Employer Branding Podcast

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editora: Podcast
  • Duração: 140:35:23
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Learn practical talent attraction & employer branding strategies from the best. The Employer Branding Podcast is hosted out of London by Jörgen Sundberg, CEO Link Humans.In this weekly show, international employer brand leaders, rebels, and innovators share their favourite tactics and strategies. From challenger brands with momentum to leading companies such as GE, Walmart, Virgin Media and Vodafone.Episodes are around 20 minutes long and in an easy to follow Q&A format. They also appear remixed as articles on the Link Humans blog and Undercover Recruiter a popular resource on modern recruiting.Subscribe ==> https://employerbrandingpodcast.comContact: jorgen@linkhumans.com


  • The Evolution of Employer Branding, with Claes Peyron

    06/09/2016 Duração: 22min

    The benefits of a strong employer brand include lower employee turnover, lower cost per hire and increased job consideration by top talent. To do it successfully you need the right tools, skills and knowledge. To shed some insight on this I’ve spoken to Claes Peyron of our gracious sponsors the Employer Branding Academy. Questions for Claes: Tell us about your the Employer Branding Academy and what you do? Let’s start with the big question, why do we need employer branding? What’s the difference between employer branding and recruitment/HR marketing? What’s a step-by-step guide to success with employer branding? What’s the biggest pitfall you see companies doing? What sort of companies tend to have good employer brands? Which ones don’t? How have you seen employer branding evolving over the last few years? What are the current and upcoming trends for employer branding? Why is important for professionals to stay updated in this space? What employer brands inspire you and why? Where can we learn more abo

  • A Guide to Personal Branding for Business, with Jennifer Holloway

    30/08/2016 Duração: 24min

    Personal Branding. What exactly does that mean and how can people and the organisations they represent benefit from have a strong personal brand? To get some answers, I’ve had a chat with Jennifer Holloway who makes a living out of Encouraging people in business to blow their own trumpet. Questions for Jennifer: Tell us about what you do? Personal branding - what are benefits to organisations? Is there a danger that people with strong personal brands within organisations have their own agendas as opposed to the company’s? If so, how do you overcome this? What’s a step-by-step guide to embedding personal branding in a talent development program in a company? Where do organisations get it wrong? What social channels are most important to personal branding? What’s the ROI on a personal brand and how do you measure it. Defined objectives? How do you manage and promote brand Jennifer Holloway? What are the best examples of personal brands out there in the corporate space? Quiz time! Jennifer defines the follo

  • Why Content is King for Employer Branding, with Todd Wheatland

    23/08/2016 Duração: 39min

    There are great people out there are considering joining your organisation. Do they apply blindly? Probably not? Do they Google the company and read up on whatever they can find? More likely. Today I’m speaking to Todd Wheatland of King Content to find out why content is essential for employer branding. Questions for Todd: What is King Content and what do you do there? How do organisations use content marketing for employer branding and/or recruiting? With content marketing budgets increasing, is there a risk of content shock (too much of it)? How do we go about measuring ROI from content marketing? Tell us about some of your client success stories? Where is this space heading in over the next few years? Your take on LinkedIn influencers? Tell us about the book you're writing with Bill Boorman? And stay tuned for the Aussie Pronunciation Quiz at the end! Read the full article: http://linkhumans.com/podcast/content-employer-branding Subscribe on iTunes: http://bit.ly/linkhumanspodcast

  • How Vodafone Dials Up Employee Advocacy, with Kimberley Harcombe

    17/08/2016 Duração: 30min

    Vodafone. World’s 2nd largest mobile phone operator. When you’re in the business of connecting people, you have to practice what you preach. So who they gonna call? Employee Advocacy. Questions for Kimberley Harcombe of Vodafone UK: Tell us about Vodafone and what you do there. What prompted Vodafone to launch an employee advocacy program? What was the primary goal of the organisation? What type of content seems to resonate best with employees? What have been the main benefits for Vodafone and what have been some of the main benefits for employees? Has employee advocacy replaced internal communications such as an intranet and emails? If you started this program all over, what would you do differently? Have you found a correlation between employees who are active members of this program, do you see that they're more informed or engaged or generally more happy to work for Vodafone? What metrics do you use to measure success? Are you able to tie back any of these metrics to actual finance bottom-line ROI? What

  • How Social Customer Service Helps Commuters in Greater Manchester, with Justin Clark

