Climbing With Scars

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editora: Podcast
  • Duração: 39:23:29
  • Mais informações



Climbing With Scars is a podcast that has a focus on business and helping inspire other to do everything they want in life. Phil Scardigno talks about many different topics covering the entrepreneurial world and sharing funny and sometimes outrageous stories of his upbringing and beginnings in his business life.


  • #125: Selling - is no dirty word

    07/05/2020 Duração: 15min

    Selling – for some reason is labelled as a dirty word, however everyone sells whether they realise it or not. At some stage in everyone’s life they’ve sold and perhaps not even knowing it. Entrepreneurs, non-entrepreneurs and children do it without knowing as it’s one of life’s most natural activities. On this weeks episode of Climbing With Scars I share the facts of how everyday we sell, why those that understand the true value of selling win, and how selling moves us forward in business (and life) and we should never have any shame about it. Let’s sell.

  • #124: Do it while you can, when you can

    01/05/2020 Duração: 15min

    The most precious commodity to us all is time and we all have 24 hours in the day given to us. On this week’s episode of Climbing With Scars I discuss how important it is to use your time to your advantage. And now is the time for all of us to be proactive and make time work for us in preparation for life post Covid-19, as the game is changing and won’t return to how it was before. The way we live and function, the way we do business, the way we learn, work and interact has changed forever. Join me where I share many insights on how to make time work for you by doing, not waiting. Enjoy. 

  • #123: Tapping into your value

    22/04/2020 Duração: 12min

    On this weeks episode of Climbing With Scars I tap into  our self-value. Whether you are a successful entrepreneur or somebody who is currently out of work or going through a sea change, we all have specific skills and experiences, but many haven’t identified the value about finding self-value and what it is worth to others. I go deep to share where the gems are within all of us to where we can add value to others and ultimately ourselves. Enjoy.  

  • #122: Changing It Up

    16/04/2020 Duração: 14min

    In today’s current climate nobody is safe being stagnant, as life won’t return to how it was before.  Today’s episode I go deep into the changes that have been forced upon us with the way we interact and I share how we need to think about delivering greater value to our clients, work out their new pain points and how we can help them in the new world that has been thrust upon us.

  • #121: Using fear to spark creative

    09/04/2020 Duração: 20min

    With the current climate of global pandemic, we’re constantly compounded with negative content and media on a daily basis, leading many to live in fear of the worst. But life does present us with options to decide what we choose to focus on. This week I share my learning's of when we block the negative stuff out of our heads and challenge the fear we actually find a creative spark. While we’re in these times of slowdown, the opportunity is created to use this time to come up with that next big idea or have a re-focus and reflect on ourselves. Join me on this episode of Climbing With Scars where I deep dive into switching the fear into a creative boost.

  • #120: PAYving The Way

    01/04/2020 Duração: 01h01min

    On this week’s episode of Climbing With Scars I talk to gamer turned entrepreneur, Ryan Handby. Find out how Ryan’s different learning's from his many business ventures have landed him where he is today. Evolving a hobby into a career, this young entrepreneur displays how age is no factor when beginning your entrepreneurial journey. From starting a business that rivaled with streaming giants like Twitch, to becoming CEO of his current business MilestonePay. You won’t want to miss this one, filled with many stories, laughs and lessons.  

  • #119: COVID-19... Where will this lead us to?

    25/03/2020 Duração: 26min

    What are the odds that podcast #119 would fall on the same week as the escalate of the COVID-19 crisis here in Australia? Today I felt that it was important to address what is currently happening in the world and share my thoughts on the situation at hand and lessons I’ve learned from other crises faced in the past. At first hand it is seen as a time of extreme stress and challenges, and it does remain this way for many, but there are ways to confront this situation from a different angle and entrepreneurs are usually proof of coming through the other side of a crisis with more to offer and give. Join me on this one where I go deep into the impact of COVID-19.

  • #118: Routine - Find your Rhythm

    18/03/2020 Duração: 12min

    The fast-paced world is only moving faster, sometimes leaving many entrepreneurs feeling like they don’t have enough time to do “their thing”. Overwhelmed, stressed, unfulfilled….. I have been there before, but through the many… MANY lessons I have learned to be at a place of balance with my routine and daily approach. Today I’m sharing how I found my groove, listen in to this episode of Climbing With Scars to help find yours.

  • #117: The Gelista Story - With Peter Cox

    11/03/2020 Duração: 58min

    Peter Cox, founder of Gelista, joins me on this week’s episode of Climbing With Scars to share his journey on how he transformed his life from working as an accountant in the corporate space towards following his passion to create his unique gelati range. This is a great story to hear firsthand how Peter hustled on the side while working in the corporate space, to making the move into full time gelati expert that ventured down the path of producing a unique range of Italian ice cream that has found its way into supermarkets across Australia. Tune in to this inspirational story to hear how a tonne of desire and passion has led this local entrepreneur into creating a future based on his own terms.  

  • #116: Ageism - Just Another Number

    04/03/2020 Duração: 14min

    Now into the decade of my 50’s, I’ve reached a point of feeling the best I’ve ever been – and I mean that sincerely and seriously, but for many the stereotype of reaching 40+ signifies “game over”.  Age is a number, but too many entrepreneurs are letting “the number” dictate their thinking, behaviours and decisions that not only impacts their future but also creates limitations upon others. Join me on this episode of Climbing With Scars where I dowse the noise on limitations with age and share some facts around how ageing is the passage to winning.

