Big Fat Lies with Jennifer Cramer Lewis

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LIVE FRIDAYS 4 PM ET/3 CT/2 MT/1 PT Is your life and business truly delightful? Can it be? Jennifer Cramer Lewis says yes it can, when you don’t fall for the Big Fat Lies. Jennifer stands for deliciously ambitious female business owners like you, always knowing when they are under the spell of a Big Fat Lie, and will use her quirky irreverent style to show you, what to say yes to, so you can be proactive, passionate, productive and profitable in your life and business. Part cautionary tale, part practical magic, Big Fat Lies invites you to laugh at limitation and embrace all the fun and fortune you came here to experience as a female business owner. Jennifer’s Gift for You Jennifer’s Community


  • Why Being A Nice Person Is Bad For Your Health


    Big Fat Lies with Jennifer Cramer Lewis Do you spend a lot of time working on being a nice person and doing nice things for people? What if I told you that being a nice person is not only bad for your health, it’s draining your financial flows? Even if you have grown up in a family that is dedicated to being nice, you can break this horrible habit without turning into a complete rage demon or alienating all the quality people in your life. Notice I said quality people… you might alienate some people… come and join me in the live studio for my Masterclass called “Why Being Nice Person Is Bad For Your Health” All you people pleasers… this is a sign…join me Live here at 1PM Pacific Standard time Friday in the studio chat or on the #replay wherever you watch or listen @big fat lies jennifer cramer lewis on your podcast platform of choice.   *Listen now on the Inspired Choices Network app! ~ More About Big Fat Lies with Jennifer

  • How to Grow Your EQ (Emotional Quotient) ~ Jennifer Cramer Lewis


    Big Fat Lies with Jennifer Cramer Lewis  Are you reacting to your life or embracing it? In this episode I will be sharing all things emotional quotient. What would growing your emotional quotient mean for your life, business, wealth and relationships? Even if you have never studied EQ, you have probably been in a room with someone who has Zero EQ and it was heartbreaking or super annoying… both are difficult to endure. In some ways, this is also you if you are reading this, don’t be that person. I would love to show you where to look for your EQ and what it means for you and those around you to grow it into the solid oak tree everyone would like to be. Join me Live here at 1PM Pacific Standard time in the studio classroom or on the #replay wherever you watch or listen @big fat lies jennifer cramer lewis on your podcast platform of choice. *Listen now on the Inspired Choices Network app! ~ More About Big Fat Lies with Jennif

  • 5+ Ways to Make Money Podcasting with Guest Expert Christine McIver


    Big Fat Lies with Jennifer Cramer Lewis  Is your podcast a money draining hobby or a viable financial entity driving clients and wealth to your door? If it’s the former, let’s switch that paradigm so your podcast is an opportunity rich client manifesting vehicle instead of an energy and money draining hobby. In this episode we are going to learn from guest expert Christine McIver of Inspired Choices Network at least 5 ways (likely much more) of monetizing your podcast and making a bigger impact with your creative work. Why? Because if you are using your expertise to create anything, it’s my mission to make sure that pays you back with wealth, abundance and juicy opportunities for growth. Our expert guest, Christine McIver, is a Strategic Business Coach, Inspirational Speaker, Best selling Author, TV & Radio Personality, and the Founder & Owner of Inspired Choices Network. Christine is highly successful at inspiring individuals and businesses to make choices that will bring them increased success, greater joy,

  • Why P*orn is Keeping You Broke ~ Jennifer Cramer Lewis


    Big Fat Lies with Jennifer Cramer Lewis  I have held off on this topic for as long as I can stand; P*orn is keeping you broke. Even if you are not the primary user of p*orn, it’s still affecting your financial flows and if you are currently at the broke frequency, it’s time to stop p*orn in it’s tracks and activate your sexy abundant wealth flows instead. Join me live in the studio for a down to earth chat about love, sex, abundance and what the creators of p*orn are really doing when they lure you or your loved ones into this bogus reality that has nothing to do with nurturing your body.. I’m not playing the shame game. What I stand for is a reality where your body gets the juicy, generative, loving it’s really looking for. Where the lovemaking you are receiving is not some facsimile of some film someone watched somewhere, and is acting out with your flesh and blood body. When your creative juices are going towards creating an abundant and wealthy future for yourself instead of into the waste paper basket. T

