

Hey Fam, It's been so long and we are so happy to be back! So much has happened since we have been know writing and getting much needed rest. We would be wrong to not speak of the longest government shutdown in American history. Insensitivity is the name of this administration. 45's family and friends have not figured out that you can't just continue to say anything with no repercussions. They are not only out of touch with the world that most inhabit, but they also don't know when to just shut up! The wall - let it go man! Desperate people do desperate things. It's time to think of something that will actually help the situation. The transgender military ban is back and the Supreme Court is allowing it. It is so easy to demonize what we don't understand. Recommendation: get educated! As M.T. says, "Focus." When anti-LGBTQ preachers are spouting fould things about our community while doing "sinful" things behind closed doors, well, the focus is definitely in the wrong area. Check out Matthew 7:5 Pe