Liquid Church

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editora: Podcast
  • Duração: 650:08:40
  • Mais informações



Live weekly teaching on God & life, culture & faith from! Liquid Church is a creative, contemporary Christian church - find out more at


  • The God-Sized Tip - episode 2

    12/07/2007 Duração: 04min

    Our second Extreme Makeover this summer is for Eric-- a young dad with a 20-month old daughter. Eric has overcome some tough challenges in his life... and we wanted to find a fun way to share God's kindness with him & his little girl Grace. Click PLAY to join the fun at Friendly's and view Episode 2 of Liquid's very own "Extreme Makeover: Church Edition."

  • Outflow Part 6 -Right Thing, Wrong Reason

    10/07/2007 Duração: 47min

    Whenever God's people go out to serve others, there lurks an ugly enemy just waiting to spoil our service. It's called "mixed motives"-- the hidden desire to be recognized, praised, or celebrated for our good works. A heart emptied of self-seeking is essential if our service to others is to be truly Christ-centered. Learn how to intentionally shift the focus from us... to God.

  • Outflow Part 5 - Extreme Makeover

    05/07/2007 Duração: 51min

    What do a single mom, 16 kids, a 90-yr old widow, a young dad, and new teeth have in common? Listen in as Pastor Tim unveils our 6 Extreme Makeover projects for this summer! Liquid is not just a Bible-teaching church... but a Bible-doing one. CLICK HERE TO EMAIL US and sign-up to serve this summer.

  • Extreme Makeover: Church Edition

    04/07/2007 Duração: 05min

    Our first Extreme Makeover this summer is for Claudia-- a single mom with 4 great kids. Her eldest son Frank was 9 yrs old when a malignant brain tumor left him partially paralyzed with impaired vision. As a way of expressing God's care in a tangible way, the Liquid Church family is coming together to remodel Claudia's kitchen. We're going to expand & update it with brand-new appliances to fulfill Claudia's dream & make it more accessible for her and Frank. Click PLAY to view Episode 1 of Liquid's very own "Extreme Makeover: Church Edition."

  • Summer in the City

    01/07/2007 Duração: 04min

    Join Pastor Tim as he takes a stroll around our city to introduce the 3 pockets of people we'll be reaching out to serve this summer-- the Poor, the Professionals, and the Partygoers!

  • Outflow Part 4 - 3 Pockets

    26/06/2007 Duração: 45min

    This summer, our church will be fanning out across the city to serve 3 pockets of people God's put on our hearts-- the Poor, the Professionals, and the Partygoers. Listen in as Pastor Tim shares about God's special concern for those on the fringes (as well as the mainstream)... and get ready to flood God's love through our city streets!

  • Outflow Part 3- Flinging Seeds

    18/06/2007 Duração: 49min

    Flinging Seeds ...

  • Outflow Part 2- Fill Er Up

    12/06/2007 Duração: 58min

    Part 2 of Outflow Series.... Fill Er up

  • Outflow pt 1 - It's Not About You

    06/06/2007 Duração: 53min

    Most folks only WISH their lives could brim with joy, hope, and love each day. Jesus' promise of "life to the full" (John 10:10) seems overblown at times... wishful thinking when we're going through a spiritual dry spell. Yet Scripture says God designed us to "overflow" with His Spirit-- to gush "rivers of living water" that actually spill over into the lives around us. Does your spiritual life gush? Or does it suck? How do we experience the kind of joy and love God has in mind? It starts with a counterintuitive truth-- that it's not about you. It's about God first. And others second. God fills you up with His love... so it can flow out of you into the lives of strangers, friends, your community and world. Listen in as Pastor Tim shares the vision for "Outflow"-- our summer series designed to change our lives and our world.

  • Hollywood Jesus: The Office

    15/05/2007 Duração: 56min

    Join us as Pastor Tim discusses faith in the workplace. Does your job matter to God? Find out as we consider the theme of meaningful work in the hit TV show The Office!

  • Hollywood Jesus: Shawshank Redemption

    10/05/2007 Duração: 51min

    Join us as Pastor Tim discusses spiritual faith from the perspective of one of the most popular films of all-time.

  • Hollywood Jesus: Lost

    02/05/2007 Duração: 52min

    Ever feel lost? Life can be confusing and that's when it's most challenging to find faith. Listen in as Pastor Tim looks at the popular series Lost and discusses how to find faith during crisis.

  • Hollywood Jesus: Little Miss Sunshine

    23/04/2007 Duração: 55min

    Lots of families are dysfunctional. But is it true God doesn't allow "perfect people" in His family? Discover the secret of grace as Pastor Tim explores the theme in Oscar winner " Little Miss Sunshine."

  • Hollywood Jesus: 24

    17/04/2007 Duração: 56min

    What do Jesus and Jack Bauer have in common? Part 2 of "Hollywood Jesus: Glimpses of God on the Silver Screen"

  • Hollywood Jesus: Superman Returns

    10/04/2007 Duração: 58min

    Part 1 of "Hollywood Jesus: Glimpses of God on the Silver Screen." Find out what Clark Kent has in common with the Savior of the world.

  • March Madness

    19/03/2007 Duração: 44min

  • Saved to Serve pt. 3: Be the Body

    07/03/2007 Duração: 46min

  • Saved to Serve pt. 2: Get in the Game

    27/02/2007 Duração: 55min

  • Saved to Serve pt. 1: Saved to Serve

    22/02/2007 Duração: 55min

    In Acts 6, we learn that the explosive growth of the Early Church was threatened by-- of all things-- a hospitality crisis. What seemed like a trivial task ("waiting on tables") was actually critical to their larger mission of changing the world. It was only when a "Strategic Seven" team of leaders stepped up to the plate and said "Count on me! I'll serve!" that the problem was resolved. And more: "the Word of God spread" (Acts 6.7). In a Christian church that's "on mission" we learn there are no insignificant tasks. Every member serves a strategic purpose pre-planned by God-- in many ways, we've been "saved to serve." Listen in (and get involved!) as Pastor Tim makes the case for Strategic Service-- investing your heart and hands in the place of greatest demand. Wanna serve and help with our Easter Launch? Email Laura to get involved. Part 1 of “Saved to Serve.”

  • High Definition Living pt 4: High Definition Finances

    05/02/2007 Duração: 01h01min

    “In God we trust.” Those four little words appear on the back of every bill in our wallets. They’re easy to read, but harder to live out. It’s clear from the Bible that God is intensely interested in our finances. After all, Jesus talked more about money and possessions than about heaven or hell combined. That’s because the real issue behind money is trust. And the way we choose to spend our money speaks volumes about where our hearts are. Listen in as Pastor Tim explores God’s plan for our money, and discover how you can upgrade your fuzzy financial life to High Definition quality this year. Part 4 of “High Definition Living.”

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