
  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editora: Podcast
  • Duração: 258:23:12
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#GetMerry is all about giving you the action steps you need to create healthier, happier, merrier days, weeks, months, years... lives. Each week we'll bring you fun stories (our stories!) and 'lessons' plus we'll invite the occasional EPIC guest to share the mic with us! Let's Get Merry with it!


  • 246: The Wim Hof Method with Dani Smith

    04/05/2020 Duração: 48min

    In this episode, we had a chat with the amazing Dani Smith, a certified Wim Hof practitioner and Remedial Massage Therapist. Dani shared her Wim Hof experience and the importance of proper breathing.Stuff we talk about…How Dani's dad got sick and made her interested in starting her Wim Hof training.Health is the most valuable commodity that we have.How Dani's Wim Hof training helped her arrive back to herself and positively change her relationships.How ice bath helps you feel in a state of euphoria that lasts for a significant amount of time.How the Wim Hof method started and the scientific proofs related to its effectiveness.Dani's training experience in Poland that included exposure to different cold temperatures and climbing a mountain for more than 2 hours.Importance of breathing correctly.How to release the diaphragm. Check out the video!Importance of opening up the muscles as humans are meant to be mobile, not sedentary.Connection to self, others, and her purpose to the world as Dani's idea of success.O

  • 245: Should we be setting goals right now?

    27/04/2020 Duração: 34min

    In the light of the situation (global pandemic) that we're all living through right now, it's like we've been given this time and space to take stock of everything, an opportunity to re-look and re-evaluate at our goals.But with this also comes the pressure to get it all done and the anxiety of not doing enough during this time.Stuff we talk about…Not having time is just an excuse. The truth is that we can always create this time and space for ourselves if we want to.The idea of setting a goal does not necessarily have to be more, more, more. It could also be less.A goal is not only about ticking your to-do lists but also being more present, living in the moment and being with the people you love.A sense of accomplishment and achievement is important, but what's more important is how we do it.Should we be teaching kids to strive right now? Instead of striving, how about teaching them how to survive and cope with change?Instead of using this time to achieve and strive, can we use this time to feel more joy?If

  • 244: Taking your business online? Here's some advice...

    20/04/2020 Duração: 01h01min

    What we’re all experiencing right now (global pandemic) is a challenge, but you know what? It’s also a time to seek out opportunities.Within these last four weeks, amongst the business and job loss we've also observed and experienced personal and business growth.It's been amazing to see people start new things, to move their offline business to online. It's truly inspiring to see people embracing the online world during such hardship.During this episode, we’re talking online biz stuff.If you're thinking about starting or moving to online business, tune in to this episode. We share advice, big lessons, and personal experiences to get you excited about your new venture.Stuff we talk about…How do you even start when it feels like everyone else is already doing it? Key thing to remember is that there's no one like you. There's no business just like yours. Are you willing to get up, always try again and try your best, and not let the hard times get you down? Persistence is the magic word.It's how we respond t

  • 243: 12 life changing books to help you feel motivated

    13/04/2020 Duração: 38min

    Now is the time to do things other than watching Netflix! ;) How about feeding your mind with books that inspire, motivate and teach you something you never knew before? During this week's episode, we chat about 12 of our favorite books that do not only entertain but create motivation and inspiration to get moving.This list is for you if you want some personal development or if you want to feel motivated, inspired and excited about life... to go deeper into all of the magic and mess.Stuff we talk about…12 books that can motivate you to move forward towards your goals in life.How the authors use their own stories of struggles and success to motivate their readers.The importance of what you already have.How these books will help you connect to your self and your true desires.OH, we really loved this episode. We could talk about our favorite motivational books all day but here's our top 12 (in no particular order).If you loved this episode please rate and review our podcast, and share it with someone you love.Al

  • 242: lockdown life perspective shifts

    07/04/2020 Duração: 41min

    During this Get Merry podcast episode, we chat about a bunch of perspective shifts we've experienced over the last few weeks. You probably have had them too... maybe the same as us?! Whether you're in forced lockdown or self-isolating with all non-essential businesses closed... life is different.Stuff we talk about…This experience is showing us all what is important and what is not. It's allowing us to take a 'stocktake' on life.This new way of life shows us the magic of doing less. Slowing down. The way businesses and people responded... shares a lot about the business and the person. Food, diet and exercise, try not to get obsessed with these things. But also ensure to keep moving and eating healthy... with JOY! You don't have to self-improve during this time, but you can if you want. If you loved this episode and you want to help us, please rate and review our podcast. If you didn't like... please don't (kind of kidding but not really! HAHA).  See acast.com/privacy f

