Logical Weight Loss Podcast

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editora: Podcast
  • Duração: 179:04:18
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A No nonsense approach to weight loss hosted by Dave Jackson a regular person like you trying to lose weight. He shares what is and isn't working for him, inspirational stories, and weight loss gadgets. Presented in a fun and entertaining style.


  • Persistence and Determination with Weight Loss

    21/06/2020 Duração: 23min

    Today I talk about coming back from a "Health Hissy Fit." It sure looks like I know what my winning combination is, and yet here I am two weeks later and I'm at the weight I was two weeks ago.  I did gain some weight, and so I lost some weight to get back to where I started.  Hissy Fits are a bad idea. I don't recommend.  PERSISTENCE I found some great quotes about persistence:   “Success is stumbling from failure to failure with no loss of enthusiasm.” ― Winston S. Churchill   “Do not fear failure but rather fear not trying.” ― Roy T. Bennett, The Light in the Heart   “The three great essentials to achieve anything worthwhile are, first, hard work; second, stick-to-itiveness; third, common sense.” ― Thomas A. Edison   “Nothing in this world can take the place of persistence. Talent will not; nothing is more common than unsuccessful men with talent. Genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost a proverb. Education will not; the world is full of educated derelicts. Persistence and determination

  • Kevin Hart The Decision Reviewed

    02/06/2020 Duração: 22min

    Today I talk about two books. One I loved, and one I want to take back. I also went back to some apps I use to use, and I forgot how much I like them.  Streaks App  Happy Scale In a weird "double negative" kind of goal I set one negative goal of "Don't Eat Bad Food" and when I start the day it's checked. Hence, I have to purposely choose to eat bad food.  I like Happy Scale (ios only) as it breaks your overall goal into segments and then shows your progress on each segment.  Weigh In  228. I'm at the same weight as I was on the last episode.  Kevin Hart The Decision I first got the book, The Fitness Mindset and while it talks about muscles, fat burning, exercise, supplements, it doesn't seem to talk about the fitness mindset. I've got about an hour left and this guy has talked about everything but the thing I bought the book for.  Then I found Kevin Hart's book The Decision. It's what would happen if Tony Robbins, the Secret, and Kevin Hart had a baby. It's insp

  • Can Squeezing a Hockey Puck Make Me Sweat? Activ5 Review

    24/05/2020 Duração: 19min

    I purchased an Activ5 and was somewhat skeptical that this would make me sweat. It turns out that this is not as easy at looks. After a few exercises, my arms were shaking.  I love that this is so portable, and the app is fun. You are a spaceship that is trying to fly straight to hit targets. Depending on how hard you squeeze dictates how high the spaceship flies.  It lets you know how hard you were pressing and keeps all sorts of stats. It lets you know if you've improved (or not ) since the last time you did this exercise. With this in mind, you can see your progress. It notifies you of any streaks you're on (I'm on a 2 day streak - woo hoo!)  Also in the "stats" is it tied into my Apple health data and which then tied into MyFitnesspal. In English, when I exercise using this the calories I burn automatically show in MyFitness pal. You could easily do this during commercial breaks watching TV. I could see your kids LOVING this.  The only part that I was like, "Hey, um, that's Yog

  • First Impressions of DDP Yoga

    19/05/2020 Duração: 22min

      Weigh In I weighed in at 226.6 on May 11th. Today I'm weighing in a 228.6 which is somewhat frustrating. Typically I have some really good days and other days where I go over 2000 calories. So I've been inching my way back up, and that's why I decided to try something new.  How Did Adelle Lose Weight According to her trainer, "She has been doing three things: Eating a balanced and inclusive diet. Going outside your comfort zone with a regular exercise routine. Getting restful sleep to allow your body and mind to recover. Ultimately, he said, you need to be patient. Dynamic Resistance and Yoga So I've heard about Yoga, and if you take the mediation part out I just wanted the exercise. I found that in an online program from an ex-professional wrestler call DDP Yoga. The guy's name is Diamond Dallas Paige and he suffered an injury in his back and used Yoga to get back in shape. While he is very much a "dude" this can be used by anyone.  In simple terms, it's like flexing all

  • Grief and Weight Loss and Weight Gain

    12/05/2020 Duração: 20min

    Today in the middle of a pandemic, I know many of us are losing people and not being able to grieve properly.  My Weigh In I'm up to 226.6 after getting up to 229.9 (almost 230 which would've been a new record). The last time I did an episode I was 225.3 Today I'm back on the back, back on doing the right things. Dealing With Grief Face your feelings Express your feelings in a tangible or creative way Try to maintain your hobbies and interests.  Don’t let anyone tell you how to feel, and don’t tell yourself how to feel either. Plan ahead for grief “triggers.” This is all me... Anniversaries, holidays, and milestones can reawaken memories and feelings. Be prepared for an emotional wallop, and know that it’s completely normal. If you’re sharing a holiday or lifecycle event with other relatives, talk to them ahead of time about their expectations and agree on strategies to honor the person you loved. Look after your physical health.  Full Article Become a Logical Loser see www.logicallosers.com  

  • Are you Missing Your Zing?

