Climbing With Scars

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editora: Podcast
  • Duração: 39:23:29
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Climbing With Scars is a podcast that has a focus on business and helping inspire other to do everything they want in life. Phil Scardigno talks about many different topics covering the entrepreneurial world and sharing funny and sometimes outrageous stories of his upbringing and beginnings in his business life.


  • #165: Repetition - the mother of all successes

    11/03/2021 Duração: 09min

    This week on Climbing With Scars I delve into the importance of repetition, and how this one aspect of business can turn average results in you into continued successes. Many entrepreneurs look to continuously change, however repetition across many fronts equates to disciplines to optimise your skills, unique abilities and entrepreneurial self. Join me this week to understand how repetition has played a part in my entrepreneurial journey and how it can help you thrive forward.     

  • #164: Brain vs. Mind Growth

    03/03/2021 Duração: 06min

    On this week’s episode of Climbing With Scars I delve deep into what is the difference of mind growth VS being “brainy” smart, or an intellect. Education system rewards the “smartest” students, but the best grades don’t mean the best minds. Join me this week where I share how the entrepreneur’s mindset can continuously expand to set up ongoing successes.

  • #163: Being the bad guy

    25/02/2021 Duração: 10min

    It is the only part of business that never gets easier with time, being the “bad guy”.  Every entrepreneur and business owner is faced with having to deliver news that doesn’t always please everyone, and whatever you decide as a leader will never be 100% applauded, someone is always on the wrong end of decisions.  On this week’s episode of Climbing With Scars I explain how I’ve had to handle delivering bad news and why being a business owner will require you to be the bad guy at times. I share my experiences with bearing the uncomfortable stuff, the learnings and  how it is part of the ongoing journey.

  • #162: Suspicious minds

    17/02/2021 Duração: 16min

    We’ve all been guilty at some time by assuming and suspecting a situation or person may be up to no good, only to find out that is not the case. Often in business there are a multitude of opportunities that never eventuate and relationships that never blossom, because of the limitations from a suspicious mind, which ultimately prevents growth. On this week’s episode of Climbing With Scars I deep dive into the approach of being suspicious in business versus the open mind, and the vastly different effects these have on entrepreneur’s mindsets and results.  Join me on this episode to hear my direct experiences and how to overcome suspicious minds.

  • #161: More to leadership than leading

    10/02/2021 Duração: 14min

    This week on Climbing With Scars, I cover a topic that keeps evolving for me and what I’ve learned will always be an area for continuous improvement – leadership. I share my learnings on leadership from getting it wrong along my journey, but also from seeing how others do it so well, and how leadership in 2021 is very different than leading 10 years ago. Join me where I go deep on how leadership is more than being the “boss” and how being connected across the full spectrum of your business is the challenge for every modern day leader, not matter if you are new on the scene or experienced. Enjoy.

  • #160: Authenticity - being untouchable

    03/02/2021 Duração: 09min

    Authenticity is the one thing that separates you from every other business and entrepreneur. When we think of brands we love and connect with, the primary difference is the authenticity running through the veins of their brand and this extends beyond just brands but the way we lead and create. On this week’s episode of Climbing With Scars I share with you the power and freedom of AUTHENTICITY, and how it leads your mindset and business on the path towards becoming untouchable.

  • #159: Self Talk to Drown Self Doubt

    26/01/2021 Duração: 12min

    This week on Climbing With Scars I go deep into how self-talk directly impacts self-doubt. When we dream of wanting to achieve new goals, doubts naturally appear, but how do we address them, what do we say to ourselves and how can we use self-talk to drown out the doubt?  Join me this week where I share how self-talk can not only prevent the doubt but can create the achiever mindset.

  • #158: Removing Limits

    20/01/2021 Duração: 12min

    On this week’s episode of Climbing With Scars I discuss limitations and why 2021 is the year to start breaking down your barriers. Limitations often stem from influential people in our lives, affecting our mindset on what is possible. By creating limitations in our mind we are restricting ourselves from reaching our full potential and sparking that next big idea. Join me this week to hear how I have learnt to further my boundaries and remove my limitations.

  • #157: All About Hart

    13/01/2021 Duração: 01h04min

    This week on Climbing With Scars I talk to Anthony Hart of Invigor Wellbeing. This inspiring story is one that needs to be told and inspiring where Anthony openly shares the dark place he had to deal with and through this help others going through tough times. Join me this week to hear how Anthony defeated his inner demons and why there is always help out there improving lives of entrepreneurs and the community. 

  • #156: The Year of Shift

    15/12/2020 Duração: 27min

    This time last year there was a sense of excitement about the new decade upon us with 2020, and as we end the year it has defined many entrepreneurs, individuals and businesses. What did we learn and what was it for you? On this episode I dig deep to share my personal experiences and learnings from the most defining year for me in business and life, passing on many of the key lessons for startups and entrepreneurs that look to keep climbing ahead.

