Inner Chief Podcast

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editora: Podcast
  • Duração: 229:00:55
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Conversations with great CEOs on their stories and techniques for rising above the politics, bureaucracy and overload of modern business to get a seat on the executive team.


  • 64. Agency Marketing Institute CEO Drew McLellan on Letting Go to Grow and Being Curious

    15/08/2018 Duração: 54min

    Today we joined by founder and CEO of the McLellan Marketing Group, Drew McLellan.   He also owns and runs the Agency Management Institute (AMI), which is a consultancy for small to medium sized agencies that has been helping agency owners grow their agencies since the early 90s.   We talk about: What he learnt about understanding people by creating ads To grow and get promoted you need to let of the reins Being curious Joining masterminds Drew launched his agency’s blog in 2006 and it has been on the AdAge Top 150 from the list’s inception. His first book, 99.3 Random Acts of Marketing, was published in 2003 and Drew and Australian marketer Gavin Heaton created the Age of Conversation series of crowdsourced books in 2007. To date, the AOC series has raised over $50,000 for charity. Drew launched the AMI blog in 2012 and hopes it will be a great resource to agency leaders. Drew’s often interviewed/quoted in Entrepreneur Magazine, New York Times, CNN, BusinessWeek, and many others. The Wall Street Journal

  • 63. Optimising Risk

    12/08/2018 Duração: 10min

    In this episode I outline a method of turning risk completely on its head that I developed which gets killer outcomes for everyone involved.   When most of us here the word Risk Management Plan we start thinking red tape, no more freedom and a group of expensive auditors at your door to analyse your business inside out.   If you’ve ever had the risk auditors turn up and trawl through your business telling you all the things you need to write a report on about you’ll stop major events happening you’ll know the meaning of paperwork.   Richard Branson. Never made a deal he could lose on.   “As an adventurer...I try to protect against the downside. I make sure I have covered as many eventualities as I can. In the end, you have to take calculated risks; otherwise you're going to sit in mothballs all day and do nothing.”   Throughout my business life I have always tried to keep on top of costs and protect the downside risk as much possible. The Virgin Group has survived only because we have always kept tight contro

  • 62. Melbourne Rebels CEO Baden Stephenson on Leading High Performers

    08/08/2018 Duração: 44min

    In this episode we hear from Super Rugby Club, the Melbourne Rebels CEO, Baden Stephenson. Baden's path to CEO has been different to most as he transitions from coaching and operations and finally getting his first CEO role in 2017. He was heavily involved as a GM of rugby in the drama of 2017 when the Melbourne Rebels battled to keep their super rugby licence. At the conclusion of, he was selected to lead the club into the future. Questions I ask Baden: What did you learn from the elite sport side of rugby that has translated to the business and administration side? What was the most brutal feedback you ever received that you knew to be true? What do people misunderstand about professional sporting clubs? What are the major setbacks you’ve had? How do you lead high performers?   Key Points from Baden: On what he learnt from his wife’s battle with cancer: I think now when I'm dealing with people, I think it has certainly improved my emotional empathy for players and stuff, when they've got family issues, ha

  • 61. Tribalise Using Rituals and Traditions

    05/08/2018 Duração: 14min

    In this episode we explore the incredible power of ritual and tradition in building your tribe and I share 3 magic traditions that will boost any team spirit and most importantly the role of the chief in leading them.   Traditions and rituals in a business sense are the stories, language, gatherings, symbols that give a team deeper meaning and a sense of belonging.   They reinforce what you stand for, what you believe in, what you have in common and that you share something.   Tradition comes from an inner space that is seeking meaning, deep human connection and understanding. All of us long for traditions, they nourish our spirits and when at their best, they ennoble us and those around us.   When work feels soulless, like it crushing your spirit, people are sacrificing, people aren’t committed to the team or their work. Won’t go the extra mile for each. Bicker and fight. Good people are leaving and average people are staying. Then there is a good chance you haven’t got the right rituals and t

  • 60. Authority Guru Steve Brossman on Making Sales Easy and Being an Enterprise of One