  • 241: How to prevent memory loss and dementia

    30/03/2020 Duração: 01h04min

    We had an amazing chat with David Norris, an occupational therapist who specialises in brain health and wow did he blow our minds!We also love his goals and what Memory Health Made Easy stands for...We are resolute in our commitment to Reduce Dementia By 30%. Dementia erodes lives, creates dependency, alters roles, relationships and impacts families and communities.  If you've noticed any changes to your memory or if you experience regular brain fuzziness or you have dementia in your family... please tune in.Stuff we talk about…Why brain health and cognitive fitness is important... because you wanna stay sharp!  Women are at more risk of experiencing memory loss and dementia.What can you do NOW to prevent memory loss and dementia?Easy, doable steps you can take right now.If you loved this episode please share it with someone you love.Always merrymaking,Emma + CarlaP.s if you ever need help or guidance please contact Lifeline or Beyond Blue. Asking for help is pure courage. &

  • 240: lessons from working at home for 7 years

    24/03/2020 Duração: 32min

    Are you suddenly working from home and everything is so weird and confusing? Not only because the world is in lockdown or self-isolation, but how the heck do you actually get work done at home? And what do you eat? How do you work with your significant other... right next to you?After working from home (also we just learnt the acronym WFH haha) for 7 years we got your backs, we got all the do's and don't's.Stuff we talk about…Don't eat lunch over your laptop, shut the laptop and just eat.Still plan your work lunches, make them healthy, don't think because you're at home you will feel like cooking and prepping at lunchtime... you'll end up eating chips or something. Trust us

  • 239: ahhh Coronavirus! How to reduce anxiety and stress

    18/03/2020 Duração: 22min

    How should we be reacting to the Coronavirus? It's a good question because never have we ever experienced something like what we are experiencing right now.Since when were 'self-isolation' and 'social distancing' words we used and things recommended for us all to do!?Literally we didn't even know what these terms were a week ago! The world feels weird, it feels strange, everything feels upside down, inside out. During this episode, we chat about ways to help calm the anxiety and the stress that the Coronavirus pandemic has created.Stuff we talk about…How we have been feeling... anxious and stressed. Especially for other people (call it co-dependency on steroids).What we've been doing personally to calm the nerves... yes, yoga and meditation.Other ways to deal with stress and anxiety.Free Access to MerryBody Online Studio for new members until 1 April 2020We’re committed to help out where we can, right now we’re offering free access for new members to our Online Yoga, Pilates and Meditation studio until 1

  • 238: the Coronavirus | Interview with Dr Lea Freeman

    16/03/2020 Duração: 38min

    We chat to Dr Lea Freeman on all things Coronavirus. We ask her about the symptoms of the Coronavirus, toilet paper and social distancing. If you want more motivation to #staythef*ckathome tune in. NO we don’t want to cause anxiety and YES we want to stay positive but we don’t want to be ignorant. It’s time to get real, Coronavirus is here and we can all take actions to help the situation. Stuff we talk about…What is Coronavirus?What are the symptoms and should we get tested? The goal is to flatten the curve… Dr Lea Freeman explains this.Can we still go out for coffee? What can we do as individuals to helps the situation… stay at home and wash our hands!Free Access to MerryBody Online Studio for new members until 1 April 2020Due to the current situation, many people are avoiding gathering in large groups, including fitness studios and gyms.We’re committed to help out where we can, right now we’re offering free access for new members to our Online Yoga, Pilates and Meditation stud

  • 236: when you get tagged in Facebook pics you HATE

    04/03/2020 Duração: 31min

    During this week's episode we chat about Facebook pic tags... the tag you absolutely hate. Where you see it and you say to yourself..."WTAF. This photo is horrible, I look gross, ewww I can see my stomach, urgh my arm is huge, why did they post that, they did it on purpose, far out I really do have a double chin."...or something like that anyway.Warning: we almost had a sister disagreement on this episode. Don't worry... we held it together. Stuff we talk about…When Emma tagged Carla in a photo she hated (HATED!) and how she got over it. Yes, the pic is still up and super cute. Self-acceptance... we will bang on about this forever.So much more to life than what we look like. Look at photos as memories, imagine seeing them in 30 years... will you actually care about your tummy? If you're looking for a way to welcome more self-acceptance into life... come and check out the MerryBody Online Studio. We use Yoga, Pilates and Meditation to move and think with acceptance. This is how we both pers