  • #155: Working Under Your Roof

    09/12/2020 Duração: 09min

    On this week’s podcast I talk of the roofs and ceilings we create and work under. Ever heard the saying “we’ve hit our ceiling”, and many times after that people are content to stay there even though they may not have set the heights they can reach. This episode I share how the barriers and boundaries set often are there to be stretched out further, where the real entrepreneurial growth happens when you venture up to those heights you’ve never been, no matter how scary that may be. Enjoy this listen, you may actually find that you’ll see the stars through the ceiling I talk about.

  • #154: The Defining Year

    02/12/2020 Duração: 15min

    While I frequently hear talk of people wanting 2020 to be over, will it be the year that many say they wish never happened or will it be the year many look back on as a land mark period where it forced progressive change upon them? This week I share my take on the learnings of 2020, where fears of the unknown evolved into forces of a new growth mindset with a completely different outlook for business and life. How we define 2020 says more about us and what the future looks like. Enjoy this listen where there is still time to make 2020 yours.

  • #153: The Fear of Being Scarred

    25/11/2020 Duração: 11min

    How many missed opportunities I see go astray because of the fear of being hurt, disappointed, let down or failing. On this week’s episode I go deep into the facts on the entrepreneur’s journey and share how there is no waiting for the “right time” to make your moves, and how picking up scars is a big part of the ride setting you up for greater successes. Climbing With Scars this week rings true and loud, enjoy.

  • #152: Problems = Opportunity

    18/11/2020 Duração: 09min

    Where there is a problem, there is an opportunity and this is often a point clearly understood by entrepreneurs working through their customer’s problems. But what about our own problems, are there opportunities to be found when we dig deeper into our own challenges? This week on Climbing With Scars I share the breakthroughs and opportunities that can be found when one delves deeper into their own problems instead of ignoring and staying away from them. Some of the best ideas come to life when entrepreneurs explore their own challenges and problems, finding much more exists on the other side. Join me on this episode to hear how the biggest problems can often become the best opportunities.

  • #151: Don't Believe the Hype

    11/11/2020 Duração: 14min

    With the news of US elections, Covid-19 vaccines and all the news items in between, how much of this is believable and how does it impact thoughts, mindsets and decision making in the entrepreneurs world? This week I go deep on what we get fed by the press and media, what is the agenda behind it all t control mindsets and how entrepreneurs play a role in breaking the cycle. Join me this week where I share my take on the news reporting over the past week and how to stay resilient against into falling into the “hype” trap.

  • #150: Play Small, Stay Small

    03/11/2020 Duração: 10min

    Every entrepreneur starts with an idea, then has a dream and at that moment the dream is how big can this idea become which is common for almost every entrepreneur I know. However many businesses I know reach a point where it is safe, they’ve got to the point where business is established and decide to stay there, avoiding activity in a bigger market and against bigger competitors, worried of what can be lost instead of how far can they go. Join me on this episode where I share many experiences and examples of what is gained from playing big compared to playing small and where that ultimately leads to.

  • #149: Stay Ready

    28/10/2020 Duração: 09min

    Often I hear people make statements that entrepreneurs succeed because of luck, or got lucky, were in the right place at the right time, yada yada yada. So, what is the difference between entrepreneurs that “get lucky” and others that don’t? This week I go deep on  being ready to “get lucky” and what staying ready actually means on the entrepreneur’s journey, while sharing a few of my stories firsthand.   If you’re ready for it straight up, listen in to this episode.

  • #148: Power of Motion

    21/10/2020 Duração: 09min

    “Good things happen when you’re in motion” I heard this statement last year and rings so true for the entrepreneur. On this week’s episode of Climbing With Scars I go deep into the benefits of always being in motion, sharing my learnings about momentum and how things happen for you, how you meet the right people and the ground you make personally and professionally. Moving in a forward direction always attracts good things and brings more than you expected. Enjoy this listen.

  • #147: Conviction, convenience & comfort

    14/10/2020 Duração: 16min

    Can you share the space where your convictions are present with convenience? And how comfortable can we get while going with our convictions?  On this week’s episode of Climbing With Scars I talk about whether convenience and conviction can work together, and share my learnings of the comfort zone and what happens there. Tune in to hear my realities of where our convictions take us and what to expect from them.

  • #146: Good Advice

    07/10/2020 Duração: 16min

    Advice comes to us all the time, but how do we know what is good advice?  On this week’s episode of Climbing With Scars I go deep into ‘what is good advice’ and how we’re sometimes conditioned to believe advice that may not be so good for us, sharing my learnings from childhood to 30 year entrepreneur. What we listen out for, how we qualify what is the right advice, what we act on and looking out for the signs about the advice we receive. Join me on this podcast to find out how I have dealt with advice, the mistakes I made on taking advice and how I learned to sieve through advice to arrive at what matters.

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