Foodist With Darya Rose, Ph.d

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editora: Podcast
  • Duração: 55:10:33
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In the Foodist podcast Darya Rose, Ph.D. introduces you to real people on the journey of becoming foodists, learning how to get healthy and lose weight without dieting. A foodist is someone who uses Real Food to optimize their life for health and happiness. There is no right or wrong way to become a foodist, and everyone must find their own path or healthstyle that works for them. This means finding foods, habits and activities you love and that work for you. On the show youll meet people at all stages of the journey. Whether they are just starting out and wondering if this is even a good idea, need help breaking through a weight loss plateau, or successfully down 30 pounds and in the best shape of their lives, Darya will show you how they got there and what they need to do to get to the next level. Darya Rose, Ph.D is the author of the book Foodist and creator of Summer Tomato, one of TIMEs 50 Best Websites. She received her Ph.D in neuroscience from UCSF and her bachelors degree in Molecular and Cell Biology from UC Berkeley. She spends most of her time thinking and writing about food, health and science. She eats amazing things daily and hasnt even considered going on a diet since 2007.


  • How to Cut Back on Alcohol Without Going Cold Turkey

    09/01/2017 Duração: 53min

    After a move from Chicago to California, Mary found herself slowly gaining weight to the tune of 1 lb every 3 months. After awhile she was dismayed to find she was up 15 lbs, and wanted to find the reason. She tried several things to cut back a bit on calories without any luck. Her last resort was her evening routine of drinking several glasses of wine, a habit that's proving more difficult to break than any of the others. This worries Mary for a few reasons. Obviously she wants to lose the weight and feel back in control of her healthstyle. But we all know alcohol is an addictive substance, so part of her fear is that this may be related to why she hasn't been able to cut back. Alcohol is a difficult habit to work with, and as a wine lover myself I can definitely relate. Mary had done a few experiments and is fairly confident she isn't dependent on the substance. Together we come up with some strategies for her to cut back enough to feel more in control and potentially lose the weight. For complete show

  • How to Stop Moralizing Your Food Choices

    04/01/2017 Duração: 40min

    Jane is a wellness coach and has a deep and technical knowledge of nutrition, so by nature she eats super healthy and enjoys it. She also suffers from Celiac disease and has many other food sensitivities, so has to restrict her foods even more to avoid serious health problems. Her biggest issue is that because she knows so much about nutrition she feels guilty eating anything that contains starch, because of a lingering five pounds she'd like to lose. This tendency to moralize her food choices as "good" or "bad" causes her to second guess even some of her healthy choices and she feels terribly guilty eating some of the foods she loves (like oatmeal and sweet potatoes), even though they are nutritious Real Foods. So even when Jane "indulges" it is hard for her to truly enjoy it. For those five pounds, Jane has been suffering like this for eleven years. Together we dissect where her perfectionist streak is coming from and come up with a strategy for moving on. I also offer her a few ideas on solving her "l

  • How to Tell If You're Truly Hungry Or If It's Something Else

    12/12/2016 Duração: 36min

    "It's been the easiest 33 lbs I've ever lost." ~Angela Angela just discovered Foodist a few months ago after a lifetime of being overweight and chronic dieting. By changing the way she approaches food and health, she's been able to lose 33 lbs in what she calls the easiest weight loss of her life. Despite her success, Angela still has progress to make and is trying to figure out some of the more subtle aspects of her healthstyle. Today she asks a question that every foodist must grapple with at some point along their journey, which is how to know if an urge to eat (or skip a workout or other healthstyle behavior) is coming from a place of physical need or some other impulse that should be resisted? This question is particularly difficult for people who have spent a lot of time dieting, since by its very nature dieting teaches you to ignore your body's basic signals and use willpower to stick to your plan. As Angela explains, it can be very difficult to trust the different voices in your head that are pushi

  • How Being Too Productive Can Lead to Overeating (and How to Stop It)

    05/12/2016 Duração: 41min

    Shelbey came to me wondering why she has the habit of overeating when she's alone and supposed to be studying. She sits down to eat and turns on the TV, planning to finish dinner and then hit the books. But instead she usually keeps eating through the entire show until she feel so sicks she can't do anything at all. To her credit Shelbey has already thought through possible psychological reasons she's doing this, but hasn't come up with any answers. She's a very hard working woman who is always pushing herself for self-improvement. She's a good student, exercises regularly, and meditates often. What she never does is give herself permission to relax. One of the symptoms of being too productive is having anxiety about down time. All humans need to relax and recharge both physically and mentally, but highly productive people often feel guilty and anxious about taking these much needed breaks. If this goes on for too long it can lead to avoidance behaviors like overeating. It can be difficult to acknowledge t