  • #115: The Fig Tree Way - With Maria De Conno

    26/02/2020 Duração: 59min

    In today’s episode on Climbing With Scars I’m joined by Maria De Conno, the founder of Fig Tree Digital, a creative digital marketing agency. Maria shares her journey of when she started out uncertain where her career was going and how motherhood opened her eyes to seeing the Figtree moment that gave her the spark to enter into the world of digital marketing. Come get inspired and hear how this entrepreneur continues to build her thriving business with a twist of uniqueness.   

  • #114: Working From the Edge

    19/02/2020 Duração: 11min

    We’ve heard about real growth happening when we take ourselves out of our comfort zone, but where is the limit of that zone? This week I share what I learned from working inside my boundary compared to when I started taking it to the edge, as this is the zone every entrepreneur needs to go to, whether a start up or experienced business owner. I dive deep into my experiences in business and what being taken to the edge has taught me and continues to teach me on every entrepreneurial pursuit I take.          

  • #113: Time to Wise up

    12/02/2020 Duração: 13min

    Wisdom is shared and never taught, a fact we often downplay and a skill for entrepreneurs of all ages to utilise. It is foolish to believe wisdom is something only offered from the elderly, and this week I go deep into where wisdom develops and how it can propel leaders and entrepreneurs of all ages if they listen to where it stems from. Join me on this week’s podcast where I share my learnings on the value of wisdom and the true worth of passing it on.

  • #112: More is Caught than Taught

    04/02/2020 Duração: 13min

    We live in a world where the emphases on getting a university degree is heavy and made out to be a crucial and necessary step to becoming successful in business. This is a topic that I have been passionate about for a while now and after a recent workshop I was involved in with 50+ other entrepreneurs from around the world, I learnt something that I’m sharing in today’s podcast… and that is the power of focusing on what is “caught” rather than what can be “taught”. Join me on this one and get ready to be caught. 

  • #111: Getting over the Other Side

    22/01/2020 Duração: 14min

    Business owners often forget that the most important relationship they have is with their people, essentially entrepreneurs are only as good as the team they have, a lesson I’ve learned over my time in business. Knowing how to communicate and understand your people is a key lever to scale your business forward and a soft skill for any modern day leader. On this episode on Climbing With Scars I reveal the power of empathy and how it has opened up the opportunities for my business with my people. Join in and take this step over to the other side with me.

  • #110: Chasing the Dollar

    15/01/2020 Duração: 14min

    Entrepreneurship has become the glamorous career in the eyes of many where it’s believed to be the path to easy money. Well nothing could be further from the truth and I speak firsthand how in my younger years I once believed business and entrepreneurship was all about making money. In this episode of Climbing With Scars I dive into how a mindset focused on only the $$ will lead you down the road of attracting everything you don’t want and I share my lessons of what the best entrepreneurs place their attention towards in the real world of entrepreneurship.

  • #109: Full Focus Ahead

    08/01/2020 Duração: 08min

    Now we’ve entered a new decade it’s time to get into the mode of full steam ahead, using last year’s audit as fuel to propel ourselves into a space we’ve never been before. On this episode of Climbing With Scars I share the importance of utilising this time to line up your business in the direction it needs to go, with no time wasted staring in the rear-view mirror. I go into detail on some of the lessons I have learnt through my entrepreneurship journey in 2019, focusing on how they can help get where you need to go… So join me on this one as we propel together on the way to our desired destination. 

  • #108: 2020...Setting your Vision Ahead

    31/12/2019 Duração: 12min

    Happy New Year everyone! On today’s podcast I brief you on what to focus on at this time of year and what I believe all entrepreneurs should be concentrating on during the beginning of a new year. While many people will start their resolutions today, it is important to remember these rarely last beyond the first few days of January. I love the relation of numbers and we’re into a special year 2020, so it’s your time to make it a year with clear vision, creating the year ahead to be one that will map out the future you want to create. In today’s episode I share a few gems to give clear sight ahead and make 2020 the start of a decade to be remembered. 

  • #107: The Entrepreneur’s Audit Zone

    25/12/2019 Duração: 15min

    Now that many entrepreneurs have entered into the end of year break, have you been able to get clarity of what worked well for you in 2019 and where the improvements lie? Too many business owners get back from the end of year break and just return to reading emails, and doing all the “stuff” that doesn’t move their business forward instead of being aware of what they need to keep doing and what they need to avoid doing. On this episode I share the value of taking an audit on the year that was, reflecting on the positive outcomes, no matter how big or small, and auditing your entrepreneurial pursuits with a close connection to your personal one. While you have some quiet time now away from work, join me to audit and round out the year to see our way into the future.

  • #106: A No May Not Always Mean No

    18/12/2019 Duração: 20min

    This week’s podcast I captured some thoughts directly after a meeting I had that reminded me of how you need to treat a “NO” from a customer. We’re always learning and this experience wasn’t just a reminder but another learning opportunity on how to be better and share with my team about how handling rejection is the key to selling and business in general. In this episode I share how mindset to being given a NO is really going to be the piece that moves you forward and turns the situation into a positive, rather than a negative. Take a ride with me on this episode for one of the rare moments I give my thoughts immediately after a meeting.

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