Beyond The Kill

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editora: Podcast
  • Duração: 640:09:59
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Beyond the Kill.FM is the podcast brought to you by the creators of The Journal of Mountain Hunting, the world's only monthly, digital magazine dedicated exclusively to mountain and wilderness hunting. The act of hunting involves so much more than the taking of an animal's life. On this show we'll take you "beyond the kill" and into the people, politics, lifestyle, gear and fitness aspects of being a modern hunter.


  • 065: Living A Paleo(ish) Lifestyle

    06/10/2017 Duração: 01h23min

    On this episode, Adam is joined by Kevin Guillen and Courtney Denham from Wilderness Athlete to discuss the recent launch of their new Paleo(ish) line of products. This is not merely a product discussion however. Adam and the Wilderness Athlete crew spend a good portion of the show trying to make sense of the often confusing and misleading BS that pervades the diet, nutrition and supplement business and do their best to take a moderate view of making sound nutritional decisions. Whether you’re a nutritional geek or not, this episode will be sure to enlighten and entertain. And be sure to check out the Wilderness Athlete Journal, an invaluable source of nutrition, training and healthy lifestyle content!  To email Kevin or Courtney with questions: Web:

  • 064: Ropes & Knots for the Mountain Hunter

    04/10/2017 Duração: 19min

    On this episode, Adam will be doing a read of an article that was—until recently—exclusively available in the new print edition of The Journal of Mountain Hunting. To view a FREE digital sample of the article please visit the link below or go to and click on the SHOP tab and scroll down to the VIEW TEASER section at the bottom of the page. The article itself includes lists and illustrations of the equipment and knots discussed in this podcast so be sure to check it out after listening to the show. If you’re a dedicated mountain hunter, you can handle yourself in the backcountry. But there is one vastly underappreciated skillset that is lacking in our community: rope handling and knot skills. If you prefer to chase sheep, goats and mule deer in the alpine then at some point in your hunting career, you’re likely to find yourself in a position where the tools and skills covered in this podcast (and article) could save your hunt, and maybe even your life.  This is a short but high

  • 063: International Mountain Hunting Opportunities with Bryan Martin

    22/09/2017 Duração: 01h25min

    On this episode, Adam is joined by Bryan Martin, owner of Asian Mountain Outfitters, and one of the most experienced and knowledgeable mountain hunters in the industry today. Bryan’s experience in the guiding and outfitting world is vast, and on this show Adam and Bryan dig into the surprisingly accessible international opportunities available to the adventurous mountain hunter. Bryan has travelled all over the globe in pursuit of a vast array of wild sheep and goat species and this episode is packed with information and insights that may have you re-writing your bucket list! If adventure is what you seek and you have any interest in international hunting this is can’t miss content with one of the best in the business! Web: Instagram: @asianmountainoutfitters

  • 062: Building Bridges Between Hunters and Non-Hunters

    15/09/2017 Duração: 02h13min

    On this episode, we bring you our first “swap-cast” that was co-recorded with the guys from The Rookie Hunter podcast. Adam, Mike and Kelly are joined by Chris Barker, a seasoned mountain hunter and passionate conservationist. Chris has, for years, been heavily involved with wild sheep conservation through his work with both the Wild Sheep Foundation and Wild Sheep Society of BC and is a textbook example of what it means to be a true hunter-conservationist. On this round table discussion, the group dives into the subject of how hunting is viewed by the non-hunting public, the misconceptions many non-hunters have about hunting and how we as hunters can help the non-hunting world see why we are so passionate about this complex pursuit.    

  • 061: The Never Quit Mindset with George Severence

    08/09/2017 Duração: 02h07min

    On this episode, Adam is joined by one of the most eclectic and intriguing guests we’ve ever had on Beyond the Kill: George Severence. George has spent his entire adult life committed to the pursuit of excellence and applying a “never quit” mindset to anything he sets out to achieve. From his 20-year military career to his more recent endeavors in the consulting, outfitting and writing fields, George’s varied and accomplished career path is a by-product of his commitment to lifelong learning and a dogged inner drive to succeed. This is a wide-ranging conversation that will not disappoint!

