Higher Journeys Radio With Alexis Brooks

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editora: Podcast
  • Duração: 223:43:19
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An alternative deep dive into the spiritual, metaphysical, and paranormal realms with the leading authors, researchers, and thinkers from all over the globe.


  • Penney Peirce – How to Access the Subconscious Mind – It’s a WHOLE NEW WORLD!

    23/10/2019 Duração: 51min

    Intuitive empath Penney Peirce says, "Now's the time to gain access to what used to be 'hidden'!" https://youtu.be/V_13aArOhN0 They say that the subconscious is the storehouse of all memory. Our fears, anxieties, childhood traumas, subliminal programming, all find a home in the subterranean repository called the subconscious. But what if we could bring ALL of that information to the surface? What if we have the ability to resurrect that which we don’t want or need anymore and transmute it into something that serves us better? Intuitive empath and author of Leap of Perception Penney Peirce had some fascinating things to say about the matter. When we identify that which we want most, often its opposite will show up in clear view. Are these just the reality gremlins playing tricks on us OR is there something powerful happening that’s readying us to bring in what we desire most? Penny, in her trademark style of clarity, and even poetic tone, helps us navigate these times of moving from an age of confusion to one

  • Mary Rodwell – ET Encounters in Brazil (What are We Learning?)

    16/10/2019 Duração: 46min

    ET Contact researcher Mary Rodwell shares perplexing details of an ENTIRE family's Alien Encounters! https://youtu.be/Cbua-DMUBEA Just when you think you’ve heard it all when it comes to the perplexing reality of alien abduction and our interaction with non human species, along comes yet another account that is sure to stand you on your ear. Mary Rodwell - a true researcher and explorer into the ET and human hybrid reality, continues to find some of the most intriguing stories on the planet - AND OFF! This time she shares with us her communication with a family in Brazil, ALL of whom have had multiple interactions with non-human intelligence. But is this family dynamic an isolated incident or more common than we may think? The answer may surprise you! Mary Rodwell is the Author of The New Human - Awakening to Our Cosmic Heritage (2017) and Awakening: How Extraterrestrial Contact Can Change your life (2002).  She is the Principal of ACERN (Australian Close Encounter Resource Network), a former nurse, midwife,

  • Cynthia Sue Larson – The Mandela Effect – New Insights and Discoveries 2019!

    09/10/2019 Duração: 48min

    The Mandela Effect is not going away. Researcher Cynthia Sue Larson reveals what's now being discovered. https://youtu.be/H1G1NKkzWQU The Mandela Effect - just what is this all about? Is this about a reality, possibly for the masses, that is constantly warping and wefting, ebbing and flowing, and literally shifting the past as we know it? Is this about our brain’s ability to process information one way at a certain point in time and another well into the future, or is this just about false memory? Today’s guest Cynthia Sue Larson and I have discussed the Mandela Effect at great length before, but it seems that with every passing day, new information comes to light about what we may just be dealing with. Cynthia and I discuss this in connection with what is known as retrocausality - the idea that cause does not always have to precede effect, and some of the exciting discoveries within the quantum field that are supporting this theory. This conversation was so much fun to have and so exciting when we consider t

  • Terry Lovelace – Incident at Devils Den: Connecting the Dots!

    25/09/2019 Duração: 01h14min

    Alien Abductee Terry Lovelace continues his journey to recover details about what led up to his abduction at Devils Den Part Two of our interview with Terry Lovelace https://youtu.be/flxZ0g-Va-g In part one of my interview with retired attorney, former assistant attorney general, and lifelong abductee Terry Lovelace - we discussed his most harrowing journey AFTER his 1977 abduction at Devils Den State Park in Northerwestern Arkansas. The full hour was taken up with his recounting the details of a full on interrogation, and the disturbing aftermath that haunts him to this day. On today’s show - a part two that I knew we would have to do right away, Terry goes further into the events that preceded his 1977 event, including the discovery in 2012 of a device mysteriously placed in his leg, the visit to his home by an odd Asian woman who he recalled from his childhood, and the warning she gave him that shook him to the core. We also discuss his time spent with Luis Elizondo of To the Stars Academy, his take on the

  • Terry Lovelace – Alien Abduction and the Aftermath that WON’T Go Away!

