Just My Opinion With Spiritual Studd & M.t.

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editora: Podcast
  • Duração: 77:11:42
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Just what is the Gay Agenda? Have you wondered why conservatives keep ringing the same bell? Well, so have we! But we just may have the answer. Welcome to our first podcast! The hosts of Just My Opinion, Spiritual Studd and M.T. will open your eyes and ears with their opinion on religion, church, politics with a little sports thrown in. This issue is discussed with humor, passion and most of all the sincere hope that someone will come to understand that they are worthy of God's love.


  • Why You So Sensitive?

    17/09/2019 Duração: 35min

    Hey Fam, We want to introduce to some and re-introduce to others the ministry that we are a part of: WHOSOEVER: A Community of F.A.I.T.H. Finding Answers In The Healing. This ministry has proven to be a safe space for those in the LGBTQ community that wants to attend worship services. We are not only welcoming but truly affirming. There is no "bait and switch" as Pastor D says. We have a Facebook presence. So, if you are searching for a safe space, check us out. Now, the big todo about Mr. Dave Chappelle's new comedy special  "Sticks and Stones" on Netflix.  Apparently, many in the community were upset by the things he said. We cannot understand the reason for it. We both found it hilarious. Why? Because it's true. It's time that we stop being upset over everything. Life is too short for EVERYTHING to upset us. Enjoy or don't watch. Also, please remember that we have books for sale on Amazon. M.T.'s (Starla Carr) book is Who Molested My Elephant. It is a book of poetry. Spiritual Studd's (Stephenie L. Hardawa

  • Storytime with M.T. & Spiritual Studd

    05/09/2019 Duração: 39min

    Hey Fam, Welcome to storytime! We discuss authors Nikki Giovanni and Stacey Ann Chinn. We also discussed what happens when those within the Christian community begin to lose their faith. Where are the leaders? Not providing comfort that's for sure! So join us on this ride as we give our opinions on this and so much more. We also have a YouTube channel and hope that you will check it out.  The link is below.   https://youtu.be/Jl8Bi0Hbe7U We thank you for your support. Light & Love...SS & MT

  • Stolen History

    21/08/2019 Duração: 41min

    Hey Fam, For everyone that thinks the transgendered are some new revelation, M.T. is going to open your eyes to their missing history. Yep, just like so many marginalized peoples, their history has been swept under the rug and in some cases...deleted. But we know, nothing is ever truly deleted. Question for you fam. If you are a man who dresses as in female clothing and you are out in a bar, which bathroom do you use? This is not a gay bar. The question is asked because that is the choice that a young man in South Africa had to make. He went into the ladies restroom and you can probably guess what happened.  As always, thanks for listening.  Love & light. SS & M.T.  

  • Reintroducing...Joe & Bernie

    29/07/2019 Duração: 40min

    HEY Fam, It's that time again! We are excited to bring a little bit of information about Democratic Presidential Candidates Joe Biden and Bernie Sanders. They are both familiar faces as Joe Biden was in the Senate for 36 years and Vice-President for 8 years. Bernie Sanders was in the House for 16 years, is on his third term in the Senate and ran for President in 2016. But first, there are four men in the Kansas City are that have been reported missing within the last two months. We are putting their information out there so if you are in the area, please keep an eye out. The links to their stories are below. https://twitter.com/kcpolice/status/1146061915430375428 https://fox4kc.com/2019/07/09/kc-man-who-works-with-developmentally-disabled-missing-since-july-5-family-fearing-the-worst/ https://www.kmbc.com/article/kck-police-ask-for-help-in-finding-man-last-seen-at-the-legends/28498607 https://www.kmbc.com/article/kckpd-asking-for-help-to-find-man-missing-for-nearly-a-week/28518865

  • Join the Squad and VOTE!

