Just My Opinion With Spiritual Studd & M.t.

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editora: Podcast
  • Duração: 77:11:42
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Just what is the Gay Agenda? Have you wondered why conservatives keep ringing the same bell? Well, so have we! But we just may have the answer. Welcome to our first podcast! The hosts of Just My Opinion, Spiritual Studd and M.T. will open your eyes and ears with their opinion on religion, church, politics with a little sports thrown in. This issue is discussed with humor, passion and most of all the sincere hope that someone will come to understand that they are worthy of God's love.


  • Is This Jerk Season?

    05/04/2016 Duração: 37min

    Hello Fam, Yes, it has been a few weeks but we are back! This episode is about negativity. Negativity seems to have taken up permanent residency in America these days. Court cases with police as defendants in murder trials, politicians sanctioning hate and physical violence and worse yet, pastors who are supposed to be the shepherds of souls are preaching hatred and even killing of LGBT people. What?!!! So, here we are. What to do? As usual we encourage you to be light and love in the midst of what seems to be darkness. Do not let the darkness take root within you. Remember that light always overshadows darkness and we have the opportunity to be the light that is needed in these times. We love you and as always be light and be love. SS & MT

  • Baby Boi - Not a Baby Anymore

    15/03/2016 Duração: 01h10min

    Hello Fam, I know that we just did a show last week. However, we have been wanting to interview our guest for some time and she was available at this time so we took it and ran. This was one of the most fun shows we have done. We are so grateful for Baby Boi Carrington spending some time with us. She is  very talented which keeps her very busy. Just to name a few of the things that she is involved in: she plays football for the Kansas City Titans which is a women's football team and yes they tackle. She is a host for various shows in the LGBT community. She also does mime as her ministry. She has many other things going on and is adding to her plate. So, you can see why we had to jump on this opportunity.  I really hope that you have as much fun listening to our conversation as we had participating. Oh and it is a long show but it went by so quickly! Be light - be love SS & M.T.  

  • Politics 101

    08/03/2016 Duração: 56min

    Hello Fam, This week we decided to discuss what's going on in this year's political arena. We as a community should know how important having the right person in the White House is. It is vital that we vote for those who have our interest at heart as well as those people who  face some of the same types of challenges that we do. This has been and continues to be one of the most ridiculous campaigns that we have ever seen but it has served to remind us that no matter the year, hatred still exists. It is so out there right now. We are fully aware of the candidate that appeals to those who spew hate and are enjoying every minute that they get to express how they really feel. It is no longer undercover. These people are showing their true colors and if we are not careful, we could revert back to times when we had no rights. So, despite what they may be doing, we can rest in the fact that there is more than one candidate. We do have the option to choose. Let's just make certain that it is the right choice. We prom

  • Get That In-Formation!

    22/02/2016 Duração: 58min

    Hey Fam, On this show, MT is taking us to school. She cracked open the history book and brought the truth about the Black Panther Movement - good and bad. We must be open about the good and bad today so that we as a nation can heal from our collective past. If not, the hate will continue to grow, fester and spread causing more fear and violence. There is such pain in our communities. Let's face it, a true United States is much better than a separate one. Hatred is a cancer that must be removed and Spiritual Studd sees all of this as a kind of spiritual journey. So, is America undergoing spiritual surgery? Good question. Thanks for joining us on this journey to places that may be uncomfortable but just as educational and hopefully enlightening.   In Light and Love...SS & MT

  • Studs, Babies and Forgiveness

    08/02/2016 Duração: 51min

    I'm sure that everyone has an opinion on whether or not studs should have a baby. It is crazy that so many people feel that they have the right to tell others what they should do with THEIR bodies. Oh wait, this is America! Yep, the land of the free and the home of the brave....except when you do things or live lives that are found to be unacceptable.   Studs are told that they should not have babies because they are masculine or whatever the reason may be.  We (just my opinion) feel that...well, listen to the show. I'm guessing our regular listeners know where we fall anyway.   Also, we discuss forgiveness and the effect it has on us when we don't forgive. We realize that it can be very difficult for us because we have been the victims of all kinds of wrongness (is that a word?). But if we allow the anger to build and never forgive, then we die inside and we refuse to let the self-righteous haters win!   We hope you enjoy the show. Light & Love. SS & MT

  • Wake Up!

