Success Profiles Radio
- Autor: Vários
- Narrador: Vários
- Editora: Podcast
- Duração: 569:57:21
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If you have ever wondered if there is more to life than you are currently living, then Success Profiles Radio is the program for you. Each week, we will explore different aspects of success and how to apply them to your life. Guests will come from many different backgrounds, including expertise in leadership, business, relationships, careers, networking, health, overcoming adversity, and much more!
Building a 6 Figure Coaching Business and Generating Income Online
15/07/2013 Duração: 57minGeorge Ira Carroll was this week's guest on Success Profiles Radio. He is a 6-Figure Business Strategist for Coaches and Change Agents who desire to move into 6-figures and beyond, and make a bigger impact in the world. We discussed the relationship between alignment with values and happiness, as well as what makes some people really good entrepreneurs and others not so good. We also talked about willingness to embrace the unknown as a key success factor in business. George coined a phrase called "Radical Appreciation" where he chooses to be happy with what he has no matter how much or little that is. We also talked about how to attract the kinds of clients you want to work with, instead of taking anyone who wanders along. In addition, we discussed 4 levels of online income generation (this alone makes the whole interview worthwhile!) Finally, we talked about George's 6 Figure mastermind group for coaches and what is involved in it. You can hear the show anytime by going to or
How This Man Overcame Being a Homeless Kid in 7th Grade to Building A Successful Business
08/07/2013 Duração: 57minChristopher Rausch was this week's guest on Success Profiles Radio. He is the creator of "The Kickass Guide to Life", and he is a radio show host and seminar speaker as well. We discussed how he became a homeless kid in 7th grade and dropped out of school, and how is background was very difficult. Ultimately, he overcame his obstacles, and after a long journey he earned a Master's degree in Organizational Management. We discussed a few of his 160 tips for success that is available for free on his website. Some of those include giving up having to be right, being resourceful, learning to be vulnerable, and know when to give up (yes there are times when it is perfectly appropriate!) In addition, we discussed his radio show and some of the amazing guests and lessons gleaned from that experience. Finally, we talked about his live event coming up in October in which attendees will experience a transformation in how they view their past, goal setting strategies, negotiation strategies, how to find people to part
More Great Lessons Learned From Previous Guests On Success Profiles Radio
01/07/2013 Duração: 57minHost Brian K Wright discussed more lessons learned from past guests on Success Profiles Radio. We spent the hour talking about overcoming adversity, creating your own opportunities, meeting high profile people, networking, accepting personal responsibility for everything in your life, and the importance of personal development. We discussed the importance of asking where the blessing is in everything that happens to us, as being thankful is pre-requisite to receiving more in life. In addition, being focused on others instead of self, and discovering how to fulfill someone else's goals is the best way to win someone over and get the help you need. As Zig Ziglar says, if you help enough other people get what they want, you will get what you want as well. Also, we discussed how to handle criticism from others. People who are critcal of others are often jealous, or perhaps they feel threatened by the success of those around them. You can listen to the show anytime at or by downloa
Dr John Demartini and The Law Of Attraction, Gratitude, and Experiencing Life Changing Breakthroughs
19/06/2013 Duração: 57minDr John Demartini was this week’s guest on Success Profiles Radio. He was one of the featured experts from the book and film “The Secret”. We discussed how he had physical disabilities and dyslexia while growing up, and then became homeless. We also talked about how that led to his interest in personal development, a field in which in he is now one of the top experts in the world. Dr Demartini talked about the Law Of Attraction, what it is, and why it doesn’t seem to work for some people. We also talked about how wealth and health are affected by the Law Of Attraction. In addition, we discussed his trademarked Demartini Method, which is a methodology which helps people experience breakthroughs in their personal and business lives. This method has applications in education, business, personal finance, and much more. Finally, we talked about the importance of gratitude and journaling, as well as his new book called “The Values Factor”, which talks about discovering and honoring your values and living and in
How to Transform Your Life And Create Personal Excellence in 28 Days