    19/09/2019 Duração: 01h10min

    ET Contactee Terry Lovelace has a tale to tell - except nothing about this is a tale of fiction! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uk6oam8Auic This is one of THE most powerful and disturbing stories I’ve ever heard! The alien abduction of former assistant attorney general and contactee Terry Lovelace. Terry is the author of Incident at Devils Den and involves the abduction of he and his friend whom he refers to as “Toby” while on a camping trip in Arkansas. What follows the abduction is one of the most disturbing and horrific of interrogations (I’m sure) on record. Listen to his story and then stay tuned for part two of this interview. This is a MUST listen! Read Incident at Devils Den to get more insight on this most harrowing account! This is a MUST READ! Get Incident at Devils Den on Audible!                     Get the full story on Terry Lovelace in this very detailed BIO!

  • P.M.H. Atwater – Children and Near Death Experience: Why You Need to Pay Attention!

    11/09/2019 Duração: 58min

    https://youtu.be/ssdBet2QZZI Near Death Experience expert PMH Atwater SCREAMS "You MUST pay attention to the kids!" Here's Why... They're smart, shy, irreverent, impossibly brilliant! They're what some call "special," - we'll avoid other labels (e.g. crystal, star or indigo children) for purposes of this article. These children are experiencers of near death episodes - also known as the near-death experience or NDE. According to near-death researcher and three time ND experiencer PMH Atwater, these kids are misunderstood (an understatement) and longing to go "home." But where is home? And why do they feel so at odds with life on planet earth or channel "normal?" Based on Atwater's latest "deep dive" into the near-death phenomenon, The Forever Angels - Near Death Experiences in Childhood and Their Lifelong Impact, she's cracked open a large Pandora's box when it comes to understanding the nuances of childhood near death experiences. But this isn't just about the episode of "dying" and what this was like. Th

  • Suzanne Ross – Magic and the Natural World

    04/09/2019 Duração: 44min

    Magic can be felt in many ways, particularly in the natural world https://youtu.be/pH5g3Crgyac Consciousness explorer Suzanne Ross shares her magical connection with nature and the animal kingdom. Intuitive and inquisitive about nature since childhood, Ross became acquainted with the magic that exists between us and the natural world through her interactions with fairies, elementals and other intelligent life. Growing up in Mt. Shasta, Ross has been exploring this less traveled terrain of conscious connection for her entire life. Now, she says, the synchronicity of these connections are becoming more apparent and she feels this is indicative of a sign that humanity is poised to witness a true ascension point. Listen to Suzanne's fascinating personal accounts and be inspired by the magical connection that keeps her passion about life front and center in all that she does. NOTE: If you liked this episode, you'll definitely want to tune in to my interview with Mystic Healer Sonja Grace! Suzanne Ross is an i

  • Grant Cameron – “UFOs are not physical!”

    28/08/2019 Duração: 40min

    Long time UFO investigator Grant Cameron makes a startling connection with UFOs and the paranormal https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=waPJSVCGILc Grant Cameron, a UFO researcher who's been in this field for decades, investigating both the nuts and bolts "lights in the sky" angle as well as the experiential, those who have had ET contact, has made some startling new discoveries, and as a result he feels that what we think may be material objects (UFOs) traveling from elsewhere to Earth may be doing something entirely different. His investigations point to the idea that none of the so-called alien craft are physical or are traveling through physical space as we understand it. How he came to this conclusion is quite fascinating as he connects the dots of the UFO phenomenon with what are referred to as apports and poltergeist phenomena. Listen to how Grant Cameron reached this conclusion PLUS he'll give us an update of yet more "strange phenomena" happening recently at Mt. Shasta! Get books by Grant Cameron!