    21/04/2020 Duração: 22min

    Weigh In Today on 4/8 I weight 225.3  Today 4/20 226.6 Why Don't I Feel Happy When I Step on the Scale? I'm up a bit since the last episode. I say back and took a long look, and I notice I'm missing that  ZAH! ZING! WOWEE! When the scale goes down.  We need that! It's that feeling that makes us, inspires us, to do all the right things over again.  When I look a long look it is that WOW! when you step on the scale and your brain going "IT'S WORKING!!!" that really motivate us to keep doing what is working.  What does my brain say? Well, you'll have to listen.  Become a Patron Go to our Facebook accountability group at www.logicallosers.com Want to do a one-time donation? see www.logicalloss.com/support You got this. Think about your next meal. Make it a good one.

  • How Did Jimmy Kimmel Lose Weight?

    08/04/2020 Duração: 23min

    Weigh In On March 31st, I weight 225.8 Today on 4/8 I weight 225.3  How Did Jimmy Kimmel Lose Weight? According to an article in Men's Journal He had gone years without weighing himself and when he finally did, he had come a long way from the skinny days as a teenager.  He says, "I decided I was going to have two protein shakes and a very small dinner every day. I did that for eight weeks, then I switched to a strict 2,000-calorie-a-day diet. I lost 25 pounds that way. Then, for a while, I'd eat a piece of salmon daily for lunch. Now the idea of eating salmon is revolting to me. My new thing — something I've been doing for a couple of years now, actually — is starving myself two days a week. People call it the 5:2 diet, but I've been doing it since before it had a name. On Monday and Thursday, I eat fewer than 500 calories a day, then I eat like a pig for the other five days. You "surprise" the body, keep it guessing. The 5:2 Diet According to the Daily Burn, the 5:2 Diet was inven

  • Losing Weight While You're Losing Your Mind

    31/03/2020 Duração: 23min

    We are ALL coping with a situation that we don't have a ton of control over (besides staying home, practicing social distancing, and washing your hands).  My Weigh In I'm up 4 lbs. On March 12th I was 221.8 and today I'm at 225.8. I'm up four pounds. The weird part is I'm not sure why. There are some factors: My fridge is packed now where I use to have it empty and eat more fresh fruit.  I bought "snacks" like pudding and yogurt which I have a very hard time eating "just one."  I've not been getting as much sleep So Now What? I need to get a better understanding of why I do what I do, and why I think what I think. I'm going to dip my toe into meditation (which I've always felt is "woo-woo" and see if I can't get a better understanding as I practice "awareness."  I'm going to check out Mindfulness for Beginners Biggest Loser Wrap Up The finale is this week. Their last episode had a great part where they looked at where they stared and wh

  • Black and White Weight Loss

    12/03/2020 Duração: 24min

    I'm back from the road, and I'm ready to get back in the saddle. Last time I was 220.6 and I'm at 221.8 so I'm ready to recommit.  Back Home is Back To Your Triggers When I'm on the road I don't know where the closest ice cream place is. I don't know where all the bad stuff is located. That's a good thing. You're Not Stupid We all know what steps are good. Things like: Getting enough sleep Counting your calories Drinking-Water Exercising Eating Fruits and Vegetables We also know things that are bad such as: Fast Food Ice Cream French Fries Chips Soda So we know what we need to do, but we still do the wrong thing. That seems weird. I think its called being human. Don't beat your self up, but instead take a second and figure WHY you are making these bad choices. WHAT TRIGGERED YOU? The sooner you figure this out, the sooner you can come up with ways to not get triggered.  When you look at your actions ask yourself, "Is this going to lead me to lose weight or gaini

