Hagmann And Hagmann

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editora: Podcast
  • Duração: 122:30:00
  • Mais informações



The Hagmann and Hagmann Report provides listeners information about current events and historical topics that transcend the political right-left paradigm and delve into the real issues behind the sugar-coated news. This unique, father-son detective duo uses their investigative abilities and resources to aggressively research and report on issues left untouched by the corporate media and those that exist beyond the scope of the non-traditional media. The show addresses many issues once considered mere fodder for conspiracy theorists, tracing their roots from the various events that created them through the fabric of history to the present day.


  • Shaping the Future - The Tavistock Institute On The Hagmann & Hagmann Report

    05/02/2016 Duração: 02h55min

    The Tavistock Institute has been shaping the future through social engineering of the masses. This organizion uses all forms of social interaction to influence the people to the agenda of a new world order for the arrival of the anti-christ. What are the origions of this society and who is carring out its agenda? We will break down the Tavistock institute as well as talk about the latest news and current events. Here is the link to the listen live & archive page. It contains the Live stream links at the top of the page and then the archives below. http://www.gsradio.net/shows/hagmann_and_hagmann/ https://www.youtube.com/user/TeamKNEIN/featured link to the youtube channel https://soundcloud.com/hagmann-hagmann-report link to the soundcloud page

  • No Political Solutions to Spiritual Problems on The Hagmann & Hagmann Report

    04/02/2016 Duração: 02h55min

    Join us tonight as we break down the latest news and current events. First topic of discussion will be talking about conservative Christians who are clinging to the earthly hope that positive change is at hand, awash in self-delusion by focusing on the fruit instead of the root of the problems we are experiencing as a nation, in our personal lives, and even in the body of the church. Here is the link to the listen live & archive page. It contains the Live stream links at the top of the page and then the archives below. http://www.gsradio.net/shows/hagmann_and_hagmann/ https://www.youtube.com/user/TeamKNEIN/featured link to the youtube channel https://soundcloud.com/hagmann-hagmann-report link to the soundcloud page

  • Iowa Caucus Rigged? Followed by Stan Deyo on The Hagmann & Hagmann Report

    03/02/2016 Duração: 02h55min

    Join us tonight for an information packed show as we cover the strange events in the Iowa primary on both sides of the political spectrum. Republican front runner Donald Trump has been polling very high even compared to his closest opponent Ted Cruz. On the democratic side Sanders was in front of Clinton and many predicted he would win the primary, but not only did Trump lose so did Sanders. To make matters worse Clinton and Sanders tied in six counties and the winner of each was determined by a coin toss in which Clinton won all six coin flips. We will be talking about the confusion and unexpected results followed by Sta Deyo in hour three.

  • Paul McGuire On The Hagmann & Hagmann Report

    02/02/2016 Duração: 02h55min

    Join us tonight with special guest Paul McGuire to talk about the latest news and current events. We will be talking about the latest geopolitical, financial and prophetic news and what to expect in the near future. Here is the link to the listen live & archive page. It contains the Live stream links at the top of the page and then the archives below. http://www.gsradio.net/shows/hagmann_and_hagmann/ https://www.youtube.com/user/TeamKNEIN/featured link to the youtube channel https://soundcloud.com/hagmann-hagmann-report link to the soundcloud page

  • Dr. Ted Broer On The Hagmann & Hagmann Report

    30/01/2016 Duração: 02h55min

    Tonight Dr. Ted Broer will be joining us for the whole broadast. We will be discussing the latest news and current events as well as the latest health news and information we need to know, Sign up for Dr. Broer's newsletter via his website: www.HealthMasters.com Here is the link to the listen live & archive page. It contains the Live stream links at the top of the page and then the archives below. http://www.gsradio.net/shows/hagmann_and_hagmann/ https://www.youtube.com/user/TeamKNEIN/featured link to the youtube channel https://soundcloud.com/hagmann-hagmann-report link to the soundcloud page

  • Enduring in a Changing World on The Hagmann & Hagmann Report

    29/01/2016 Duração: 02h55min

    Join us tonight as we break down the latest news and current events and also have a discussion on the changing world and what we can do to endure without conformity. We will be talking about issues including the Clonton email scandal as well as the latest on the zika pandemic. In the third hour we will be joined by Dave Hodges of The Common Sense Show. Here is the link to the listen live & archive page. It contains the Live stream links at the top of the page and then the archives below. http://www.gsradio.net/shows/hagmann_and_hagmann/ https://www.youtube.com/user/TeamKNEIN/featured link to the youtube channel https://soundcloud.com/hagmann-hagmann-report link to the soundcloud page

