Mckernan Baptist Church Podcast

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editora: Podcast
  • Duração: 1:22:15
  • Mais informações



Welcome to our podcast! McKernan Baptist Church exists to become a community of fully devoted and developed followers of Jesus Christ that reaches our world with his transforming love and truth.


  • Who Do You Say I Am?


    Today, Pastor Lyle will continue a summer sermon series on some of the "Great Questions of the Bible." This morning we'll look at the crucial question, "Who do you say I am?" As Jesus asked His first disciples this question, He continues to ask us, challenging each of us beyond casual conversation about Him toward a clear choice concerning our belief in His identity. We'll explore how our response to this question has critical consequences, both for this life and the next!

  • God's Gracious Pursuit


    Welcome to McKernan Baptist Church! We are glad you have joined us. Today, Pastor Lyle will begin a summer sermon series on some of the "Great Questions of the Bible." This morning we'll look at the question, "Where are you?" God asked Adam this question as he was trying to cover up the guilt and shame that resulted when he chose to do what God had clearly told him not to do. We'll see how this question is a powerful example of God's grace that continues to pursue us in the midst of our guilt and shame and invite us into the freedom of His forgiveness.

  • Living the Full Life...Now!


    Welcome to McKernan Baptist Church! Today our Youth Pastor, Dave Schneider, will bring a message challenging us to step into the life Jesus offers. Too often, Christianity is seen as giving eternal life that begins when this life ends. Jesus, however, came to offer life "to the full," and that starts this side of eternity.

  • A Big World - A Bigger God!


    Welcome to McKernan Baptist Church! Today Pastor Lyle will bring a message highlighting some reflections on his recent trip to Cameroon, where he and Pastor Dan taught for two weeks at the Cameroon Baptist Theological Seminary.

  • Courage to love well


    Welcome to McKernan Baptist Church! We especially welcome all fathers who are with us on this Father's Day. Today, we welcome Dr. Terry Fossen as our speaker. Terry is the Associate Regional Minister of the Alberta Baptist Association. He will draw on the well-known story of the "prodigal son" to show how true courage is revealed in how we love. While this message will have special application to fathers, its challenge to love courageously is a challenge to us all.

  • From the Head to the Heart


    Welcome to McKernan Baptist Church! Today we will continue to explore our church's key priorities from a bit of a different angle. Our Young adults gathering, Converge, has been meeting for the last 9 months looking at a very important topic: From the Head to the Heart. Pastor Daunavan will be sharing a bit about what he has learned over this time as well as challenge us to approach our three relational priorities (Growing with Jesus, Caring for One Another, and Reaching out to our Neighbours) in a way that is not just 'head' knowledge; it's knowledge that moves to our hearts.

  • Jesus Breaking In- Life Breaking Out


    Welcome to McKernan Baptist Church! Today Pastor Terry will be continuing the series Jesus Breaking In - Life Breaking Out and what our response should be to Jesus. A life with Jesus at the centre should be one of quick obedience, and today, will examine the example Philip gives us in his encounter with the Ethiopian eunuch.

  • Called to be a neighbour


    Welcome to McKernan Baptist Church! Today we will continue to explore our church's key priorities as we look at what it means to have meaningful relationships with our neighbours. This priority calls us outward to a world that desperately needs to know and embrace the love and truth of Christ. While it is easy to feel quite overwhelmed, inadequate and even afraid to share our faith, we need to remember that outreach flows best in the context of real relationships. Our relationship with God calls us to authentic relationships with others where we simply live our faith, enter into respectful conversation as God opens doors, and then we let God's Spirit do the work of touching and transforming hearts.

  • Come Back Home


    Welcome to McKernan Baptist Church! Today Greg Garbutt, our Adult Ministries Assistant, will bring a message on the story of the thief on the cross. We'll see how this story offers an amazing invitation "home" to a very unworthy rebel.

  • We're In This Together!


    Welcome to McKernan Baptist Church! Today we will continue to explore our church's key priorities as we look at what it means to have caring relationships with one another. We live in a culture where it is easy to get caught up in individual pursuits and we can quickly transfer this thinking to our walk with God. We'll see, however, that the life God intended was never meant to be lived in isolation. We are designed to need each other.

  • The Relationship that Impacts all Others


    When Jesus breaks in, life breaks out. We have spent most of the last eight months exploring this powerful truth. Today, we begin a short series of messages considering what it looks like when Jesus breaks into our lives. Essentially we'll see that our lives increasingly grow relationally upward (with Jesus), relationally inward (with one another), and relationally outward (with our neighbours)

  • Jesus Breaking In- Life Breaking Out


    Today we will continue in the series 'Jesus Breaking in- Life Breaking out' with a look at how crucial the Ascension was to powerfully launch the church in the 1st century. The effect of the Ascension continues to be vital in our personal lives and in the influence we have on others

  • Jesus Breaking In; Jesus Breaking Through


    Welcome to McKernan Baptist Church! Today, we continue our journey through the life of Christ as we peek in on two disillusioned individuals making their way home with very heavy hearts and their hope left buried in the tomb with the crucified Jesus. Little did they know that the companion who joined them on their journey was the risen Jesus who was about to break into their hopelessness with solid hope beyond anything they could have imagined...

  • On the Road with Jesus: From Deep Disappointment to Life-Changing Hope


    Welcome to McKernan Baptist Church! Today, we continue our journey through the life of Christ as we peek in on two disillusioned individuals making their way home with very heavy hearts and their hope left buried in the tomb with the crucified Jesus. Little did they know that the companion who joined them on their journey was the risen Jesus who was about to break into their hopelessness with solid hope beyond anything they could have imagined...

  • Treasure worth Treasuring


    Matthew 13: 44-46

  • Keeping the Easter Message Alive


    Easter comes with its promise of spring, but often we can be left feeling like it's winter in our souls. Today we'll look at Jesus' encounter with Mary Magdelene in the midst of her heaviness and see how He offered her (and continues to offer us) a whole new way of relating to Himself.

  • Christ is risen


    On this Easter Sunday, We celebrate the resurrection of Jesus, not just as a past event, but a present reality. We'll explore the present implications of the resurrection strategic from the story where Jesus raised Lazarus from the dead.

  • Good Friday


    March 25, 2016 Good Friday Service @ McKernan Baptist Church

  • The Love of Christ Breaking In to the Reality of our Lives


    Welcome to McKernan Baptist Church! We are glad you have joined us for our service. On this Palm Sunday, we continue to explore the life of Christ. His entrance into Jerusalem set into motion the events of a week that truly did change the world and provide hope for all humanity. Today, we will focus on one of these events as we watch Jesus don the simple attire of a servant and wash the feet of His disciples. We'll see how this amazing scene not only foreshadowed Christ's cross but also revealed much about His great love for us.

  • God On The Mountain


    Welcome to McKernan Baptist Church! We are glad you have joined us for our service as we continue to explore the life of Christ. Today our journey takes us to an amazing scene on a mountain where, for a few moments, Jesus is revealed in all His heavenly glory. Not only do we see convincing evidence that Jesus is more than a man, we also become increasingly aware that after meeting this Jesus, our lives really should never be the same again...

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