  • How to Identify a Missing Supporting Habit

    28/11/2016 Duração: 28min

    Serena had always enjoyed cooking dinner and it was a Home Court Habit she highly valued. Then when her schedule got a little crazy her cooking habit fell by the wayside. While struggles like this are pretty normal when life gets busy, what stumped Serena was that her cooking habit never resumed even when her schedule got back to normal. Often what stops you from maintaining a healthy habit is that you view it as a chore rather than as something you enjoy, but this wasn't the case for Serena. She truly did love to cook and felt very strongly about all the ways it positively impacted her life that were now missing. It took some digging, but Serena and I ultimately discovered that she had lost one of her Supporting Habits––meal prepping––that gave her the edge she needed to maintain a regular cooking habit. It turns out that meal prepping is the difference between whether making dinner is easy when she gets home from work or feels like a big project she doesn't have the energy for. We then took a look at her

  • How to Lose Those Last Few Pounds Without Resorting to Dieting Tactics

    07/11/2016 Duração: 53min

    Overall Libby is happy with her healthstyle. She stopped dieting, focused on Real Food, and cut out most of the processed foods (sugars and refined grains) from her daily habits. Her energy is up, her body is happy, and the chronic headaches she's suffered from for years have abated. While she feels great from these changes, Libby has only lost one pound over the last couple of months and in her perfect world she would lose another 5-10 pounds. This brings up an interesting question: Is it okay to keep trying to lose weight even if you're already pretty healthy? How can you accept yourself as you are and continue to strive for improvement? Many people making the move from dieting for external reasons to embracing health to align with your own personal values come up against this issue. From a behavior perspective the actions you take to achieve health and those you use to restrictively diet can look very similar. The subtley is in how you frame your values, goals and actions in your own mind that makes the

  • How to Get Back On Track When Your Good Habits Stop Working

    31/10/2016 Duração: 30min

    After years of yo-yo dieting, Ashley had finally got off the dieting rollercoaster after discovering Summer Tomato and Foodist. She learned to embrace the foodist lifestyle and joyfully lost weight without dieting. Things were great. Ashley's new habits were working great until she had a shift in her work life that enabled her to work from home. While she loves her new freedom and flexibility in her day, some of her more structured habits like lunch and snacks have fallen back into disarray. Together we discuss what has changed in her routines and come up with some strategies she can use to retake control of her choices. For complete show notes visit

  • Rebecca Learns How to Care For Herself Again After Having 3 Kids and Gaining 100 lbs

    25/10/2016 Duração: 58min

    "With the hustle and bustle of working and being a mom and trying to fulfill all these duties I completely lost myself." - Rebecca Although she had never been completely happy with her physique, after having three children within five years Rebecca found herself over 100 lbs heavier than she was before starting a family. It wasn't until she ran into a friend who had lost 100 lbs of baby weight after working with a personal trainer that she changed her mindset and decided she needed to start investing in her own wellbeing again. Over a period of 8 months Rebecca embraced a new self-care routine of fitness and nutrition and lost all of the weight. The road wasn't perfectly smooth, and she struggled with some of the struggles that come with dieting including some binge eating. Ultimately though, she was able to find balance in her nutrition, stop bingeing and truly enjoy her healthstyle for the benefits it brings her. For complete show notes visit

  • How to Prevent Negative Self-Judgement from Sabotaging Your Exercise Habit

    17/10/2016 Duração: 50min

    Elizabeth wishes she could form a more regular exercise habit, but every time she tries she finds herself lacking in motivation. While she describes herself as "not inactive" she wishes she did more "proper exercise" a few days a week. Sometimes she is able to put together a good streak, but inevitably her efforts are undermined by feeling she isn't up to the task. If she feels uncomfortable with her body or finds her workouts too hard, she starts to feel like a failure. This perfectionist streak causes her to negatively judge herself to a point where exercise becomes an unpleasant rather than uplifting experience. As a result she finds herself avoiding exercise completely. Together we discuss strategies to get out of the judgment loop and back into enjoying being active for its own sake. For complete show notes visit

