The Model Health Show: Nutrition | Exercise | Fitness | Health | Lifestyle

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editora: Podcast
  • Duração: 991:45:36
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The Model Health Show is a fun, entertaining, and enlightening look at health and fitness. No subject is off limits here! World-renown author and nutritionist Shawn Stevenson breaks down complex health issues and makes them easy to understand and overcome. Whether it's weight loss, chronic fatigue, heart disease, diet, exercise, sex, hormones, sleep problems, or countless other health topics, the insights you get here will help you transform your health and live your best life ever. The Model Health Show is brought to you by RareGem Productions.


  • TMHS 027: The Dangers Of Eating Gluten-Free

    20/11/2013 Duração: 38min

    In this episode of The Model Health Show we're talking about one of the hottest health topics in our world today: Eating gluten-free. Is eating a gluten-free diet really healthy? Can a gluten-free diet help us lose weight and have more energy? And what the heck is gluten anyway?! You're about to discover all that and more in today's episode. In this episode you'll discover: Why switching from conventional "white" flour to healthy "wholegrain" flour is not very effective. The story of a debilitated asthmatic child I worked with (don't worry, there's a happy ending). Why eating gluten-free will not reverse autoimmune diseases for many people. What is gluten? And what gluten does to your food. What gliadin is and the impact it has on your body. How 100 PERCENT of people are experiencing harmful effects of eating gluten. What in the world a zonulin is (it's about to get sci-fi in your belly!) Why every-single-person (including YOU) is "gluten sensitive" regardless of testing. What causes autoimmune diseases. Wha

  • TMHS 026: How To Get Healthy And Stay Healthy (The Fast Food Smack Down)

    13/11/2013 Duração: 58min

    In this episode of The Model Health Show we're getting into the bare basics of health and feeling good. Too many people today are up on their soapbox talking about advanced theories on changing your body. But how does someone actually get started?! I think that when we start living a life of true health and wellness, we lose touch with what it feels like to be sick, tired, and not knowing where to turn. One of the greatest opportunities we have as we get healthier is to step up and take people with us... but we have to start from where people are NOT where we are. This episode is for people who want to live a healthy lifestyle and need some honest guidance to get started. You can literally be at McDonald's listening to this on your iPhone right now. This is for you, and I want you to know that somebody's got your back! And don't worry, all of the amazing people out there that are more advanced, I promise that you'll get some huge nuggets (sheesh, I guess it's the McDonald's that made me think of nuggets) from

  • TMHS 025: How To Stop Sugar Cravings (Without Getting A Sweet Tooth Root Canal)

    06/11/2013 Duração: 47min

    In this episode we dive into the wide, wide world of sugar addiction, craving unhealthy foods, and gold-plated sweet tooth smiles. Do you have "issues" with craving sweets or other unhealthy foods? Do you find yourself eating foods that you KNOW are bad for you and end up feeling guilty afterward? Well, if this is you, then this is the most important show you'll ever hear! Look, I'm not trying to teach you how to control sugar cravings, I'm teaching you how to stop sugar cravings dead in their tracks. Sweets, sugar, and carbs in general, are the main driver of your body's fat-storing hormone insulin. If you don't have your sugar cravings in order, then you're going to have a one-way ticket to unwanted fat deposited in places that you really won't like. You CAN beat this. And you don't have to do a fancy sugar detox either. You just need to have the right tools and strategy at your disposal to take back control of your mind, body, and health for good. Now let's get to it! In this episode you'll discover: Why

  • TMHS 024: ReWild Yourself With Daniel Vitalis

    30/10/2013 Duração: 01h18min

    In this episode we're excited to welcome world-renown health, nutrition, and personal development strategist, Daniel Vitalis! If you're interested in becoming the best version of yourself, then this show is going to change your life. Daniel has literally helped shape the face of natural health and wellness today. You'd be hard pressed to find major health advocates that aren't (knowingly or unknowingly) sharing ideas that Daniel has pioneered. Today Daniel is going to teach us how to go beyond just trying to "survive", and into how we can truly "thrive" and become the healthiest, fittest people that we can possibly be. Seriously, be prepared to have your mind blown. If you're looking for life-changing tips and insights then you're about to get a ton of them. In this episode you'll discover: Why so many intelligent people are believing and teaching false information. What "pronoia" is and why you need to have it. Why food is only one part of nutrition. What "the 4 elements" have to do with being the best vers

  • TMHS 023: The Best Exercises For Abs - Plus 3 Keys To Making Abdominal Exercises More Effective

