any healthier as a result of it. Today you’re going to get the truth about the most important form of exercise for human health and fitness. It’s so effective that it’s almost unbelievable. So unbelievable, in fact, that I had to hunt down the world’s foremost expert on the subject to have him break it down for us. And he didn’t pull any punches! You’re about to find out what The One Minute Workout is all about. Plus, you’re going to discover how Dr. Martin Gibala can get you fitter and healthier 10 times faster than any traditional program ever could. This eye-opening episode is loaded with insights, so click play, take good notes, and enjoy! In this episode you'll discover: The surprising history of interval training. How to do Wingates to radically boost your fitness levels. How to actually increase the number of mitochondria (ener

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