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Citizens: Great Faith
13/04/2018 Duração: 39minMatthew 15:21-28 1. Why was it so weird for the woman to be talking to Jesus? 2. What was weird or frustrating about Jesus' response? What does his response mean? 3. Why was the woman's response an act of great faith? 4. What is the definition of faith in this passage? 5. What is a small simple bit of faith that you need this week? 6. How is Jesus sufficient for your need?
Citizens: The Verdict Is In
05/04/2018 Duração: 41minRomans 8:31-39 1. What were the accusations coming against the roman church? 2. How could Paul's claim that nothing could be against them? 3. What sits in the persecution chair for you? How are those things silenced in Romans 8? 4. What caused the Roman church to worry that they could be separated from the love of God?What was Paul's response to them? 5. What makes you feel separated from God? 6. Pray through Romans 8 this week and ask God to remind you that he is for you and with you.
Runaway III: The Mailbox Moment
23/03/2018 Duração: 43minText: Philemon 1:17-25 1. How does Onesimus's resume compare to Paul's? What does the resume of your life look like when you take inventory? 2. How does Paul's appeal to Philemon directly reflect the truths of the Gospel? 3. Why does Paul ask Philemon to "prepare a guest room" for him? What is his reason for following up with Philemon? 4. Why is accountability important? Who in your life holds you accountable? 5. Similar to Paul, what are ways we can illustrate Gospel truth in our community?
Runaway II: Mind Blown
16/03/2018 Duração: 53minPhilemon 1:8-16 1. What is Paul's appeal to Philemon? How does Paul instruct Philemon to approach Onesimus? 2. How does this inform your conflicts? How do you deal with drama? 3. What did Onesimus learn about God's sovereignty? Have you ever tried to run from God? 4. Is there a "Mess" you're facing in your life right now? How could God's sovereignty be working through that mess right now?
Runaway I: First Things First
16/03/2018 Duração: 47minPhilemon 1-7 1. Who were the two people introduced in this sermon? What are they like? What was the conflict between them? What happened to Onesimus? 2. What are the evidences of the work of the gospel? 3. How has your identity changed? 4. How has God changed the way you love others? 5. Is your faith alive just when it is convenient, or is it marked by faithfulness? 6. What gifts has God given you to use and share? 7. How can you pray for your community this week?
Ethos V: The Longing of Belonging
15/02/2018 Duração: 49minEthos V: The Longing of Belonging by Citizens Youth
Ethos IV: Cafeteria Throwback
09/02/2018 Duração: 53minMatthew 9:9-13 1. What were the four groups of people? What did each group say? What was their motivation? 2. Why was it so shocking for Matthew to sit at the table of Jesus? Why were the pharisees mad at this? 3. How did Matthew’s choose to follow Jesus impact his friends? 4. Who is your circle of influence? Who is Jesus reaching through you?
God of Comfort Guest: Matt Eldridge
06/02/2018 Duração: 34minCitizens: God of Comfort What did Matt mean when he talked about "microwave comfort"? What are some things that you find comfort in when things are hard? How long does that comfort usually last? What is the kind of comfort that Jesus offers? How does that impact your current situation? What is a situation where you can pray for God's comfort in your life or for someone you know?
Ethos III: The Anatomy of Us
18/01/2018 Duração: 34minEphesians 4:11-16 January 17, 2018 Main Idea: In Christ We Give and Grow 1. What does a healthy "Body of Christ" look like? 2. What are the parts of the body? What do they look like? 3. What do you have to give? What is your "Work of Ministry"? Are you doing your ministry? 4. In what ways does the body grow?
Ethos II: An Offer You Can't Refuse
12/01/2018 Duração: 47minProverbs 1:20-33 January 10, 2018 Main Idea: To ignore Wisdom is to invite Destruction. 1. What does “the call of wisdom” sound like? Where can you find it? 2. What is your posture towards wisdom? Are you “palm up” or “palm out”? How can we correct our posture to allow wisdom in? 3. What is the meaning of the phrase “to ignore wisdom is to invite destruction”? 4. Do you agree with it? What are some examples? 5. What is your attitude towards authority? 6. How does the cloud symbol represent embracing Godly authority?
Ethos I: Smell It?
04/01/2018 Duração: 51min2 Timothy 3:16-17 January 3, 2018 Main Idea: The Lord has given the Word of God to prepare the Children of God. 1. What does it mean that Scripture is 'breathed out by God?' 2. What does 2 Timothy say that the Bible is? Why does the Bible have value? 3. How does the Bible make a Christian complete? How is it God's gift to us? 4. How do you treat the Bible? What is your view of Scripture? What is your relationship with the Bible? 5. As a community of Citizens, how do we, and how can we prioritize the Bible? 6. What is your 'plan of action' to prioritize the Bible in your life?
Ascend III: God's Moving Day
15/12/2017 Duração: 51minPsalm 132 December 13, 2017 Main Idea: The King has come, so come to the King.
