Nurah Speaks

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editora: Podcast
  • Duração: 140:47:02
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Nurah Speaks is a weekly podcast that tugs at the soul and consciousness of the black community.  Nurah Speaks listeners will hear unique perspectives on topics such as education, youth empowerment, women's impact, community engagement, youth violence prevention and more.  If you would like to engage with the show, submit your listener questions to  Listeners can also learn more about Nurah by visiting her website: and reading her blog: can be followed on Facebook at: and on Instagram @NurahZ20.To book Nurah as a speaker at your next event, email, dont just Join the Movement, Be the Movement!


  • (Ep 190) The Transparency Excuse

    04/07/2022 Duração: 27min

    This episode is dedicated to exhibitionistic oversharing being masqueraded as transparency and that has become the norm in our culture. Where have we gotten the idea that making our personal lives an all-access event is a virtue? There is still great value in privacy and boundaries. Don’t let social media and reality television convince you otherwise. “The worst kind of crime has been committed against us, for we were robbed of our desire to even want to think and do for ourselves. We are often pictured by the slave-master as a lazy and trifling people who are without thoughts of advancement. I say, this is a condition which the slave-master very cleverly wanted and created within and among the so-called Negroes.” Honorable Elijah Muhammad from the book Message To The Blackman In America. If you would like to engage with the Nurah Speaks podcast, submit your listener questions to  Listeners can also learn more about Nurah by visiting her website: or reading her b

  • (Ep 189) Activity, Not Anger

    27/06/2022 Duração: 20min

    Consistent, collective activity is our best means to achieve change in a meaningful way. We are mistaken to believe our emotions are a compelling force. Activity, not anger is what compels change. We should be concerned with entities that give us platforms for our emotionalism rather than our collective action. “I say, you should have your own Black police who have a Black heart like yours-a feeling for yourself; not a beast like heart who depends on nothing but a nightclub loaded with iron or lead to crack your skull. Don’t want that kind. I say, you should demand Harlem to be policed by Black policemen. You should also work to become your own mayor. You should not never accept…I say we should always choose your own representatives for the city government, or the county, state and for the U.S. state. I say, we should choose our own representative-vote for him ourself…!” Honorable Elijah Muhammad If you would like to engage with the Nurah Speaks podcast, submit your listener questions to info@NurahSpeaks.

  • (Ep 188) Back From Hiatus

    20/06/2022 Duração: 21min

    “Where have you been Nurah?” For some time now I have had the feeling that something was missing from the podcast but I could not quite put my finger on it. I had a dissatisfaction, a nagging if you will that the podcast was incomplete. So stepped away to figure things out. And what I discovered is that I was not including a vital part of my foundation in the show, and that is the words and wisdom of Elijah Muhammad. When I began this podcast, it was not an ego driven project. In fact, I was nudged and nearly nagged to expand my audience so that the message I shared regionally in workshops, trainings, and keynotes could be heard by a broader listenership. In my introductory episode I shared a bit about myself with listeners so that the audience could know who I was: A wife, a mother, a Muslim follower of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad, a community organizer, civically engaged, etc. However as I proceeded with the show, I did not include the key to what has made me successful and that is the wisdom of Elija

  • (Ep 187) Making Our Young People Employable

    03/05/2022 Duração: 31min

    Businesses that have once been sure hires for our young people are not so sure anymore. Hiring managers do not want to deal with the hassle that comes from dysfunctional youth who are not able to follow instructions, who do not arrive to work on time and prepared for their shifts and who lack the capacity to navigate petty isms amongst colleagues. Our young people must possess the functional life skills required to perform successfully in the workplace. And it is our responsibility to equip them. If you would like to engage with the Nurah Speaks podcast, submit your listener questions to  Listeners can also learn more about Nurah by visiting her website: or reading her blog by clicking this link.