  • How to Develop Prosperity and Wealth Consciousness in Today’s World


    Big Fat Lies with Jennifer Cramer Lewis  Hello Beautiful Being, is it feast and famine in your finances monthly and you crave wealth and prosperity? Would you like your monthly finances to be filled with wealth and prosperity instead of the old roller coaster? Join me live in the studio for the Big Fat Lies of being prosperous and wealthy… maybe some of them are stopping you from being astonishingly financially abundant and having a way bigger slice of pie than you’ve been allowing yourself. It’s not all Bezos and Musk in the billionaire space my sweet friends. There really is an abundance of wealth and prosperity available to you, let’s get it! Join me Live here at 1PM Pacific Standard time in the studio chat or on the #replay wherever you watch or listen @big fat lies jennifer cramer lewis on your podcast platform of choice. *Listen now on the Inspired Choices Network app! ~ More About Big Fat Lies with Jennifer Cramer Lewis ~ 

  • I Quit Manifesting, & Here’s What Happened with Guest Eesha Patel


    Big Fat Lies with Jennifer Cramer Lewis  Hello Beautiful Being: Have you been manifesting like a MF with little to no consistent results? Perhaps it is manifesting itself that is the culprit! Join us live to learn what this amazing creator of universes knows about: Manifesting Money Consciousness and Creation in the 5D energetic realm. Eesha has natural ability to explain very high level multidimensional concepts and spirituality in very simple, easy to understand terms such that even a beginner can implement and get started straight away. No matter where you are on your consciousness journey, there will be very valuable gems everywhere, all you need to do is bring a basket. Eesha is host and creator of the Global Awakening Summit, please be our guest HERE Join me Live here at 1PM Pacific Standard time in the studio chat or on the #replay wherever you watch or listen @big fat lies jennifer cramer lewis on your p

  • How to Activate Your Personal Genius ~ Jennifer Cramer Lewis


    Big Fat Lies with Jennifer Cramer Lewis  Hello Beautiful Being: Did you know that you have your own personal genius that is unique to you and is what you are here to express in everything you do? You may have wondered what your personal genius is, or perhaps like many you have been conditioned to think that you are average at best or even at worst that you are lacking intelligence. Well Beautiful Let Me Show YOU Where to look to see your personal genius What to ask to ignite genius How to express genius where it activates and amplifies your life in the most delicious and delightful ways… It’s not all Einstein and Elon in the genius space my sweet friends. Join me Live here at 1PM Pacific Standard time in the studio chat or on the #replay wherever you watch or listen @big fat lies jennifer cramer lewis *Listen now on the Inspired Choices Network app! ~ More About Big Fat Lies with Jennifer Cramer Lewis ~  Jennifer is Canada’s #1 bu

  • How to be Magic with Guest Cory Michelle


    Big Fat Lies with Jennifer Cramer Lewis  Hello Beautiful Being: Retrogrades, Full Moons and Capricorn, oh My! If you are ready to no longer let retrogrades, full moons and general madness rule your world, then this is the broadcast you are going to want to attend live. In this broadcast my guest Cory Michelle and I will explore: What is 3D and what is 5D and why should you care How trying to be Magic is so much harder than actually being Magic What identity has to do with the general madness on this planet My Guest Cory Michelle, as well as being one of my favourite people on the planet, has been facilitating energetic mastery, entering the 5D and magical living for ages. I was one of her clients way back when had my first month that I brought in more than $10,000 and astonished myself at my abilities with wealth generation. Cory delights when people start to pop out of the matrix and into their gorgeousness. Check out more about Cory at and make sure to let her team know

  • How to Achieve More While Working Less ~ Jennifer Cramer Lewis


    Big Fat Lies with Jennifer Cramer Lewis  Hello Beautiful Being: Are you curious about how to achieve more this year, while not working more or harder? If working less and how to achieve more is on your radar this year, you are going to want to tune into this week’s show. In this broadcast we will explore: What is achievement these days, can we still do that? What is flow state and the ideal flow for you? What can you do to make sure that your business is aimed in the right direction to have more of the great times where you are flowing and growing? I have noticed, now more than ever, people like you need these tools to take full advantage of the achievements and opportunities available to them. So they don’t burn their bright stars out on people who are not worthy of their talents, capacities and abilities. It’s so important to get the right tools at the right time so you can be the genius you came here to be. Fair warning! I don’t blow smoke, I speak the real truth, so this episode is not for people who need

  • How to Know What to Believe In ~ Jennifer Cramer Lewis


    Big Fat Lies with Jennifer Cramer Lewis  Hello Beautiful Being, In a world gone mad, how do you know what to believe in? If it was really that simple, would we be stressing ourselves out with how to know what to believe in or who to believe in?  I see conscious people, like you, losing sleep and making themselves mad and I would love to offer some assistance and peace right now. This is my jam. In this broadcast we will explore: Where does belief live in your personal consciousness? How can you spot a lie or something to put ZERO faith in? What can you do to expand your peace of mind right now? Still paying attention? Why now? I have noticed, now more than ever, people like you need these tools to take full advantage of the opportunities available to them.  So they don’t burn their bright stars out on people who are not worthy of their talents, capacities and abilities.  It’s so important to get the right tools at the right time so you can be the genius you came here to be. Fair warning!  I don’t blow smoke,