    27/01/2016 Duração: 49min

    Yes, fam it's time for all of us to awaken from our slumber lest the monsters get us. Things seem to be spiraling out of control and only we can save us! OK...so here's what's going on in this episode. We start with what's going on with the Oscars...well, not really the Oscars. More like what did that fool say? You know who we're talking about and if you don't, just listen. We also discuss the racial climate, political mayhem and some religious foolishness. It's time to get real people and if they don't like us being real....too bad! This show was a pleasure to do and let us shout it from the mountaintop: THANK YOU TO EVERYONE OF OUR LISTENERS! SS & M.T. Now let's do this! Music by: http://www.jewelbeat.com/  

  • Fight Fire With Fire

    11/01/2016 Duração: 52min

    Hello Fam, This episode really brought something out in us during recording. When you have been attacked as much as M.T. & I, and some of you, then you will understand what I mean when you hear it. In this episode, M.T. presented questions to Spiritual Studd that many Christians will ask when attempting to bring sinners to God. She also answered the questions herself. When we answer, please remember that these are OUR opinions. We did this show because many in our community(LGBT) struggle when faced with those wonderful questions and find themselves overwhelmed and sometimes feel victimized. It is important to remember that your relationship with God is not their business. You do not have to feel bad for being you. God knows you inside and out. There is no hiding and people are people. Don't give them your power! It is important to do your own research so that you can become strong in your response to those who may be coming your way. We love you and send light your way. SS & M.T.   Music provided by:

  • 2015- A Look Back

    29/12/2015 Duração: 01h01min

    Hey Fam, As 2015 comes to a close, we thought we should look back on some of the shows we did this past year. The LGBT community has come a long way this year and we look forward to growing even stronger in 2016. M.T. and I would like to take this time to thank all of  you for listening and your support. We pledge to keep bringing uplifting and encouraging and sometimes humorous shows to you as long as you keep listening. Our hope is to be able to bring more interviews in 2016, although Chuck was not interviewed, he was part of the show! If you are interested in any of the shows we discuss, please feel free to go to ITunes or Facebook where you should find any of our shows. Please remember that we love you and look forward to what 2016 has in store for all of us. If you are heading out on New Year's Eve to celebrate, please be careful. Do not travel alone, don't drink and drive, don't text and drive - make it to your destination safely. Until next year, from Spiritual Studd and M.T., see you next year!

  • Discrimination, Hatred & Other Foolishness

    14/12/2015 Duração: 01h12min

    On this show we were honored to have the great Chuck Tackett join us to discuss some of the foolishness that is going on in our country and within the LGBT community. If you are fans or know of Chuck, then you know which direction this show went in. There is a groundswell of hatred and fear in the great US of A and we shine a light on some of that in our area as well as the nation. We also discuss what is happening with today's generation of young people. Chuck Tackett is a fierce opponent of anything discriminatory. He has been a soldier for the LGBT community for a long time. He will celebrate 20 years of writing Chuck's Chat next year. Amazing! Chuck's Chat can be found at kcpride.com or on his Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/chuck.tackett As always, we welcome any comments and if you want rebuttal time, feel free to contact us at justmyopinionpodcast.com or our Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/Just-My-Opinion    

  • Pump It or Dump It?!