17/06/2013 Duração: 57minRobert Kennedy III was this week's guest on Success Profiles Radio, where we discussed his new e-book “28 Days To A New Me: A Journey of Commitment”. We talked about Robert's background as a teacher and trainer, and his experience helping companies develop online training courses. We talked about how it takes 28 days of commitment to chart a new direction in your life whether it involves weight loss, developing a new skill, or anything else that represents a positive change in your life. We also discussed staying in action whether we feel like it or not, and the importance of staying focused in spite of the daily distractions that compete for our attention. In addition, we talked about how verbal and nonverbal communication influences our actions and other people's attitudes toward us. Also, Robert talked about resilience and how important it is to move on from failure in a constructive manner. You can listen to the show at anytime. You can also download and subscribe to the s
Mastering The Art Of Saying NO Without Feeling Guilty
10/06/2013 Duração: 57minArla DeField was this week's guest on Success Profiles Radio. She is the author of the e-book "Mastering The Art Of Saying NO Without Feeling Guilty", in which she talks about strategies and tips we can all use to reduce commitments that don't drive us to our own goals. Arla discussed her background owning a motorcycle service and repair shop. She talked about how that helped her to clearly define what to say YES to and what to say NO to, and how that ultimately can help us. She also discussed representing the USA in the 1992 Barcelona Paralympics shooting pistol, earning a score of 366 out of 400. Additionally, we touched on how she dealt with being physically disabled and how that strengthened her character and resolve. We discussed when it is appropriate to say NO, and whether or not saying NO is selfish. Arla also shared examples of coaching clients who successfully learned how to say NO and the benefits of doing so. Finally, she talked about renegotiating commitments when necessary and how all of thes
Success and Wealth Secrets of PT Barnum, And The Relationship Between Income And Equity In Building A Fortune
03/06/2013 Duração: 57minNathan W Morris was this week's guest on Success Profiles Radio, and he is the author of the new book "The Art of Getting Money". The book is an excellent discussion of the wealth and success principles of PT Barnum, who was one of the most successful entrepreneurs of the late 19th century and early 20th century. We discussed the difference between income and equity. Most people think of wealth in terms of how much money they make, whereas wealthy people think of building equity in businesses and systems that automate business for them. More importantly, wealthy think in terms of time more than they think of money. Rich people spend money to save time, while poor people spend time to save money. We also talked about the dangers of spending just to keep up with the neighbors, and the importance of context. Someone who is a teacher is limited by what their school pays them, whereas someone who uses those skills to tutor privately can make a lot more money. Finally, we discussed the importance of wanting som
Success Lessons Learned From Les Brown, Magic Johnson, Lenny Wilkens, And Other High Profile Mentors
23/05/2013 Duração: 57minDr Will Moreland was this week's guest on Success Profiles Radio. He is the author of the new e-book "22 Success Lessons: Proven Principles to Get The Success You Want". We spent time discussing his military career, then launched into a discussion of several of the key principles in his book. One of the most important things that successful people do is to accept complete responsibility for their lives without blaming other people or circumstances. We also talked about beating the odds, as well as setting goals so big they actually scare you a little bit. Other things successful people do is to take a stand for something even if it isn't popular, and being courageous and consistent. Dr Will talked about lessons he learned from motivational speaker Les Brown, NBA Hall of Fame player Magic Johnson, as well as NBA Hall of Fame coach and player Lenny Wilkins. You can hear the show anytime by listening at You can also download and subscribe to the show on iTunes anytime.
Seeing The Significance Of Life Through The Eyes Of A Special Needs Child
20/05/2013 Duração: 57minMatt Patterson, author of #1 Amazon bestseller "My Emily" was my guest this week on Success Profiles Radio. We discussed the journey of his young daughter as she was born with Down's Syndrome, then diagnosed with leukemia when she was only 2 years old. We discussed how difficult is was to deal with the situation, and how his faith was tested. Specifically, we talked about being real with God and even expressing anger and frustration when needed. In addition, we talked about the importance of a strong support system when going through difficult times, and how hard it is to realize you are powerless to help your own child. Finally, we discussed the significance of life no matter what form it takes, or how "imperfect" it may seem. For an incredibly inspirational hour, you can also download and subscribe to the show on iTunes for free.