Ascend II: The Endless Night
08/12/2017 Duração: 42minPsalm 130 December 6, 2017 Main Idea: In the night, turn to the Light. 1. Who does the psalmist call out for? Why is this such a big deal? 2. What is it about God that the psalmist remembers? How does this impact the psalmist’s response to the night? 3. What are the two responses we can have to sin and dark seasons of our life? 4. What does it mean to ‘wait on the lord’ What do we turn to while we wait? 5. What does the psalmist declare? How can you echo his declaration? 6. Have you been or are you in a season of darkness? Which of the four things the psalmist does do you need to do?
Ascend I: Keep It
01/12/2017 Duração: 50minPsalm 121 November 29, 2017 Main Idea: Who keeps you? 1. What does it mean to Ascend the hill? What was the Israelite tradition? 2. Where does the Psalmist’s help come from? Where does he lift his eyes? 3. What are things that we’re tempted to believe are the things that ‘keep us’? How well do those things keep us? 4. What does it mean that the creator keeps you? How does this impact situations in your life right now? 5. What does it mean for the Lord to be near you? How did God show us that he is near to us?
I Thessalonians X: Adieu and Do
16/11/2017 Duração: 53min1 Thessalonians 5:12-28 November 15, 2017 Main Idea: Walk in holiness, rest in Jesus. 1. Take some time to recap what Paul has been teaching the church in Thessalonica through his letter of 1 Thessalonians. What have been some of the major topics or themes that Paul refers to? 2. Look at 1 Thessalonians 5:12-22; list out the verbs Paul is using. What is Paul calling them to do? How are they to walk in holiness? 3. Who is involved in their walk as the seek to walk in holiness? Who is involved in their sanctification process? 4. How does the Spirit help us in our sanctification? What is our attitude supposed to be towards the Spirit's work? 5. What is crucial about 5:23-24? How does this impact how we are to walk? 6. What does it mean to rest in Jesus? 7. In which of Paul's major themes (love, holiness, hope) do you need the Spirit's help in sanctification most in your life right now? 8. How can you encourage another brother/sister this week? Close with praying Paul's prayer in 5:23-24.
1 Thessalonians IX: The Other Side of the Coin
09/11/2017 Duração: 46min1 Thessalonians 5:1-11 November 8, 2017 Main Idea: Live in light of Jesus' return. 1. What types of things mark the kingdom of darkness? The kingdom of light? 2. How do we know if we're living in the light? 3. How are we transferred from the kingdom of darkness to light? 4. Describe what the wrath of God is. Can God have wrath and still be loving? Why or why not? 5. Is The Day of the Lord a day of judgement or rescue? Why? 6. Who can you pray for that God will transfer from the kingdom of darkness to light? How can you encourage your brothers and sisters in Christ this week?
1 Thessalonians VIII: Put Death on the Phone
02/11/2017 Duração: 49min1 Thessalonians 4:13-18 November 1, 2017 Big Idea: In Christ, we have hope in death. 1. In what ways does our culture respond to death? 2. Why can Paul say Christians do not lose hope in death? 3. How does the thing at the center of our life change everything in your life? 4. What is your relationship with Christ? How does that impact your relationship with death? 5. What is the promise at the end of this passage? How does our future hope change your 'today'?
1 Thessalonians VII: Mind Your Step
26/10/2017 Duração: 41min1 Thessalonians 4:9-12 October 25, 2017 Main Idea: Walk with love and worthy of respect. 1. What are the two things that mark our walk? 2. How has God taught us love? What is the clearest picture of God's love? 3. What are the two parts of love? 4. What does it mean to "live quietly?" 5. What does it look like to walk respectibly? 6. How can you practice love this week? How can you practice living respectibly with integrity?
1 Thessalonians VI: Keep Walking
19/10/2017 Duração: 59min1 Thessalonians 4:1-8 October 18, 2017 Main Idea: Christ calls you to do more than stand - Walk! 1. Describe the metaphor of the road of holiness. What is holiness? What does it mean to be on this road? What empowers us to be on this road? 2. What is the different between holiness and moralism? 3. How does sexual purity affect our relationships with others? 4. How is a life of self-control freedom and a life lived in lustful passion slavery? 5. Do you see yourself as one who needs to pray for the hunger for holiness? Do you see yourself as the one who feels hopeless on this road? How does verse 8 speak to these needs? 6. Reflect on this quote: "The gospel is not primarily about what you need to do, but about what God has done."
Still Standing V: Tossing and Turning
12/10/2017 Duração: 49min1 Thessalonians 3:1-13 October 11, 2017 Main Idea: God will finish what He started. 1. What does it mean to be co-workers of the missions of God? What kind of people are they? 2. How does God continue to work in the lives of Christians? 3. What does the Bible teach us about what our attitude should be toward godly authority? 4. Have you experienced and opposition in your faith? How does the example of the Thessalonians teach us how to stand firm? 5. Who are some of God's co-workers in your life that encourage you to godliness? How can you encourage another brother or sister in Christ?