    20/07/2019 Duração: 54min

    Hey Fam, If you have not been under a rock this past week, you have witnessed the ridiculousness that is 45. He has his base in an uproar with the chant, "send her back!" Now he wants us to believe that he disagreed with the chant. Oh yeah, that was disagreement he showed as he stepped back from the podium and marinated in the adoration of his people. In the meantime, the weak men in power continue to allow this mess! This is the second show in which we introducing two more democratic candidates...Elizabeth Warren and Kamala Harris. Elizabeth Warren aka "I have a plan for that!" Free education through community college Reducing student debt Healthcare for all Taxing big business Immigration - Decriminalize seeking asylum   Kamala Harris Closing the pay gap between teachers and other comparable professions. Reinstate DACA & close private immigration and detention centers Legalize marijuana The Lift the Middle Class Act which gives middle-class households a monthly cash payment that equals up to $3000 pe

  • Introducing: Pete Buttigieg and Julian Castro

    04/07/2019 Duração: 30min

    Hey Fam, Well, the democratic debates have begun and the 20 candidates that were able met the DNC standards to hit the stage did so Wednesday & Thursday. The standards were that the candidate had to earn 1% in three polls approved by the DNC and receive donations from 65,000 people, with 200 being in 20 different states. They were split into two nights and to be honest, to me, they were night and day. The first night's candidates seemed to be less aggressive than those on Thursday night. Elizabeth Warren did stand out but Julian Castro stirred the pot a bit. Most people don't know him but he has some experience behind him. He also presented policies that he wants to put in place. The most passion I saw in him was when it came to the immigrants at the border.  Mayor Pete Buttigieg has garnered a lot of attention during this campaign but it has not been for his policies. He looked out of his league at times. He is going to have to rise if he wants to remain in the race. The upcoming election may seem far aw

  • Relationship Lessons

    18/06/2019 Duração: 44min

    Hey Fam, How many of you wish that you would have had a mentor when you first entered the dating world? We certainly could have benefited from one and that is what this show is all about. Dating.  We let you in on the ups and downs of their early dating years and what has happened in their lives due to the lessons we learned. It was not easy but we want to help anyone in the dating arena who may not have anyone to talk to. Listen to our stories and take our advice. The lessons were learned the hard way but hopefully, we can keep others from having to experience some of the things that we did. Love and Light...SS & MT

  • Revelation 18 Come Out of Her

    04/06/2019 Duração: 31min

    Hey Fam, This is a different type of episode. In this episode, you hear another side of M.T. In this episode, she speaks about the book of Revelation and what it means to her. You will hear a different interpretation than many of us grew up hearing and it will lift your spirit. As you know, Just My Opinion started because many in the LGBTQ community were not being included in the church. Although some churches claim to be inclusive, our experiences prove that to be a lie. As our pastor in WHOSOEVER states, "God did not create you to hate you." But that has not been the experience of our community and their churches. We ask that you listen with an open mind and heart to hear what the spirit is saying to us. We must learn to let go of the toxicity of tradition and accept that we are good enough, we are truly loved and we deserve to be treated as the children of God that we are. If you are in a ministry that does not truly accept you totally, then you must come out of that! Protect your spirit because it is esse

  • Toxic Masculinity and 2020 is Coming!

    19/05/2019 Duração: 49min

    Hey fam, So much is going on that this show lasted for almost an hour. We are quite sure that there are those who are questioning their political choices now. Are we entering the age of "The Handmaid's Tale?" For many of us, the answer is yes. But enough of that. We discuss the dangers that transgender females face when revealing their truth. Many in our community face dangers but I think we fail to consider the ins and outs of life as a transgender individual. M.T. tells a story that she read and you can feel the transgender female's fear.  Yes, 2020 is coming and if we did not pay attention before, I hope that we are now. The United States is certainly not as United as it once was and the desire to be in a certain time when certain people were in control is obvious. We hope that everyone takes the opportunity to use their vote in 2020. We always thank you for listening and if you'd like, the video is available on YouTube. The link is below. https://youtu.be/RWRE96VBPnA Light & Love: SS & MT  

  • Moguls in the Making

    01/05/2019 Duração: 46min

    Hey Fam, Before we get to the books, let's talk about some news that came across my desk. Franklin Graham has made a statement about Democratic Presidential candidate Pete Buttgieg that has rubbed some of us the wrong way. He stated that Mayor Pete should see his sexual orientation as "something to be repentant of and not to be flaunted, praised or politicized." Now this very same man cannot seem to stop making excuses for "45" and his shenanigans. From bragging about grabbing women by the "you know what" to separating families and putting children in cages. He says that "45" misspeaks. C'mon man! B.S. all day! Then we have an 18 month old baby who is suffering from stage 4 cancer. There was an anonymous donor who was going to donate $7600 until they found out that the baby has two mommies. Now its okay to decide against donating the money. The problem we have is the note left behind. “I’ve chosen to donate to St. Jude due to that fact. Sorry. I’ll still pray for her though, but maybe it’s God’s way of gettin