  • Losing Weight on the Road

    18/02/2020 Duração: 22min

    Today I weight in a 220.6 - down 4.2 lbs Losing Weight on the Road A quick way to burn some calories is to take the stairs on any breaks. I did this two to three times a day and according to my Apple watch, my heart rate was in the "exercise zone" without getting covered in sweat. I found that because I stayed busy, I barely ate (typically a large salad at night). If I can do this on the road, I should be able to do this at home.  Music Makes Exercise Fun Exercise and fun are two words that don't typically go together, but for me, I made a playlist in Spotify and it has songs that "Pump me up." The "fun" is "pushing" during the chorus and "regular exercise" during the verse. This gets my heart rate up and keeps it there.  When you win the super bowl you are covered in confetti. I now consider sweat my confetti when I exercise and smile when I start to feel it run down my back.  A Great Book For Tough Love A no-holds-barred, tough-love guide to dealing with your emot

  • Two Motivational Movies To Inspire Weight Loss and Being Healthy

    28/01/2020 Duração: 20min

    Weigh In I am down to 224.8 ( a .6 lb loss). Not great, but its better than going up.  Brittany Runs a Marathon Review This is a fun comedy with some serious undertones. I really liked it. Ladies this has some other things that you will connect with that as a guy didn't connect as much, but I can still appreciate it.  I really love one part of the movie where her friends are not being supportive, and you finally start to see Britanny start to stick up for herself.  see https://amzn.to/2Gw1mhQ Super Size Me 2: Holy Chicken! This movie gives you a glimpse into "Big Chicken" and the lovely US government. I really loved the movie as it clues you into marketing jargon that tricks us into thinking things are healthy when they are not. This is not an "anti-chicken" in a "we are killing chickens" kind of way (the moviemakers seem to understand you need to kill them to eat them). You do see where these birds are raised and bred to gain so much weight so fast that they often have heart attac

  • Catch the Plane to Wonderland

    13/01/2020 Duração: 19min

    I started the year at 225.3 and after losing a few pounds, I'm back to 226. This is partly due to me going out of town for the weekend. I tried to do things like skip breakfast and I even exercised one day. None the less my scale went up when I got home. With this in mind, I got up today and exercised early.  MY NOT SO LUCKY GREEN SUIT I had to wear a suit to a speaking gig and I hadn't worn a suit in a while. To make a long story short none of my suits fit. I'm at least 20 lbs heavier than I was when I last wore a suit.  The fun part of this is there is only one person blame. I was not a fan of myself at that moment. I took that time and turned off my phone, TV, computer and just took some time to embrace how bad this felt. I DO NOT WANT TO FEEL THIS WAY. It hurt.  WHY CAN'T WE GET UP TO EXERCISE To get to Boston I had to get up at 5:30 AM which is EARLY for me (very early). Yet, when the alarm went off I got up in a slight panic, took a shower, finished packing, and got out the door on time.

  • The 80-20 Lifestyle

    09/01/2020 Duração: 24min

    I started the year at 225.3 and after losing a few pounds, I'm back to 225. It's frustrating. I was doing good, but by skipping a few days and not really paying attention to my calories, and not exercising they came right back. The other thing that is killing me is a lack of sleep. My ears ring all the time and have for years, but for some reason, it's starting to affect my sleep. When I set an alarm to get up an exercise it takes an Olympic effort to get out of bed. It seems unfair that I can work for two weeks straight and lose two lbs, and stop for two days and gain it all back. The reason it seems unfair is because it is. You know what else it is? Reality. We have to find a way to deal with it. LOSING WEIGHT IS HARD BUT THESE MAKE IT EASIER STOP DRINKING YOUR CALORIES I started finding myself drinking the occasional coke, hot chocolate, etc. If you can stop drinking calories, you will be amazed at how that will boost your efforts. STAND INSTEAD OF SIT Standing desks have come down in price (th

  • Tomorrow is not going to work

    31/12/2019 Duração: 23min

    Weigh-in: I'm up 1.6 lb back to 225.3 I skipped a workout (typically every other day) and said, "I'll just end up doing two workouts back to back days." In other words," I"ll do it tomorrow." So I did and I'm here to tell you my body doesn't like it. In the long run this won't work. So this episode is for me to listen in the future to remind myself that as hard as it is getting on my exercise bike, getting off I always feel proud with a boost of momentum to start the day.  Building Self Discipline An article in Entrepreneur stated Know your weaknesses Remove temptations Set clear goals and have an execution plan Build your self-discipline Create new habits by keeping it simple Eat often and healthy Change your perception about willpower Give yourself a backup plan Reward yourself Forgive yourself and move forward I didn't know "captain obvious" worked for Entrepreneur magazine.   