Overcoming Adversity and the Power of Forgiveness
13/05/2013 Duração: 57minHost Brian K Wright discussed more lessons learned from past guests on Success Profiles Radio. The whole hour was focused on the magic and power of forgiveness and how that frees us up to achieve greatly. The power of forgiving others and forgiving oneself frees up the energy needed to focus clearly on our major purpose and allows us to give from a place of love and gratitude. Several people called in to share their stories of forgiveness and overcoming difficult situations. One of these stories included a young man who was absorbed in the world of drug and alcohol abuse. After reaching rock bottom made the decision to turn his life around and eventually became a substance abuse counselor, where he helps teens get out of the depths he was in himself. Another story focused on a man who built several million dollar businesses, and in the midst of divorce experienced the wrath of his ex-wife reporting him to the IRS where he promptly lost everything. His subsequently journey led him to get everything back and
World-Class Leadership Lessons From A Decorated Military Veteran and Business Leader
06/05/2013 Duração: 57minJohn Lesko was this week's guest on Success Profiles Radio. He is the co-founder of the Global Academy for Extraordinary Teams and Leaders, which is a five day leadership training academy for first time leaders and advanced leaders in business. The instructors are world-class, with backgrounds in intelligence, military operations, athletics, R&D, and business. We discussed what they consider to be the core competencies of leadership, including character, courage, commitment, competence, and compassion. These ideas are taught through highly interactive experiences throughout the Washington DC area several times a year. In addition, we discussed overcoming fear, the role of public speaking in developing a leadership voice, and the most influential books that have shaped John's career and life. Finally, we discussed the variety of ways John and his team markets and raises awareness for his organization. You can hear the show anytime at, and you can download and subscribe to th
Success Secrets Of Previous Guests on Success Profiles Radio
29/04/2013 Duração: 57minHost Brian K Wright talked about the greatest lessons he learned from his previous guests on Success Profiles Radio this week. He recounted an inspirational story of how one of his guests overcame cancer 4 times and has now run marathons all over the world after not knowing if he would survive or not. Brian also gave several examples of how we must earn our victory by being willing to fail a lot. In so doing, we affirm our commitment to our goals. He also talked about the top 10 lessons he discusses when he is a guest on other people's shows. Some of these lessons included surrounding yourself with positive influences and not tolerating drama, being absolutely committed to your vision, having higher standards than everyone else, and maintaining control of our mind, among others. You can listen to the show anytime at, and you can download and subscribe to the show on iTunes for free.
The Wealth Secret All Successful Entrepreneurs Know
22/04/2013 Duração: 57minChris Hurn was this week's guest on Success Profiles Radio. His book is called "The Entrepreneur’s Secret to Creating Wealth: How the Smartest Business Owners Build Their Fortunes." The book is an Amazon Bestseller, cracking the Top 3 in three different sales categories. He has also been featured in 12 other business books and has appeared in numerous publications including Wall Street Journal, Newsweek, USA Today, Bloomberg BusinessWeek and Smart Money among others. He has also appeared on Fox Business News 7 times to discuss SBA lending and other topics. We talked about how he helps small businesses buy their office buildings so that they can build wealth rather than throw money away on leasing their space. We talked about when it is appropriate to do so, financing strategies, and creative ways to maximize cash flow and equity while owning yor commercial space. We also talked about how businesses can buy their space with as little as 10% for a down payment. To hear about these topics and more, you can l
How to Discover Your Emotional Fingerprint, And How It Can Create Successful Relationships and Careers
15/04/2013 Duração: 57minWoody Woodward, author and filmmaker, was this week's guest on Success Profiles Radio. At 16, he was a dropout, then at 26 he became a millionaire. Only a year later he was broke and lost everything he had, then built a successful $30 million real estate and mortgage company. Woody is the pioneer and founder of “Your Emotional Fingerprint™". Woody says our failures and successes are determined by how we seek to validate our Emotional Fingerprint. Understanding this cutting edge human technology allows one to strip back the layers of excuses and build a proper foundation for mass achievement in one’s personal life, relationship and business. Woody uses this technology in strategizing with top CEO’s, large and small corporations, Hollywood’s elite and everyday people. We discussed how we can effectively deal with external events that can bring us down, and how our Emotional Fingerprint can help us in our marriages, relationships, and careers. We also talked about the 5 step explanation to our relationship
Bob Burg, Best Selling Author, Explains How To Build Your Business Through Giving and The 5 Stratospheric Laws Of Success
08/04/2013 Duração: 57minBob Burg, author of The Go Giver, was my guest this week on Success Profiles Radio. We discussed his start as a TV anchor, then his progression into sales, then into sales training. He credits reading sales and business books for turning his career around. We also discussed his book "The Go Giver" in great detail, including the relationship between giving and receiving, and how they are not opposite concepts, but rather complementary. In addition, we discussed what Bob calls The Five Laws of Stratospheric Success in which he discusses providing value, being authentic, and being open to receive, among others. Bob also talked about how sales is not about convincing someone to buy something they don't need, but rather it is about creating an environment where someone knows, likes, and trust you so that you are able to receive the sale. You can hear about all of these things and much more by listening anytime at, or by downloading the show for free on iTunes.
