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Still Standing IV: True Or False
05/10/2017 Duração: 45min1 Thessalonians 2:13-20 October 4, 2017 1. How did the Thessalonians respond to and view the words of God? 2. What is your view on the Word of God? Is it true or false? 3. What affect does the Word of God have in the believers? 4. What can you do to prioritize the Word of God this week? 5. What made it possible for the Thessalonians to stand? Where are you convinced of? What would you be willing to die for? 6. How is God's word at work in your life right now? How can we be praying for you?
Still Standing III: Carry
28/09/2017 Duração: 51min1st Thessalonians 2:1-12 September 27, 2017 Main Idea: How do those who carry the gospel carry themselves? 1. How does the job you're 'carrying' determine how you carry yourself? 2. What are the 4 way that gospel workers carry themselves? 3. Where does our boldness come from? 4. What are our motives in sharing and living the gospel? 5. What is the significance of community in our gospel message & witness? 6. How do we speak the truth to one another? How can you encourage another in the truth?
Still Standing II: The Aftermath
21/09/2017 Duração: 47min1 Thessalonians 1:1-10 September 20, 2017 Main Idea: Recipients of the gospel become agents of the gospel. 1. Retell the story: How did the church in Thessalonica begin? Why is it such a radical story? 2. What causes Paul to burst out in thanks? 3. What are the evidences that the church experienced true conversion and were true believers? 4. How does God use the suffering of the Thessalonians? 5. What does God work in the hearts of the Thessalonians? How does God use them to share the gospel? 6. How do you sense God working the gospel into your heart right now? 7. Who do you think God wants to reach the gospel with through your life?
Still Standing I: Making History
14/09/2017 Duração: 47minActs 17:1-9 September 13, 2017 Main Idea: Remember and remain! 1. Why is it so important to take time to reflect on our stories? 2. How does it make you feel when others share their story? 3. What was the message the Thessalonians received? 4. Why is it important that they received it from people? What difference does it make in your life having people share the gospel with you? 5. Why is their persecution an important part of their story? 6. What is your response to this message?
A Tale of Two Kingdoms VIII: Turning the Other Cheek
31/08/2017 Duração: 46minMatthew 5:38-42 August 30, 2017 Main Idea: Let your good outweigh the evil done to you.
A Tale of Two Kingdoms VII: No Fingers Crossed
23/08/2017 Duração: 31minMatthew 5:33-37 August 23, 2017 Main Idea: If you give your word, keep it.
A Tale of Two Kingdoms VI: Breaking the Knot
17/08/2017 Duração: 01h09minMatthew 5:31-32 August 16, 2017 Main Idea: Do not take apart what God has put together.
A Tale of Two Kingdoms V: When In Rome
10/08/2017 Duração: 35minMatthew 5:27-30 August 9, 2017 Main Idea: God's people are a faithful people. 1. Why is unfaithfulness a heart condition? 2. What do we learn about God's desire and design for marriage in Genesis 2? 3. Why is it difficult living as a citizen of God's Kingdom while living in the Kingdom of the World? 4. Why do you think some people hesitate to use "deadly force" and make war against sin? 5. What do you need to cut off and pluck out of your life?
Follow IV: The Party
31/07/2017 Duração: 25minMark 2:13-17 July 31, 2017 Main Idea: Who's at your table?
Follow III: The Rich Young Ruler
30/07/2017 Duração: 42minMark 10:17-31 July 29, 2017 Main Idea: All I need is you. 1. What is significant about the ruler's question to Jesus? What do you think was going on in his heart? 2. Do you find it surprising that such a successful and moral person feels like something is missing? 3. When in your life are you most aware that something is missing? 4. Many people in our day view Christianity as "something you can add or something you can do." How does Jesus smash these beliefs? 5. What did Jake mean when he said "Christianity is something you receive”? 6. Which of your views of Christianity have been challenged by Jesus? 7. How does this man probably feel when he realizes his heart is not as good as he believed? 8. Have you ever had that heart-breaking realization that you're not as good as you would have liked to think? 9. What are some common answers to the question, "How do I get to God?" How does Jesus teach you different? 10. Would you describe Jesus' conversation with this Ruler as a loving conversation? Why or why not?