    24/10/2013 Duração: 34min

    In this episode we're diving into the world of 6-pack abs, flat bellies, and shrinking waistlines. No, this isn't some hyped up, "How to get abs in a week!" gimmick. I'm sharing with you real, tried and true strategies on how to get flat abs, lose belly fat, and become a more impressive version of yourself.   It all starts with understanding what type of fat you're dealing with (because all fat isn't created equal). You're going to learn about that today, plus the best exercises for abs, and even how to do cardio that targets belly fat.  No fancy ab machines are required. As a matter of fact, if you're using most of these ab machines then you're probably crunching up the wrong tree.   So, get ready, listen in, and take full advantage of these tips for flat abs because they work. At the end of the show you'll have your flat belly black belt and you'll even be able to teach others how to do things right.   In this episode you'll discover: *What the 2 different types of belly fat are. *What having "fat organs"

  • TMHS 022: Cancer Truth: What is Cancer, What Causes Cancer, And Why You Shouldn't Be Afraid Of It

    16/10/2013 Duração: 01h10min

    In this episode we're happy to welcome Ty Bollinger, author of the best-selling book Cancer: Step Outside The Box.  Ty is an absolutely brilliant mind and well-versed cancer researcher. Today he's on the show to help us breakdown several of the dangerous myths about cancer, as well as sharing some shocking insights about the multi-billion dollar business of cancer. This is one of the most important and life-changing show's you'll ever hear, so buckle your seatbelt and get ready. In this episode you'll discover: What fashionable practice increases a woman's risk of breast cancer by 75 percent. Why nearly half of the people alive today will develop some form of serious cancer. Why cancer is actually a normal bodily occurrence. Why trying to "cure" cancer is the totally wrong approach. What "programmed cell death" is and why cancer cells override this. How the "internal terrain" of your body prevents the progression of cancer. What's different about our environment that's causing rapid increases in cancer rates

  • TMHS 021: Dressed To Kill - The Dangers Of Wearing Bras And Constrictive Clothing With Medical Anthropologist Sydney Singer

    09/10/2013 Duração: 01h05min

    In this episode we're happy to welcome the author of Dressed to Kill, Sydney Ross Singer.  Sydney and his wife Soma are a Medical Anthropology team doing groundbreaking work in the study of culturogenic diseases.   Sydney is on the show today to share some critical information about breast cancer that most people are totally unaware of.  Can constrictive clothing that cuts off circulation and proper elimination lead to breast cancer?  Sydney's research has proven that this is a myth-shattering and conclusive yes.   For this episode I ask that you put your disbelief (not your bra) to the side and just listen to this interview with an open and reasonable mind. Breast cancer itself is a sensitive issue. And when we bring culture and sexuality into the mix it can definitely be a very "hot button" topic to even take an honest look at.     I promise that at the end of this show you'll be glad you took action to understand how the clothes that we wear could be causing major problems with our health and the health

  • TMHS 020: Health Benefits Of Qigong With Sensei Tristan Truscott

    02/10/2013 Duração: 59min

    In this episode we're excited to welcome renown martial arts expert, Tristan Truscott. Tristan has an incredible story of going from a high level black belt to being debilitated and wheelchair bound. Today you're going to learn what Tristan did to get himself out of chronic pain, and how he's now teaching thousands of people all over his amazing healing techniques. People often ask me what my morning ritual is and how do I always have so much energy. Well, what I've learned from Tristan has changed my life forever. I incorporate his quick program each morning to super-charge my body, reduce stress, and increase my energy levels. I'm totally hooked on Tristan's quick and easy strategies. The best news is that anyone, at any age, and at any skill level can incorporate this daily practice and see their health and energy skyrocket. If you can't tell already, I'm a big fan, but this is only a small part of the story. In this episode you'll discover: What a black belt martial artist did when he ended up in a wheel

  • TMHS 019: Eat Like A Dinosaur - With Paleo Parents' Stacy Toth

    25/09/2013 Duração: 55min

    In this episode we're happy to welcome author Stacy Toth from Stacy is on the show to share important strategies to help you and your family eat better, feel better, and live better starting today! In the real world it's not always easy to feed your family the way that you might want to. With work, school, extracurricular activities, and basic family time, things can seem to pile up on you pretty fast. This episode is all about helping you successfully manage your family's health, implementing simple tactics to make your life easier AND taking care of your own health and fitness along the way. Stacy is going to share her story of how she went from being dangerously overweight and struggling with her health, to being happy, healthy, and in the best shape of her adult life. Stacy is not only doing this herself, she's got her entire family on board (including 3 young sons) and is now reaching thousands of people worldwide with her amazing cookbooks, podcast, and popular website. Get ready, beca

  • TMHS 018: Tips For Protecting Your Children's Health With MommyMD Dr. Jennifer Hanes

