Mckernan Baptist Church Podcast

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editora: Podcast
  • Duração: 1:22:15
  • Mais informações



Welcome to our podcast! McKernan Baptist Church exists to become a community of fully devoted and developed followers of Jesus Christ that reaches our world with his transforming love and truth.


  • Decisions: They Are Everywhere


    This morning we are continuing in our Sermon on the Mount series. Pastor Terry will be looking at Matthew 7:13-23 and exploring what Jesus was saying to the disciples, and to us, about the need to make good decisions.

  • Petitions And Perspective


    On this day our thoughts may be drawn to our fathers who may have had a significant impact on our lives. Likewise, today we are going to consider our Heavenly Father who desires to be in relationship with us, His sons and daughters. God wants us to share with Him all that is on our heart and the cares and concerns we have. Jesus invites us to Ask, Seek and Knock through our prayers, and trust that our heavenly Father will provide what is best and what is in accordance with His will.

  • Grace Works Wonders


    We are blessed to join with one another to worship the Lord God Almighty. We are one week past the celebration of Pentecost! Today our worship will reflect the reality that a tremendous movement was launched through the giving of the Holy Spirit and continues today. As we keep Moving Forward, lets join to discover what it is that He is calling us to do and be, as a response to His immense grace and love for us.

  • Pentecost Sunday


    This morning we are stepping out of our sermon series to celebrate the Day of Pentecost. Just as we celebrate the birth of Christ, His death and resurrection, believers also mark the day when the Holy Spirit was poured out, inaugurating a new age in the Kingdom of God. Pastor Melissa will be teaching from Acts 2, inviting us to consider how the Holy Spirit works in our lives today.

  • A Life Built On Trust, Not Worry


    This week Pastor Nathanael will be preaching about what it means to be people of faith in a world that worries over everything. Worry often reveals a commitment to our personal security and control, but as people of God, we turn to and trust the living God with our every need. Lets take a deep dive into Matthew 6:24-33 together!

  • Treasure, Vision, And Masters


    Last week we finished our mini-series on the Lords Prayer, and today we will be continuing on through the Sermon on the Mount. In todays passage Pastor Dave will look at 3 short teachings of Jesus that, when understood in the right context, will lead us towards being able to live a non-anxious life. We will look at what Jesus has to say about our treasures, our vision, and our masters. Well see 3 different laws of the human heart, and look at 3 important questions that we all answer in our lives every day.

  • The Lord's Prayer Pt. 3


    Today we are concluding our three-week series on The Lords Prayer. In todays passage Pastor Mike will look at what Jesus teaches us with regards to praying through forgiveness, both our need to receive it and to extend it. As well, we will look at what Jesus teaches about praying through the areas in our life where we face temptation and how we can reach out for Gods help in running away from those areas where we often succumb to temptation.

  • The Lord's Prayer (Matthew 6:10-11)


    Today we are continuing in our three-week series on The Lords Prayer. In todays passage we will look at what it means to pray for His Kingdom and will to come in us and through us, what our prayer for His daily provision frees us from, and how praying as He taught us heals and strengthens us to follow Him.

  • The Lord's Prayer


    Today we are continuing in our three-week series on The Lords Prayer. In todays passage we will look at what it means to pray for His Kingdom and will to come in us and through us, what our prayer for His daily provision frees us from, and how praying as He taught us heals and strengthens us to follow Him.

  • Joining The Living Jesus


    Though we are one week past Easter, we continue to praise God for the Resurrection of Jesus Christ. This is the event that changed everything! Today our worship will reflect the reality that a tremendous movement was launched through the Resurrection and continues today. Lets join together to discover what it is He is calling us to do and be, as a response to His immense love for us.

  • Hope Lives (Easter Sunday)


    We are glad you have joined us online this Easter Sunday as we celebrate the truth that HOPE LIVES! It is easy to see this hope as something reserved for the future. However, when we look at the stories of the first followers of Jesus, we see that their encounters with the Risen Christ provided them practical and powerful hope in the midst of their present challenges. Today well look at some of their stories and see how we can experience the same present hope that they did.

  • True Hope: Linking Our Story To God's Story


    On this Palm Sunday, we continue to look at the hope Christ came to give. Today well see that this hope is based on Gods overarching story described by Jesus as the Gospel (which means good news) of the Kingdom. When Jesus entered Jerusalem, He did so knowing of His death and resurrection, which were necessary to make possible the restoration that would bring about this Kingdom. He now invites us to align our lives to the story of ultimate and certain hope found in Him.

  • What Are Your Grounds For Hope?


    As we move into this Easter season, we want to address the question, How do we move forward with hope in an increasingly uncertain world? Today well look at a story that took place shortly before the first Easter week, in which two of Jesus closest followers tried to take control of their own future hope, not realizing the events that were about to take place would provide a certainty of hope far beyond their current understanding and striving.

  • To Love As God Loves


    To Love As God Loves

  • From Vengeance Toward Grace


    We find ourselves in a world where vengeance is common often leading to destructive patterns where a hurtful action leads to a hurtful response which triggers further retribution and on and on it goes. As followers of Jesus were called to be agents of gracious de-escalation in this world of escalating revenge.

  • Moving Forward In Truth


    Today we come to His teaching on truth-telling. To a culture that had created loopholes creating contexts where it was seen as okay to shade the truth or break commitments Jesus challenged His followers to simply tell the truth.

  • Marriage From Contract to Covenant


    Today well explore Jesus words to a culture that was debating the meaning and nature of marriage with many advocating for divorce based on quite self-centred and insubstantial reasons. Into this context Jesus spoke strong affirmation for Gods design of marriage as a life-giving covenant.

  • From Lust To Love


    Were currently in a series of messages exploring the Sermon on the Mount. This amazing block of teaching lays out Jesus vision of life that is built on the solid foundation of His truth and direction. Today we come to a passage that addresses sexuality in a way that challenges our permissive culture even as it points to an expression of sexuality that flows from Gods good design.

  • Living A Life Of Thanksgiving


    Today Pastor Nathanael will bring a message on the transforming value of living a life of thanksgiving. As we encounter new changes with the restrictions in our city the dawn of a new normal is imminent. Im not sure how many can say that theyve come out of the past two years unscathed but many of us have been affected personally relationally and in other ways. Today well see how living a life of thanksgiving will help reorient our attitudes so that we can encounter the living God afresh.

  • From Anger To Reconciliation


    When we think of the 10 Commandments we likely feel most in alignment with number six You shall not murder! I doubt many of have seriously considering killing anyone. Today well see however how very common it is to nurse the kind of anger that wants to harm another person and how living in this kind of anger does break Gods vision of what relationships were always intended to be. Jesus longs to free us from the prison and destruction of anger to live a forgiving and reconciling lifestyle.

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