Breaking Through Walls With Carrie Cardozo

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editora: Podcast
  • Duração: 45:42:17
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This is the show that will help you change your life.Mixing a little fun, with a whole lot of raw, unfiltered realism, entrepreneur and Intuitive Business and Success Strategist Carrie Cardozo brings you a weekly podcast focused on being honest with where you are in business and life, the part you play in that, and where you want go. Breaking Through Walls explores the roots of success and failure, and the lessons learned along the way. Each episode provides you with practical advice, strategies and tools to win, as well as create the life you want - professionally and personally.Carrie is motivated by a desire to help people conquer the limiting thoughts, beliefs, and skills that hold them back. As a business strategists, her goal is to help you live with more passion and purpose, gain confidence, uncover whats locked deep within you, take back your power, and build the life youre meant to live. Nothing is off-limits, and Carrie is here to uncover, break down and overcome the obstacles that limit you from achieving your business and life successes.Week after week Carrie is going to share experiences and stories of walls, the lessons she has learned, the challenges she has over come and offer the tools you need to break down, overcome, build - or rebuild - the lives, businesses, careers, relationships and families you want. This is a journey of life - dont let it be wasted or limited by the walls that have been placed in your path. Youll also be inspired by guests who come from all walks of life. Theyre eager to share their own experiences and the lessons they are continuing to live by today. Obstacles are guaranteed throughout life, and success can only come when you step out of the shadows and break through the walls that hold you back from living an authentic life. Topics range from business, entrepreneurship, leadership, communication, building teams, and success, to motivation, mindset, goal setting, relationship building, parenting, health and life creation every aspect of living a rich, fulfilling life. So if youre ready to step into what is rightfully yours, take back your power, and create everything youve ever imagined, then start right now on Breaking Through Walls. Find out more at thanks to Pete Yorn for graciously allowing me to use his song Life On A Chain as our intro and outro music!


  • BTW 039 - Intuitive Guidance Session with Connie

    01/02/2017 Duração: 48min

    Ever wonder what it's like to have an Intuitive Guidance Session? Each week I share with you stories, inspiration, my thoughts and suggestions on what you can do in your life to break down the walls that keep you stuck and keep you repeating the same mistakes over and over again. I share with you what I do with my clients and what I have learned over the years. At times, I've even been sharing channeled information. Episode 39 is exactly that. In this episode I let you join me on one of my client calls and Intuitive Guidance Sessions with a wonderful women Connie. Listen in as I help her to see the repeating behavior and subconscious beliefs that she has that are keeping her stuck, and then share with her exactly what I see coming into her life and business.   If you're interested in a podcast Guidance Session click here to be added to the wait list.     

  • BTW 038: The Magical Dance With Time

    25/01/2017 Duração: 51min

    So many things demand your attention every single day. New projects come, clients need your attention, marketing needs to be done, decisions need to be made, and that's just for work. Then there is your family and your friends that are an integral part o your daily life and plays into your schedule.  How much of your day is your work demanding?  How much time are you spending with the people who mean the most to you? What about yourself? How much time are you spending on yourself every single day?  How much time are you setting aside to do the things that mean the most to you? It's not a pipe dream to be able to fit everything into your schedule that you want. If you feel like your life is getting out of your control and that you don't have enough time to fit everything in, then episode 38 is exactly what you need. In this episode I share with you exactly how to prioritize your work and your life. I give you tips, tricks and insight into what you need to do to fit everything in to your day and even have time

  • BTW 037 - Change..... You Might Not Like It, But It's Always Necessary

    18/01/2017 Duração: 58min

    One of the hardest things to do in life is change. It's something that most of us want, all of us need, but very few of us embrace. Change is uncomfortable, it's scary, it's totally uncertain and most often introduces a situation that we don't feel ready to accept. But something that change always brings is new beginnings, opportunities, new people, and a higher perspective on life. As we entered this year we talked about the need to set intentions for what we want to create, for who we want to become. As those intentions begin to manifest in your life and you begin to open the opportunities that present themselves to you change becomes inevitable.  In order to successfully maneuver the obstacles and the situations that come at you you need to understand how to effectively handle the change that you begin to see unfold in your life. Episode 37 shows you exactly what you should be doing and helps you to see the best way to adapt to all the new experiences that are coming your way. To connect with Carrie after

  • BTW 036 - Get Ready To Expand Your Impact with Sarah Ann Negus, The Modern Day Shaman