  • (Ep 186) Be The Village

    18/04/2022 Duração: 27min

    More and more I am see social media posts of mothers disparaging ‘The Village’ during their family’s crises with thier out of control children. My question to that is, “Are ‘you’ a part of the village? Have you been volunteering or are you a member of a social organization, church, mosque, civic group?” It is easy to condemn the village as inaccessible when we live in silos or in isolation. It can be an unfair criticism when we take no part. I encourage parents to always be involved in their community in some way and the good news is that there are all sorts of ways to be plugged in. Schools, sports and other extra curricular programs can be a place to volunteer as well as community service groups and reputable non profit agencies. Churches, mosques, temples are also places where parents have membership and a natural built in support system. Municipalities and law enforcement agencies also host community events that families can be involved in. We need to wait for a crises to get involved in ‘The Village’. It

  • (Ep 185) Give A Little

    21/03/2022 Duração: 21min

    There is so much good that comes from giving. And there are so many forms of giving that we have no excuse to forgo making meaningful impacts in our community. Whether it is time, skills, or resources-giving has a way of helping the giver just as much as the person(s) being helped. Your confidence and self esteem will grow, you’ll have more joy in life and you will have more gratitude. Charity is a universal principle across most religions and philosophies because there is just something very right and rewarding about being unselfish.  Experience it for yourself If you would like to engage with the Nurah Speaks podcast, submit your listener questions to  Listeners can also learn more about Nurah by visiting her website: or reading her blog by clicking this link. Follow Nurah Speaks @NurahSpeaksPodcast on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. To bring Nurah as a speaker at your next event, email Remember, don’t just Join the Movement, Be the

  • (Ep 184) Gender Wars

    15/03/2022 Duração: 25min

    The gender war in which we are currently engaged is doing harm to us, our young people and our community.  On countless podcasts and YouTube channels Black women and Black men are ripping each other apart, saying the vilest of things and criticizing one another in the harshest of manner. Few discussions lend to a productive contribution to the culture. These programs are mostly fodder for entertaining viewers who align with the attitudes and opinions of the hosts.   The continual fragmentation of the Black community is evident by this content and the promises of our future become casualties of this gender war. We need a more compassionate approach that recognizes the horror of our collective lived experiences if we will ever hope to have peace with one another. If you would like to engage with the Nurah Speaks podcast, submit your listener questions to  Listeners can also learn more about Nurah by visiting her website: or reading her blog by clicking this&n

  • (Ep 183) Black Feminism

    28/02/2022 Duração: 54min

    This episode challenges the ways that we segment ourselves into sub-demographics and how those divisions impede our collective progress. This installment specifically addresses Black Feminism and encourages listeners to broaden their understanding of the fullness of harm done to our people (Black Descendants of American Slavery) and how we manifest that harm through our interactions within the Black community. I’d love to hear your take on this subject and this episode. What are your thoughts?  To engage with the Nurah Speaks podcast, submit your listener questions to  Listeners can also learn more about Nurah by visiting her website: or reading her blog by clicking this link. Follow Nurah Speaks @NurahSpeaksPodcast on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. To bring Nurah as a speaker at your next event, email Remember, don’t just Join the Movement, Be the Movement!

  • (Ep 182) The Wrong Things

    14/02/2022 Duração: 19min

    Black creators are among those removing their content from Spotify. Artists and podcast hosts are concerned about COVID and vaccine misinformation they say is allowed on the platform. The boycott was kicked off after attention was brought to Joe Rogan’s podcast. I am in disbelief that Black creators are mobilizing around the tenor of content produced by Joe Rogan rather than that produced by Black artists for an overwhelmingly Black audience. Scrolling through Spotify, I find Snoop Dogg, Kodak Black, Travis Scott, Megan Thee Stallion, Pop Smoke and Nicki Minaj among countless other Black artists who have content that degrades Black women, promotes drug abuse, uses abusive language, promotes rape culture and killing within our community. Joe Rogan and COVID and vaccine misinformation are THE WRONG THINGS and Spotify should be the least on our list to boycott. If you would like to engage with the Nurah Speaks podcast, submit your listener questions to  Listeners can also learn more ab

  • (Ep 181) When Do Words Matter?

