Listen to weekly messages from Grace Community Fellowship of Austin, Texas. GCF is a warm, friendly, growing, and dynamic church. To find out more about who we are, and how to be a part, visit us on the web at!
Hearing God Should Be Normal
10/09/2023 Duração: 37minLife Group Questions: 1. From Genesis to Revelation, we read numerous accounts of God speaking to people. Why do you think Christians today don’t experience back and forth conversations with God? 2. Have you heard God’s voice before? If so, tell the story and explain how you knew it was Him. 3. Jesus says that His disciples should know, hear, and obey His voice. How does this challenge you in your relationship w/ Jesus? 4. What (if anything) is holding you back from believing that hearing God should be a normal part of Christianity?
It's A Get To Not A Got To
03/09/2023 Duração: 38minLife Group Questions1. "It's a get to not a got to." What does that phrase mean to you? 2. Every person is presented with numerous opportunities daily to choose how they will respond. Do you generally respond with a “get to” attitude or “got to” attitude? 3. Pastor Ryan shared the four reasons why life turns into a “got to.” - Doing the right things for the wrong reasons- Being a do it all (saying yes to everything or doing everything yourself)- Not taking breaks- Not spending time w/ the Lord Which of these are you best at and which one do you need to improve on? Explain. 4. What is your take away from this message, how will you apply it, and how can we hold you accountable?
Jesus Endured Our Rejection So We Might Have His Acceptance
14/05/2023 Duração: 41minLife Group Questions Key Verse: Isaiah 53:3 – “He was despised and rejected by men, a man of sorrows, and familiar with suffering.” 1. What would you say is your main takeaway from this message? 2. What forms of rejection have you personally experienced, and how have those experiences played out to-date in your life? 3. Of the three wonderful gifts we’ve been given as a result of this exchange at the Cross (Acceptance, Access, and Adoption), which one speaks to you the most? Why so?
Jesus Was Made A Curse So We Might Receive The Blessing
07/05/2023 Duração: 38minLife Group Questions 1. Read Galatians 3:13-14 and Genesis 24:1. Christ became a curse for us so we might receive the blessing of Abraham, and the Lord blessed Abraham in every way. Do you believe that blessing is for you? Why or why not? 2. Pastor Rob described some common curses that we see today. Idolatry, false religion, wrong attitude towards parents, training your child, injustice to the weak and fatherless, your words towards people, and your words towards yourself. Which one stood out to you and why? 3. Is there anything/anyone that you are currently worshiping in place of God? If yes, what/whom are you worshiping and how can we, as a family, help you? 4. Pastor Rob prescribed a solution for dealing with curses. Recognize, repent, renounce, and resist. Are you ready to shine a light and deal with curses? If not, what’s holding you back?
Our Old Man Died In Jesus So The New Man May Live In Us
30/04/2023 Duração: 31minLife Group Questions1. Have you received Jesus as your Lord and Savior? 2. Read Romans 6:6-7. Every Christian’s “old self” was crucified with Christ and they were set free from sin. Do you define yourself as a “sinner” or a “saint” who chooses to sin from time to time? Why does this matter? 3. How do you “put the old man off?” 4. Read Romans 13:14 NASB. What does it mean to “put on the Lord Jesus Christ and make no provision for the flesh?”