Proclaiming Christ

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editora: Podcast
  • Duração: 10:23:44
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Reformed Theological Resources


  • Mark 1:14–45 — What Is the Gospel


    There is a transition that occurs between the ministry of John the Baptist and the Ministry of Jesus. John begins to decrease, and Jesus begins to increase. The Lord Jesus […]

  • Genesis 34 — Rape and Retribution


    Something significant is missing in Genesis 34 as we read one of the most shocking stories of Scripture. How do you preach Christ in a text where a violent act is met with severe retribution? Are Jacob’s sons exercising just judgment or personal revenge? Does this episode parallel the later conquest of Canaan? We seek […]

  • Ephesians 2:11–19 — Brought Near in Christ


    Paul calls upon his readers to remember five realities of their former life: separated from Christ, alienated from the commonwealth of Israel, strangers to the covenants, having no hope, and without God. But the glorious good news is “BUT NOW in Christ Jesus” those who were far off have been brought near. Jesus, through his […]

  • Ephesians 2:4–10 — The Good News


    Although humanity is dead and lost in sin, with no way to merit favor with God, God is rich and mercy and loves his people with a great love. Those whom God loves are then saved only through the death, resurrection, ascension, and session of Jesus Christ. Believers then, through their union with Christ, are […]

  • Mark 1:1-15 — The Beginning of the Gospel


    In this episode, we introduce the Gospel of Mark. We also explore how Mark introduces us to the person of Jesus Christ and the Gospel. Of special interest is the redemptive nature of the Gospel. This is shown by Mark’s high Christology (Jesus is God), John’s baptism, and Jesus’ successful resistance of Satan’s temptation.  Participants: […]

  • Genesis 33 — Reconciled with God and Man


    Moses brings us to the height of the conflict between Jacob and Esau. We look at the need to preserve the tension in the story while connecting it to the larger narrative. Here we learn how Jacob’s humility leads to a resolution of conflict. We see also the high point of the story — the […]

  • Ephesians 2:1–10 — The Bad News (Part One)


    In this episode, we consider the reality that mankind, apart from God’s glorious grace, is completely and totally lost in sin. Before Paul moves to extol the riches of God’s grace in Eph 2:4–10, he first digs down deep to expose the reality of sinful man’s helpless estate. The more we understand the depth of […]

  • Psalm 18 — David’s Profession of Righteousness


    In this episode, we explain the meaning of David’s profession of righteousness. How can David speak about himself as being without guilt, relative to God’s law, when we know he was a sinner? If our salvation is by grace alone, then how can David say that God rewarded him for his righteousness by saving him […]

  • Ephesians 1:18-23 — Paul’s Prayer (Part Two)


    In part two of Paul’s Prayer we return to consider Paul’s prayer for the Ephesian believers. Yes, Paul’s burden is that the Ephesian believers would know the Lord. But what specifically does he pray for them? What specifically, in this passage, does he want them to know? Join us as we reflect on Paul’s — and […]

  • Ephesians 1:15-18 — Paul’s Prayer (Part One)


    In part one of Paul’s Prayer, we will examine how the apostle Paul prays for the Spirit to be at work so that Christians can know God more. Paul’s thankfulness for the believers at Ephesus moves him to constant prayer that God would soften their hearts and open their eyes to hear and believe the […]

  • Genesis 32:13–32 — Wrestling with God


    Jacob expects a conflict with Esau but instead ends up wrestling with an unknown assailant, who can clearly best him at any moment. But when that moment comes, Jacob will not release his hold until he receives a blessing. The content of that blessing points to the God who will not forsake Jacob and will […]

  • Psalm 5 — Christian Hatred


    What is a Christian to do with the imprecatory Psalms? Are they to be read and sung today, and if so, with what understanding? Jim Cassidy talks about how to situate the Psalms within their redemptive-historical context, instead of reading them in the abstract. Participants: Jim Cassidy, Mark A. Winder

  • Genesis 32:1–12 — Preparing for Conflict


    As Jacob continues toward Canaan in obedience to God’s call, he comes up against another significant obstacle: Esau is coming to meet him Genesis 32:1–12—preparing for conflict with a small army. Jacob’s reliance upon God’s covenant promises, and his humble prayer, are models for today’s Christians. We may pray with confidence as did Jacob, for […]

  • Matthew 4:1-11 — The Testing and Temptation of the Son of God — Part One


    This episode looks at the testing of Jesus that comes on the heels of his baptism. At his baptism, the Father declares “This is my beloved Son, with whom I am well pleased.” Satan comes to test that claim. But God has his own purposes as Jesus is led into the wilderness to demonstrate that […]

  • Psalm 2 — A Biblical Conspiracy Theory


    Psalm 2 speaks of rebellious kings conspiring together against the Lord and his anointed. But the outcome of such conspiracies is clear. The Son will have the earth as his possession.  Participants: Jim Cassidy, Mark A. Winder, Robert Arendale

  • Ephesians 1:11–14 — The Believer’s Inheritance


    In Eph 1:11–14 the Apostle Paul describes the glorious heavenly inheritance of the Christian. He seeks to encourage the Ephesian Christians—many of whom had given up earthly glory—by reminding them of an even greater glory in Christ. May Paul’s words be a wonderful encouragement to the church today! Participants: Jim Cassidy, Mark A. Winder, Robert […]

  • Genesis 31:22–55 — Jacob’s Covenant with Laban


    The narrative portions of Scripture serve to highlight the paradigm established by Genesis 3:15. In the story of Jacob and Laban we see primarily not a conflict between two human beings but a conflict between the one true God and the gods of Laban. Laban’s gods are helpless and put to shame. Jacob’s God fulfills […]

  • Psalm 1 — The Blessed Man


    We embark on a study through a new book—Psalms. Jim Cassidy provides some important interpretive principles which he illustrates through a consideration of Psalm 1. Written for Israel, a nation under a theocracy, how do the Psalms manifest Christ, and how are they applicable to us today? How may it be said that the Christian […]

  • Matthew 3:13–17 — To Fulfill All Righteousness


    The baptism of Jesus is a pivotal event in the life of Christ and in all of redemptive history. In this episode, we explore its significance, seek to answer the question of why Jesus would need to undergo a baptism of repentance, and examine some of the thematic elements of his baptism. Participants: Joel Fick, […]

  • Genesis 31:1–21 — Jacob Makes His Escape


    Jacob exhibits his faith as he responds in obedience to the Lord’s command to return to the land of his fathers. He had made a vow before the Lord, and the Lord now calls upon him to keep his vows. In this episode we see an appearance of “the angel of God,” who points Jacob […]

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