    03/08/2016 Duração: 16min

    Public transport is a great invention right? Especially when it runs like clockwork. Which isn't always the case. How can transport authorities deliver customer service to their users where they want it and when they want it? I've spoken to Justin Clark of Transport for Greater Manchester to find out who they do social customer service. Questions: Tell us about Transport for Greater Manchester and what you do there? Is it similar to Transport for London? Tell us about the shift from traditional customer service to social customer service? Talk us through you team setup and how it's evolved? Give us an example of a transport crisis and how you handled it? How do you approach people who are angry and upset and want to vent their frustrations? If I were stuck on a tram in Manchester and send a tweet, how long before I get a reply? Is Twitter the most important channel for customer service? How do you use Facebook Messenger? What technology do you use for social customer service? Is there a Transport for Greate

  • How SAS Does Employee Advocacy?, with Alli Soule

    02/08/2016 Duração: 28min

    Employee advocacy. Everyone’s talking about it. But who’s actually doing it and have a story to tell? I’ve spoken to Alli Soule of SAS, a global software company to learn more. Questions for Alli: Tell us about SAS and what you do there? What prompted SAS to launch an employee advocacy program? Did any specific use cases emerge with employee advocacy? What types of content can we see in this program and what has garnered the most engagement? What have been the benefits of this program to the company and also to individual employees? Looking back at your employee advocacy program, is there anything you would have done differently? Are active employees in this program in general more successful, more informed or more engaged than the average employee? In what functions do you typically find these employees? How do you measure success and are you able to tie back metrics to ROI? What type of technology is aiding this program? What's next for your employee advocacy program and where do you think the whole the

  • How Cisco Uses Snapchat for Talent Branding, with Carmen Collins

    26/07/2016 Duração: 32min

    Cisco is the largest networking company in the world with over 70,000 employees. How does it use Snapchat for employer branding? I've spoken to Carmen Collins to find out. Questions: Tell us about Cisco and what you do there? Tell us about We Are Cisco on Snapchat? How did you go about setting this up? What challenges did you face with Snapchat? Who are the Kitten Rainbow Unicorns? What content gets posted on WeAreCisco’s Snapchat account? What’s the ROI and how do you measure it - any hires? Has it influenced hiring decisions? Do you use Snapchat yourself? Do many existing Cisco employees use it you think? What brands inspire you on Snapchat? What’s the next big thing for Snapchat and employer branding/recruiting? Where can we learn more and connect with yourself? Read the podcast article: http://linkhumans.com/podcast/cisco-snapchat-talent-branding

  • How Cision Innovates on Social, with Michelle Dziuban

    18/07/2016 Duração: 28min

    How can a global leader of PR software use social media innovation to cut through the noise? I’ve spoken to Michelle Dziuban, Social Media Manager of Cision to find out. Questions for Michelle: Tell us about Cision and what you do there. What social channels work best for Cision, and also which ones aren't working so well? What content can we expect to see in Cision's weekly Facebook Live broadcasts? Tell us about your newsjacking campaigns? Tell us about your employee advocacy program? Do you use a corporate hashtag at Cision? How do you measure ROI? What technology does your team use behind the scenes? What brands inspire you? What's the next big thing for Cision and the industry? Answers inside! Read the show notes article: http://linkhumans.com/podcast/cision-social-innovation Subscribe on iTunes: http://bit.ly/linkhumanspodcast

  • A Guide to Social Selling, with Tim Hughes

    12/07/2016 Duração: 47min

    It’s time to catch up with our good buddy and social selling sorcerer Tim Hughes again. We previously discussed the 5 Pillars of Social Selling, this time we talk about organisational impact, change makers and Tim’s new book. Questions for Tim include: Tell our listeners who didn't hear you last time around, what is it that you do? Would you agree that the term personal branding doesn't appeal to managers and organisations? It's personal branding, say, as opposed to the organisation. How do you use social networks to build trust and a high quality community? Do you create content to resonate with those people doing research? Do you find people lurk? They'll consume your free content for ages without connecting with you and then suddenly they're ready to buy from you? Highly influential people with millions of followers don't get as many connection requests and questions as you would think. I interact with people on Twitter and typically they reply. Speaking of social and digital channels; which ones work be

  • How to Promote Audio Content on Social, with Delaney Simmons of WNYC

    27/06/2016 Duração: 28min

    How are Radio Stations and Podcasters using Social Media, and Just What are Audiograms? To find the answers, I spoke to Delaney Simmons from WNYC, the largest talk radio station in the United States. We talked about the futures of radio & podcasting, and how they're using social media to deliver their content. You can listen via iTunes, SoundCloud or keep reading for a summary of our conversation. Our tip of the week is to use Sponsored Geofilters on Snapchat when you're organising an event, and this week’s big shout goes out to Carlos E. Valdivia, a digital strategist at Show of Force. Questions for Delaney include: How are Radio Stations using Social Media and Just What are Audiograms? Which Social Channels are Most Important to WNYC and why? Where are you Experiencing the Highest Levels of Engagement? I've read about Audiograms; what's the Scoop? What Results Have you Seen From These Audiograms? You want to Drive People Back to the Full Audio Content; how can you Track this and how can you Calculate t