    17/11/2015 Duração: 45min

    Well hello fam, Welcome to our new episode - Pump it or dump it! We are discussing the definitions of words that are now part of the LGBT lexicon. Should they or shouldn't they be under the LGBT umbrella? MT is giving the definitions and we are discussing those meanings and whether or not they fit the community. I have to say, after this experience -and we did not get through an entire list - I can understand the confusion that these words cause inside and outside the community. We recommend that you take some time and look at the definitions of these words. What is your opinion? We hope that you enjoy this show. Love & Light. SS & MT

  • Let Us Encourage You

    09/11/2015 Duração: 46min

    Hey Fam, We decided to take a different turn with this episode and just focus on encouragement. Life can be tedious at times and for some of us, just downright depressing. We have been through our bouts of depression and we know that it can become difficult to find the good in anything. We want to help with that. Although life gets hard, it is also full of beauty. It's up to us to actually find that and focus on it. Remember, whatever you focus on expands. Think about that. I know that when I focus on the fact that I would rather be doing this everyday as a profession, yet I am on the phone overnight every weekend, I get depressed. If that is all I focus on, that becomes all I see. So, I choose to look for the beauty and marvel at creation. We were created to enjoy this world, not be miserable in it. We leave you with this: Philippians 4:8 "Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable--if anything is excellen

  • Remove the Mask

    20/10/2015 Duração: 01h24s

    Hey Fam, If you have not watched Iyanla Vanzandt's newest episode of "Fix My Life", let me tell you, it's some kind of rollercoaster. The show was about two black gay pastors - one had come out to his family but was having issues acknowledging the pain he had caused his wife and five children. The other is single and coming out to his parents and sister and his church congregation. After watching the three episodes, I knew that we had to do a show based on hidden lives. So many of us in the LGBTQ community have hidden or may even still be in hiding right now. What a difficult life this can be. I believe that we were able to find some words to help those who have been made to feel that they cannot be who they are. We say it is so much better to be free than bound by what others may say. It is our wish that this episode will touch your lives and help you see that you are exactly who God made you to be and it's ok to be you. Hiding only perpetuates a lie and makes your life harder while attempting to make others

  • Be Aware

    15/10/2015 Duração: 59min

    Hi Fam, Let me begin by apologizing for the lateness of this post. I worked a lot these past two weeks and the body just would not do any more than that. Anyway, in this show we discussed many news items and how we are affected by what is going on now. Of course, some of this is dated...I mean it's 2 weeks old! However, I think that you will find many interesting topics and understand why this show is titled, "Be Aware." I know that I was taught to be aware of my surroundings. Yes, it was a physical thing but as I have grown older it has become a spiritual thing as well. We must protect ourselves because there is so much out there that has damaged us and continue to attempt to damage us beyond repair. So, as always, it is our hope that you enjoy the show and tell someone about it. We really appreciate all of you! Light & Love...SS & MT  

  • Get Off the Fence

    21/09/2015 Duração: 01h11min

    Fam-a-lee! Let me tell you. M.T. went in on this show. She called everyone out. This show addresses Iyanla's first Fix My Life episode of the new season. If you don't know, then let me tell you. It was regarding gay ministers and the lives they are living. Pastor Derrick(not sure if this is spelled correctly) and Pastor Mitchell. Both have been living double lives. Derrick is not out to his family or church and is beginning the journey of coming out to them. Mitchell is married with 5 children. He has had affairs with 5 men during his marriage. He has a lot of things to clear up. We also discuss the church's role in keeping people bound to their traditional ideas. How many of us keep going to church looking for God/love and end up wounded? This is why MT is adamant about getting off the fence. You cannot continue to go to traditional church and expect understanding regarding your life. It's time to get your vertical straight. As long as you get right with God/Source, who cares what anyone else thinks? A happy

  • It's the Review Show!

    10/09/2015 Duração: 54min

      Hello Family!  I have to say that I really enjoyed this show. We talked about the GOP and religious right darling of the moment, Kim Davis. You know I just don't understand why those who say that they follow Christ only seem to follow him up to a certain point. They seem to forget that scripture about loving your neighbor as yourself. Anyway, after discussing her and further issues, we move on to some shows that we took some time to watch. We wanted to discuss some shows that are on the channel that is supposedly geared to our community.  We discuss Food To Get You Laid which features professional chef Ronnie Woo. He works with people to prepare an outstanding meal meant to get to the heart of the their love interest. You can watch it Fridays on Logo.  Secret Guide to Fabulous is reminiscent of Queer Eye For the Straight Guy. At least to us it is. The cast includes design expert John Geddings, fashion guru Rob Younkers and entertainment expert Theodore Leaf. MT and I both agree that we will watch this only

