Maga Podcast

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editora: Podcast
  • Duração: 23:06:51
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Making podcasts great again.


  • Stephen Paddock, what a not so nice guy. Episode 42

    03/10/2017 Duração: 22min

    Is this episode we explore what an immense prick this Stephen Paddock guy is. Kills a bunch of people an dies before even telling us why. Is he a patsy? Is this a false flag? Was he Antifa? One things for sure, he was a not do nice guy...

  • Death Threats, Seth Rich and Jeff Sessions. Episode 41


    On this podcast I discuss recent death threats I have received as a result of my last podcast concerning Seth Rich, and another 49 people who mysteriously died surrounding the Clintons. Sorry for the 3 week delay, I needed to wait for my concealed carry permit to get approved before I felt like taking the chance of another podcast. In other news Bill Clinton is still a rapist. MAGA.

  • His name was Seth Rich, Episode 40

    19/05/2017 Duração: 39min

    His name was Seth Rich. "I have an enormous interest in public service and working towards making the world a better place," He was a college graduate with a degree in Political Science focusing on Public Policy and History. He had just scored his dream job with Clinton’s national campaign team. He had also just sent 44,053 emails and 17,761 attachments between Democratic National Committee leaders, spanning from January 2015 through late May 2016, to Gavin MacFadyen, director of Wikileaks. He was shot in the back and died of his injuries even though he was shot minutes from 2 hospitals and had a 95% chance of survival. The FBI oddly enough took his laptop and "lost it". Wikileaks started publishing DNC emails on July 22, 12 days after Rich was murdered. An anonymous source has come forward to the Rich’s private investigator Rod Wheeler and said the Seth was indeed the leaker of the DNC emails. In this podcast, I cover not only the inconsistencies with the police reports but also the 51 other deaths attrib

  • Comey, you’re fired! Episode 39

    13/05/2017 Duração: 21min

    Former president Obama, the Clintons, Susan Rice, and many others are assuredly not having a good week. James Comey was the guy keeping them from being investigated further. In the case of Hillary Clinton, its not even a question of wrong doing, it was a question of intent. Unfortunately for her, intent doesn't matter to anyone except Comey. He has already stated in front of congress that she did commit crimes, just that she didn't intend to. He used the same reasoning for not convicting Huma of sharing classified documents with her pedophile husband Anthony Wiener. That recent statement, along with his unwillingness to name the unmaskers of Trumps transition team, is what finally got him fired. Don’t worry about him though. He is currently worth 11 million dollars. Im sure he earned every penny legally. The media of course is going nuts over this. Even though countless democrats and news pundits have called for James Comey’s firing over the past year, they all freaked out when it happened. They are trying t

  • Antifa’s first kill, RIP Harrison Brown. Episode 37

    02/05/2017 Duração: 24min

    It’s May 1st 2017. Obama still has not commented on his illegal wiretapping of President Trump, Susan Rice has still not been questioned about her involvement, and Bill Clinton is still a rapist. This is the Make America Great Again Podcast. Brittany Venti, a conservative journalist/internet troll, was arrested today for getting beaten with sticks by antifa. Good job NYPD. I get it, they were trying to resolve the situation and prevent further violence. They went about it the wrong way though. They need to “stop and frisk" these antifa people that are being violent, not take victims into protective custody to prevent further harm. Im sure it had nothing to do with all the white shirts (NYPD brass) all around the protest area. This is a serious blow to free speech. And what would you expect with a guy like Bill De Blasio as mayor of New York? Today he called for more protests and 100 days of resistance. He is as corrupt as they come. His campaign donors are a bunch of real estate moguls. His two major issues

  • Assad and the Arab Spring, Episode 34

    14/04/2017 Duração: 38min

    On April 13th, 2017, the U.S. military dropped a massive 21,000-pound bomb on ISIS tunnels in eastern Afghanistan called the Mother of all bombs or moab. It cost 16 million dollars to make, and 300 million to develop. It has a 1 mile blast radius, and broke windows hundred of miles away. It was the first time we have used a bomb this large in combat since WW2. Trump has checked off another campaign promise to take care of ISIS The ISIS cave network we bombed was built by Osama Bin Laden with the help of the CIA. When we were paying the mujahedeen to fight the Russian occupation in Afghanistan, Osama brought in dozens of expensive construction equipment from his fathers construction company to create the network of caves and hideouts. “The cave complex had been so refined that it was said to have its own ventilation system and a power system created by a series of hydroelectric generators. Tora Bora’s walls and the floors of its hundreds of rooms were finished and smooth and extended some 350 yards into the

  • False Flags and Dirty Rice, Episode 32


    Susan Rice has been lying to us again, this time about the unmasking of names of the Trump transition team. You might remember her as the one they trotted out to all the Sunday talk shows to spread the news that a youtube video was responsible for the Benghazi embassy attack. A story we now know is a lie. Now she claims that she was in the right to unmasked certain names, even though that wasn't in her job description. Deputy Directory of the FBI McCabe is the real unmasker of names. He is the same guy who is currently holding up 3 different Clinton related investigations. In the Middle East, "White helmet" rebels have attacked hundreds of civilians with a gas attack and a few bombs, killing about a hundred. The media is trying to blame Assad, but just a day before the attacks Nicki Halley had confirmed Assad was willing to talk to President Trump, and gave her his private number. Doesn't sound like a thing a mass murdering dictator would do a day before gassing his own people.