    01/08/2018 Duração: 43min

    In this episodes we hear from CEO and authority guru Steve Brossman on  Making on Sales Easy and and Being and Enterprise of One.   Steve is a former National Professional Track Champion and is the Author of two Amazon No.1 Best Sellers ‘Stand Up, Stand Out or Stand Aside’ and ‘The Authority Client Attraction System”.   He has created several 6 and 7 figure businesses of his own, including inventing and marketing an environmental product selling 4 million units into 26 Countries.     With over 20 years TV and video experience including hosting and producing his own TV Show on Ch 9 and appearing on TV in 5 Continents he is one of Australia’s most experienced Video presenter trainers.     Steve has spoken in 15 countries and trained over 32,000 Speakers, Coaches and Business Owners to Stand out in their market.     Recognised as real influencers Pam and Steve were invited to a high-level mastermind with Richard Branson on his own Necker Island.   With a desire to help professionals overcome their fear of sellin

  • 59. Executing Your Life Vision

    29/07/2018 Duração: 13min

    In this episode we talk about executing your Life Vision as part 2. If you haven’t listened to Episode 57 of building your Life Vision I’d recommend doing that first.   There is an old saying, “Vision without execution is just a dream”.  And, chief, I’ve got a confession so make this was me. I was a dreamer with all sorts of grand ideas about who or what I’d become. I always had new ideas and goals that all seemed to flow from my creative mind.  I was the line from poem “George Gray” by Edgar Lee Masters that I read in Ep 57 on building your life vision...“a boat longing for the sea and yet afraid.” I was stuck in my own sheltered harbour. Not willing to do the hard work break the boundaries, to look inside myself at the things I liked about myself the least or the limiting beliefs I held and grow beyond them.  It was only when I realised that all greatness requires challenge. It will requires a thousand steps one after the other to change my game. One must have a vision and one must execute. I’ve seen to

  • 58. Marketing to Mums Guru Katrina McCarter on Being an Intrapreneur, Having More Confidence and Being The Architect of Your Life

    25/07/2018 Duração: 38min

    In this week’s episode we meet Katrina McCarter the Founder and CEO of Marketing to Mums. She is a Marketing Strategist, Best-selling Author, Speaker and Advisor, who specialises in helping businesses sell more to world’s most powerful consumer, Mums.   An award-winning businesswoman and mother of three, Katrina founded an award winning online shopping website for mums called which she grew to a community of 150,000.   Katrina is the author of bestselling business book, Marketing to Mums, and is a regular contributor to business media.   See more at QUESTIONS I ASK KATRINA   What is the biggest mistake organisations make in marketing to mums? What are the steps people should follow if they’re thinking about starting out on their own? How can people be more influential through their own work in large organisations? What is an intrapreneur and how can professionals be one? How have you planned the future of your life? How can people build more confidence in their work an

  • 57. Building Your Life Vision

    22/07/2018 Duração: 15min

    In this episode we build your own Life & Career Vision. "George Gray" I have studied many times The marble which was chiseled for me-- A boat with a furled sail at rest in a harbor. In truth it pictures not my destination But my life. For love was offered me and I shrank from its disillusionment; Sorrow knocked at my door, but I was afraid; Ambition called to me, but I dreaded the chances. Yet all the while I hungered for meaning in my life. And now I know that we must lift the sail And catch the winds of destiny Wherever they drive the boat. To put meaning in one's life may end in madness, But life without meaning is the torture Of restlessness and vague desire-- It is a boat longing for the sea and yet afraid. - Edgar Lee Masters, 1868 - 1950 To leave the harbour chief we must start with a destination. One that inspires us and drives us to personal greatness. In this episode we will talk through creating your own Life Vision.    The very first time I did a vision board was in 2007. It was a transforma

  • 56. Mastery Of Money Guru Adam Carroll On Owners Mentality And Building A Bigger Life

