Just My Opinion With Spiritual Studd & M.t.

Time To Put the Gloves On



Hey fam, So good to be back! This show is absolutely about power. We have some very important elections coming up. There are people running for office in our states and both of them are red. We have to do the homework people. There is nothing good about some of these candidates. Rights for LGBTQ folks are on the line. If they can't take them away, they surely will not give any new ones. I have a couple of new heros. Kamala Harris, Cory Booker and Dan Reynolds. The first two are my heroes because they gave Brett Kavanaugh all he could handle. He did/would not answer any questions regarding his thoughts on LGBTQ rights, race and Native rights. With 45 f-ing things up, we have to come through as the champions we are. As always, Love & Light...SS & M.T.