  • How to Develop Grit in Business ~ Jennifer Cramer Lewis


    Big Fat Lies with Jennifer Cramer Lewis  Have you been on a rollercoaster of energy as a business owner or entrepreneur and wish that you had more grit? In my years in business and as a business owner, I can tell you that GRIT is the #1 thing that you have to have in business. However, even if you feel like grit is in short supply for you, there are ways to develop and grow your grit stash dynamically. In this broadcast we will explore: What is grit really? How can grit be developed? What is not grit, that is leading to burnout? Still paying attention? Why now? I have noticed, now more than ever, people like you need these tools to take full advantage of the opportunities available to them.  So they don’t burn their bright stars out on people who are not worthy of their talents, capacities and abilities.  It’s so important to get the right tools at the right time so you can be the genius you came here to be. Fair warning!  I don’t blow smoke, I speak the real truth, so this episode is not for people who need

  • How to Use Time Travel For Business ~ Jennifer Cramer Lewis


    Big Fat Lies with Jennifer Cramer Lewis  Hello Beautiful Being, Have you ever had an opportunity pass you by and wished that you could use time travel to go back and be fully present so you could take it in and make the best of it?  In my years of consciousness studies, I have learned very practical ways to use time travel, yes even for business! In this broadcast we will explore: What is time really? How can time be used to its best advantage? How to use time travel, even if you don’t have a time machine Still paying attention? Why now? I have noticed, now more than ever, people like you need these tools to take full advantage of the opportunities available to them.  So they don’t burn their bright stars out on people who are not worthy of their talents, capacities and abilities.  It’s so important to get the right tools at the right time so you can be the genius you came here to be, struggle free. Fair warning!  The last time I taught time travel live, the broadcast disappeared and only those who were with

  • How to Start ReWilding Your Business ~ Jennifer Cramer Lewis


    Big Fat Lies with Jennifer Cramer Lewis  Hello Beautiful Being. Have you noticed all the rules and regulations of owning a business? Lately I certainly have. I don’t think that they actually work for most of us and suggest that rewilding your business is the answer. Even if you think that rewilding sounds mysterious and exciting and not very like what would work in business, I would like to offer another point of view. If your business was a wild animal: What would it eat? Where would it hunt? Where would it rest? And what could giving it permission to rewild create? *Listen now on the Inspired Choices Network app! ~ More About Big Fat Lies with Jennifer Cramer Lewis ~  Jennifer is Canada’s #1 business and relationship turnaround expert for deliciously ambitious visionary female entrepreneurs and is a modern-day shaman and seer. Jennifer has, for over 20 years, assisted entrepreneurs and business owners, to ignite their dream life, find joy, meaning, and success in bu

  • How to be Rebellious and Prosperous ~ Jennifer Cramer Lewis


    Big Fat Lies with Jennifer Cramer Lewis  Hello Beautiful Being; Have you noticed how being rebellious is something that you have not equated to prosperity? Like how mainstream does prosperity is all about following the rules of prosperity and being rebellious is never going to get you that Cadillac or Porsche? If your rebellious heart could use permission to prosper like Elon Musk (and let’s be clear, he’s a rebel) then you are going to want to join me live for this show at 1PM Pacific and 4 PM Eastern on Friday November 19th. Imagine if you: ~ Knew more about your rebellious nature and how to channel it into prosperity ~ Learned what partnerships would exponentialize your financial flows ~ Gave yourself permission to be yourself and follow your heart in business (and life) Still paying attention? Why now? I have noticed so many business owners sinking time and attention into systems and processes for their life and business that will NEVER make money and ignite their own financial flows. How do I know? I am

  • How to Trust Yourself and The Universe ~ Jennifer Cramer Lewis


    Big Fat Lies with Jennifer Cramer Lewis  Hello Beautiful Being: Are you noticing a lack of trust everywhere you go? I certainly am, and when you look at the astrological transits, now more than ever, is an excellent time to renew or establish a strong sense of trust in yourself and your place in the Universe. If your sense of trust in yourself and in the Universe could use a reset you are going to want to join me for this show at 1PM Pacific Standard Time on Fridays. Imagine if You: ~ Knew where to look for your lost sense of trust and synchronicity ~ Learned a key promise from the Universe about your Purpose ~ Discovered that your uniqueness and spark is the exact thing you came to experience. Still paying attention? Why now? I have noticed now more than ever it is crucial for you to believe in yourself, believe in your mission and I love to remind you what that is if you forget for a minute or two how special you are. Join us for this event? Invite someone who you are worried isn’t feeling supported by the

