Redefine™ With Host Robb Braun
- Autor: Vários
- Narrador: Vários
- Editora: Podcast
- Duração: 65:27:00
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A personal note from Robb… "As we bring 2017 to a close, I am bringing Leading LIFE Large on BTR back to life in the form of reDEFINE™. My first live show on Blog Talk Radio will be Monday October 2nd, live from Kapaa, Kauai. My promise, simply, is to help bring you back to life in every area of your your life. You and I are running out of time so the time to wake up fully is now. Doing this work that I do for you has given me regular opportunity to look at my own life and look at where I need to pick my own game up. I will continue to be completely committed to helping you achieve success in every endeavor and every aspect of your life. I am going to give you everything I've got so that you get everything you need to bust out and reDEFINE™ your phenomenal life. So, let you and me go for it...I mean really go for it and see what happens. To your 'unreasonable' reDEFINE™! - Robb"reDEFINE™ is your weekly opportunity to look closely at your life and ask yourself the question, "Am I living my life full on?” We've all got this one shot at life and for most, life has meant leaving behind dreams and desires and ambitions that may have in the moment been intended to be temporary, but became the permanent reality of life. Life unfulfilled, life without passion and excitement and life without a grand purpose became the result. reDEFINE™ will get you back on track. Robb Braun has for years been completely determined to living life on his own terms and has helped thousands get back to the essence of who they are and their purpose for being here on the planet. When you tune in to reDEFINE™, Robb will remind you again of what's important to you by shining a light on the areas of your life where you have settled and stopped feeling the passion. AND if you're willing to tune in and do the work, he'll guide back to that place of truth and knowing and real purpose in your life. Make reDEFINE™ your Monday Morning Must!
Leading Life Large™ - Money Victim No More!
17/10/2011 Duração: 24minLeading Life Large™ - I know that some of us don't like the word 'victim' and most of us don't want to be around someone in their 'victim', but none of us wants to admit that we're being the victim. Yet around money, many of you are being, acting and thinking the victim. Please don't avoid this show because you want to avoid this topic. It'll be a must for you if you want to be able to move beyond the 'victim' and I promise to be gentle.
Leading Life Large™ - Money Attitude - Abundance or Lack?
10/10/2011 Duração: 26minLeading Life Large™ - It's impossible to talk about success and obstacles without talking about our relationship with money. After sex, it's the next one we don't want to talk about AND along with time, the we most use as excuse for not moving forward and living our lives as we were intended. If you find yourself wanting to avoid this show, please use that as the exact reason you need to tune in. If your tendency is toward lack, I can help you change your Money Attitude.
Leading Life Large™ - 'Embracing' Your Obstacles to Action
03/10/2011 Duração: 22minLeading Life Large™ - It's one thing to finally identify what it is that we allow to keep us from taking action - procrastination, too busy, not enough time, not enough energy, too overwhelmed, not good enough - all code words for FEAR. It's something else entirely to deal with them, these obstacles to action, once we figure them out. We'd like to eliminate them, slay them, kill them off, but that's not possible or even recommended. But embrace them? Tune in and I'll share my thoughts.
Leading Life Large™ - 100 Wave Challenge - Last Chance
26/09/2011 Duração: 17minmy message - make a pledge - Leading Life Large™ - I participated in and completed the 100 Wave Challenge on behalf of my two sons, Chace and Baily, and all boys in need of good men in their lives to teach them how to become 'good' young men. I did all the work - still sore and bruised after catching 100 waves. All you have to do is make a pledge that will allow another boy the chance to experience the benefits of Boys to Men. I received pledges ranging from $10 to $1000 so anything you can do will help. my message - make a pledge -
Leading Life Large™ - Obstacles to Action
19/09/2011 Duração: 25minThis is the final week for you to make a pledge and support me as I support Boys to Men on behalf of my son Leading Life Large™ - We've all got them, but most of don't even realize it. In fact, the more intellegent we become, the more we learn to guize our inactivity in the stories, reason and damn good excuses we have for not taking action, the less aware we are of the obstacles that keep us from taking action. We even get confused by it because our intentions are good, we mean to take action and yet we do it to ourselves again. Tune in as I begin to lay the groundwork for creating a plan of action - your plan of action!