  • 060: Brave New World with Shane Mahoney

    01/09/2017 Duração: 01h15min

    On this episode, Adam is again joined by Shane Mahoney. In the wake of the news about the grizzly hunting ban here in BC, Adam reached out to Shane to get his thoughts on this landmark decision. Shane draws on his vast international experience to provide his insights, observations and recommendations for how we, as a community, can and should respond in the brave new world that we live in. A world where emotions, morality and ethics have a seat at the table that was historically reserved for a purely scientific view of wildlife and wildlife management. Web: Instagram: @conservation_visions

  • 059: Manliness in a Modern World

    25/08/2017 Duração: 01h46min

    On this episode Adam is joined by Dan Doty. Some of you may recognize Dan’s name from his time working on the Meateater show but on this episode, we will be focused on Dan’s new venture, the EVRYMAN platform which he recently co-founded. For our male listeners, the subjects discussed in this podcast may make you uncomfortable. But that’s the whole point. Adam and Dan dive into the complexities, struggles, and challenges of modern manhood. What is expected of the modern man? How do we effectively address and solve the problems we all face in our careers, relationships, and inner-selves? Why do so many modern men battle depression, commit suicide and turn to substance abuse to self-medicate? Why do so many of us escape into the wilderness to find purpose and fulfillment? Dan is not afraid to tackle these questions head on. EVRYMAN represents the culmination of Dan’s life’s work and experiences working with men, young and old, to find their way in an increasingly confusing and complex world. As uncomfortabl

  • 058: Grizzly Bear Hunting and the Future of Science Based Wildlife Management

    18/08/2017 Duração: 34min

    As some of you may have heard, earlier this week the new provincial government of BC implemented a ban on the so-called "trophy" hunting of grizzly bears province wide. This ban goes into effect Nov. 30th, 2017.  This decision represents an utter and complete disregard for science based wildlife management and should be concerning to every hunter that believes in the North American Model of Wildlife Conservation. A system that has saved countless species from the brink of extinction. Virtually every news report clearly outlines the fact that this decision was not based on informed, science based data but on the emotional and uninformed whims of public opinion. An opinion that has been heavily influenced and nefariously misled by the PR campaigns of extremist NGO's that will stop at nothing to see the legal and sustainable hunting of many big game species abolished across Canada and the US. In this podcast, Adam tackles this decision and the underhanded PR tactics of the NGO’s that have so effectively swaye

  • 057: The Chinks in Our Armour with Ben O'Brien of YETI

    11/08/2017 Duração: 01h33min

    Ben has had the opportunity to travel the globe hunting and documenting the stories behind these incredible experiences in incredible places. He’s played a major role in YETI’s rise to one of the dominant players in the hunting film space. Ben brings his extensive industry background to bear on this episode’s discussion. Adam and Ben tackle some of the commonly held beliefs within the hunting industry and Ben’s perspective on why we hunt and how we can and arguably should share those stories with the wider world is not be missed! Instagram: @bennyob301 Web:

  • 056: Hard Work, Ambition & Elk Hunting with Corey Jacobsen

    04/08/2017 Duração: 01h32min

    On this episode, Adam is joined by the one and only Corey Jacobsen. As one of the most passionate elk hunters in the game today Corey needs little to no introduction. Renowned for his elk hunting and calling skills, Corey is also one of the hardest working businessmen in the industry and has been a part of numerous successful ventures in both the online and print space. Adam and Corey dive into a variety of topics on this episode. From mindset to work ethic, and of course elk hunting knowledge and strategies this episode is FILLED with pearls of wisdom from Corey’s years in the hunting business and elk mountains. We’ve been trying to line this one up for a long time and could not be more excited to have had Corey on the show. Enjoy!