    18/07/2018 Duração: 49min

    In this week’s episode we meet Mastery of Money Guru Adam Carroll. Adam is an internationally recognized financial literacy expert, author and speaker. He is a two-time TED talk speaker, with one of his talks surpassing 2 million views. Adam is the founder and curator of, and creator of the documentary film, Broke Busted & Disgusted. His passion is helping people build a bigger life, not a bigger lifestyle. See more at QUESTIONS I ASK ADAM What did you learn from your $10,000 experiment on your kids? How do we cultivate Owners Mentality in ourselves and our people?   What is the biggest mindset shift you think we as individuals need to make? What do you mean by building a bigger life not a bigger lifestyle? KEY POINTS BY ADAM CARROLL   I think the biggest mistake is we wait. We wait for other people to recognise our greatness instead of claiming our greatness and helping other people see it. I've always in my life held high intention but low attachment. I

  • 55. Life Scoreboard

    15/07/2018 Duração: 12min

    In this episode we build your own Life Scoreboard.   Like most successful professionals, you probably started your career with clear ideas about what you wanted to do and who you wanted to become. Then, as time progressed, you got caught up in the corporate life. Before you knew it, you were running from one meeting to the next, and what you expected of yourself started to come second to what others expected of you. Add to the equation the responsibilities that come with a family and a mortgage and it’s easy to see why so many of us fall into this trap. We look forward to time away from work, but the four weeks of leave most of us take a year don’t ever seem enough.   It just doesn’t feel like living.     Years fly by, seemingly at the speed of light, and no matter how hard you try you can’t seem to slow it down. You may even have started to feel a little lost, disconnected from our soul, and of control as the year has progressed you don’t feel as comfortable in your own skin. You’re not coming from a place o

  • 54. Marketing Online Chief Alex Mandossian on Ethical Influence and Telling Your Story

    11/07/2018 Duração: 37min

    In this episode we meet Alex Mandossian. Alex has helped his clients generate over $203 million in sales from TV spots, infomercials, national retail catalogs, direct mail, web marketing and postcards. Here is what Mark Victor Hansen, public speaker and best-selling author of Chicken Soup For The Soul and One Minute Millionaire series, has to say about Alex:  “The first time I watched and heard Alex Mandossian give a marketing presentation, my pen ran out of ink because I took so many notes! Alex’s greatest gift is the way he uses the power of stories to make his marketing strategies stick in your mind.” He has coached George Foreman, Larry King, Russell Brunson, Jay Abraham, Brian Tracy, Jack Canfield, Brendon Buchard, Alexandria Brown, Barbara DeAngelis to name a few. He is the also the subject of many books on marketing and selling, the author of Alexisms, host of the iTunes top podcast All Selling Aside and just an all round good bloke.

  • 53. Top 5 Lessons I've Learnt from the First Year of The Inner Chief

    08/07/2018 Duração: 20min

    In this episode I countdown the top 5 lessons from the first year.   When I chat to listeners they all tell me they’ve got a favourite guest from the show and every chief has been mentioned. It just goes to show that there is NO single way to be a chief.   In putting this list together I studied the transcripts of 28 episodes and found the most common themes and I’ve included one quote from each of our chiefs and gurus.   Righto Chiefs counting down from 5 to 1 here are the Top 5 lessons from the last year.     Go to for full summary. 

  • 52. Think and Grow Rich Guru James Whittaker on Winning the Day

    04/07/2018 Duração: 49min

    This week’s episode welcomes Jame Whittaker. James has interviewed more than 100 of the world’s most revered business leaders, cultural icons and athletes to unlock their secrets to success. People like Oprah Winfrey, Lewis Howes, Bob Proctor, Barbara all 100 legends of our time. Today, the bestselling author, speaker, entrepreneur and film producer draws on his unique experience to give people the tools to take ownership of their financial, physical and mental health. His book and new movie are “Think & Grow Rich: the Legacy”.   More at

  • 51. Using Meticulous Preparation to Build Flow

    01/07/2018 Duração: 19min

    In this episode we dive deep into Meticulous Preparation. Most of you have heard me wax lyrical about systemising high performance by using a High Performance Lifecycle like Prepare, Perform, Recover, Review. This is a powerful model and really comes to live when every step is respected and completed like a pro. 10 years ago I went off the grid and spent 3 months living in the remove mountains of China with the Shaolin Kung Fu Monks. See more at