  • Breakdown of Oregon Standoff On The Hagmann & Hagmann Report

    28/01/2016 Duração: 02h55min

    Join us tonight as we discuss the situation in Oregon between the militia and the federal government. Last night the FBI shoot two men killing one in a traffic stop after sealing off 25 miles of highway. The feds are ready to end this situation and it appears they do not care if the end is peaceful or not. We will be taking your calls in the third hour as we cover news. Here is the link to the listen live & archive page. It contains the Live stream links at the top of the page and then the archives below. http://www.gsradio.net/shows/hagmann_and_hagmann/ https://www.youtube.com/user/TeamKNEIN/featured link to the youtube channel https://soundcloud.com/hagmann-hagmann-report link to the soundcloud page

  • Crisis, Chaos and Change on The Hagmann & Hagmann Report

    27/01/2016 Duração: 02h55min

    JThe world has been changing for the worst as we are being hearded toward this false utopia or anri-christ kingdom. Today as well as in recent months we see the rise of cognative and spiritual blindness coincide with the rise of lawlessness and immorality. Everywhere we look we see crisis and chaos, what is the conclusion we are racing toward? We will be talking about ths as well as other important news followed by Stan Deyo in hr 3. Here is the link to the listen live & archive page. It contains the Live stream links at the top of the page and then the archives below. http://www.gsradio.net/shows/hagmann_and_hagmann/ https://www.youtube.com/user/TeamKNEIN/featured link to the youtube channel https://soundcloud.com/hagmann-hagmann-report link to the soundcloud page

  • News followed by Bill Warner on The Hagmann & Hagmann Report

    26/01/2016 Duração: 02h55min

    Join us for an information packed show, we will cover news in the first hour followed by author Bill Warner in the second hour and in hour three Katy from Independent Consultant- ThriveLife & do'Terra Essential Oils. Our First guest in hour two Bill Warner, his website is www.politicalislam.com Dr. Bill Warner has been a physicist, businessman and professor. He is the director of the Center for the Study of Political Islam. He is the first person to use the scientific method to produce the first Koran that can be read and easily understood. He also made the other two sacred texts of Islam, the Sira (Mohammed’s biography) and the Hadith (his Traditions) simple to read and understand as well. He has written a dozen books on Islam. He has written a number of books: A Simple Koran, The Political Traditions of Mohammed, The Islamic Doctrine of Slavery, Mohammed and the Unbelievers, Sharia Law for Non-Muslims. Katy for Family Essential Oils will be our guest in hour three.

  • War on All Fronts Part II On The Hagmann & Hagmann Report

    23/01/2016 Duração: 02h55min

    We are fighting a war on all fronts, both subtle and overt. These battles have been more subtle in the past but in recent years and now months the veil is thinning as the intensity continues to increase. We will be discussing this and the latest news and current events. Here is the link to the listen live & archive page. It contains the Live stream links at the top of the page and then the archives below. http://www.gsradio.net/shows/hagmann_and_hagmann/ https://www.youtube.com/user/TeamKNEIN/featured link to the youtube channel https://soundcloud.com/hagmann-hagmann-report link to the soundcloud page

  • War on All Fronts On The Hagmann & Hagmann Report

    22/01/2016 Duração: 02h55min

    We are fighting a war on all fronts, both subtle and overt. These battles have been more subtle in the past but in recent years and now months the veil is thinning as the intensity continues to increase. We will be discussing this and the latest news and current events. Here is the link to the listen live & archive page. It contains the Live stream links at the top of the page and then the archives below. http://www.gsradio.net/shows/hagmann_and_hagmann/ https://www.youtube.com/user/TeamKNEIN/featured link to the youtube channel https://soundcloud.com/hagmann-hagmann-report link to the soundcloud page

  • Michael Boldea on The Hagmann & Hagmann Report

    21/01/2016 Duração: 02h55min

    Join us tonight for a great show with special guest Michael Boldea. Michael is Dimitri Dudumans grandson and was also his interpreter. Mr. Boldea will be a speaker at The Hear the Watchmen conference in Dallas March 18-20th. We will be talking about a number of issues from the spiritual state of the church to geopolitical issues. Here is the link to the listen live & archive page. It contains the Live stream links at the top of the page and then the archives below. http://www.gsradio.net/shows/hagmann_and_hagmann/ https://www.youtube.com/user/TeamKNEIN/featured link to the youtube channel https://soundcloud.com/hagmann-hagmann-report link to the soundcloud page

  • Dave Hodges and Sheila Zilinsky on The Hagmann & Hagmann Report

    20/01/2016 Duração: 02h55min

    Sheila Zelinsky host of The Weekend Vigilante and Dave Hodges host of The Common Sense show will be joining us tonight. They will be talking about a number of important issues from the militia situation in Oregon to the UN's Agenda 21 implementation causing food shortages in the United States. Dave Hodges will be on for the first hour and Sheila will be on for the first two hours. Here is the link to the listen live and archive page. It contains the Live stream links at the top of the page and then the archives below. http://www.gsradio.net/shows/hagmann_and_hagmann/ https://www.youtube.com/user/TeamKNEIN/featured link to the youtube channel https://soundcloud.com/hagmann-hagmann-report link to the soundcloud page