    07/02/2022 Duração: 30min

    Regulators are monitoring and governing the language used by high profile entertainers. Parents and legislators are monitoring and governing the language used in text books and school curriculum. Who is going to monitor and govern the language record executives are dumping in the minds of our most impressionable? Are we so insignificant that we not concern ourselves with the enthusiastic invitations to pills, prostitution and other destructive endeavors projected at our youth? C’mon Black Community-our apathy is showing! If you would like to engage with the Nurah Speaks podcast, submit your listener questions to  Listeners can also learn more about Nurah by visiting her website: or reading her blog by clicking this link. Follow Nurah Speaks @NurahSpeaksPodcast on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. To bring Nurah as a speaker at your next event, email Remember, don’t just Join the Movement, Be the Movement!

  • (Ep 180) Pandemic Response And Our Youth

    31/01/2022 Duração: 44min

    Infants born during the pandemic scored lower on developmental skills as compared to those born before the pandemic. Suicide attempts spiked for youth ages 12-17 during the pandemic…and are still rising. Had the nation’s health experts considered the impact of COVID-19 public health strategies on our youth? Did they consider the mental health toll that their language and use of morbid imagery could have on our most vulnerable? In episode 180 I share distressing statistics concerning our infants, children and adolescents that have been reported over the last two years. And, who, if anyone can be held accountable? NOTE: This episode makes mention of suicide and may be triggering for some listeners. Suicidal thoughts or actions, even in very young children, are a sign of extreme distress and should not be ignored. If you or someone you know needs immediate help, contact the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-TALK (8255) or the Crisis Text Line by texting “home” to 741 741. Check out

  • (Ep 179) Vaxxed Vs. UnVaxxed

    25/01/2022 Duração: 42min

    Stay alert to the divisive language employed by talk show pundits and political leaders concerning the COVID-19 vaccine. Don Lemon called the unvaccinated stupid and idiots.  Howard Stern said the unvaccinated should not be admitted to hospitals for treatment but instead ‘go home and die.' Our community cannot afford to widen rifts that already separate us and we do not need more reasons to be at odds with one another.  Regardless of our vaccination status, we have common concerns that we must be united in addressing without standing in judgment and condemnation of each other.  Let's not add more reasons to be divided. Here are a few links to information that I shared in this episode:

  • (Ep 178) Angelou Quarters and Tubman Twenties

    17/01/2022 Duração: 24min

    Maya Angelou will be the first black woman featured on a U.S. quarter. These quarters will be ready for distribution late January, early February of 2022. Years ago, the Obama administration announced that Harriet Tubman will be the face of the next twenty dollar bills. Yet has reported that the Tubman twenties may not be produced until 2030. Blacks in America have graduated from being literal currency to being featured on currency. Still, the question must be asked: what value will this redesigned money have on the lives of Black people? Will it contribute to meaningful change or will these solely be symbolic gestures? Certainly symbolism has its place but we are beyond symbols and monuments that do not move the dial forward in our possessing and exercising civil rights. If you would like to engage with the Nurah Speaks podcast, submit your listener questions to  Listeners can also learn more about Nurah by visiting her website: or reading her blog b

  • (Ep 177) 10 Social Etiquette Norms Not To Forget!

    11/01/2022 Duração: 29min

    Social etiquette is culturally accepted set of standards and protocols that help us function harmoniously with others. They are guidelines for behavior that support healthy relationships and boundaries and when honored, demonstrates respect for others and ourselves. If you would like to engage with the Nurah Speaks podcast, submit your listener questions to  Listeners can also learn more about Nurah by visiting her website: or reading her blog by clicking this link. Follow Nurah Speaks @NurahSpeaksPodcast on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. To bring Nurah as a speaker at your next event, email Remember, don’t just Join the Movement, Be the Movement!

  • (Ep 176) Grow Locally

    20/12/2021 Duração: 12min

    Our social media following is not a true measurement of our significance or our relevance. That is better measured by the impact or change that we can make in the lives of those who are closest to us in the ‘real world’. It is certainly a tool that can be used to amplify the work that we are already doing however. We must substantiate ourselves with a local footprint first before we seek a broad following because the question can easily be asked…what have you done? And without the ability to point to your real world wins, you are not operating on a firm foundation. Social media can help us detach from reality. But we must work beyond the 240 twitter characters to truly authenticate our real world value. If you would like to engage with the Nurah Speaks podcast, submit your listener questions to  Listeners can also learn more about Nurah by visiting her website: or reading her blog by clicking this link. Follow Nurah Speaks @NurahSpeaksPodcast on Facebook, Tw