    11/01/2017 Duração: 01h19min

    You want to make an impact in your life whether it's on yourself, your friends, your family, your kids or your clients. You might even want to make a bigger impact and have it reach out to hundreds of people. No matter what the level you're aiming to reach the one way you are going to get there is by exploring who you are and what your potential is.  In Episode 36 - Get Ready To Expand Your Impact, Sarah Ann Negus, The Modern Day Shaman and Spiritual Teacher and Mentor takes us deep into the understanding of exactly how we can do that. How we can step into the role we are destined to live in this life and to come fully into WHO we really are. Sarah believes that this starts with her and you, and together we can bring true, lasting change for our lives and the world. Change towards kindness, compassion, acceptance, integrity and recognition that we are all in this together… and… individually we can make a difference by being who we came here to be. Listen as Sarah takes us along on her own personal healing jou

  • BTW 035 - It's Time You Allowed Yourself To Grow

    04/01/2017 Duração: 50min

    Growth. We might not all want it, but we all need it. Growth allows us to become more of who we are. It allows us to create the life we want, a business that’s successful and make the impact we are meant to make. But true growth is more then just creating a new program. It’s more than just increasing your fees. It’s deeper than expanding your reach. True growth is an inside job. Episode 35 takes you deeper into why growth is essential to your existence and exactly how to accomplish it. If you’re ready to make a huge impact in 2017 and beyond then growth is necessary and this episode will show you exactly how to do it. If you are looking for support beyond this podcast then I invite you to join my private Facebook group Dynamic Creations. If you want to know if you’re ready for changes then click here to download the FREE Life Creation Formula and get started today on building a life you love! Be sure to connect with me on FB at Carrie Cardozo, The Empowerment Priestess or Breaking Through Walls, or on Instagr

  • BTW 034 - Your Struggles Are Always Blessings in Disguise

    21/12/2016 Duração: 56min

    Looking back on my life I can finally say that I am truly grateful for everything that has happened to me.  If you know me, and you know my life, you know that's a HUGE statement to make. But being grateful for it is not the same as wanting to relive it, and it's certainly not saying that I enjoyed all of them. What it is saying is that I have been able to find the lesson in my situations and I have embraced that lesson and allowed it to transform my life. I have found the gift it has left for me, and for that gift I am eternally grateful. Every single situation you face in life is meant to teach you something you need to know, something you intended to learn in this life. It doesn't matter if it's something small you are struggling with, or a life altering event. Each one will help you to grow, help you to change, and allow you to keep moving forward in life. They each allow you to be more present, more connected to the true essence of who you are, and to live the life you were meant to. Episode 34 is going

  • BTW 033 - The Key to Never Ending Confidence

    14/12/2016 Duração: 38min

    What would you do if you were confident about everything you pursued?  How would your life change if every single step you took you did so with confidence? Think that’s impossible?  Think again.  Episode 33 is all about how important it is to have confidence in yourself. When you have confidence in YOU then there is nothing you can’t do. But how do you get that confidence? How do you gain all the confidence you need so that you are always ready to take that step forward, to go after the things you want, and so that you attract the right people, circumstance and opportunities into your life? I am going to share with you what I believe is the most important key to gaining confidence and keeping it. You don’t want to miss this! Like always, it’s so much more fun to connect in-between show. If you would like to get to know me and my work better than I invite you to join me on a 20 minute connection call so we can explore further how we relate and connect together. Click here to connect with me: https://calendly.c

  • BTW 032 - Remove Your Blocks and Move Forward With Your Life

    07/12/2016 Duração: 46min

    Everyone wants to move on, as quickly as they can, into 2017. I am right there with you. I am looking forward to this year ending and a fresh new year starting. But something I am also focusing on right now is clearing up the remainder of the blocks I am facing in my life right now. You see for me, and many other people, 2016 has been all about letting go of what doesn't serve me to make room for all the things that are waiting to come in. One if the fastest ways to do that is by releasing that blocks that are caught-up in my energetic system that are keeping me in the energy of the past.   Episode 32 is all about blocks, what they are, how they occur and who you can begin to release them. Blocks keep you stuck and keep you repeating unwanted patterns and undesirable situations in your life. Until you are able to effectively release them, they will continue to show up over and over again and prevent you from truly doing and being exactly what you are meant to.   Be sure to download the FREE "Life Creation For

  • BTW 031: Heal Yourself and Rediscover Life with Anya Bruder

    30/11/2016 Duração: 47min

    This week on Breaking Through Walls we hear a very inspiring story of a women named Anya Bruder who found herself facing an mobilizing and debilitating undiagnosed illness that caused her to not be able to leave her bed or move her hands. After finally getting clarity on what was happening in her body Anya made it her goal to heal herself and to become certified to help heal others. Anya is now the founder and owner of Coaching and Mind Mastery for Better Health.  Over the last 20 months, Anya has successfully managed her autoimmune disease, improving all her symptoms and eliminating some of them. She is now ready to share her personal experiences with others. Tune into Episode 31 to hear all about Anya’s story of recovery from illness and rediscovery of who she truly is. Learn how her focus remains on emotional well-being and Mind Mastery to change deeply ingrained patterns that don't serve us into something that will enable us to live a vibrant fulfilling life with emotional, physical and spiritual well-bei