  • Owls and The ET Contact Phenomenon – Your Questions Answered!

    22/08/2019 Duração: 34min

    Alexis answers your questions about ET contact and more! https://youtu.be/12JctLTTOIM In this episode of Conscious Commentary, I take on your questions and comments about ET contact, owls and alien abduction, based on my recent interview with The Messengers author Mike Clelland. Plus I'll give you a little insight on my own "extraordinary" experience! Be sure to check out these important and relevant links from the episode ✅ THE MESSENGERS - OWLS, SYNCHRONICITY AND THE UFO ABDUCTEE ✅ STORIES FROM THE MESSENGERS - OWLS, UFOS AND A DEEPER REALITY ✅ WE ARE THE DISCLOSURE - A PEOPLE’S HISTORY OF THE EXTRATERRESTRIAL FIELD

  • Mike Clelland – Owls, Alien Abduction and the Ufology “Rift!”

    14/08/2019 Duração: 59min

     Alien abduction vs. craft in the sky. Will the two camps within the UFO field ever come together? https://youtu.be/hXBNw7ugdjc When Mike Clelland heard a voice telling him that he was an experiencer of alien abduction and that his contact experiences were linked to the owls he was serendipitously seeing everywhere, he nearly had a nervous breakdown! Justifiably so! But as Clelland, the author of three books, including The Messengers - Owls, Synchronicity and the UFO Abductee, began to come to terms with what he'd vehemently denied for so long, the stories from other ET contactees who'd had their own mysterious brushes with owls started to pour in. He's now known as the "Owl guy," continuing on his quest to better understand the link between these nocturnal creatures and contact with non human intelligence, having logged hundreds, if not thousands of stories, including his own about owls, synchronicity, and the UFO experience. In this, his first appearance on Higher Journeys radio, we discussed his own e

  • Barry Littleton – On the Reality of Black Extraterrestrials and ET Contact

    08/08/2019 Duração: 44min

    https://youtu.be/DhTpAQiEb9I At a time when many are still asking if extraterrestrial life is a reality at all, some individuals have graduated past that fundamental question and are now exploring the idea that alien races span the spectrum of our galaxy and beyond! Barry Littleton, an ET contact experiencer and researcher is one such individual. As an African American "experiencer," Barry has been exploring the idea that "black extraterrestrials" exist and what he has found is quite intriguing. Moreover, are these (as he refers to them) "melanin dominant" ET's interacting directly with us here on earth? Barry had much to say on the matter! Barry Littleton in his own words... I was born somewhat awake with fragmented past life memories, and began having paranormal experiences at a very young age. These experiences included telepathic awareness, sometimes seeing or feeling Ghosts, and various Inorganic Beings. Some of these encounters, and the entities themselves had a distinct extraterrestrial origin. T

  • Sonja Grace – Mercury Retrograde 2019 It’s MUCH More Than You Think!

    31/07/2019 Duração: 43min

    https://youtu.be/rmlyOviDMro Mystic healer and spirit traveler Sonja Grace shares her unique insight into this July 2019 Mercury Retrograde as well as other planetary influences that have many on edge. What and how are we being affected by this critical cycle and how can we navigate the tumult that seems to be in our face? Sonja has some surprising and powerful perspectives to share, including why it's not just Mercury Retrograde that's affecting us all now! Sonja will also discuss what she feels is the "interference" of humanity. Who and what is causing this and how can we shift into a new paradigm by learning from these challenging times? Sonja Grace is a highly sought-after mystic, healer, artist, and storyteller with both Norwegian and Native American heritage. As an energy surgeon and remote healer, she has been counseling an international roster of clients for over thirty years. The award-winning author of Spirit Traveler, Become an Earth Angel, Dancing with Raven and Bear, and Odin and the Nine Re

  • Extraordinary – The Seeding New Documentary on Alien Abduction, Hybridization, Missing Pregnancies and More!