  • Short and Sweet

    03/04/2019 Duração: 39min

    Hey Fam, There have been no shortage of things to discuss these past two weeks. So let's get started.  Betsy DeVos made big news as it was reported that she wanted to defund the Special Olympics. Naturally there was an uproar. Two days later, 45 comes out saying that he had overridden his people and saved the Special Olympics. 45 also wants to eliminate funding for tribal college scholarships. Just one question. How much damage does this administration want to do before it leaves?  Other topics that were discussed: Jussie Smollet, healthcare and big Pharm, Socialism vs. Capitalism. So much to talk about. There are links to some of the stories that we discussed. https://www.knau.org/post/trump-administration-budget-eliminates-funding-tribal-college-scholarships https://www.nytimes.com/2019/03/29/us/politics/trump-betsy-devos-special-olympics.html https://www.vox.com/science-and-health/2016/11/30/12945756/prescription-drug-prices-explained Anyway, thank you for joining us this week. We love and appreciate ea

  • Taboo

    19/03/2019 Duração: 54min

    Hey Fam, This was a great show! We actually went live on Facebook so please go to our page if you want to see us in all our glory. So, this was probably the most fun I have had doing our show. Having interaction with some of our listeners was something that I don't take for granted.  First we discussed masturbation. We talked about America's puritanical attitude towards the discussion of sex and the damage that it can cause. We also discussed different types of religion...Wicca and Voodoo. I just cannot stress how much I loved doing this show and look forward to doing it again. I really hope that you will look at the video and let us know if there is something you want us to discuss. Maybe you can join the discussion. Until next time...SS & MT

  • The UMC Decision

    06/03/2019 Duração: 41min

    Fam, We are back again! Spiritual Studd has been knocked for a loop by some bug that is not the flu but like the flu. Anyway, we are back. Her voice is not the best but we knew that we had to get back to work.  For those who are not into church business, the United Methodist Church had their general convention in St. Louis last week. Their main topic was whether to keep the ban on LGBT clergy and same-sex marriage. Well, they decided to do so. Now, this denomination is facing uncertainty because there are progressive factions as well as conservative factions within it.  The progressives were disappointed with the vote because they have been actually welcoming to those in the LGBT community.  Many are discussing leaving but there are so many moving parts that will be affected. This could be a long process but it may happen. Many of us have been upset and we have a right to be. How dare any human being tell us that we are not good enough to serve God. This is based upon scriptures that were written regarding so

  • We Are Back

    30/01/2019 Duração: 44min

    Hey Fam, It's been so long and we are so happy to be back! So much has happened since we have been away...you know writing and getting much needed rest. We would be wrong to not speak of the longest government shutdown in American history. Insensitivity is the name of this administration. 45's family and friends have not figured out that you can't just continue to say anything with no repercussions. They are not only out of touch with the world that most inhabit, but they also don't know when to just shut up! The wall - let it go man! Desperate people do desperate things. It's time to think of something that will actually help the situation. The transgender military ban is back and the Supreme Court is allowing it. It is so easy to demonize what we don't understand. Recommendation: get educated! As M.T. says, "Focus." When anti-LGBTQ preachers are spouting fould things about our community while doing "sinful" things behind closed doors, well, the focus is definitely in the wrong area. Check out Matthew 7:5 Pe

  • Fear of a Brown Nation

    06/12/2018 Duração: 44min

    Fam, "Tis the season" - "Deck the Halls" - "Jingle Bells," are all songs representative of what most deem as the most wonderful time of year. But for many, the words, "Jesus is the Reason" express their beliefs regarding this season. This Christmas season rings different for us for many reasons, but the one we discuss in this podcast has been a large part of discussions everywhere for these past two years. However, the rhetoric these past few months has brought something out in a surprising group of people. See, the very basis for this season, according to Christianity, is the birth of Jesus. However, the question we ask is, "Are Christians really honoring the one they claim to follow?" I am reminded of the fights over saying, "Merry Christmas" and the screams that "they" want to take Christ out of Christmas. From where we sit, it looks like Christ has been removed from everyday life. How many Christians remember the story told in Matthew 2:13-18? Here's a short reminder. Herod, the King of the Jews heard tha