  • (Ep 175) Where There Are No Decent Women, There Are No Decent Men

    14/12/2021 Duração: 30min

    Why is the young black woman’s artistic expression saturated with sexuality? Dry humping, grinding and gyrating on stage is not a display of talent yet this is the route of so many. And whether we realize it or not, we propagate a plantation-like mentality in which our bodies are the product brought to market more than our actual talents. As it was then, it remains today that we are the most unprotected and unprovided for women that we are now trading our dignity for followers, clicks and dollars.  Let us pause to consider what are we producing in the hearts and minds of our future generations.   If you would like to engage with the Nurah Speaks podcast, submit your listener questions to  Listeners can also learn more about Nurah by visiting her website: or reading her blog by clicking this link. Follow Nurah Speaks @NurahSpeaksPodcast on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. To bring Nurah as a speaker at your next event, email info@NurahSpeaks.c

  • (Ep 174) 'King Richard' Release Exposes Scorn For Black Men

    22/11/2021 Duração: 24min

    Richard Williams is a genius. He produced the gods who ruled over tennis and changed the game forever. He is a brilliant black man. FULL STOP. Some of the press for the film depicting his life as a father and tennis coach is highlighting our culture’s disdain and scorn for Black men. We know Richard Williams because he gave us Venus and Serena. However, recent articles published with the release of the film deals with his alleged failings as a husband. One such article ‘King Richard' And The Delicate Dance Of Exalting A Flawed Black Man puts attention on the conflicts in his marriage suggesting the film is idealized and lacking authenticity for not addressing his and Oracene’s marital issues. Can a Black man, can this Black man be celebrated without qualification? “He did great, but…” The title, '...the delicate dance of exalting a flawed black man….is written as if you can find any man without flaws. There needs not to be a delicate dance to exalt a flawed man because all men - and women - have flaws.

  • (Ep 173) Enjoin Good

    09/11/2021 Duração: 25min

    Enjoin one another to good. Persuade one another to do their best, be their best and seek our the best. In our current ‘I do as I please’ culture, it can be unpopular to promote virtue and accountability. Yet based on the current trend of the Black community’s outcomes, we need an intervention today! Let’s start with you and me. When we see our friends and family making choices ill suited for success, love them enough to tap them on their shoulder and encourage a different conclusion. There will be no community improvement without an improvement in the people. If you would like to engage with the Nurah Speaks podcast, submit your listener questions to  Listeners can also learn more about Nurah by visiting her website: or reading her blog by clicking this link. Follow Nurah Speaks @NurahSpeaksPodcast on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. To bring Nurah as a speaker at your next event, email Remember, don’t just Join the Movement, Be the Mov

  • (Ep 172) On Being Misunderstood

    01/11/2021 Duração: 21min

    No one likes being misunderstood. Misunderstandings can lead to conflict, disappointment, sadness, resentment and conclusions much, much worse.  How you and I manage being misunderstood will be the difference between keeping or losing our own peace of mind. In Episode 172, I share five key takeaways that I have learned from being misunderstood myself. I share them here with hope that listeners will find these takeaways useful in their own journeys. The way others perceive is influenced by the culmination of their life experiences, personality and expectations. No one is exempt from being misunderstood. Tell the truth and get out of the way. Always make clarity, not ego, the goal. Misunderstanding may occur due to your own failure in communication. If you would like to engage with the Nurah Speaks podcast, submit your listener questions to  Listeners can also learn more about Nurah by visiting her website: or reading her blog by clicking this 

  • (Ep 171) Follow The Science: Cancel The Swine!

    18/10/2021 Duração: 38min

    The pig is a sick animal that consumes garbage, animal excrement and decaying flesh. Its tissue is riddled with mucous, worms, parasites and viruses that impact the health of its eater. Even the World Health Organization has concluded that processed pork is a contributor to cancer.  It is simply not a meat fit for human consumption. It is time we follow the science and cancel the swine from our diets. This episode includes detailed information about the pig and how our bodies are impacted when we eat it. Below I have included links to books, articles and videos that will educate you more about pork and why we should abstain from this damaging meat. https://

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