  • 237: truths about running your own business with Jaimee Maree

    25/02/2020 Duração: 46min

    We're so excited about this Get Merry Podcast episode. In this week's episode, we chat with our beautiful friend Jaimee Maree. We met her at a business conference and it was instant love. She's been in online business for almost 10 years so she has a wealth of knowledge and experience to share. If you run a business or if you're thinking about starting a biz, or if your goal is to work your way up the corporate/job ladder (be careful you might quit after listening, kidding) this episode is for you. Stuff we talk about…Self-doubt and fear when it comes to doing your own thing. Do women feel more self-doubt than men?How to sell and not feel bad.Running a business as a woman, can we have it all? Business baby and actual baby? The freedom of running your own business BUT how you never ever can switch off. Is it really freedom? Oh, we really LOVED this episode!We also mentioned getting stuck in a lift. Emma has this video saved to her Instagram Stories highlights in the 'Work Stuff' highli

  • 235: is there more pressure for women to 'look good' compared to men?

    18/02/2020 Duração: 39min

    Without a doubt, we both believe there are more pressures for women to look good compared to men. But also, we're well aware that our perspectives are somewhat, maybe completely bias (because we are women) but let's be real here... there is more pressure for women to 'look good' compared to men. And don't worry we know there are a whole set of other pressures for men that women might not experience as much, like expressing emotions being seen as weakness, finance and money pressures, sexual pressure. And probably a whole bunch of others... but we aren't talking about them today (we will need some men to come on the show for this :P)This episode was actually inspired by a recent dinner conversation, it made me (Emma) realise that I've never actually chatted about this topic with men. So thank you to the men who actually brought it up. As women, we've grown up with our self-worth tied to how we look. A sign that women feel more pressure is the fact that female breast augmentation is the most popu

  • 234: the money masterclass with Financial Planner Cara Brett

    12/02/2020 Duração: 36min

    We shared this Money Masterclass as part of the MerryBody Summit, all 23 interviews are now inside the MerryBody Online Studio along with ALL the Yoga and Pilates classes.  We go back to money basics with Cara, we ask her about saving, budgeting, spending and investing. This chat is filled with doable actions steps that will improve your financial situation. Stuff we talk about…How to save for big things.How to not run out of money.How to start investing, what you need to know before you start.Emma also mentioned half a quote in the chat (haha) she meant this:"Having money in your pockets allows you to focus on what you care about with confidence" Neudis Abreu Cara a self-proclaimed numbers geek and founded Bounce in 2014 after a successful, decade-long career in the financial services industry. She fell in love with understanding and organising finances when she first started working at Macquarie Bank.She's also a complete foodie, loves everything health and well-being and won't tell you

  • 233: far out, we watched Taylor Swift's documentary

    04/02/2020 Duração: 41min

    We watched Taylor Swift's documentary on the weekend and we knew we had to talk about Miss Americana on the Get Merry podcast. We always loved her music. We always loved her. But NOW... oh wow, the love for Taylor Swift is so big!Stuff we talk about…The constant goal of being 'a good girl' and 'doing what is right'. We can relate to this in so many ways! We talk about Joseph Campbell's quote (hehehe love you Dad)..."Don't do what Daddy says, because Daddy has one interest and that's your security. And if you bargain away your life for security now, you will never find your bliss".The pressures of beauty standards in the public eye, starvation, eating disorders. How Taylor being a healthy weight is so beneficial for all of her fans. She said..."There's always some standard of beauty that you're not meeting. Because if you're thin enough, then you don't have that ass that everybody wants. But if you have enough weight on you to have an ass then your stomach isn't flat enough. It's all just fucking impossib

  • 232: the pizza episode

    29/01/2020 Duração: 41min

    This Get Merry Podcast episode was inspired by pizza, hence the name. And no... it's not 40 minutes of us talking about pizza and how to make it. It's us talking about why eating pizza represented another step forward in creating a positive relationship with food. Before we get into the food relationship stuff and the actual pizza episode we chat about the MerryBody Online Summit and all the amazing interviews. Ahhh it's seriously so good! And it's completely free. You can sign up here.Stuff we talk about…We give you a brief rundown of our past relationships with food... binge eating, starvation, dieting, bulimia etc. How food and dieting used to consume our minds. How any 'health goal' was linked to an external goal like... lose weight, get skinnier, get a flat stomach. Why eating pizza represented another step forward in creating a positive relationship with food. When we practise self-acceptance and self-compassion this allows us to move forward and heal our relationships with food.We a