  • Being Your Authentic Self

    26/11/2018 Duração: 46min

    Hey Fam, Let's give it up for the blue wave that rode into Kansas. We now have a democratic female governor, Laura Kelly, and a democratic female senator, Sharice Davids. The great thing about Ms. Davids is that she is Native American, lesbian and a MMA fighter. Talk about diversity! This episode is about cultural appropriation. People who do the appropriating see no issue with it. They consider it flattering the other person or just having a good time. The problem is that those things that are admired by different cultures are taken and claimed by others to be their creations. One example is the corn row hairstyle that was worn by Kim Kardashian. Many just call them braids but there are different types of braids. Corn rows come from different parts of Africa, while braids are in all kinds of cultures (including European). Life is about being comfortable in our own skin. Black women are wearing natural hairstyles but there are cases where our children are being told that they cannot go attend school with brai

  • Cognitive Dissonance

    02/11/2018 Duração: 49min

    Hey Fam, We have discussed cognitive dissonance before. However, because of the times in which we live, we feel that we need to revisit it. Merriam-Webster's definition of cognitive dissonance is psychological conflict resulting from incongruous beliefs and attitudes held simultaneously. In psychology, "Cognitive dissonance refers to a situation involving conflicting attitudes, beliefs or behaviors. This produces a feeling of discomfort leading to an alteration in one of the attitudes, beliefs or behaviors to reduce the discomfort and restore balance, etc." When we look at what is going in this country regarding marginalized people and their rights and the fact that so many "Christian" people voted and still support 45, we have to wonder "why"? Cognitive dissonance is one explanation. How else can you explain someone who says that they believe in and follow Jesus, not only behaving but also approving of someone's bad behavior just to get what they want. So does the end justify the means? It must in their mind

  • It's All Music

    17/10/2018 Duração: 29min

    Hey Fam, This is an episode that we have dreamed of doing for a long time. We are bringing to you some of our favorite musicians/singers and some that we have just discovered. M.T. begins with Krystal Warren singing "Thanks and Praise." She came upon Ms. Warren while walking through the Westport area of Kansas City, Missouri. The voice is butter. Then there is Tish Hyman with "All That I Can Do." Her voice is powerful and this song uses that power to express the honesty of knowing that you can only do so much. Finally, there is Be Steadwell, who is different and uses her voice to layer different sounds in making her music. You need to watch her in action. Spiritual Studd brings a young man who goes by MNEK. He is a singer/songwriter/producer who has worked with some very well-known artists. He was a co-writer of Beyonce's song, "Hold Up" as well as the song "Never Forget You" that was all over radio in 2017. For this show, a small part of that song is played as well as his new song, "At Night (I Think About Y

  • Crazy or Controlled?

    17/10/2018 Duração: 40min

    Hey Fam, So many things to talk about...where shall we begin? Well, we began with a quote that has been attributed to Franklin Graham. However, because I was unable to locate any proof that he said it, I ventured to Pat Robertson. This so-called preacher is known for being homophobic and self-righteous. Oh, he also thinks he can control the weather! We then traversed to Ye land. This is where the normal is not so normal. In fact, it teeters on crazy. Mental health is a touchy subject. But it needs to be brought out of the closet. What the whole world saw, was an embarrassment to those of us who he says he cares about. Being honest, there would have been good points if he had been lucid. There is much more in the discussion but you have to listen to find out what it is. Question: Do you think Ye is crazy or is he being controlled? Are we all in the same boat? Until next time...Peace and Blessings. SS & M.T.

  • Time To Put the Gloves On

    15/09/2018 Duração: 38min

    Hey fam, So good to be back! This show is absolutely about power. We have some very important elections coming up. There are people running for office in our states and both of them are red. We have to do the homework people. There is nothing good about some of these candidates. Rights for LGBTQ folks are on the line. If they can't take them away, they surely will not give any new ones. I have a couple of new heros. Kamala Harris, Cory Booker and Dan Reynolds. The first two are my heroes because they gave Brett Kavanaugh all he could handle. He did/would not answer any questions regarding his thoughts on LGBTQ rights, race and Native rights. With 45 f-ing things up, we have to come through as the champions we are. As always, Love & Light...SS & M.T.

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