Thread With Dr. Chuck Quinley

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editora: Podcast
  • Duração: 87:06:31
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Thread is a Bible podcast for Christians in Leadership in the family, education, ministry or the marketplace. It's a solid Bible study from a seasoned husband, father of six, church-planter and media producer who has spent his life in Asia seeking to be part of bringing God's light there. We move steadily through entire books, going verse by verse seeking wisdom and encouragement to guide us as agents of change in our generation. Please rate us and write a comment on the iTunes podcast network. Thanks! Where to find it: Android Marketplace: search Thread by Chuck Quinley ITunes: search Thread with Chuck Quinley New! Stitcher! (click:


  • Thread #59: On the Importance of Believing in a Cynical Age

    25/06/2011 Duração: 21min

    We've all been burned. Authority figures have failed morally. Things we bought rarely lived up to the sales pitch. It's easy to become jaded or even to keep our trust guarded. Jesus won't allow that. He challenges his followers to choose to believe and trust God and man. Listen to this episode recorded in Tokyo, Japan, to see why choosing the posture of believing is so important in a cynical age.Play EpisodeSupport the show (

  • Thread #58: Women and Family in the Ministry Team of Jesus

    14/06/2011 Duração: 25min

    Have you ever thought about the women who have poured benefit into your life? Many of the new freedoms enjoyed by women around the world today find their beginning in the liberation Christ established for women. In this Thread we witness how Jesus honored the traditional role of women with the quality of care it brings to others, then he went beyond those roles and elevated the status and roles of women in His Kingdom. Play EpisodeSupport the show (

  • Thread#57: The Most Important Doctrine in the Bible

    19/05/2011 Duração: 27min

    I'm not sure it has ever really sunk in.  I have heard what Jesus has done for me on the cross all my life but I don't think I have ever really grasped how approved, forgiven, included and adopted I became on the cross as Jesus and I changed places that day.  It happened for you too.  Has it really freed you from approval seeking, etc.? Play EpisodeSupport the show (

  • Thread #56: The Others-focused life

    05/05/2011 Duração: 26min

    How would people who know you best summarize your life's general pattern?  "Nice guy?"  "She mainly kept to herself?" "He was very friendly?" "He seemed a bit uptight most of the time?"  As they mocked Jesus on the cross, even his enemies jeered, "He saved others; himself he could not save."  Though they did not intend to, they actually validated his life with those words, "he saved others."  Christ was other-focused every day, taking the servant's role, even as a leader.Play EpisodeSupport the show (

  • Thread #55: How Jesus Redeemed Our Relationship to the Government

    21/04/2011 Duração: 22min

    The self sacrifice of God for mankind is the central event in human history. In the passion and on the cross, Jesus was broken and crushed by his relationship to his friends, family, religious leaders, national government, religious community and even in his relationship with God. He did all this to take our place and suffer fully the impact of sin on our lives so that we might exchange places with him and find wholeness in all these same areas. Join us in this week's Thread podcast to learn more about what Jesus did on your behalf as he faced the government of Rome in preparation for his sacrifice on the cross.Play EpisodeSupport the show

  • Thread #54: Handling our own moral failures

    06/04/2011 Duração: 26min

    DC talk has a song called "In the Light" with these lyrics:"Tell me what's going on inside of me I despise my own behavior. This only serves to confirm my suspicion. That I'm still a man in need of a savior"It's hard to handle the glaring sins of others, but even worse to realize the worst about ourselves when we fail miserably to live up to our own set standards of loyalty, honor and common decency.  This is a Thread about how to avoid moral collapse and how to deal with it once you have blown it in a major way.Don't give up!  Peter made it and so can we.Play EpisodeSupport the show

  • Thread #53: What to do When the Legal System Is Used as a Weapon

    19/03/2011 Duração: 24min

    Even something as pure in intention as the justice system can be used by the powerful to crush the innocent.  Lawsuits, public humiliation through well-timed arrests, the seizure of assets or even one's children--these have often been used by governments throughout the ages against the people of God. In the Soviet Union, Christian parents were deemed mentally unfit because they held to a belief in God.  Their beloved children were stripped away and placed in state orphanages unless their parents would recant.  God's people have often been persecuted in our own generation.  In fact, over 100,000 Christians a year lose their lives through persecution according to statistician David Barrett. What should a Christian do when faced with legal harassment? When the outcome is fixed even before the trial, where can you find strength and hope?Play EpisodeSupport the show

  • Thread #52: Keeping Your Friends Despite Their Failures

    28/02/2011 Duração: 19min

    Life is too short and our mission too important for short term relationships. We need friends. Real friends.  Life is meant to be lived in the community of trusted others, but what happens when those friends break your trust and let you down? Tune in to this episode of Thread and see how Jesus handled it.Play EpisodeSupport the show

  • Thread #51: Christian community

    15/02/2011 Duração: 27min

    Does your Christianity have a rectangular or circular shape? Early disciples assumed their place in the circle of a small group community. Everyone interacted, knew and was known by the others. That's how it was for 300 years. Then came the church building...shaped in a rectangle. Stiff pews, face forward. Watch the show. Listen to the sermon. Money in the offering please. Let's go back to Jesus idea of what his radical agape love movement was all about. Maybe it can help us to bring some body life into our modern forms of church.  Play EpisodeSupport the show

  • Thread #50: Doing what you can for God with what you’ve got

    08/02/2011 Duração: 24min

    Ever wish you could do something for God to show your love and gratefulness but feel unqualified to find a place of service? In this Thread we get Christ's take on official religion versus just doing whatever you can with what you've got. We met a man on our last trip to Burma who is poor by anyone's standards, yet in a very beautiful way he has done an amazing act of service. He was visiting a village when a woman approached him to say, "I'm going to throw this baby away. Do you want it?" Though he was single he took the infant home with him and has raised him as his son. Just do what you can as Love tells you how to respond to circumstances that present themselves to you. You can see this truth lived out in this, our 50th Thread broadcast.Play EpisodeSupport the show (