  • 231: Create a flourishing mindset with psychologist Ellen Jackson

    20/01/2020 Duração: 50min

    We're so excited to share this Get Merry Podcast episode with you! It's a sneak peek of one of the amazing interviews from the upcoming MerryBody Online Summit. It's all happening 1-2 February and it's FREE to sign up! Sign up right HERE!Tune in and you'll hear from psychologist, internationally published writer and speaker, Ellen Jackson.Her passion is to help people thrive and flourish... and we can confirm you will feel extremely inspired and empowered after this chat.Stuff we talk about…What is a flourishing mindset and why do we want one.Positive Psychology, the science of optimal human functioning.The extremely doable actions we can all take to welcome more of a growth mindset.Don't forget to sign up for the MerryBody Online Summit, join us (and 20 other amazing health, wellness and mindset experts from around the world) on this amazing 2-day journey of fulfilment, balance and renewed inspiration.If you’re finally ready to create the life you really want in 2020 and beyond that gives you more confi

  • 230: life lessons from cross stitching (we are for real)

    15/01/2020 Duração: 32min

    We had so much fun cross stitching in Canberra with our Mum. But who would have thought you could receive so many profound life lessons from a cross-stitch?!  One thing we know for sure... cross-stitching is our new favourite obsession and it inspired this Get Merry podcast episode!Stuff we talk about…The power of single focus... multi-tasking is so 2012!Why you should do your best for YOU, not for external factors.The power of discipline. Allowing space for mistakes.It's the tiny stitches that make up the big picture. Just like life, it's the small moments that make up the life.If you loved this episode please rate and review the episode on iTunes or share the episode with someone you love.Always merrymaking,Emma + CarlaP.s if you ever need help or guidance please contact Lifeline or Beyond Blue. Asking for help is pure courage.   See acast.com/privacy for privacy and opt-out information.

  • 229: LOVE or FEAR what does it even mean?

    07/01/2020 Duração: 48min

    During our last episode, we felt proud of ourselves... we were organised and we got our message across in a super concise way (even Kim, our videographer mentioned this hehe). Well, this episode is the complete opposite! We chatted on a cruisey Sunday afternoon, it's literally us having a conversation about life and what it means to live with LOVE vs. FEAR. It's an episode on navigating life. An episode to help us all live with more purpose, more flow, more contentment. More joy! more LOVE! If you love the episode, let us know. We love hearing from YOU. Stuff we talk about…How to deal with feeling everything so big.When you dwell in feelings and emotions, how to come back to truth and love faster.Examples of living in fear vs. love? If you loved this episode please rate and review the episode on iTunes or share the episode with someone you love.  See acast.com/privacy for privacy and opt-out information.

  • 228: how to create your New Year vision

    30/12/2019 Duração: 35min

    During this Get Merry Podcast episode, we chat goals and visions for 2020. It's not a drill down on specific goals... it's more thinking of the bigger picture. And we will ask YOU questions that will help you create your own big (or small) vision for 2020. Stuff we talk about…Think of 3 words or themes you wish to welcome into the New Year.Our words are Unafraid, Connection, Prosperity.Living from heart space, from your intuition. Not following what you THINK you should be doing.It's all about the intentions behind your decisions. If you loved this episode please rate and review the episode on iTunes or share the episode with someone you love.  See acast.com/privacy for privacy and opt-out information.

  • 227: 2019 year in review, the mess and the magic

    23/12/2019 Duração: 47min

    During this episode, we chat about 2019 and our themes for 2020.We reflect on the lessons from 2019, the good, the bad, the mess and the magic. To be completely honest we are so bloody excited to kiss 2019 GOODBYE! We also want to say a HUGE, THANK YOU for choosing the Get Merry podcast in 2019. Creating this weekly show has been one of the most favourite aspects of our business. Without you there would be no show... so THANK YOU.Stuff we talk about…Not being afraid of hard workPersistence and consistency Going the extra mileDream biggerLet go, surrender and welcome the flowThemes for 2020: Unafraid, Connection, ProsperityIf you loved this episode please rate and review the episode on iTunes or share the episode with someone you love.  See acast.com/privacy for privacy and opt-out information.

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