  • BTW 030 - Blending of the Masculine and Feminine Self - Dynamic Creation Part 3

    23/11/2016 Duração: 53min

    Over the past two weeks we have discovered all about the masculine and feminine energetic traits and characteristics. We looked at the benefits and the drawbacks from having too much or too little of each of these energies. Episode 30 is the third and final part of this series and delivers the importance of blending the two energies into perfect harmony in your life. When you do, then you are able to be successful in yourself, your relationships, your career and all that you do. Learn how you can begin to balance these two energies and how to determine when the feminine or the masculine should be dominate. I also invite you to reach out and book a 20 minute FREE call with me to better understand what energies are leading your life and what ones still need to be enhanced. We can also look at how you can go about making the changes that are needed.  

  • BTW 029 - Stop Giving Away Your Power - Dynamic Creations Part 2

    16/11/2016 Duração: 47min

    One of the most prominent actions I see being taken this past week, aside from anger and fear, is handing over your power to the situation of the newly elected president. Proclaiming that our world is ruined, that you are in a constant state of mourning and saying that he now has control of your life. In this world of duality there are two energies that make up who we are. Last week in Episode 28 (part 1), we talked about the masculine energy and traits people have. This week we are exploring the famine energies we carry in our life and how handing your power and your life over to the stations you see before you is one of the strongest and most detrimental feminine energies that exists today. Listen to episode 29 to hear how you are aiding in exactly what you don't want to see.   Take the feminine energy quiz at Join the Dynamic Creations FB Group by visiting      

  • BTW 028 - The Dynamic Creation of Who You Are - Part 1

    09/11/2016 Duração: 31min

    Who you are, who you become and what you are able to accomplish depends a lot on your traits and your characteristics. Are you assertive? Are you passive? Are you an over thinker or someone who follows the lead of others? Each of us have very unique traits that we have developed over time as we interacted with our family, friends and society as a whole. All of these characteristics and traits have a unique energetic signature on them. That imprint can be masculine or famine in nature depending on the trait. What's important to understand is that there needs to be a balance of both in everyone's life. In this episode, part 1 of a three part series, I take you through the process of understanding what these traits are and how they impact your life. We start with masculine energies and look at what they are and how they present themselves and affect your life. Too much of a masculine energy can cause intimidation, hardship in relationships and always forcing things to happen. It can also cause wars and dominatio

  • BTW 027: Olivia Charlet Unleashed and on a Mission

    02/11/2016 Duração: 53min

    Everybody has a purpose, it’s what we’ve been talking about the past couple episodes. We have been exploring what a purpose is, how it can change your life, and why it’s important to follow yours. Someone who helps women unleash their power and mission into the world and make large amounts of impact is coach Olivia Charlet. In Episode 27 Olivia shares with us her purpose in this world and what she intends to accomplish as she moves forward. Olivia also takes us back to her childhood and shares where a few of her own limiting beliefs came from, how she was able to overcome them and what led her to be doing what she is now.  It wasn’t till Olivia was 25 that she even began to open up to greater possibilities in life surrounding spirituality, her existence and the way every single person’s life is viewed. However, once she began exploring, it took her less than two days to finally see the truth of the world we live in. Join Olivia and I as we explore the amazing possibilities of living your mission and overcomin

  • BTW 026 - There Is One Thing Stronger Than Fear.....LOVE

    26/10/2016 Duração: 36min

    Fear. It surrounds us. It controls our life, our thoughts and our actions. It dictates our future and limits us from creating and living the life that we want. Everywhere you look you can see it. Creeping into our thoughts, clouding our judgements and determining out next steps. We have begun to live in a world where fear, worry, doubt and anger consumes us. Sometimes it feels like there is no escape. But there is. There is something you can do about the fear. There is something that will break it down, tear it apart and diminish it's hold on us. It's a power that exists around us. It's a power that is always available to us and that's stronger than anything else on earth. That power is something you need to tap into, use, feel and see. When you do, it will change your world and the entire world around you.   Episode 26 is all about pure, divine, unconditional love. It's about how love has the power to remove fear, to reduce worry, and to allow you to create the future you desire. Love has the power to pull y

  • BTW 025 - Life Begins When You Start To Live Your Purpose

    19/10/2016 Duração: 01h02min

    Have you ever wondered why you’re here or what you’re supposed to do? Have you ever wondered what the bigger meaning of life really is? Sure, we learn, we grow, we work, we build relationships. we make money and we try really hard to have some fun in the little bit of free time we can find. But what is this all for? What’s the real meaning and point to life on earth? In Episode 25 Carrie takes you though the second half of her story, the part that got her to where she is today. She shares what got her though the grief, the struggle, the changes, and life’s chaotic mess that had unfolded around her. Carrie shares what she has learned and discovered along the way, what she is doing now, and how it’s not only impacting her life, but so many other peoples lives as well.  I want to invite you to  Join in the FREE 5 Day "Discover Your Purpose" Challenge at Check out the website at    

  • BTW 024 - Can you hear that? It's your intuition talking!

