Gcf Austin

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editora: Podcast
  • Duração: 159:08:58
  • Mais informações



Listen to weekly messages from Grace Community Fellowship of Austin, Texas. GCF is a warm, friendly, growing, and dynamic church. To find out more about who we are, and how to be a part, visit us on the web at www.gcfaustin.org!


  • Never Forsaken

    23/02/2025 Duração: 54min

    Life Group QuestionsRead Psalm 37:251. What was your main takeaway from Pastor Matt’s teaching?2. What marker (“Ebenezer”) will you use to remember the goodness of God?3. “Never doubt in the darkness what the Lord has told you in the light.” Talk about what this means to you. Why do we doubt in the darkness?4. Read 1 Thessalonians 5:18 and Ephesians 5:20. What is the common theme between the commands in these verses? Share about times in your life when it was seemingly impossible to follow these commands. Why is it not impossible to follow these commands?5. Read Jeremiah 29:11. Do you believe that God has plans for good for you and to give you hope? Why?

  • A Vengeful God

    16/02/2025 Duração: 48min

    Life Group Questions1. What was your biggest takeaway from Sunday's message and how will this change your perspective moving forward?2. Some people try to combat Christianity with the argument that God has a split personality. They say that the God of the Old Testament is angry & full of wrath while the God of the New Testament is kind, nice, & forgiving. What is the proper response to such a claim?3. Pastor Ryan explained four aspects of God's vengeance.- God is provoked- God is fiery- God is furious- God is indignantWhich of these stood out to you the most and why?4. Did you walk away from hearing this message with more or less hope for your future? Explain why.5. Now that we have concluded the fear of God series, how has your relationship with God changed? How do you think this will impact your life moving forward?

  • An Omni God

    09/02/2025 Duração: 45min

    Life Group Questions1. This week, we discussed an Omni God - Omnipresent (present everywhere, every time, with the fullness of His being. Omniscient (He knows everything there is to know) and Omnipotent (He possesses all power). How has this understanding of God impacted you? 2. God's Omnipresence can bring conviction or comfort. Can you share a moment when you felt comfort, conviction, or both? 3. Chris talked about three areas of God's perfect knowledge: He's All-Foreknowing (God knows everything that will come to pass), All-Seeing (God Sees everything that exists in the universe), and All-Perceiving (God perfectly understands all that He observes). Which of these impacted you the most and why?4. Job 42:2 says -  " I know that you can do all things; no purpose of yours can be thwarted. - This verse refers to God's power at work in your life to fulfill His purpose. Do you know what God's purpose is for your life? If so, are you actively fulfilling that purpose? If you are unsure or unaware, have you taken th

  • A Glorious God

    02/02/2025 Duração: 37min

    Life Group Questions1. Omarr explained that we don't fear God because we don't really know the God we should fear. How has your understanding of God changed in the last two weeks?2. Our God is a glorious God. What does that mean?3. Read Isaiah 40:26. God formed all the stars, calls them by name, and yet He did not make them in His image. He reserved that for you. How does this change your perspective for your life?4. Either we live for the glory of God or we do not live at all. We only exist. What needs to change in your life so that you truly live for the glory of God?

  • Holy & Faithful

    26/01/2025 Duração: 48min

    Life Group Questions1.  What comes into your mind when you think about God is the most important thing about you. Why is this so important? What comes into your mind when you think about God?2.  What is a good way to define the holiness of God?3.  In Isaiah 6:1-4, Isaiah sees an incredible vision of God on His throne with Seraphim flying around calling out, “Holy, holy, holy is the Lord Almighty. The whole earth is full of His glory.” What was the result of Isaiah seeing this vision? How has your perspective of God & yourself changed since Sunday?4.  Our God is a faithful God. What does this mean?5.  Pastor Ryan mentioned four ways God is faithful. Which of these do you struggle to believe for your life? ·     Faithful to forgive (1 John 1:9)·     Faithful to limit temptation (1 Cor. 10:13)·     Faithful to make all things work for our good (Romans 8:28)·     Faithful on the issue of eternity (John 3:36, Rev. 20:15)

  • Growing In The Fear Of God

    19/01/2025 Duração: 55min

    Life Group Questions:Kasey introduced five practical steps to growing our Fear of God.1. Seek the Fear of God:a. What are some practical ways to get into the presence of God?Which one do you do the most? The least?b. Is it effective to ask God to grow the fear of Him within us?Why?2. Immerse in Scripturea. Why do we read the Bible?b. How does this grow the Fear of God?3. Read Good Booksa. Do you read four good Christian books annually? If not, what isyour excuse?b. What books did you read in 2024?c. Does anyone want to recommend a book for others to read?4. Train Yourselfa. What is your training regimen?b. What WILL your training regimen be?5. Tithea. What is tithing?b. Why and how does it teach you always to fear the Lord your God?