  • How to Stop Post-Meal Snacking

    10/10/2016 Duração: 33min

    Keli has a great healthstyle, but there are a few lingering bad habits she'd like to break. After lunch and after dinner, she finds herself reaching for more (often not-so-healthy) food even though she is no longer hungry and it makes her feel sick afterward. While she doesn't have any particular health or weight loss goals, it bothers her that she maintains this habit even though it is something she doesn't like. Together we investigate what is triggering her to keep eating and develop strategies to help her choose different activities after meals. For complete show notes visit

  • How to Stop Overeating When Emotional Eating Combines With Food Moralizing

    03/10/2016 Duração: 01h12min

    Over the years Saba has learned to eat healthy by cutting down on processed foods. But her new healthstyle has caused her to forego nearly all the foods she loved as a child since she has moralized them as "bad and unhealthy." Now she uses her "good behavior" to justify overeating "healthier" snacks like nuts, even though she eats so much she feels sick afterward. It's a cycle she would like to break. Saba's issue combines both food moralizing and emotional eating, which makes both issues more complex and difficult to unravel. Together we come up with a plan for her to move forward. For complete show notes visit

  • How Mark Used a Foodist Mindset to Get Healthy and Lose 70 lbs

    25/09/2016 Duração: 55min

    "I call it adding life into living." When Mark realized his poor eating habits had been left unchecked for too long, he decided it was time to start taking his health seriously. Besides having gained a significant amount of weight, he was also suffering from digestive problems and low energy. To address these issues he decided to focus on Real Foods and cut most processed foods from his daily habits. Mark's process was pretty simple. He got rid of the processed foods from his house, started eating breakfast daily, cut out all alcohol except tequila (!), and started cooking most of his meals at home. Over the course of one year Mark was able to restore his energy, fix his stomach problems and lose 70 lbs, all while launching a new company. He also saved money by buying less prepared food and developed a deep love of vegetables and cooking. What is interesting about Mark's story is not so much the specific changes he made as his approach to solving problems. For instance, instead of seeing cooking as a chor

  • How Can You Motivate Yourself to Cook Dinner When You Live Alone?

    11/09/2016 Duração: 45min

    Linda knows that cooking dinner more often would make her healthier and happier. But it feels like so much work for her to make the effort since she lives alone. Sometimes she manages to throw something healthy together, but other nights she just sits down with a bag of potato chips and calls it a night. For Linda one of the big obstacles is that when she does make the effort to cook one of her favorite recipes she ends up with way too many leftovers and gets tired of eating the same thing. Often it ends up going to waste. To solve this Linda has to reexamine her beliefs about what dinner is supposed to look like so that it is less daunting and easier to do on a regular basis. For complete show notes visit

  • How Can Julie Stop Overeating at Dinner Parties?

    31/08/2016 Duração: 44min

    Julie came to me with a mystery. Her eating habits are excellent at home and even in restaurants, but when she gets into a dinner party situation it doesn't matter what food is served or how hungry she is, she turns into a mindless eating machine. What could be going on here? We first explored whether she was actually satisfied with her normal eating routine. Is it possible she was still restricting herself too much and experiencing the What-the-Hell Effect at parties? This didn't seem to be the case, as Julie had already explored and tested this hypothesis using her foodist mindset. Ultimately we uncovered a subconscious cue that was triggering her overeating. This revelation that helped Julie feel much more at ease and in control of the situation, knowing it was something that was solvable. Julie's case is particularly interesting because she is triggered by positive emotions rather than negative emotions, which are more often the cause of overeating. Armed with this knowledge we came up with a strateg

  • How Yoga and Mindful Eating Helped Sherry Lose 16 lbs Without Effort

    12/06/2016 Duração: 37min

    As a lifelong healthy eater, Sherry wasn't trying to lose weight. Sure she would have been happy to drop 5-10 lbs, but she was comfortable with her body and health. She even thought she was a mindful eater until a stressful event in her life caused her to start a consistent yoga practice. Yoga, it turned out, became a catalyst to help her relieve stress and let go of difficult emotions. As she developed this talent during strenuous yoga poses, she noticed it began to translate into her eating behavior. Without specifically trying to change anything, Sherry became more aware of her eating habits and started to eat more mindfully. As she did this she naturally started eating slower and being more thoughtful about her food choices. To her surprise, she discovered she had been eating way more food than her body actually wanted or needed. She also started slowly changing the composition of her meals to be more plant-based, since this was more in line with what she was craving. While she still enjoys sweets lik

  • How Can Ruediger Switch to Weight Maintenance After Losing 120 Lbs From Strict Dieting?