  • 50. Dream.Think.Do. Chief Mitch Matthews on Dreaming Big and Igniting Your Career

    28/06/2018 Duração: 59min

    In this episode we here from Mitch Matthews, keynote speaker, success coach, and best selling author. He speaks to student, corporate, non-profit, and association audiences around the world on the power of dream, think, do. In 2006, Mitch started the big dream gathering. Originally it was supposed to be something his friends and family could do for a few hours to get clear on their dreams. But this simple concept became a movement that hasn't stopped since. Thousands of dreams have been launched as a result. He's become a world-respected thought leader on coaching and workplace mentoring, plus he's created a coach training programme that has been utilised around the globe.

  • 49. Mastering True Executive Presence

    24/06/2018 Duração: 12min

    Presence and gravitas. Such a holy grail. When I think of people that have truly had presence they are have such charisma, they’re enigmatic...there is something in the ether, their spirit seems different to everyone it expands to fill the room. People that master true presence are magnetic and in demand...others line up to spend time with them and their cut-through to find key insights and get the job done is revered by those around around them. In this episode, I’ll share 3 common pitfalls and 5 challenging steps to mastering true executive presence.

  • 48. Accidental CEO of AV1 Keith Wootton on Finding Inspiration and Crafting a Magnetic Culture

    20/06/2018 Duração: 36min

    In this episode we hear from Keith Wootton, founder and CEO of AV1. Keith tells his remarkable story from growing up in Ireland, moving to Australia and how he almost accidentally became the CEO of a business that produces over 1,000 events per year. We talk about how he finds inspiration from unusual and different fields and how he crafts the culture that attracts the best people to his team.

  • 47. Turn Your Deepest Fears Into Your Greatest Strengths

    17/06/2018 Duração: 13min

    It’s time for a heart to heart. Chief to chief. About YOUR FEARS. Fears can be big. They can be small. But they are insidious. Subtle creatures that sabotage our success. And they will eat away at your performance. And while they are powerful motivators, as Yoda so eloquently put it,  “fear leads to the darkside”. Do not be sweet-talked by the power of fear. It only breeds negative attitudes and behaviours and they stop us becoming our greatest selves.

  • 46. Written Communications GURU Paul Jones on Getting Cut Through and Building Trust Through Your Writing

    13/06/2018 Duração: 56min

    In this episode we talk about the vital skill of written communications. Leaders spend from 2 to 6 hours per day writing and yet very few have had any formal training in writing skills outside of university. Most top executives receive 100 - 300 emails per day so if you want your message to get through you'd better have a system and a method for getting cut through.  The way to get cut-through is simpler than most expect a clear structure, simplified message and know your audience! We've all heard that why don't we do it? Perhaps its because we love to prove how smart we are though our writing? Well research now shows that this actually has the opposite effect. Complex messages decrease trust. To explain this in more detail I've invited Paul Jones to share his wisdom and strategies. He is the ​​​c​o-founder ​of corporate training company, ​Magneto Communications, and business-writing software, Credosity​. He's a corporate communications expert​ hell-bent on helping business people communicate cl

  • 45. Building a powerful senior executive network

    10/06/2018 Duração: 22min

      In this episode I cover a strategy for assessing and building your own powerful senior executive network both inside and outside your current business.  In the busy-ness of modern corporate life it can be so easy to let yourself get isolated from not only external trusted advisors but also high quality senior executives within your own organisation. The truth is most of us underestimate just how powerful an ambassador in your corner can be for pushing through key projects, cutting through red-tape and attracting new career opportunities. At the same time we discount the power of detractors that end up closing doors and resisting everything we do.  Here is a simple strategy to define your networks current state so you can take precise action:  Draw a map of your current network internally Rate them as Critical, Important or Neutral for your projects and career Rate their level of support for you as an Ambassador, Neutral or Detractor (and colour code them Green for Ambassador, Amber for Neutral, Red for Det

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