  • The Globalist Luciferian Lilliputians of 2016

    19/01/2016 Duração: 02h55min

    The downward spiral of oil prices is impacting employment and loan performance at many banks. It is creating some major losses for banks and the Fed is stepping in to waive some regulationsThis is a Bear Sterns moment like 2008Unemployment numbers are rigged the real number is closer to 10%The Sino-American economic war of attrition continues Chinas GDP is shrinking which is impacting the entire world economyI have information that China is building hundreds of empty 30 story high rises all over the country (eye witness) Stock Market is very volatile and will continue that way all year with a 20-30% bear market Look for lots of down 300 points with occasional plus 200 days but still net downMost stocks are way overvalued and most vulture capital firms are requiring a leaner approach and profitability from startupsEven main street talking heads are now saying what we have been saying for over 6 monthsWar on cash This will heat up in 2016 because of negative interest rates being implementedLook out for deflatio

  • Instability the New Norm on The Hagmann & Hagmann Report

    16/01/2016 Duração: 02h55min

    The world has been changing for the worst as we are being hearded toward this false utopia or anri-christ kingdom. Today as well as in recent months we have witnessed the fluxuation of the stock market both at home and internationally which are so interconnected one nations economy imacts the other nations economies as well. We will be talking about ths as well as other important news and taking your phone calls in the third hour. Here is the link to the listen live &archive page. It contains the Live stream links at the top of the page and then the archives below. http://www.gsradio.net/shows/hagmann_and_hagmann/ https://www.youtube.com/user/TeamKNEIN/featured link to the youtube channel https://soundcloud.com/hagmann-hagmann-report link to the soundcloud page

  • Keeping America Safe....From US on The Hagmann & Hagmann Report

    15/01/2016 Duração: 02h55min

    Join us tonight for another insightful, news filled show as we cover some important news as well as discuss the federal governments plan to keep America safe. Peace and saftey is talked about in scripture, its a false peace and security which is used to destroy Christians as well as any citizen who will not conform. Tonight we will talk about gun control and the overall framework our government has implemented to keep us (Americans) safe from ourselves. Along with important news and information followed by listener phone calls in the third hour.

  • The Federal Consolidation of Power on The Hagmann & Hagmann Report

    14/01/2016 Duração: 02h55min

    The Federal Consolidation of Power pushing toward a One World Government Join us tonight as we breakdown the latest news and current events through a biblical perspective. The world has been changing for the worst at a rapid pace. This has been done intentionally for the purpose of bringing in a New World Order, this system of evil will control every aspect of the lives of those who accept it. The federal consolidation of power is a step toward that direction and we are watching it play out now. This as well as listener phone calls in the second half of the show. Here is the link to the listen live & archive page. It contains the Live stream links at the top of the page and then the archives below. http://www.gsradio.net/shows/hagmann_and_hagmann/ https://www.youtube.com/user/TeamKNEIN/featured link to the youtube channel https://soundcloud.com/hagmann-hagmann-report link to the soundcloud page

  • News Breakdown followed by Stan Deyo on The Hagmann & Hagmann Report

    13/01/2016 Duração: 02h55min

    Tonight we will be covering important news and current events in the first two hours followed by Stan Deyo in hour 3. We will be talking about the latest presidential election news as well as the financial news that is not only effecting the USA but also the world. Here is the link to the listen live & archive page. It contains the Live stream links at the top of the page and then the archives below. http://www.gsradio.net/shows/hagmann_and_hagmann/ https://www.youtube.com/user/TeamKNEIN/featured link to the youtube channel https://soundcloud.com/hagmann-hagmann-report link to the soundcloud page

  • A Time of Change on The Hagmann & Hagmann Report

    12/01/2016 Duração: 02h55min

    Join us today for this Monday edition of The Hagmann & Hagmann Report as we dig into the latest news and current events from the US and the globe. These changes we see today are leading to the ultimate change toward a one world system under the authority of the anti-christ. As believers we must not only watch for these changes but prepare for how our lifes will be effected. This as well as covering the latest news and current events important today. Here is the link to the listen live & archive page. It contains the Live stream links at the top of the page and then the archives below.

  • Economic Manipulation and Chaos on The Hagmann & Hagmann Report

    09/01/2016 Duração: 02h55min

    Join us tonight for a great show as we break down the latest economic changes the are leading to a controled end game. Manipulation and globalization of the global economy through damaging policy continues to increase instibility in all markets. John Little of omegashock.com will be adding his insight on the economic situation during the second half of the show. Here is the link to the listen live & archive page. It contains the Live stream links at the top of the page and then the archives below. http://www.gsradio.net/shows/hagmann_and_hagmann/ https://www.youtube.com/user/TeamKNEIN/featured link to the youtube channel https://soundcloud.com/hagmann-hagmann-report link to the soundcloud page

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