    30/05/2016 Duração: 53min

    Ruediger faces one of the most difficult questions related to weight control, which is how to maintain your weight after achieving significant weight loss as a result of strict dieting. Although he has already made huge progress finding an exercise regimen he enjoys, food is more difficult for him. He has only ever known subsiding on lots of junk food or restricting his calories to just 500 per day. Switching to a more moderate approach based on Real Food and not counting calories is appealing to him in theory, but he worries that he will not be able to maintain control of his weight without strongly restricting his eating habits. Another issue Ruediger faces is that he has a very limited palate as a result of eating mostly processed and convenience foods for most of his life. He's concerned that at the age of 44 he will be restricted to the handful of vegetables he actually enjoys and not have adequate nutrition. He also struggles with finding the motivation to prepare nutritious foods at home, since chopp

  • How Can Cailey Motivate Herself to Bring Her Lunch to Work?

    23/05/2016 Duração: 38min

    As a grad student, Cailey knows how important it is to bring her lunch to work instead of buying something on campus. Not only would she eat healthier, she'd also save a lot of money. Her problem is she has trouble motivating herself to prep healthy lunches every day. And even when she manages to bring something, it is usually unsatisfying so she's not inspired to bring her lunch again. Although this is a straightforward problem, there are several subtle mental and logistical blocks Cailey identifies that have kept her from adopting this habit, including limited kitchen facilities at work. We help her find solutions to these barriers and I also offer some cooking tips that will make her meals more fun and satisfying.

  • Bonnie Transforms From A Junk Food Speed Eater To A Mindful Vegetable Lover And Loses 40 Lbs

    16/05/2016 Duração: 59min

    "I always wanted to be that person who went to the gym regularly and ate whatever they wanted, I just didn't know this was how you got there. That person was in me all along." Bonnie grew up loving all kinds of foods, especially junk food. She never liked dieting and had come to accept that she would probably always be a size 12. Fear of developing diabetes like her father eventually prompted her to create a New Year's resolution to try to be healthier. She slowly added exercise and changed her eating habits, and the weight began to come off until she hit a summertime plateau. Stuck at the same weight for five months, Bonnie eventually found Summer Tomato and decided to give mindful eating a try. To her surprise she learned she was eating more than double the amount of food her body actually wanted, and that she had a true love for vegetables. Bonnie is now comfortably a size 8, though she's not sure what her final size will be. Although she still occasionally treats herself to fast food or sweets, her

  • How Can Mallory Stop Hitting Snooze Every Morning and Have More Time and Energy for Healthy Habits?

    08/05/2016 Duração: 35min

    Mallory had a pretty solid healthstyle before a new job disrupted her mornings. She now hits snooze so many times that she barely makes it to work on time, making it impossible for her to have a healthy breakfast or get in a morning workout. With her day off to a rushed and frazzled start, poor choices plague her through lunch and dinner. Her workouts are suffering and she is fed up. In this session we examine both her morning and evening routines until we uncover the real reasons behind her reluctance to get out of bed each day.

  • Bugra Loses 168 Lbs and Improves to a 4.0 GPA by Switching to Real Food

    03/05/2016 Duração: 44min

    Bugra was a university student in Turkey weighing over 350 lbs when he decided he needed to make a change. He moved to America to begin a masters degree program and started to count calories and exercise to lose weight. While he was able to lose some weight while dieting, he eventually realized the changes he'd made were not sustainable and that his poor nutrition was costing him energy and mental focus. His grades suffered and he gained much of the weight back before discovering Real Food. There have been many bumps in the road for Bugra, but today he is down 168 lbs while eating more. He's also getting a 4.0 in his Ph.D program while studying less than before. He focuses on the quality, not the quantity of the food he eats, and says his mental focus is so much better that he can learn more with less effort. He even reads more and is slower to anger than he was in the past. To use Bugra's words, "Everything changed."

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