Proclaiming Christ

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editora: Podcast
  • Duração: 10:23:44
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Reformed Theological Resources


  • Hosea 14 — Turn Around


    Repentance today is a byword. It conjures up images of a religious fanatic standing on a street corner with a cheap megaphone that more obscures the sound than amplifies it. But the call to repentance is divine grace. In this final chapter of Hosea, the Lord calls Israel to return to him. What a gift […]

  • Matthew 3:1–12 — A Voice Crying in the Wilderness


    In this episode we see how John, the last prophet of the Old Covenant, transitions us to the New Covenant era by announcing the arrival of the LORD in the person of Jesus Christ. The focus of the passage is not on the uniqueness of John the Baptist, but the uniqueness of the one toward […]

  • Hosea 13 — The Dead Son Lives


    Hosea 13 contains mostly words of rebuke and condemnation. But there is good news there as well. The Lord rebukes his son, Israel, whom he called out of Egypt, for the sin of covenantal faithlessness. They have gone after other gods. So thorough will God’s coming judgment be that it is likened to death. But […]

  • Matthew 2:13–23 — The Exodus of the Son of God


    We look at the significance of a trio of prophecies: the flight to Egypt, Jeremiah’s prophecy of the weeping of Rachel, and that “he would be called a Nazarene.” Matthew identifies Jesus with us, so that we might identify with him. The glorious king is not what many expected, and his kingdom does not look […]

  • Ephesians 1:9, 10 — The Uniting of Heaven and Earth


    What does Paul mean when he says that all things in heaven and earth will be united in Christ? The apostle moves from what Christ did on the cross for his people — to look at the place of the cross in all of history. Robert Arendale and Mark Winder look at the concept of […]

  • Ephesians 1:7–8 — Redeemed by the Blood


    Redemption is the work of the Trinity – Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. This Pauline trinitarian emphasis is something that may be somewhat lacking in modern preaching, but is essential in understanding the unique work of each of the three persons. With this trinitarian emphasis Robert Arendale takes a look at the need, the cost, […]

  • Hosea 12 — The Lord’s Indictment


    The Lord pronounces an indictment upon Israel and convicts her of her sins. He also calls her to repentance and to return to him. The coming judgment in exile reminds of Christ who was exile in death for us, that in him we might have life and restoration in the heavenly promised land.  Participants: Jim […]

  • Genesis 30:25–43 — God Gives the Increase


    How do you preach a passage as speckled and mottled as this one? We look at a text that at first glance has nothing to say about Christ and see how through the continuity of God’s covenant promises we are presented with a foreshadowing of Christ plundering Satan’s house, and through death destroying the one […]

  • Hosea 11 — Out of Egypt


    Hosea prophesied that God would call his son out of Egypt. Of course, that was long after the Exodus. But here in Chapter 11 the Exodus serves as a motif for God’s redeeming grace. It recalled the Exodus as a foreshadow of Israel’s restoration from exile. Unfortunately, the restoration fell short of the great expectation […]

  • 1 Corinthians 3:10–17 — The Church as God’s Temple


    The apostle Paul uses the metaphor of a building to describe the people of God. What is the significance of this metaphor, and what are the implications of that, particularly for ministers of the word? We also discuss how to choose a pericope and how much exegetical detail is appropriate in a sermon. Participants: Glen […]

  • Ephesians 1:4–6 — Chosen in Christ


    What does it mean to be predestined, and to what end does God predestine his people? Robert Arendale joins us again in an exposition of this important passage, including a discussion exploring what part polemics play in a sermon. Participants: Mark A. Winder, Robert Arendale

  • Genesis 29:19-30:24 – Human Deception; Divine Operation


    This section of Genesis showcases an alarming lack of dependence upon God, which results in deception and contention in Jacob’s family. Here we see the foundation laid for much of the conflict of the following chapters, as well as the introduction of Joseph whose story will be the subject of the last third of Genesis. […]

  • Ephesians 1:1-3 – Welcome to Ephesus


    The Apostle Paul wrote to the believers in Ephesus to remind them of the “unsearchable riches” of Christ (3:8).  That is, he writes to remind the Christians living in that metropolitan port city, awash in paganism, of the heavenly blessings that belong to them in Christ (1:3).  A few years prior to his writing the […]

  • Genesis 29:1–18 — Seeking His Bride


    Jacob’s search for a bride parallels two other searches, all of which point us to Christ who offers the water of life and becomes a servant to secure his bride. We therefore must become servants of Christ that as his bride we might receive the water of life. Participants: Mark A. Winder

  • Hosea 10 – The Fruitful Vine


    In Hosea 10 the prophet likens Israel to a vineyard and and garden – but not a very fruitful one. In fact, her covenants with the nations has given rise to terrible idolatry, which is spiritual adultery. She is faithless and therefore fruitless. But the judgment and curse God pronounced upon her would not finally […]

  • Genesis 28:10–22 — God’s Ladder


    Occasionally the New Testament provides a direct connection to the words of the Old, pointing like a bright beacon to the person of Christ. We find that is the case as we look at the story of God’s ladder from Genesis 28. Angels ascend the ladder with a message for God from Jacob and descend […]

  • Genesis 27:41–28:9 — The Departure of Jacob


    Although Jacob and Esau both show themselves unworthy to inherit the covenant promises, we see, through two theological paradigms—the offspring and the land—that God Almighty will lead his people to the land of promise. Participants: Glen Clary, Mark A. Winder

  • Matthew 2:1–12 — The Visit of the Magi


    Matthew’s account of the visit of the Magi is not exactly the story as we know it from our cultural Christmas traditions. The response of these wisemen to the birth of Jesus is what the response of Herod should have been, and what our response should be, namely, worship. Participants: Joel Fick, Mark A. Winder

  • Matthew 1:18–25 — The Birth of Jesus


    In today’s episode we look at Matthew’s account of the genesis of Jesus. In this account of his birth story Matthew draws our attention to the particular perspective of Joseph, the comforting message of the angel, the wonder of the virgin birth, the glory of the Immanuel promise, and the significance of the name of […]

  • Hosea 9 — Elect Exiles


    Hosea ministers in Israel between the time of the conquest of Canaan and the exile. In chapter nine of his prophecy, he tells of the coming judgment-exile of Israel into the land of the uncircumcised. But there is hope! God will preserve a remnant—elect exiles—for his own glory and as his chosen portion. For Christ […]

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