  • A Marketer’s Guide to Mobile Live Video, with Krishna De

    22/06/2016 Duração: 42min

    Mobile live streaming – what are the benefits to brands and individuals? And which tools should they use? We have had a chat with Krishna De who is a digital & visual content marketing guru to get some answers. Questions for Krishna include: Why should brands be looking at mobile live streaming and what’s the opportunity? What is the key to success with mobile live video? What are the challenges with mobile live video and where do brands get it wrong? Which platforms are best for live streaming, and for which purposes? What’s your favourite live video platform right now? How can brands measure the ROI of mobile live streaming? What are some of the opportunities available with Periscope? What brands inspire you in the mobile live streaming space? And of course; Who's rocking live video on the Emerald Isle? Our tip of the week is actually a book: Elon Musk: Tesla, SpaceX, and the Quest for a Fantastic Future and this week’s big shout goes out to Martin Mosler of Hager Group. Read the show-notes article: ht

  • How Pitney Bowes Uses Social Selling, with Paul Lewis

    14/06/2016 Duração: 38min

    How does a global technology company that powers billions of transactions – physical and digital make use of social selling? To find out, I had a great chat with Paul Lewis of Pitney Bowes. Questions for Paul: How did you implement social selling within the organisation? Can you talk us through the steps? When you rolled out this program, did you have strategy, training and other steps in place? How is social selling embedded in every salesperson’s daily workload? What were some of the challenges of this implementation and how did you address them? If we look at social channels, which ones work best for Pitney Bowes? Do you use video for social selling? Do you use a technology for employee advocacy? How do you measure success from social selling, and how can you track it back to the exact action of a salesperson? Your social selling leaderboard, does that correlate to the actual sales leaderboard? If we look into your crystal ball there, what do you think is the next big thing in this space? Who inspires

  • A Guide to Effective Company Websites, with Keren Lerner of Top Left Design

    08/06/2016 Duração: 32min

    Websites have been around as long as emails, and have been declared dead as many times. But they still hang in there and any company does need to have one. How do you design and build an effective website for your organisation? I've had a chat with Keren Lerner of Top Left Design, some of my questions for her: Why do companies still need websites? Websites are seen as very static (in comparison to social), how do you drive engagement on a website? What are some of the common mistakes companies make with their sites? If someone comes to you with a terrible website, what are the elements you help them sort out? What should the structure be of a company website? What about content, should you have a blog section? How important are domain names? Should you try your hand at building your own site or use a developer/agency? What are estimated costs? How should a site interact with social media? What’s the ROI on a website and how do you measure it? Technology selection considerations - what’s the best tech? Wher

  • How Xchanging Uses Social Selling, with Sophie Barnes

    26/05/2016 Duração: 19min

    How is social selling changing the way B2B organisations engage with decision makers? To get some answers, I've had a chat with Sophie Barnes of Xchanging. Our tip of the week is Google Forms and our big shout goes out to Campbell & Syme - great coffee roasters in East Finchley, north London. Questions for Sophie: Tell us about Xchanging and what you do there? How did you go about implementing social selling in the organization? What's the sales team setup? Does everyone have the Sales Navigator? What were some of the challenges that you faced implementing social selling? What channels do you use for social selling? What digital sales collaterals do you use? What tools do your sales people use on a daily basis? How do you go about measuring success and what results have you seen? What are your greatest successes on social media in general? What brands inspire you on social media? What's going to happen next in this space? Show notes article: http://linkhumans.com/podcast/social-selling-xchanging All show

  • The State of Employee Advocacy, with Ed Terpening of Altimeter Group

    24/05/2016 Duração: 45min

    How do you tap into the power of an engaged workforce on social media? To find out, I've had a chat with Ed Terpening of Altimeter Group who has done extensive research in the employee advocacy space. Questions for Ed: Tell us about "Social Media Employee Advocacy: Tapping into the Power of an Engaged Workforce." What results do brands expect when they invest in employee advocacy? Would you say social selling is part of employee advocacy? How do employee posts compare to social advertising? How long it will take before platforms like Facebook and LinkedIn turn off APIs to employee advocacy platforms? What motivates employees to advocate on social? How can you address concerns that some employees will have about sharing company updates to friends and family? How does employee advocacy scale? What type of networks do you see brands using for internal/external social success? According to this study, employees share job postings and daily workplace life the most - haven't we all seen enough job postings on s