  • Benefits Of Fearing God

    12/01/2025 Duração: 50min
  • Overview

    05/01/2025 Duração: 50min
  • Green Means Go

    29/12/2024 Duração: 48min
  • The Greatest Story Ever Told

    22/12/2024 Duração: 21min
  • Wisdom's Children

    15/12/2024 Duração: 56min
  • Power From On High

    08/12/2024 Duração: 53min
  • Jesus Said Be Perfect

    01/12/2024 Duração: 47min

    Life Group Questions Key Verse: Matthew 5:48“Therefore you are to be perfect, as your heavenly Father is perfect.”1. What was your biggest takeaway from this teaching?2. The English word “perfect” in Mat 5:48 is translated from theancient Greek word Teleios. What does Teleios mean in thecontext of this verse?3. How do we become a spiritual grown-up?4. When you follow the Holy Spirit’s lead, you are perfect. Is thistrue? What does it mean?5. What is the key to us following the lead of the Holy Spirit?How do we accomplish that?6. Kasey gave you a Holy Spirit Training Program. What is it?Have you tried it yet? If not, why not? If yes, how did it go?[Everyone should answer]

  • Edify One Another

    17/11/2024 Duração: 32min
  • Like-minded Toward One Another

    10/11/2024 Duração: 47min

    Life Group Questions 1.  1 Corinthians 3:9 – “For we are coworkers in God’s service.” What does this mean? Who is this directed toward, and does it still apply to Christians today? Do you see yourself as a “coworker in God’s service?” Why or why not? 2.  In multiple passages of the New Testament, Christians are commanded to be “like-minded toward one another.” What all does this entail? 3.  We need to be “like-minded toward one another” in living out our church’s vision & mission. The picture God gave of our vision looks like us being friendly, optimistic, pulsing w/ life, rowdy, & encouraging when we truly have the life of God within us. Are you like-minded in living out our vision? What (if anything) is holding you back? 4.  Pastor Ryan said, “We need to be like-minded about the local church being the hope of the world.” Do you believe this about local churches? GCF Hays? You, personally? 5.  We also need to fight for unity by following our relationship principles:·     The faithfulness principle·     The f

  • Admonish One Another

    03/11/2024 Duração: 36min

    Life Group Questions 1.  In Colossians 3:16, believers are directed to “admonish one another.” What does this mean? 2.  Why is admonition so unpopular in our culture? 3.  What benefits will we experience if admonition is commonplace in our church? 4.  What steps do we need to take for successful admonition? 5.  How do we properly receive admonition?

  • The Power Of Revelation

    27/10/2024 Duração: 58min

    Life Group Questions 1.  What impacted you the most from Sunday’s teaching? 2.  How should we define revelation and why do we need it? 3.  How do we receive revelation? 4.  Pastor Spartak said, “Revelation shows us our true identity, who are & what we should do.” How has revelation from God shown you your true identity and how has that impacted your life? 5.  Pastor Spartak mentioned four benefits of revelation:-      It helps us overcome difficulties-      It brings success-      It helps us to make right & important decisions-      It will lead us to our destination Which of these benefits have you experienced? Tell the story!

  • Forgive One Another

    20/10/2024 Duração: 39min

    Life Group Questions 1. Mark 11:25 – “Whenever you stand and pray, forgive, if you have anything against anyone…” Have you built a habit in your life of forgiving others when you “have anything against anyone?” Why or why not? 2. Hebrews 12:15 describes bitterness in our hearts as a bitter root. A bitter root of unforgiveness will grow until the whole field of your life is spoiled. How has bitterness caused trouble in your life? 3. In Matthew 18:23-35, we find the story of the slave who owed the king 10,000 talents, was forgiven his debt, and then had another slave thrown in prison for the debt he owed. When the king heard about this, he handed the slave over to his torturers until he repaid all that was owed. Jesus said, “So shall my heavenly Father also do to you, if each of you does not forgive his brother from your heart.” How will this story change how you view forgiveness moving forward? 4. Pastor Ryan gave five reasons why we don’t forgive:- Our hearing has become dull & our hearts have become hard- We

  • Accept One Another

    13/10/2024 Duração: 50min

    Life Group QuestionsKey Verse: Romans 15:7 — "Accept one another, then, just as Christ accepted you, in order to bring praise to God." 1. Share your Grace story…your first time at Grace — Which building, who welcomed you, etc. Did you feel accepted? [everyone answers] 2. Kasey listed seven primary essentials of the Christian faith. With short explanations in your own words, what are they? 3. What so-called “non-essential” Christian beliefs/practices of a believer would make it difficult for you to accept them in accordance with Rom 15:7? For example, you might have difficulty accepting someone unbaptized and unwilling to be baptized. 4. Our credo is “In Essentials Unity, In Non-Essentials Diversity, In All Things Love.” What does this mean? Why might this be difficult to achieve? 5. When was the last time you had church family into your house? When was the last time you were invited into a church family’s home?

  • Welcome One Another

    06/10/2024 Duração: 42min

    Life Group Questions 1. Please share an example of when you were warmly welcomed, and it was clear to you that you were valued. 2. Pastor Ryan shared the biblical principle that our Vertical Relationship with God is intimately connected to our Horizontal Relationship with one another. In what ways does this impact your view of relationships within the church family? 3. We all have different things to battle and overcome. What are the top 3 things that keep you from practicing hospitality more than you currently do? 4. One of the big payoffs to building hospitality into your life is that God will sometimes bring “His messenger” to you in that forum of welcoming people into your home. Have you had a time when God spoke a message/word to you in the midst of hospitality? Please share that experience.

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