    18/09/2013 Duração: 28min

    In this episode of The Model Health Show we are happy to welcome MommyMD, Jennifer Hanes. Dr. Hanes is a board certified emergency and integrative medicine physician out of Austin, Texas. We're truly excited to have her on the show today to share her insights about raising healthy kids by being healthier parents. Illness is not always preventable, but it's up to us as parents to create the conditions to give our kids the best shot possible. This episode is going to give you an incredible foundation to keep your kids healthy and happy for many years to come. One of the biggest secrets of raising healthy kids is to be the example of health yourself. The real key is to focus on you first. Take better care of you, so that you can take better care of them. Even when you're on an airplane they tell you to "put your mask on first before assisting your child". This is so that you are more capable and focused to do a great job when they really need you most. If you don't take good care of yourself then you're not show

  • TMHS 017: Fat Loss Motivation Tips - Here's 15 Tips To Stay Motivated To Exercise

    12/09/2013 Duração: 54min

    In this episode of The Model Health Show we're focusing on specific tips to keep you motivated to exercise and take care of your body.  Now, these aren't just any tips, I'm sharing fail-proof strategies to help you get into the best shape of your life. Where your mind goes, your body will follow. You absolutely must have strategies in place for when the going gets tough, stress is creeping up, and you're thinking about taking a few days off OR calling it quits all together. Your success depends on what you do in the long-term and the strategies you have to make it happen. Get ready because you're about to learn life-changing tips that will help you get there and never look back. In this episode you'll discover: How watching a simple youtube video can train your brain to desire exercise. Why music can be extremely helpful to put you in the right state for working out. A simple trick to pre-program your cells to respond to music. What quality you need to AVOID in a workout partner. Why personal trainers are

  • TMHS 016: 9 Tips For Eating Healthy on a budget - And What Does "Healthy" Mean Anyway?

    05/09/2013 Duração: 53min

    In this episode of The Model Health Show I'm sharing specific tips and strategies to eat healthy without breaking the bank. Shopping for healthier alternatives is becoming a huge priority for families today. In this episode you're going to learn 9 specific tips to help you shop for and prepare healthy meals while maintaining a smart food budget. Now, what does eating healthy actually mean? And why does eating healthy seem to be more expensive? We're covering the answers to these important questions too, so this is a perfect episode to share with people that are just getting started with a healthier lifestyle. Eating healthy is the #1 health insurance for your family. By utilizing these specific tips today, you'll be able to provide your family with the best food possible, protect them from preventable diseases, and shape their health and habits for a lifetime. In this episode you'll discover: What organic really means, and if it's even important. The other healthy "categories" of foods other than organic. Ho

  • TMHS 015: Dangers & Benefits Of Coffee, 24-hour Gyms, Exercises For Back Pain, And The Master Cleanse Mistake

    28/08/2013 Duração: 44min

    In this episode of The Model Health Show we're addressing some of the frequently asked health & fitness questions I receive. One of the most valuable and fun things we're discussing today is a controversial beverage that many health experts love to hate. It carries many names like Liquid Lightening, Cup of Joe, Jet Fuel, Go Juice and many more. But you may simply know it as coffee. Is coffee good for you? Does it have any real benefits beside making you feel like you have superpowers? Well, the reality is there are some significant pros and cons that need to be considered when drinking coffee. In this episode we're sharing exactly how to make your coffee experience radically more beneficial (without you spontaneously combusting). We're also talking tips on using 24-hour gyms, specific exercises to eliminate back pain, and the incredibly popular "Master Cleanse". This show is packed full of valuable information to help upgrade your life and body, so let's get ready to dive right in! In this episode you'll

  • TMHS 014: Avoid These 8 Foods At All Costs!

    21/08/2013 Duração: 54min

    In this episode of The Model Health Show we're sharing the insider information on many "health foods" that are heavily linked to chronic diseases. The new health food revolution is littered with a lot of heavy marketing to influence you to make a buying decision. Eating healthy is great, but many of the new foods that are marketed as healthy are actually shortening our life span. In this episode we're going to cover 8 specific foods that you need to avoid at all cost. Many of these foods are clinically proven to cause cancer, diabetes, heart disease, brain damage, autoimmune diseases and more. The alarming thing is that millions of people are eating these foods everyday, and they have no idea of what damage they're doing. All of these foods are actually "new" foods in the human diet. But because of marketing, lobbying, and strategic implementation in our culture, most people believe that these "health foods" are normal. Nothing could be further from the truth, and today you're going to find out exactly what f

  • TMHS 013: Natural Treatment For Type 2 Diabetes

    15/08/2013 Duração: 52min

    In this episode of The Model Health Show we tackle the current epidemic of type 2 diabetes. In the United States 1 out of every 3 people has diabetes, pre-diabetes, or significant levels of insulin resistance. On today's show we're going to take a look at what causes diabetes, how to prevent diabetes in the first place, and natural diabetes treatments to reverse the condition if you already have it. This is an extremely important show because the levels of diabetes are still on the rise, and younger generations are getting hit the hardest. Childhood diabetes and childhood obesity rates have skyrocketed over the past few years. It's time for all of us to step up and get educated to protect our families from a condition that's proven to be nearly 100% preventable. In this episode you'll discover: What insulin really is and what role it plays in diabetes. What causes type 2 diabetes and insulin resistance. What simple practices will help you AVOID diabetes. How exercise can be used as medicine to prevent and re