Follow I: Power Over All
28/07/2017 Duração: 42minMark 4:35-41 July 28, 2017 Main Idea: Who Do You Follow? 1. What did some of the disciples in the boat think about the fact that Jesus is sleeping in the midst of all this? What are some other thoughts that may have crossed their minds? 2. What did the sea represent in their culture? What are some things that would represent to us what the sea represented tothem? 3. How do people tend to react to those things? How do you respond? What are some of the more difficult storms that you’ve experienced in life? What did you do? 4. What stands out to you about what Jesus did when he woke up? 5. Why is it significant that Jesus simply speaks? 6. What is the point of Jesus' question to the disciples? (What is the object of their faith? What do they believe in?) 7. Why do you think Jesus let His followers go through storms? How are we to respond? 8. How is Jesus different from every other human? What does Jesus have power over? 9. How is Jesus different from everything else that people follow?
Follow II: The Soils
28/07/2017 Duração: 51minMark 4:1-20 July 29, 2017 Main Idea: Who Will You Follow? 1. Why does Jesus teach in parables (stories) like this one? 2. Who is the sower? Why is the picture of a sower a good metaphor for what Jesus is doing? 3. What does the seed represent? Why is the seed a good metaphor for the gospel? How has the gospel been like “seed” in your own life? 4. Let’s review: What are the four different soils? What happens in each of these soils? 5. What is probably going through each of these people’s (soils) minds and heart? 6. What are some things that would cause this situation to happen in our own lives? 7. What kind of soil is your heart right now? Do you see any of these tendencies in yourself? 8. What are some of the birds, rocks, or thorns in your life that threaten to keep the gospel from taking root in your heart? Who have you told? What is our responsibility to each other when we share these with each other? 9. Have you heard and understood the gospel for yourself? What is your response? 10. Where are you at in
A Tale of Two Kingdoms IV: Cloudy with a Chance of Murder
20/07/2017 Duração: 36minMatthew 5:21-26 July 19, 2017 Main Idea: God's people don't just avoid murder but pursue peace. 1. What's at the heart of God's command to not murder? 2. Do you tend to store up anger in your heart? 3. How does being at odds with others get in the way of our relationship with God? 4. How does God's action toward us, in Jesus, inform our actions toward others we're not right with?
A Tale of Two Kingdoms III: The Instructions
13/07/2017 Duração: 36minMatthew 5:17-20 July 12, 2017 Main Idea: Those who want to walk with God follow Jesus. 1. Why do some Christians think that they can live however they want and ask for forgiveness later? 2. How did the author of Psalm 119 view God's instructions? 3. What does it mean that Jesus "fulfills the law"? 4. How should v.19 affect our friendships in this community? 5. Why is Jesus better than the law?
A Tale of Two Kingdoms II: Options
06/07/2017 Duração: 43minMatthew 5:13-16 July 5, 2017 Main Idea: Living for God's kingdom give glory to the King. Small Group Questions: 1. What are some ways that Christians can respond to living in the Kingdom of this World? 2. Can you explain the metaphor of salt? How about light? 3. What are the biggest factors that keep Christians from influencing the world around them? 4. What are some motives for doing good? What should our motivation be? 5. How can you influence your circle of influence this summer? 6. Why is it important to remember that Jesus is talking to many disciples, not just one?
A Tale of Two Kingdoms I: The Way Things Work
29/06/2017 Duração: 52minMatthew 4:28-5:12 June 28, 2017 Main Idea: Life in God's Kingdom bows to the King.
Citizens: Grad Night 2017
15/06/2017 Duração: 44minPsalm 1 June 14, 2017 Main Idea: To hear God's voice, listen to Jesus.
Wrecked & Rescued IV: The Unforgiving Servant
10/06/2017 Duração: 38minMatthew 18: 21-35 June 7, 2017 Main Idea: Those who are forgiven much must forgive much.