  • It's A Mind Thing

    25/08/2015 Duração: 55min

    Hellooooo Fam, This episode started from a scripture about the poor. If you want, you can read them yourselves. You can find them in the bible in Matt. 26:11, Mark 14:7 and John 12:8. Anyway, although we began by talking about money, we segued into poverty mentality, among other things. We also talk about seeing who we are as a blessing. It may not seem like it but hopefully some things we bring up will help anyone who cannot see the blessing in being who we are. Trust me, it took me awhile to see it. One thing we all must know is who we are. Sometimes our minds can be our greatest enemy and if we are not in control of our minds then it becomes harder to believe anything good about who we are. Having a poverty mentality contributes to so much in our lives. If we are deficient in our thinking towards ourselves then we become our own worst enemy. We become self-haters and we have seen this play out publicly so many times. How many public figures have come out against anything "gay" and then it is revealed that

  • Delivered?

    10/08/2015 Duração: 01h01min

    Hello Family, In this show we address the idea of being "delivered" from homosexuality. It will be pretty clear to anyone who listens to this podcast how we feel about this subject. Of course, it is best to make up your own minds about any subject. If any of you have spent any time in a conservative, bible-believing, Christ -centered church then you will understand some of the references in the podcast. Our belief is that you cannot be delivered from who you truly are. We have noticed that it is becoming increasingly hateful towards us again. So many people are stuck on the "sex" part of homosexual, which plays a major part in how they continue to feel about us. I don't know why they can't see that there is "sex" in the word heterosexual as well. Hmmm? Just a thought. Anyway, if you are one who is struggling and find yourself in church seeking God and if you feel battered everytime you leave, then you may want to rethink where you are currently spending your Sundays. Don't mistake how you feel with conviction

  • The Lyte and Love Show

    28/07/2015 Duração: 01h03min

    Hey Fam, This show covers so much that I think I will do bullet points. M.T. begins the show with a list of women that she has been influenced by. You may be surprised at some on the list and how she was influenced by them. We also discuss: Transgender issues Stud on Stud love What if God was one of us? Activism in the LGBT Community As you can see, we cover some very different topics but they all center on one thing: Love. We have to love ourselves enough to know what we are worth - individually and collectively. When we don't consider ourselves worthy, it shows in our actions and relationships. One thing that we really want our listeners to consider is becoming an active part of the community. By that, we mean challenging ourselves to do something activist like. It's time to stop sitting on our hands and do something positive with them. One more thing, let's remember that "Love is Love" is not just a slogan to throw around when facing the heterosexual community. It is the same within and we cannot afford

  • I'm So Tired

    13/07/2015 Duração: 01h04min

      Hello Fam, This has truly been a trying and tiring time for us. We discussed many things in this show...racism, spirituality, Texas, etc. We called this show, "I'm So Tired" because we, among others, are getting tired of the same old song and dance when it comes to certain subjects. We tried, in our "Opiniated" way to break some things down and make sense of it or at least ask people to think about what they do. We ask that you please listen to all of the show before making up your mind about what was said. Anyway, we had fun doing this show and felt alot lighter afterwards.   Hope you enjoy the show! SS   Music provided by:  http://www.jewelbeat.com/free/free-background-music.htm  

  • Hate Crimes

    06/07/2015 Duração: 01h06min

    Hey Fam, On June 26, 2016, th Supreme Court ruled that all state bans on same-sex marriage is unsconstitiutional. For the LGBT communityand allies, there were celebrations galore. However, for some others, it seemed the world had ended. There was so much hatred thrown our way and disgusting comparisons made, that we felt we needed to address them. In this show, we discuss hatred and the so-called basis they use as permission for it. This show ran a little long because of the timing of the ruling in conjunction with the Charleston massacre. Needless to say,we had a lot of topics to cover but remain true to our topic. We hope that you enjoy the show.  

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