  • 055: Turning the Tables

    28/07/2017 Duração: 01h59min

    On this episode, the tables are turned and Adam sits in the interviewee seat for a change. JOMH subscriber Scott Hill takes control of the microphone and digs into Adam’s background and life experiences that led to the launch of the Journal of Mountain Hunting and Beyond the Kill podcast. Topics include Adam’s upbringing, career path, daily work habits, preferred gear and the challenges of balancing family life while getting a business off the ground. Scott and Adam first met at Sheep Show earlier this year and have since become good friends and Scott does a phenomenal job of steering this interview. Scott has also written a few articles for the online magazine and is a guy that truly understands the reasons for sharing hunting experiences that “go beyond the kill”. We are honored that Scott was willing to set aside the time to conduct this interview! We hope you enjoy this behind the scenes look at the life of our own host!

  • 054: You Are Not a F@$#ing Victim

    21/07/2017 Duração: 01h04min

    ***WARNING: SOME STRONG LANGUAGE IS USED IN THIS PODCAST*** On this episode Adam welcomes retired Navy SEAL Andy Stumpf on to the show. Andy is a breath of fresh air in today’s day and age. He’s not afraid to speak his mind and tackle subjects that most people avoid like the plague. His blog and podcast are worth exploring in-depth and although he covers very little hunting material, the subjects he does devote his attention to are timely and incredibly important. Andy and Adam dive into his time in “The Teams” and the lessons and life experiences he’s carried into his new life as an outspoken advocate for thinking before you speak (or post) and taking responsibility for your actions and the things you care about most. Andy is especially vocal about the common thread of “victimization” that seems to afflict so many people that live otherwise sheltered and comfortable lives. His travels to some of the darkest and most dangerous corners of the globe have provided him with a perspective that is not to be ig

  • 053: The Thin Air Life with Bert Sorin

    14/07/2017 Duração: 02h24min

    On this episode Adam welcomes Bert Sorin on to the show. Bert is the co-owner and president of Sorinex, one of the world’s leading manufacturers of high-performance strength training equipment. This includes racks, rigs, barbells, plates, and a host of other top of the line equipment that can be found in some of the most elite gyms on the planet. At face value, this episode is about training and training equipment but that’s just a small part of this discussion. Bert is without a doubt one of the more interesting dudes we’ve had on this show and he and Adam dig into a HOST of subjects you won’t want to miss. From mindset, to overcoming obstacles, breathing the “thin air” found at the fringes of our own abilities and even what it means to be a man in modern society, this is one wide-ranging conversation that could have gone on for hours! As an accomplished athlete, avid hunter, business owner and most importantly father of three, Bert brings an incredible perspective to bear on life and living life to the

  • 052: The Soup to Nuts Pack Podcast with Dana Gleason of MYSTERY RANCH

    07/07/2017 Duração: 01h12min

    This episode was recorded on location at Mystery Ranch HQ in Bozeman, MT shortly after Adam received a behind the scenes tour of the MR facility. Adam sits down with Dana Gleason, the founder of Mystery Ranch, and Ryan Holm, MR’s Marketing Manager (and past guest) to dive into a true soup to nuts discussion about backpacks. There are few people in this world with more knowledge about packs and pack systems than Dana Gleason. The history behind the brand is a story worthy of its own podcast but we don’t stop there. In this show, you’ll hear the founding story of the company, the growing pains endured as they scaled from a handful of people to a global brand with multiple, purpose-built pack lines, how their design philosophies have evolved over the decades, and Dana’s thoughts on why pack fit is a topic that requires your constant attention. Web: Instagram: @mysteryranch  

  • 051: Why Do We Hunt?

    30/06/2017 Duração: 25min

    In this short episode, Adam is rolling solo to discuss the reasons behind the recent launch of the new bi-annual print edition of The Journal of Mountain Hunting. In the new world order of social media and constant scrutiny, the message behind WHY we hunt has never been more important. What we do, what we say and how we share our hunting adventures carries more responsibility than ever before. On this podcast, Adam shares his thoughts on how we, as a community, can and should expand the narrative of what it means to be a hunter in the 21st Century. GO TO PRINT EDITION SITE

  • 050: Bear Hunting

    23/06/2017 Duração: 41min

    On this episode, Adam is joined by Connor Gabbott, Steven Drake and Shaun Gee to discuss a misrepresented and misunderstood topic, both in the hunting community and mainstream media: bear hunting. This podcast was recorded late at night around a campfire on the banks of the Yellowstone River, the perfect setting for a bro down on a topic that this group of hunters is very passionate about. We cover everyone’s thoughts on bear hunting as an integral role in conservation and overall game management, the state of bear populations in North America, the myths that surround the edibility of bear meat, go-to bear recipes and the excellent—and often overlooked—hunting opportunities that abound in bear country.