  • Evelyn Farkas and the Atlantic Council, Episode 31

    03/04/2017 Duração: 37min

    Evelyn Farkas, with the help of many others through the Atlantic Council, created the Russian-Trump narrative. The Atlantic Council is a anti-Russian, pro-Ukrainian cabal of very powerful globalist. Their goal is to restart the Cold War with Russia. Funded by the US, and Ukrainian billionaire oligarch Victor Pinchuk, The Atlantic Council is responsible for creation of the Russian hacking narrative. The Founder of Crowdstrike, also in the Atlantic Council, was in charge of investigating Russian hacking on the DNC servers. They also released a now retracted report of Russian collusion with the Trump campaign.

  • The Awan Brothers, Episode 30


    The Awan brothers are a family of Pakistani nationals who are one of three possible sources of the DNC leaks. They had top secret clearance and root access to House computer systems. They are under investigation for the theft of equipment from Congress by the Capital Hill Police. They have fled to Pakistan since the investigation started. Is this the first you're hearing of it? Its probably because they are muslim and not Russians.

  • Tomi Lahren goes pro-choice, Episode 27


    Tomi Lahren expresses her opinions on abortion and gets suspended from The Blaze. Oh no, what will she do? Also Trump visits Louisville, KY. James Comey testified in front of congress in todays latest dog and pony show! Will Trump apologize for blaming poor innocent Obama for wiretapping him? Will congress investigate Hillary Clintons links to Russia?

  • Conspiracy Sunday Vault 7 leaks, Episode 23

    13/03/2017 Duração: 51min

    Well its not much of a conspiracy anymore, but the CIA has been developing and stockpiling exploits and backdoors into all of our electronic devices. In this episode I go over some of the programs in the leaks and explain which devices are being exploited such as smart TVs and routers.

  • Why can’t we be friends? Episode 20

    03/03/2017 Duração: 32min

    Hello fellow patriots. Today I discuss President Trump's address to congress and the democrats behavior during it. I also talk about Tim Poole in Sweden, Saudi Arabia, and the recent Jeff Sessions fiasco. Lets Make America great again together!

  • Obama’s Corrupt EPA and Russia Episode 19

    01/03/2017 Duração: 25min

    Obama's corrupt EPA was choking the life out of this country. Donald Trump is rolling back these Obama EPA regulations. Russia is in the Middle East to support their preferred oil pipeline. We are there to make sure we they all sell oil in US dollars. More on that.

  • Conspiracy Sunday Episode 16

    27/02/2017 Duração: 01h08min

    I go in-depth on who "they" are. Prepare to be red-pilled if you don't know who the Rothchilds and the Rockefellars are. Is Trump a globlist? Listen and find out. Don't forget your tinfoil hat.

  • Conspiracy Sunday Episode 14


    I discuss Milo Yiannopoulos on Bill Maher, our new EPA Secretary Scott Pruitt, and President Donald Trump's most recent press conference. He has renamed CNN from fake news to very fake news. Oh and I discuss globalists like George Soros and other conspiracies.

  • General Flynn Resigns, Deep State Exposed. Episode 10

    17/02/2017 Duração: 32min

    Today I discuss PewDiePie getting crapped on by the left, Ashton Kurcher speaking to congress, General Flynns resignation, the deep state gets exposed, and Clinton Global Initiative gets a little to close for comfort on another child trafficking ring recently busted.

  • Joy Villa brings liberals to tears over a dress. Episode 9

    14/02/2017 Duração: 31min

    In this Episode I discuss the cry’s of liberals over a dress at a pointless awards show. Also President Trump is MAGA by deporting 600 illegals this week alone. France and Netherlands are looking hopeful with current leading election candidates like Le Pen.

  • Ron Paul’s the Man! Episode 8

    12/02/2017 Duração: 34min

    I talk turkey about the state department trying to get us killed, as well as Ron Paul's recent appearance on Kennedy, clip included.

  • Happy Birthday Ronald Reagan, Episode 2

    07/02/2017 Duração: 14min

    This is the second episode I recorded, about a year ago. This is not current news. It is a time-capsule into 2017 for sure though. Donald Trump found out his was being throttled on twitter, and being kept from seeing what his conservative followers are saying. Reddit just created the popular tab, in another effort to keep the_donald away from the front page. Just a few days before they had banned a couple other alt-right subreddits. They were doing whatever they can to censor conservative speech, both in real life and on the internet. Milo got the antifa treatment just like Reagan did when he visited Berkley. The people going to listen to Reagan and Milo both knew the risks of possibly getting into a fight just to hear someone speak. Trump had just issued his travel ban, and as I predicted, the Supreme Court would eventually back it up after some protests from some federal judges. I touch briefly on Julian Assange and whether or not he’s dead. 84 Lumber loses a bunch of customers to a terrible commercial. The

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