"Secret Millionaire" James Malinchak Discusses His Secrets of Wealth Attraction and Making A Difference In The World
01/04/2013 Duração: 57minJames Malinchak was this week's guest on Success Profiles Radio. We talked about his experience on ABC's hit series "Secret Millionare", how he had to live on $44.66 for the week he was in Gary, Indiana, and his quest to find amazing nonprofit organizations he could give a combined total of over $100,000 of his own money. We also discussed how his career really got going in high school when he attracted attention from many of the top college basketball coaches in the country by marketing himself to them twice a week for nearly two years. James also talked about some of his most productive business practices which allowed him to build several multi-million dollar businesses. One of the many things he shared is that you need to make business decisions based on where you want to go instead of where you currently are. Finally, we talked about his Big Money Speaker Bootcamp in which he teaches authors, speakers, coaches, and business people how market themselves as speakers in the marketplace and significantly
Success Secrets of a Recovering Perfectionist: The Importance of Being Authentic and Vulnerable In Business
18/03/2013 Duração: 57minRachel Karu was this week's guest on Success Profiles Radio. She is the author of the book "Stepping Into More: Lessons From A Recovering Perfectionist”. We talked about how perfectionism can be a hindrance to our overall success, and why people tend to be perfectionists. Rachel discussed how perfectionism can cause us to see things in a very black/white way, and how it can be a shield to hide something we don't feel secure about. Rachel also talked about the need for validation and the role it plays, as well as what to do if we don't feel as if we are "enough." We also talked about how Rachel incorporates singing into her speaking presentations and how she uses her gift to spread her message of motivation and inspiration. She even sang a clip from one of her favorite songs. Finally, we talked about Rachel's coaching career and why she started. We also talked about personality assessments and how they can give insight into who we are. Specifically, we talked about the Myers-Briggs assessment and what we ca
Larry Broughton Discusses His 5 Star Strategy for Significance and Success
07/03/2013 Duração: 57minLarry Broughton was my guest this week on Success Profiles Radio. He is an award-winning entrepreneur and CEO, bestselling author, serial entrepreneur, keynote speaker, and former Special Forces Operator. He is the Founder & CEO of Broughton Hotels, and has also won many prestigious business awards including Ernst & Young’s Entrepreneur of the Year®, and his company was included in Entrepreneur Magazine's Hot 500 List of Fastest Growing Private Companies. We discussed how Larry used his experience as a Green Beret to create world-class businesses, and the skills and disciplines required to be super-successful. Larry talked about his 5 Star Strategy for Significance and Success which includes , among other things, eliminating the negative chatter in your head, taking rapid action, and never giving up. We also talked about how he personally connected with Darren Hardy and Richard Branson, and what is required to get an audience with people like them. Finally, we talked about why veterans have a much
Strategies For Thriving In Difficult Times and Shaping Your Destiny
04/03/2013 Duração: 57minLuke Havard was this week's guest on Success Profiles Radio. We talked about how he initially made a lot of wrong choices in his life as he was addicted to drugs and alcohol, and was thrown out of school. He also revealed how he reached a moment where he to decide whether or not to end his life. The turning point for Luke was a decision that life is worth living, changing his reference group, and deciding to love himself and live in a way that is worthy of him and those he cared about. We also talked about strategies to use when facing difficult sitations, including discovering who you really are, pushing on even when uncomfortable, and fighting for what you want. Luke also talked about his work as a business/executive and life coach. More specifically, we talked about how Luke consults with people wanting a better place in their careers. Often, people who are better positioned earn better career opporetunities over those who are better qualified. Finally, we talked about Luke's new book which he is writi
How We Can Change The Business Landscape By Embracing Social Commerce and Renewable Energy
25/02/2013 Duração: 57minJoshua May was this week's guest on Success Profiles Radio. He is an entrepreneur and philanthropist who is passionate about making a difference for others and the world around him. We talked about how his military experience taught him invaluable leadership skills that prepared him for his life as a business owner. We discussed the importance of starting your own business and the skills that are necessary to be successful. Josh also talked about finding your passion in business and life, and how the j-o-b is a dying concept. In addition, we talked about the social responsibility to give back to others to those less fortunate. Josh also talked about the alternative energy company he is heavily involved in, and why other countries embrace renewable energy far more readily than the United States does. Finally, we talked about the concept of social commerce and how that will turn the business community in a completely new direction in the years to come. Also, Josh's book about leadership and business will be