My Utmost For His Highest ??? ?? ???

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editora: Podcast
  • Duração: 45:18:41
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  • 1월 9일 초월적인 하나님의 보호engkor(주님은 나의 최고봉)

    09/01/2016 Duração: 10min

    메일로 요청하시면-전문을 보내드리겠습니다. 온누리제자커뮤니티 이영대 And I pray God your whole spirit and soul and body / be preserved blameless. 살전 5:23, 1Thess 5:23 Your whole spirit ..." / The great mystical work of the Holy Spirit / is in the dim regions of our personality / which we cannot get at. / Read the 139th Psalm; the Psalmist implies - / "Thou art the God of the early mornings, / the God of the late at night, / the God of the mountain peaks, / and the God of the sea; / but, my God, / my soul has further horizons than the early mornings, / deeper darkness than the nights of earth, / higher peaks than any mountain peaks, / greater depths than any sea in nature - / Thou Who art the God of all these, be my God. / I cannot reach to the heights / or to the depths; / there are motives I cannot trace, / dreams I cannot get at / - my God, search me out. / Do we believe that God can garrison the imagination far beyond where we can go? / "The blood of Jesus Christ cleanseth us from all sin"/ -if that means i

  • 1월 9일 초월적인 하나님의 보호eng(주님은 나의 최고봉)

    09/01/2016 Duração: 03min

    1월 9일 Intercessory introspection 초월적인 하나님의 보호 살전 5:23, 1Thess 5:23 And I pray God your whole spirit and soul and body be preserved blameless. "Your whole spirit ..." The great mystical work of the Holy Spirit is in the dim regions of our personality which we cannot get at. Read the 139th Psalm; the Psalmist implies - "Thou art the God of the early mornings, the God of the late at night, the God of the mountain peaks, and the God of the sea; but, my God, my soul has further horizons than the early mornings, deeper darkness than the nights of earth, higher peaks than any mountain peaks, greater depths than any sea in nature- Thou Who art the God of all these, be my God. I cannot reach to the heights or to the depths; there are motives I cannot trace, dreams I cannot get at - my God, search me out. Do we believe that God can garrison the imagination far beyond where we can go? "The blood of Jesus Christ cleanseth us from all sin"-if that means in conscious experience only, may God have mercy on us. The

  • 1월9일 초월적인 하나님의 보호 (한국어)(주님은 나의 최고봉)

    09/01/2016 Duração: 04min
  • 1월8일 나의희생제물은살아있나?engkor(주님은 나의 최고봉)

    07/01/2016 Duração: 06min

    영한 낭독, 영어 스크립만 (반응 테스트 용) Does my sacrifice live ? This incident is a picture of the blunder we make in thinking that the final thing God wants of us is the sacrifice of death. What God wants is the sacrifice through death which enables us to do what Jesus did, viz., sacrifice our lives. Not 'i am willing to go to death with Thee,' but, 'I am willing to be identified with Thy death so that I may sacrifice my life to God.' We seem to think that God wants us to give up things! God purified Abraham from this blunder, ad the same discipline goes on in our lives. god nowhere tells us to give them up for the sake of the only thing worth having, viz., life with Himself. It is a question of loosening the bands that hinder the life, and immediately those bands are loosened by identification with the death of Jesus, we enter into a relationship with God whererby we can sacrifice our lives to Him. It is of no value to God to give Him your life for death. He wants you to be a "living sacrifice," to let Him have all y

  • 1월8일 나의희생제물은살아있나?eng(주님은 나의 최고봉)

    07/01/2016 Duração: 02min
  • 1월8일 나의희생제물은살아있나? kor (주님은 나의 최고봉)

    07/01/2016 Duração: 04min
  • 1월7일 예수님과 친밀하게 지내십시오.engkor(주님은 나의 최고봉)

    07/01/2016 Duração: 06min
  • 1월7일 예수님과 친밀하게 지내십시오.eng(주님은 나의 최고봉)

    07/01/2016 Duração: 02min
  • 1월7일 예수님과 친밀하게 지내십시오.(주님은 나의 최고봉)

    06/01/2016 Duração: 04min
  • 1월6일 예배의 의미-영어한국어(주님은 나의 최고봉)

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  • 1월6일 예배의 의미-한국어(주님은 나의 최고봉)

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    요13장 36절

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  • 1월 2일 갈바를 알지 못하고 나아 가겠습니까? (주님은 나의 최고봉)

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  • 1월 1일 신앙의 중심을 지키십시요.(주님은 나의 최고봉)

    03/01/2016 Duração: 04min

    빌립보서 1장 20절 나의 간절한 기대화 소망을 따라 아무 일에든지 부끄러워 하지 아니하고 온전히 담대하여 살든지 죽든지 내 몸에서 그리스도가 존귀하게되려 하나니... 최상의 주님께 나의 최선을 드립니다.

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