  • Thread #49: Pastoral Care during the Apocalypse

    26/01/2011 Duração: 31min

    One day we will see the dramatic events of Mark 13 coming to pass. Preparing our mind beforehand will be essential if we are going to pass the test successfully. In this Thread Jesus prepares us for what we will experience and show us the essential mental focus we need in order to make it. Materialism and a love of comfort will lead us into a trap. We may have to lose some things to stand true to him in this great season of squeezing (tribulation) but he promises that it will all be well with us in the end. Tune into this week's Thread for more. Thread is a podcast for leaders and those who want to be an influence on others. It is the careful unpacking of a passage of scripture one verse at a time.Play EpisodeSupport the show

  • Thread #48: Mark 13 The Little Apocalypse, Part 3: The Great Tribulation

    18/01/2011 Duração: 32min

    Jesus foretold the dramatic events that will lead to the conclusion of this world order and the birth of a perfect one. He anchors his prophecy to the ancient book of Daniel and it's mysterious phrase, "The abomination of desolation." In this week's Thread we unpack this phrase, the history behind it and the possibility that it has already been fulfilled repeatedly, yet with one more master fulfillment to come." Learn more about Mark 13's "Little Apocalypse" by listening to this episode of Thread, the careful unpacking of scripture truth, one verse at a time.Play EpisodeSupport the show (

  • Thread #47: The Little Apocalypse, Part 2

    20/11/2010 Duração: 26min

    In this episode of Thread Jesus gives an overview of five characteristics of the generation that will live at the end of the world as we know it. If we can let go of needing the perks and approval of this passing world we can live life more effectively. A better world is coming as the Kingdom of God is revealed, but until then we need to prepare ourselves mentally and emotionally to deal with the realities we will increasingly face in the days to come. Learn more from Jesus own words in this week's Thread podcast.Play EpisodeSupport the show (

  • Thread #46: The Little Apocalypse

    15/10/2010 Duração: 26min

    The end of the world as we know it has always been a fascinating subject. Many different theories have been proposed. In today's Thread Jesus explains the events leading up to the great apocalypse. See how his teaching differs from others you might have heardThe end of the world as we know it has always been a fascinating subject. Many different theories have been proposed. In today's Thread Jesus explains the events leading up to the great apocalypse. See how his teaching differs from others you might have heard.Play EpisodeSupport the show (

  • Thread #45: Giving Without Boundaries

    22/09/2010 Duração: 20min

    Some people calculate their giving, keeping plenty of spare time, money and personal space for themselves. They want to insure that others do their fair share too. Others give up to a set percentage, say two hours a week to volunteer at a non-profit, but not a minute more. Then there are those amazing people who call us to a deeper level of willingness to give out of pure love. They have found the truth that giving is the key to everything and that when done without boundaries it brings joy and lightness to the soul. In today's Thread Jesus meets such a person and holds her up as an example to us all. Hear more on today's Thread podcast.Play EpisodeSupport the show (

  • Thread #44: Jesus and the Bible-thumpers

    16/09/2010 Duração: 23min

    Every met a Bible-thumper, someone who seemed to feel that they had an infallible power for the interpretation of the Scriptures? Christ's hardest critics were the professionally religious, the priests, Bible teachers and "spiritual" politicians who made their living from the system of religion. He threatened them in every way because he was not a part of their system. He didn't seek their accreditation, ordination or approval. He held them to the same scriptures they held over the heads of the people every day. He called them...and he calls us to integrity, to the matching of our lifestyles with the standards of the Bible we all profess. Hear more on today's thread.Play EpisodeSupport the show (

  • Thread #43: On Doctrine

    07/09/2010 Duração: 23min

    Doctrine, everyone needs it.  Even wars are driven by a 'war doctrine.'  We all have doctrines (defining beliefs) about many things: God, how we will be judged, the afterlife, the role of women and men, the value of children, the rights of an employer/employee, the right to privacy, etc.  The question is, where do we get our doctrine?  It swirls around us all day in every song, movie and bumper sticker.  Learn more on this week's Thread.Play EpisodeSupport the show

  • Thread #42: On Loyalty to the Government

    28/08/2010 Duração: 24min

    How far does patriotism go? German nationalism eventually gave rise to the Nazi movement and the evils it produced. Does becoming a Christian place you above responsibilities to social institutions and fallible human government? Where does the demand for loyalty to a family, church, job or nation become just another source of dominating power? In this Thread Jesus addresses this very issue. Listen for more.Play EpisodeSupport the show (

  • Thread #41: On Professional Religion

    09/08/2010 Duração: 26min

    Few things in the world have been as destructive as institutionalized evil mixed with religion of some sort.  Jesus devoted the last year of his life to a direct frontal assault on corruption in the institutionalized worship of God and we ultimately killed by religious institution-keepers.  This thread discusses what goes wrong when we organize our religion with too much hierarchy.Play EpisodeSupport the show

  • Thread #40: The nature of spiritual authority

    02/08/2010 Duração: 21min

    As we grow through life we serve in a number of roles, each with a delegated authority. Leadership requires using our authority correctly. This episode recognizes that there is an authority that comes from God and everyone can see it resting on your life. If God has called you to do something and if you will accept it and submit to His authority daily, lining your life up with His Word, then His authority will flow through you and you can do much good in this world. Good people will come to you, attracted by your connection with God. Learn more on Thread.Play EpisodeSupport the show (

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