  • TMHS 012: Treating Back Pain, Degenerative Disc Disease, And "Incurable" Diseases

    07/08/2013 Duração: 59min

    In this episode of The Model Health Show we go in-depth on one of the leading causes for missed work days and doctor visits in our society: Chronic back pain.  This topic is really significant for me because chronic back pain totally destroyed my life at one point. Not having any idea of what went wrong or what to do about it, I sought out the help of medical professionals that were supposed to have the skills to help me. With the medical practitioners focus on treating symptoms, rather than root causes, my situation went from bad, to worse, to extremely worse. Today I'm going to share with you exactly what happened. I'm going to share with you how I went from being broken down with "the spine of an 80-year old" to completely reversing my symptoms, regenerating my spinal tissues, and dedicating my life to help others.  If you're ever diagnosed with an "incurable" illness, please understand that this diagnosis does not have the final say about you. Often times the word "incurable" gets tossed around because th

  • TMHS 011: Sean Croxton - The Dark Side Of Fat Loss

    23/07/2013 Duração: 48min

    In this episode of The Model Health Show we're happy to welcome Sean Croxton from Underground Sean is a huge force in the world of REAL health, fitness, and nutrition.  His Underground Wellness Radio Show is wildly popular, and has been a powerful platform for transforming the entire health & wellness industry. Sean is on today to talk with us about everything from digestive health, to fat loss, to radically improving sexual health.  He just finished up the brand new SexyBack Summit where he interviewed many of the top experts in the country on all things related to hormones, relationships, and sex (so he's got some incredible insights to share!) Sean is also going to share many of the tips and insights from his book, The Dark Side of Fat Loss, plus several other valuable tips to have you looking and feeling better than ever. In this episode you’ll discover: Why college educated health practitioners often don't have the right tools to help people. Why learning from teachers with real world

  • TMHS 010: Jonathan Bailor - The Calorie Myth

    18/07/2013 Duração: 58min

    In this episode of The Model Health Show we're happy to welcome Jonathan Bailor on to talk about his upcoming book, "The Calorie Myth". Jonathan is, by far, one of the leading authorities on health and nutrition in our world today. You're in for a lot of "ah-ha!" moments, and some insights that will likely change your life. Jonathan has devoted years of in-depth research, digging through thousands of peer reviewed medical papers, and uncovering the truth about why diets fail. He's also come to the forefront with simple programs to teach you how to lose fat, smarter, and keep it off long-term. Today he's going to share how common misconceptions about diet and exercise are leading to an epidemic of poor health and obesity. This is an EPIC show, to say the least, so get your pen and paper ready because you're about to blown away! In this episode you’ll discover: Why the vast majority of diet and exercise programs fail. Why the concept of the "calorie" may have been the downfall of our last 2 generations. Ho

  • TMHS 009: 11 Essential Tips To Have More Energy

    10/07/2013 Duração: 51min

    In this episode we tackle a question that I get almost everyday: "How can I have more energy?" Today, more than ever, your energy levels each day can make the difference between grand success or massive failure. So many people are looking for quick fixes, while others are looking to high energy foods, natural energy supplements, and other small changes. The truth is, there is not ONE thing that's going to help you have the sustained energy you need. It's a specific combination of essentials that really help to make a noticeable difference. You've got to have the energy to succeed, and I'm going to show you how to have more energy starting today! In this episode you’ll discover:  Why having more energy reserve is actually so important today. What piezoelectricity is. Why studies have proven that exercise works better than antidepressants long-term. How exercise actually helps you save time. What Qi Gong is and why it's becoming so popular. Why having more body weight and body fat can be making you tired. Why

  • TMHS 008: Binge Eating And Emotional Eating - The Experience Of An Olympic Athlete

    03/07/2013 Duração: 45min

    In this episode we're happy to welcome Olympian Catherine Garceau on to talk about her experience from the high-pressure arena of being a world class athlete. Even though people might consider Olympic athletes to be the ultimate representation of health, Catherine was struggling with body image issues, binge eating, and emotional eating. She's on today to share her story and valuable insights that helped her to find a place of balance, health, and true self-love. She's had many challenges and barriers along the way, but she's taken her valuable experience and is now helping others to overcome their body image issues, eating disorders, and emotional eating.  Millions of people worldwide struggle with eating disorders. It's a subject that's all to often kept in the dark in our society. Catherine is taking the courageous steps to shine a light on this topic and help as many people as possible. Whether you've had issues with food in the past or not, you're going to learn a ton about being more in control of your

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