Leading Life Large™ - Action is the Answer
12/09/2011 Duração: 19minTake action! Make a pledge Leading Life Large™ - You've heard me say it before...when we take action, something happens. Action is the juice of results and without it, nothing happens except by accident. We have to be careful too that our action is thoughtful, that the action we are taking will give us the desired results. Remember, action without results is simply keeping busy with busy-ness. You may say you know all this and yet there are areas in your life you are not taking action on. Tune in...
Leading Life Large™ - It is what it is...Accepting Life
05/09/2011 Duração: 18minLeading Life Large™ - To the many of you early listeners this are all wonderful! Life delivers all kinds of opportunities to us. Oh yes...I call them opportunities today, but there was a time when I questioned the unverse, God, the IRS, cliensts, bosses and anyone or thing else that seemed to be in the way of me getting what I wanted in life. And when I did, life had power over me. Since the death of my son in 2004, I have learned more and more (still learning) to let life happen, let it roll, and instead of fighting it, I have learned to join it. Listen in...I'll bet I have the answer to reducing some stress in your life.
Leading Life Large™ - Celebrate Your Victories
29/08/2011 Duração: 26minLeading Life Large™ - The tendency for those of us getting things done on the planet is to get one thing done and move on to the next. This is good stuff - we're being productive! This is good stuff AND we also need to celebrate our accomplishments. Don't get me wrong - work and momentum and productivity and taking action is where the juice is AND we must pause at times to recover our energy through celebration. There's more energy recovery going on in celebration than you can imagine. Tune in and I'll share why and how we celebrate.
Leading Life Large™ - When Would 'NOW' be the Best Time?
22/08/2011 Duração: 16minLeading Life Large™ - You and I have many 'to do's' in front of us that are important. Things in front of us that we want to do for our health, our business, our relationships and more. Yet, as important as these tasks are, you're not getting them done. You and I put them off and regardless of the reasons, these important things, tasks, items are not getting done. So, in the words of Tony Robbins, "When would NOW be the best time..." to get started, get 'em done or whatever else it is you're putting off.
Leading Life Large™ - Relationships...Make 'em all Good!
15/08/2011 Duração: 31minLeading Life Large™ - Relationships make us or break us. We are social beings who need relationships for our basic survival. If we are to thrive and not just survive, we've got to examine all of our relationships - business, family, friends, social and more. Our relationships are lifting us up or bringing us down. What about yours? Which relationships in your life do you need to give deeper consideration about? Are there some you need to clean up, set boundaries with or even eliminate? Maybe you need to bring in some 'good' ones. Join me and we'll explore it.
Leading Life Large™ - Putting it off OR Needing a Break
08/08/2011 Duração: 19minClick on this link to find out how you can get involved and join me. Leading Life Large™ - There are often times when we let fear and resistance dictate our forward movement. It shows up in behaviors of procrastination and busy-ness. If this is you, you need to attack and counter those behaviors. Maybe, though, you need a break and your inactivity and non-performance is a result of some burnout. So we need to exercise our discernment - is my lack of production the result of non-action or energy deprivation?
Leading Life Large™ - One Year from Today
01/08/2011 Duração: 19minClick on this link to find out how you can get involved and join me. Leading Life Large™ - What if you had one year left on the planet? Would you live today differently or would you still make the same choices? What if you and I lived the next year as if it were our last? Not that any of us would be seeking to have that come true, but to see what we were truly capable of accomplishing by creating a sense of urgency. Do you live with that sense of urgency today or do you do like most of us and trust there will always be another day, another month or another year to do what I have set out to do or become who I have set out to become? Let's create some urgency together.