  • How to Use Snapchat for Social Storytelling, with Victoria Taylor

    18/05/2016 Duração: 23min

    Have you embraced Snapchat for marketing yet? Many brands are struggling to get their heads around the destructive messaging app which keeps growing and innovating. To understand what the platform can do for your brand, I’ve spoken to Victoria Taylor of Blend Social. Questions for Victoria: Why should brands to be on Snapchat? What’s the key to success on Snapchat? Do you think Snapchat is better for people than for brands? Is the audience on Snapchat interested in what you had for breakfast? What exactly are stories on Snapchat? Sending regular snaps is just person-to-person? How do you get more followers on Snapchat? Images vs. video: What content works best on Snapchat? What’s best practice for drawing and emojis in snaps? What mistakes do you see brands making on Snapchat? How can you use Snapchat for talent attraction and recruiting? What is the return on investment of Snapchat and how do you measure it? What apps and tools are useful to use with Snapchat? Who would you recommend to check out on Snap

  • How Employers Can Embrace Transparency, with Diarmuid Russell of Glassdoor

    10/05/2016 Duração: 42min

    Did you realise that the employees of your organisation are writing up reviews about their experience online? Some are happy, others are not so happy. What can employers do to embrace this transparency and how can they ensure they are using these reviews as constructive feedback? To get the scoop, I've had a chat with Diarmuid Russell, Head of International at Glassdoor. Questions for Diarmuid: What challenges can Glassdoor help employers tackle? Do people apply for jobs on Glassdoor? A bad employer will have already have a bad reputation. Doesn't a site like Glassdoor just amplify their problems? How can can you ensure that employee reviews on Glassdoor are genuine? What's the most common reason for not approving reviews? How can companies embrace transparency and encourage employee reviews? What's the number one mistake that you see employees doing? Should you work on your employer brand internally before looking at Glassdoor? Would you call Glassdoor a social media channel? How do you calculate the ROI

  • How to Transform Your Employees into an Online Marketing Engine, with Glenn Gaudet of GaggleAMP

    05/05/2016 Duração: 36min

    How can you transform your employees into an online marketing engine? Employee advocacy! We speak to Glenn Gaudet, Founder and President of GaggleAMP to find out all about it. Questions for Glenn: What would you say is the main challenge that employee advocacy addresses? Is employee advocacy better suited for large companies? Which social channels do you see giving the best results for your clients? Do employees really want to share content about their company with friends and family on Facebook? How long will it take before social networks put a stop to employee advocacy tools due to loss or advertising revenue? How can you make sure employees don't all share the same content at the same time? How do you keep employee advocacy users engaged? Who are the usual suspects at the top of the leaderboard, might it be salespeople? How do you measure return on investment of employee advocacy? The employee advocacy technology market is crowded, what makes GaggleAMP stand out? Who inspires you on social media? This

  • How Zurich Insurance Uses Social Media, with Keith Lewis

    27/04/2016 Duração: 31min

    Did you ever wonder how the heavily regulated and traditional insurance industry can make use of social media? I speak to Keith Lewis of Zurich Insurance in the UK to learn how they are using LinkedIn, Twitter and YouTube to tell stories to their target audiences of consumers, brokers and employees. Questions for Keith: What are some of the challenges that you face with social media? What are your social media objectives? How do you go about generating what a story telling culture inside the business? How do you encourage employees to be social? Talk us through the tactics. How is Zurich's golf sponsorship helping your social media efforts? What social platforms deliver the best results for Zurich? What's the return on investment from social media and how do you measure it? What tech, tools and apps can you recommend to fellow marketers? What's next for social media in the insurance world? This week's tip of the week is Inbox by Google: http://google.com/inbox Our big shout goes out to Digital Mums: http:

  • How to Use LinkedIn for Social Selling, with Mike Davies of Santander UK

    20/04/2016 Duração: 20min

    How do you implement social selling in a B2B organisation? What social networks should you use? How can you visualise your product offering? To get some answers, I speak to Mike Davies, UK Head of Business Development at Santander UK Corporate & Commercial. Some questions for Mike: Tell us about Santander and your role there? How did you implement social selling at Santander? Do you use any networks beyond LinkedIn for social selling? What tools to you use to visualise your product offering? What other apps and tools to you use for social selling? Do you have an employee advocacy tool that delivers sharable content? Do you also create content? What challenges have you come across and how did you address them? How do you go about measuring success and what results have you’ve seen? Do you look at the Social Selling Index? What's next for social selling? What brand inspires you? Our tip of the week is the new Reddit app, get it for iOS and Android. This week's big shout goes out to Michelle Dziuban of Cis

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