  • Creating a Healthy Calorie Deficit

    23/12/2019 Duração: 28min

    I was reading an article and it had a great plan.  Track your feed for 10 days and look at those days where your weight maintains. Then take the average of those days and subtract 500 calories.  So if you had 2100 1900 2200 1950 2300 1876 2400 1911 2145 1978 The average is 2076  Subtract 500 calories and you get 1576 calories per day. The key to this is to take the calories of the days you maintained. Guys don't want to go below 1500 calories and Women shouldn't go below 1200. ONE MEAL I had "Christmas" last weekend as my brother goes out of town and the meal put 2 lbs on me the next day. For me looking back, a strategy would've been to: Put the food away after the meal.  Get the cookies off the table  In general, out of sight out of mind. Especially if you keep telling yourself, "OK, this is my last one..." then you know you are having an issue. Get it out of sight.  Mentioned in this Episode What Is a Calorie Deficit, and How Much of One Is Healthy?  Healthy Wage  Noom App  Try

  • Super Addictive Foods

    10/12/2019 Duração: 26min

    Weigh InFirst things, I'm down .3 lbs. Not a huge win, but not a loss. Currently, the Noom app is giving me Green, Yellow and Red foods. The Most Addictive FoodsInteresting article on the most addictive foods (hint its not broccoli)Eat Yourself Sexy I found an interesting show called Eat Yourself Sexy on Amazon Prime, and while the show has some "meh" reality TV isms, I liked that you can spot what OTHER PEOPLE are doing wrong. Watch an episode or two and then go into your kitchen and pretend you're on the show. I also thought it was interesting that in 8 weeks women were losing 2 dress sizes and those that exercised (in addition to changing their diet) lost 20 lbs in 8 weeks (amazing what a little focus can do).Rolling Your Muscles? I bought a Doeplex Muscle Roller Massage Stick and I'm not sure it really does anything. I tested by just rolling my right leg, and so far don't feel any large difference. Become a Logical LoserGet the show advertisement-free, and join our safe private Fac

  • A New Strategy to Overcome the Scale

    02/12/2019 Duração: 23min

    Today I share a new strategy when it comes to weighing yourself. I've updated the weigh-in spreadsheet for the Logical Loser Support Group to use this strategyBy adding a weekly average option it really is a red flag when you see your weekly average go down. You might also have a bad day (but have had a few good ones) and the week isn't as bad as you think. Stress and Weight GainSee article Not too Late to Join the Weight Loss ChallengeIt's only $20see https://podclick.me/ffc2020 Become a Logical LoserThis is our private Facebook accountability group. It's a safe place to ask for help, get support, and help you reach your weight loss goals. Logical Losers also get the show advertisement free.Go to www.logicallosers.com

  • How Triggers Come into Play with the Holidays

    28/11/2019 Duração: 28min

    Weight update.  November 5th I am at 226.  November 19th 225.  Different Types of Food Triggers Behavior Chains start with triggers: Environmental Biological Mental Emotional Social Triggers Produce Thoughts Thoughts Lead to Actions Actions lead to consequences Consequences  Physical Psychological Physiological Emotional This example is from Noom Mentioned in This Episode 5 Ways to Battle the Holidays Noom Weight Loss App Join the Fitness Focused New Year  

  • Celebrate All Victories

    20/11/2019 Duração: 16min

    Weight update.  November 5th I am at 226.  November 19th 225.  Join the Healthy Wage Challenge https://hwage.co/1408044/ Lose 6% of your weight by February Controlling Your Attitude I've been pretty good on hitting my benchmarks: 10 glasses of water 7 hours of sleep 30-60 minutes of exercise 1900 calories.  And yet....  Trust the process. Hang in there.  Mentioned in this Episode Zero Fasting App Available on Android and Apple Life Fasting Tracker (available on Apple or Android) https://lifeapps.io/apps/life-fasting-tracker/ Diet Fiction

  • Healthy Wage Fitness Challenge

    06/11/2019 Duração: 22min

    Weight Update Last episode on October 19th I was 228.3. Today on November 5th I am at 226.  How Do I See My Step Count on an Apple Watch? Press the button on the side and scroll down until you see "all Apps" and choose the activity app and then scroll down. Calibrating your Apple Watch While wearing your Apple Watch, go to a flat, open outdoor area that offers good GPS reception and clear skies.  If you have Apple Watch Series 2 or later, you just need your Apple Watch. If you have Apple Watch Series 1 or earlier, bring your iPhone for GPS. Hold your iPhone in your hand, or wear it on an armband or waistband. Open the Workout app. To start, tap Outdoor Walk or Outdoor Run. To set a goal before starting, tap. Walk or run at your normal pace for about 20 minutes. If you don't have time to finish the workout, you can complete 20 minutes over multiple outdoor Workout sessions. If you work out at different speeds, you should also calibrate for 20 minutes at each of the speeds that you walk or run. W

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