Leading Life Large™ - It's okay to Take a Breath
25/07/2011 Duração: 18minClick on this link and find out how I'm choosing to get involved. Leading Life Large™ - I know that for me sometimes, I drive myself so hard that I need to catch my breath and recover. In the past, I would get down on myself and be completely critical when I didn't always have an 'up' day. I didn't give myself permission to slow down or when I did, I would judge it. There are times when we simply need to recover our energies and it doesn't mean we've lost our drive or purpose. It simply means in our humanness, we are pushing harder than others and in order to sustain our forward movement, we have got to stop at times and take a nice, deep, cleansing, invigorating breath.
Leading Life Large™ - Get Involved Beyond Your Life
18/07/2011 Duração: 28minClick on this link to find out who this cool looking kid is and find out how I'm choosing to get involved. Leading Life Large™ - It's pretty easy to be uninvolved, and for right reasons. Life is full. Life is busy. Life is stressful and flat out overwhelming at times. All great reasons for choosing not to take more time out of your life (creating more stress) to get involved with another project or cause - you are your own greatest cause right now, right? True and...this also keeps us trapped in our busy and stressful lives, lives that ultimately lack purpose. I believe that we can look beyond ourselves for a moment, when we choose to. I believe that getting involved in something bigger than ourselves and our own busy, chaotic lives adds a necessary perspective to our lives. I believe that getting involved adds purpose to our lives and helps us to feel good about ourselves for our contributions. Cool thing is that it actually adds rather than takes away from us
Leading Life Large™ - Dare to be Daring!
11/07/2011 Duração: 22min Leading Life Large™ - Building on our theme of independence from last show, it takes daring action to break out of old ways of being and doing that we've been locked up in, and I mean imprisoned for years some of us. It's daring to take action that will make you uncomfortable. It's daring do take action when you don't know the outcome. It's daring to want to be someone that others will not understand. It's daring to be your huge self when you've presented the small and limited self to others all your life. It's daring to be afraid and to do it anyway. I am daring and I want you to join me and be daring with me. It's a matter of YOUR life - if you DARE!
Leading Life Large™ - You're Independent - Now Do Something!
04/07/2011 Duração: 22min Leading Life Large™ - We live in a country with limitless opportunity, yet we limit ourselves every day. The opportunity is there and we don't take advantage. So, here's the deal...if opportunity is going to present itself this morning July 4th 9am - in the words of Eminem, "...would you capture it, or just let it slip?...yo"
Leading Life Large™ - Know WHY You Got up Today
27/06/2011 Duração: 19min Leading Life Large™ - When I go out to speak to groups, I often times ask the question "Do you know why you got out of bed this morning?" After we get past the laughter of someone suggesting they woke up in the gutter, I go on to talk about why we must have a good reason for getting up each day. Our reason must be more than getting up to go to work or to work in our business so that we can get paid so we can pay the mortgage and put food on the table. Noble, yes, but not good enough reason to get up each morning. Join me and I'll explore with you what's missing.
Leading Life Large™ - Lift the Lid off Limit
20/06/2011 Duração: 31minLeading Life Large™ - Join me in lifting the lid off limit by visiting my website When we lift the lid off limit, when we set a really 'unreasonable' goal, we are setting an intention and get to see what happens.
Leading Life Large™ - Be a Participant in Your Own Success
13/06/2011 Duração: 19minLeading Life Large™ - As I shared with you last week, it's important to learn how it is that we get in the way of our own success. Once we've identified those ways and learned to counter them, we've got to get far more involved in our own success. We've got to stop 'watching and waiting' and get in there and participate in our own success. Regardless of what we're trying to accomplish or draw into our lives, you and I have to drive the forward movement - truly be the co-creators of our lives.
Leading Life Large™ - Success is Yours. What's Stopping You?
06/06/2011 Duração: 23minLeading Life Large™ - Success, success, success...there is probably a new book written, seminar given, radio show or coaching session dedicated to and "motivational quote" thought of every minute of everyday about how to succeed in business and in life. We complicate the shit out of it because we are usually looking outside of us for the answers - actually 'secrets' because it seems so elusive. Tune in with me and I'll share with you how to tune in to you and stop looking outside your beautiful, magical self for the secrets to success.