  • 049: The Outlier with Zack & Travis Boughton of Montana Wild

    16/06/2017 Duração: 01h43min

    On this episode, Adam is joined by Zack and Travis Boughton of Montana Wild to discuss their latest film project: The Outlier. The Boughton brothers have been producing top-notch hunting and fly-fishing films and photography for years now and in this episode, you’re going to hear all about their feature length elk hunting film The Outlier. This is a truly unique film in that it’s over an hour in length and for good reason. The film covers a multitude of topics rarely covered in totality in a hunting film: the success, failures, lessons, camaraderie, and the pure fun that comes with an epic hunting adventure. Whether you’re an elk hunter or not, this film has something for everyone. From big bulls and epic landscapes to key messages tackling the role hunting plays in conservation, habitat restoration and the public land debate. It will come as no surprise that this is a film you are going to want to set aside the time to watch. Zack, Travis and Adam dive into numerous topics related to the film and have a

  • 048: The Art & Science of Boot Fitting with Schnee's

    09/06/2017 Duração: 01h09min

    On this episode, we are bringing you a live on location boot fitting from the Schnee’s flagship store in Bozeman, MT. Curt Smith, President of Schnee’s, will be going through the full boot fitting process with Adam and past podcast guest Steven Drake. Boots are without a doubt the most important piece of gear you own, and in this episode, you’ll learn what goes into a truly professional boot fitting and why Schnee’s has become legendary in this business, both for their boots and their expertise. You’ll hear how Curt guides Steven and Adam through boot selection and then helps them troubleshoot and address some common boot fitting issues. If you have questions about how to select the right boot and/or how to avoid common boot fitting issues then this is the episode you’ve been waiting for! If you’d like to reach out to Curt directly you can email him at Web: Instagram: @schnees_montana

  • 047: Packs and Pack Systems with the MYSTERY RANCH Boys

    02/06/2017 Duração: 01h23min

    On this episode, we are talking about packs, pack accessories and what’s required in a pack that you can depend on to handle the demands of the backcountry. Adam is joined by two employees of MYSTERY RANCH, Product Manager Luke Boswell and Product Designer Alex Rich. The three guys discuss the design and manufacturing requirements of building packs and pack systems that are durable, fit well, and excel in the most extreme circumstances. The full MR hunting line-up is covered as well as their new accessory line and the science of “Load Carriage”, a philosophy that informs every decision made in the design and manufacturing process at MYSTERY RANCH. If you’re in the market for a new pack or wondering exactly what you need in a backcountry hunting backpack then this episode is not to miss!   Web: Instagram: @mysteryranch

  • 046: Life Is Not a Dress Rehearsal with Mike Axelrad

    26/05/2017 Duração: 01h42min

    On this episode Adam is joined by Mike Axelrad. Mike is one of the more unique and thoughtful individuals in the hunting community and has spent the past few years filming some incredible hunts in some incredible places. His most recent film, MERA SAFAR, is the story of his adventure hunting in one of the more politically misunderstood countries on the planet: Pakistan. Adam and Mike cover a variety of topics and Mike’s thoughts and insights on the narratives we need to focus on in hunting film and media are not to be missed. If you have not heard of or taken the time to watch MERA SAFAR, this film is a must-watch by every measure. Beautifully filmed, incredibly well written and with a message that sets it apart from every other “hunting film” available today. Regardless of whether you ever intend to hunt internationally or not, this film is worth setting aside the time to watch! Vimeo: MERA SAFAR Instagram: @badaxe60

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