    10/07/2019 Duração: 01h03min

    Alien abduction. Is it real and if so, what's happening? https://youtu.be/otDBR6fOH9E To say we’re living in extraordinary times, I think we can all agree would be an understatement. Many people on this planet are navigating extreme challenges, stresses, and uncertainty about the future. But there are other individuals, possibly many more than we know that are living with a secret so large - so unfathomable and to many, unbelievable in its implications. We’re talking about direct contact with non-human intelligence - yes, alien abduction. We’re talking about extreme abduction cases that include missing time, and even missing pregnancies and the creation of hybrid children. Sure, this sounds clearly like a work of science fiction. But if you ask some of these individuals who ARE the experiencers of alien abduction, some of which are featured in an upcoming documentary film entitled Extraordinary - The Seeding, they will tell you that not only are these encounters real, they are life altering. Many experience

  • William Buhlman – Beyond the Astral, Belief and the Spiritual Path

    03/07/2019 Duração: 50min

    OBE expert William Buhlman says that if you want to experience unlimited potential, toss belief and quick! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fd9hJjICSak William Buhlman has been traveling out of his body (OBE) for 60 years! As a child he would routinely float out of his physical form, often up to the ceiling and sometimes beyond, even to the point of "viewing" the contents of the gutter atop his mother's roof. Though he didn't know what was happening, he knew it was real. When he began to explain to his mother what was happening, her response was that of disbelief. Buhlman says it is our rigid belief systems (or in this case, disbelief) that inhibits our ability to experience a full spiritual journey with limitless possibility. Hear more about what William Buhlman had to say in this exclusive interview with Higher Journeys Radio host Alexis Brooks. William Buhlman brings over forty years of extensive personal out-of-body explorations thought provoking insight into this subject. His first book, Adventures

  • Jacob Liberman – Luminous LIfe and How to TRULY SEE the Light!

    26/06/2019 Duração: 55min

    Vision scientist and consciousness researcher Jacob Liberman explains how we're missing the boat when it comes to truly seeing the light of life! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1wJE1hgjW1A Jacob Liberman, is a visionary both literally and philosophically. His exploration and explanation about how light, vision, and consciousness are all connected are second to none. In this talk with Jacob, we examine the subtle but profound ways that life call us rather than asking us to call or find it! Based on Jacob Liberman’s ground breaking book - Luminous Life - How the Science of Light Unlocks the Art of Living, Jacob shares some paradigm shattering approaches to living a full and happy life, not by working for it but by being in the flow with it. You will walk away from this interview looking at light and life in ways you’d not known before! Get Luminous Life - How the Science of Light Unlocks the Art of Living                       Dr. Jacob Israel Liberman is a pioneer in the fields of light, vision a

  • Neil Kramer – Transmutation and the Serious Path to Spiritual Sovereignty

    21/06/2019 Duração: 01h04min

    https://youtu.be/HDTRsVnTdyw What does it take to bring yourself closer to reality. One that is unfiltered, unfettered, and ready to be fully explored? Neil Kramer, a spiritual philosopher and esotericist joins us again on Higher Journeys to discuss us a film that illustrates  what discovering the path of truth really entails. In a documentary that he wrote, narrated and co-produced entitled Transmutation, the elements are in full view as to how any individual walking the face of this earth is invited to discover truth on their own terms, outside of the limits of normal. But only if they so choose. Once chosen what’s discovered will ultimately change not only their view of reality, but reveal what to so many seems stubbornly hidden and out of reach. Why is it that some individuals have a natural thirst for discovery and others perfectly okay with living a status quo existence? And in this age of revelation why is it that still the masses seem so tethered to their sleep state, even while the truth is beckoning