  • How to Create a Dream Team ~ Jennifer Cramer Lewis


    Big Fat Lies with Jennifer Cramer Lewis  Hello Beautiful Being: Are you noticing the people who are on your team, and have your back and the ones who are not dream team material? I certainly am, and when you look at the astrological transits, it’s an excellent time to see who you want to have on your dream team when there is snow on the ground. (** or in the scorching sun for you Aussis) If teamwork is not making the dreamwork right now or is a regular pain in the $%%, then you will NOT want to miss this show! Imagine if you: Learn what the MISSING frequencies are in your business and can plan to bridge the Gap. Discover what your secret sauce is so you can put that $%^& on everything. Find out how Jennifer’s VIP clients strategically hire so they can scale and grow their businesses without blowing up or burning out… or to even climb out of a burnout with strategic support. Still paying attention? Why now? I have noticed now more than ever it is crucial for you to have people in your home and in your business

  • How to Survive the Great Reset with Your Business and Body


    Big Fat Lies with Jennifer Cramer Lewis  Hello Beautiful being, are you watching what is going on and concerned about how your business and body are going survive on the other side of the Great Reset? If the Great Reset is something that you are not concerned about then you are going to want to miss this show… Still paying attention? OK! Have I got a treat for you! Imagine if you: Discover what your unique part of the Great Reset is. Learn what frequencies are correct for your body so you thrive rather than survive. Find out what your unique business offers on the other side so you can start steering in that direction now. Why? You’d have to be dense indeed to not be aware that change is happening all the time and even more so now. My reason for being is to help female business owners who are accustomed to being best in show to climb out of their second or third burnout and then completely redesign their business so burnout is never an option again. All this change is a great place to road test your abilities

  • How to Charge Your Love Batteries ~ Guest Barry Selby


    Big Fat Lies with Jennifer Cramer Lewis  Hello beautiful being, are your love batteries on chronic low energy? If you manage to get them charged, does someone or something come along and drain them soon afterwards with little to no interest in reciprocating love energy? Have I got a treat for you!  The Love Doctor Barry Selby is going to join us in studio to share his best tips for charging your own love batteries, while building an immunity to people who don’t bring as much love into your life as they receive from it. Barry loves inspiring the feminine heart, seeing women thriving, being respected, and enjoying relationships that honor them. Don’t believe that’s possible?  You’d better meet Barry and join us in the studio audience! Imagine if you could: Discover your own love batteries and what fuel they run on? Learn what thriving in love relationships means to you and how to calibrate your reality to bring that forward Find out how to be kind to your own feminine heart instead o

  • How to Stop Bleeding Money ~ Jennifer Cramer Lewis


    Big Fat Lies with Jennifer Cramer Lewis  How to Stop Bleeding Money: Time travel to your past to preserve your wealthy financial future. Hello beautiful being, is money a thing for you? Even after all this time are you bleeding money out faster than you can infuse it in? Have I got a treat for you… we are going to have so much fun together! This week is an auspicious one to open the container and peek at all the places where our financial past may be affecting our financial present or future. What if our ancestors and non-physical beings (entities) could assist? Imagine if you: Learn to trust yourself financially and also learn a decision-making process so you learn who to NOT trust? Discover what freedom and financial freedom really mean to you beyond the fantasy of a multimillion-dollar windfall. How to stop your past failures from bleeding into your future like that one red sock in the whites cycle of the washing machine. I promise, by the end of this live show, you will have so many ways to be way more aw

  • The Joy of Not Knowing~ Jennifer Cramer Lewis


    Big Fat Lies with Jennifer Cramer Lewis  The Joy of Not Knowing: How to Relax into Uncertainty and Have Way More Fun. Hello beautiful being, are we supposed to know what we are doing all the time? Yes? No? Is that uncertainty eroding your fun quotient? What if there could be joy and fun in not knowing? ------- download Jennifer’s Overgiver Solution at --------- This week is an auspicious one to open the container and have a look at all the places and spaces where we could enjoy the adventure and mystery of our existence on this planet and have way more fun! I promise, by the end of this live show, you will have so many ways to be aware of the mystery of your own life and start to rejoice in the uncertainty. Hint: Everywhere you are uncertain, it’s open for massive positive change. *Listen now on the Inspired Choices Network app! ~ More About Big Fat Lies with Jennifer Cramer Lewis ~  Jennifer is Canada’s #1 business and relationship turna

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