Mckernan Baptist Church Podcast

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editora: Podcast
  • Duração: 1:22:15
  • Mais informações



Welcome to our podcast! McKernan Baptist Church exists to become a community of fully devoted and developed followers of Jesus Christ that reaches our world with his transforming love and truth.


  • Jesus Messiah...Much More than a Great Teacher


    We live in a culture that has a variety of opinions about who Jesus was and is. It is quite common to hear that one's opinion about Christ is simply a personal matter; however, when we read the Gospels we discover that our opinion about Jesus' identity does matter. As we continue our series, "Jesus Breaking in--Life Breaking Out," we want to make sure we understand just who Jesus claimed to be.

  • Jesus Breaking Into The Need of the World


    In our series, "Jesus Breaking In - Life Breaking Out," we have repeatedly seen how the stories of Jesus in the Bible relate to the stories of our own lives. As Jesus broke into the very real situations of His followers two thousand years ago, He continues to break into our lives even now. Today we'll join Jesus on a mountainside and watch Him feed a huge, hungry crowd with the most meager of resources. In a world of need, He truly is a God who not only cares, but can provide in miraculous ways. But here's the catch...most often He chooses to involve us in how He brings His abundant resources to a needy world. We are invited to the adventure of responding with His compassion and His provision to the real needs of those He places on our heart.

  • Livin' The Life God Has For Us


    In order to live the life we've always dreamed of we must learn to hear the voice ofGod's love, receive the gift of God's deeper work within, and courageously move toward the good works God has prepared in advance for us to do.

  • Following Jesus Through The Storm


    In our series, "Jesus Breaking In - Life Breaking Out," we have repeatedly seen how the stories of Jesus in the Bible relate to the stories of our own lives. AS Jesus broke into the very real situations of His followers two thousand years ago, He continues to break into our lives even now.

  • When Our Walk With God Takes Unexpected Turns


    As we continue our series, "Jesus Breaking In - Life Breaking Out," we find Jesus responding to a very real question from John the Baptist. As John was in prison he began to doubt the identity of Jesus and sent His followers to ask Jesus what was going on. His honest question is one that resonates with any follower of Christ who has expectations of their faith journey that continue to go unmet.

  • God's Light Shining Into The World


    As we continue the series, "Jesus Breaking In - Life Breaking Out," today we complete our stop at the hillside where Jesus delivered the "Sermon on the Mount", in which He describes the kind of life He envisions for us.

  • The Only Foundation That Matters


    As we continue our series, "Jesus Breaking In - Life Breaking Out," we are currently looking at the kind of life Christ envisions for us in His teaching we know as the "Sermon on the Mount." In this sermon, Jesus taught about what life can look like when we surrender to God as King.

  • God's Light Shining Into Our Finances


    As we continue our series, "Jesus Breaking In - Life Breaking Out," we are currently looking at the kind of life Christ envisions for us in His teaching we know as the "Sermon on the Mount." In this "sermon," Jesus taught about what life can look like when we surrender to God as King. At the heart of this sermon is the truth that the Christian life is one of transformation from the inside out (Matthew 5:3,20). Today we'll see how this applies to our financial management.

  • "Inside-Out" Spirituality


    As we continue our series "Jesus Breaking In - Life Breaking Out," we are currently looking at the kind of life Christ envisions for us in His teaching known as the "Sermon on the Mount." Today we'll explore the part of His sermon which calls us to a "righteousness" that exceeds the efforts of those who were known for their meticulous rule keeping.

  • Walking Into The Story God Is Writing In 2016


    On this first Sunday of the new year, we return to a series of sermons exploring how the life of Christ radically "broke in" to a real place and time and as a result, new life bout out. Today, we follow Christ to a hillside where He taught the basic foundations of the life He came to give.

  • Advent Peace: Real Peace From A Real Source Transforming Real Relationships


    On this fourth Sunday of Advent, we focus on the peace of Christmas. Today we'll look at a passage declaring that Jesus has broken in as God's promised light of peace to the darkness in and around Israel (Matthew 4:15-17).

  • Celebrating The Christ of Christmas...AND BEYOND


    A Christmas Program rightly focuses on Jesus coming as a baby in a manger and praises God for this amazing gift. Our grade 5/6 students have reminded us, however, that Jesus did not remain a baby. While we know this, we may still make the mistake of "leaving Jesus in the manger" and live without the incredible implications of Christ's coming to earth.

  • Advent Love: Seeing Life Through The Eyes of Jesus


    On this second Sunday of Advent, we focus on the love of Christmas. Today we'll follow Jesus through a few encounters and quickly notice how His love impacted the way He saw the situations, which was quite different from the people around Him.

  • Advent Hope: Jesus Breaking In To Unexpected Places


    Advent reminds us that Jesus often comes in very unexpected, yet powerful ways. While the story of Jesus calling Peter is not a Christmas story, it is certainly an example of Jesus breaking into Peter's existence in ways both unexpected and life-changing.

  • Jesus Breaking In - Jesus Breaking Through


    Today, our journey through the life of Christ takes us to Samaria where Jesus had a very significant encounter with a woman that moved her from unbelief to belief and a restored relationship with God (John 4:39-41). There is much we can learn from this encounter to help us overcome our fear of outreach and simply fulfill our role as witnesses for Jesus.

  • Faith Like A Child


    As we focus on children today, it is appropriate that our journey through the life of Christ take us to some passages where Jesus modeled a very different perspective on children than was widely held in His day. In so many ways, Jesus treated children with great dignity and in fact, used their position in life to cll His followers to grow up into childlike faith.

  • The Light Of Jesus Breaking Into The Darkness Of Our Lives


    Today, our journey through the life of Christ takes us to Jerusalem where Jesus had a powerful encounter with a religious leader named Nicodemus. We read that Nicodemus came to Jesus at night, a detail that proves to be quite telling as we get a glimpse of the darkness in Nicodemus' soul and of Jesus' gracious invitation to him to come into the Light.

  • Water Into Wine...Despair Into Joy


    In our current series of sermons exploring the life of Christ, we come today to the village of Cana where Jesus entered into a joy-filled wedding celebration that was threatened by the culturally shameful dilemma of running out of wine. Jesus restored the celebration by miraculously turning water into new wine.

  • Walking With Jesus Monday To Saturday


    When we open our Bibles and dig into the life of Jesus, what emerges is a picture of real, meaningful life breaking into the world with the result of Christ's life breaking out in those who followed Him. This view of Jesus runs counter to what is often a "stained glass" view of Jesus that largely leaves Him out of the everyday existence of our lives.

  • Journeying Forward In Faith


    Today we welcome Ben Trites, the new Executive Director of Camp Caroline, to our services. Ben will be speaking on how our journey of faith calls us forward to fulfill God's purposes. The whole of Scripture tells the extraordinary story of God's profound love for people. And it is His call in your life and mine to share this love with anyone and everyone you spend time with each and everyday of our lives.

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