  • Abby Wynne – Energy Healing and the Sovereign Path

    07/06/2019 Duração: 50min

    Shamanic psychotherapist Abby Wynne on how planetary energies are challenging us to address ourselves in a whole new way. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BCP6wEYRkeM I’m so excited to share with you my interview with Hay House author Abby Wynne! We discussed some important stuff in this ever changing world. Things that so many of us are navigating right now. And the key word IS “Navigate.” Here are a couple quotes from Abby that resonated deeply with me: We’re used to having a map, but as Abby said... “A thick heavy fog has descended and [now] we can’t see where we’re going.” But here are some tips to navigating amid the fog… “Don’t give everything away. There’s power in not sharing everything!” “Get in touch with the edges of your container [your self] and make sure that your’e not being drawn in to stuff that isn’t you.” Great advice indeed! Of course, this is just the tip of the iceberg. Be sure to tune in to hear the full episode! Learn more about the work of Abby Wynne HERE Get Abby's Latest Book: HE

  • Tolec – An ET Contact Experiencer Reveals All – Time Travel and More!

    29/05/2019 Duração: 57min

    After a decade of profound ET contact experiences, one man says he was told how we must change in order to "save" humanity https://youtu.be/BFoSr3nNwKM The ET Contact phenomenon comes to many people in many ways. There are accounts that are described as frightening and mind-boggling, and yet others are enlightening and inspiring. Regardless of the reaction of the experiencer after the encounter, one common element exists throughout - Life change - a change or adaptation in direction of one’s path and purpose. The individual you are about to hear from is a powerful case-in-point. After a series of experiences he’s had spanning over a decade, his life and life’s work would never be the same. He goes by the name, Tolec, and he is the creator of the website andromedacouncil.com and also the producer of a highly successful annual event called Transformational Shift Events Conference in Sedona, Arizona. Tolec shares with us his personal journey that I initially got to hear for the first time late last year, when

  • Robert Davis, Ph.D. – Unseen Forces and The “Spiritual Emergency”

    22/05/2019 Duração: 50min

    Spiritual Emergency stemming from a "Peak Experience" - One scientist says "That's Normal and REAL" https://youtu.be/0uMb0ZJ0nFk They’ve been called ecstatic experiences, mystical experiences, spiritual or kundalini awakenings, whatever you may call them, they are powerful and often change the experiencer in profound ways. For some their own peak experience evokes a sense of exuberance and for others, deep anxiety, also referred to as a "Spiritual Emergency."  For some, it’s a bit of both. According to Dr. Robert Davis, a neuroscientist, researcher AND experiencer himself, more people are having deep spiritual awakenings (and spiritual emergencies) than ever before. Whether triggered by a near death experience, out of body experience or completely out of the blue, the peak experience, which is how Robert Davis refers to it, is a serious and life changing event, and unfortunately our own psychological community has yet to recognize it as a real and valid human experience. In this conversation with Robert, rig

  • Linda Moulton Howe – The Latest on Binary Code and ET Contact Cases

    15/05/2019 Duração: 51min

    Earthfiles reporter Linda Moulton Howe shares what she's learning about the transcription of binary code in incidents of High Strangeness Cases https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=piDVetX37SY What you are about to hear is not your typical Higher Journeys episode, my frequent guest Linda Moulton Howe paid us another visit to deliver what I would describe as more reminiscent of a classic Earthfiles Report. Linda takes us down a rabbit hole that still has no end in sight. We’re discussing the perplexing anomaly of the ET and UFO phenomenon as it relates to contact encounters coupled with the strange emergence of symbols and binary code. By now, you may be well aware of the extensive research Linda has done on the famous Rendlesham Forest incident at RAF Bentwaters in Woodbridge England. We’ll certainly be re-visiting that today. But beyond that, Linda will share how she is putting some major pieces together to this infinitely large puzzle. Linda Moulton Howe is a graduate of Stanford University with a Masters Degree

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