    12/10/2016 Duração: 51min

    Everybody has experienced it before, that gut feeling you get when you know something to be the case, without having a stick of logic to back it up. The feeling that you know the answer to a very meaningful question when you haven’t even given it much thought, or that over powering feeling that you need to be doing something else with your life. Your intuition is talking to you all day long, guiding you, directing you, and leading you down the path to your highest good. But are you truly listening? Are you hearing what it’s saying, or are you trying to quiet it to listen to everything else instead? When you’re able to tap into your intuition you begin to open a whole new word and a while new way of creating the life you want for yourself. Your intuition is always with you. It’s been there since before you were born, and in Episode 24 we take a deeper look at what it is, how you can recognize it, and how you can begin to use your intuition in your everyday life. We cover many different ways that you can learn

  • BTW 023 - The Ins and Outs of Manifesting

    05/10/2016 Duração: 47min

    You have the ability to create anything you want in life, you just have to learn how to manifest it. With all the buzz about hustling I wanted to take a different approach and explore the magnificent power of our minds, our thoughts, our emotions and the power of the Universe. Episode 23 is all about the ins and the outs of manifesting and the Law of Attraction. There are two side of manifesting; the people who live it and the people who doubt it. I go deep into the understanding of what manifesting is, how it works and where we see evidence of it in our life. I also disclose the single most important part of manifesting that many people leave out, and why those who say they haven’t been able to harness it's powers, really have. Don’t miss an opportunity to bring more ease and flow into your life and use manifestation to create exactly what you want. Also be sure to download the Free Manifestation Guide at Want to connect with me after the show?   FB: Breakingthroughwallspod

  • BTW 022: It All Begins With HOPE

    28/09/2016 Duração: 36min

    With hope comes faith and with faith comes trust. What does the number 2 and “hope” have in common? How does it all affect your life, help you break through your walls and truly start being, feeling and living in a life you were meant to life? Episode 22 begins a new journey in the podcast.I t begins a time of understanding what all the struggles, hardship, challenges and lessons in life mean. It begins the journey of hope for a better future, the faith that things can and will get better, and the trust that you are exactly where you are, listening to this epodes for a reason. Open yourself up to the amazing possibilities of life. Look at things from a whole new perspective. Truly break through the walls that are holding you in a place you’re no longer willing to be in. Once you do, you will never go back to the way things use to be. Make a commitment to yourself and take this journey with me. I promise you, you won’t regret it. Join us in our Facebook Group for more tips and discussions at

  • BTW 021: Success Eludes Those Who Refuse Support

    21/09/2016 Duração: 28min

    “Success eludes those who think they can do it all on their own”. - Carrie Cardozo   Episode 21 is all about getting the support you need to be successful in business and in your life. It’s about knowing when you need help, taking the action to ask for it and allowing that help to take part in your life. No one is meant to do it all, yet over and over again there are so many people out there who are’t actively pursuing finding the help then need and deserve. Stop trying to do it all. Stop over working yourself, getting stressed out, wasting time, money, and valuable energy on things that you’re not great at and don’t need to be doing. Episode 21 is going to challenge you to put your wellbeing first and know exactly what you need to do, who to ask, and how to get the help and support you need to truly start being successful. Join us in the Facebook Group: Breaking Through Walls Visit me at

  • BTW 020: Get OUT of Your Comfort Zone!

    14/09/2016 Duração: 20min

    The choice is yours, either stay where you’re at, comfortable, safe and never changing, or get out of your comfort zone and decide to truly experience all that life has to offer.   Comfort zones are where most people like to stay, secure, safe, predictable and minimal risk. But comfort zones don’t offer you the opportunity to grow, expand and truly become who you’re meant to be. Often times you don’t necessarily make the choice to leave your zone, in reality, you’re usually forced, pushed or made to take the plunge. That’s what life delivers. Whether it’s your choice of it’s with resistance, there is never an easy solution or fix to taking that first step into the unknown, and that’s exactly what it is, the unknown.  In episode 20 I take you along as I navigate this new journey I’m beginning. I share with you why I started, what it all means to me, and three ways that you can be better prepared, more confident and have a different mindset when you take your first step over and over again out of your comfort z

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