Behind The Glass With Charlotte Eriksson

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editora: Podcast
  • Duração: 42:54:24
  • Mais informações



Songwriter and author Charlotte Eriksson -- The Glass Child -- lets you in behind the glass. Raw and honest conversations, essays, spoken poetry and journals exploring the subjects of growing up, change, loneliness, living as a nomad, missing people, loving people. How to live with uncertainty. What is home? What is anxiety? What is happiness?I wanted to turn my life into my art. My very existence into a poem. This is my story it might not always be easy, but it will always be beautiful.


  • Coffee chat! ☕️ Answering all your questions!

    26/02/2023 Duração: 55min

    What inspires you most? Will you go back to Bali? What’s your biggest reward from sharing your creative work online? What makes you feel free and at peace? Advice for making friends when you’re in a new place and have social anxiety? Come have a Sunday morning coffee with me while I'm answering all your questions ♡ Find all my books and music at

  • When you're unimpressed by life... or your second mountain.

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    This conversation is for you who, like me, need a challenge in order to feel alive. We thrive on creating personal challenges as a way to feel fueled and fired up, excited and motivated. Nothing drives us more than growth, development, change, moving forward. Stagnation is death to people like us. And this conversation is about what happens when you find yourself without that kind of challenge, and as a consequence… feel unimpressed by life.

  • Moving Away To Reinvent Yourself - Part 1

    11/12/2022 Duração: 59min

    Have you ever dreamt of reinventing yourself in a new city where no one knows you? Do you know that there is something more out there, destined for you, waiting for you? But maybe you're scared... scared to leave your safety, your family, the place you've called "home" your whole life? This episode is about moving away from home, starting over in a new place, chasing your dream and building your home in moments of belonging, no matter where in the world you might find yourself. If you like my podcast and want me to keep sharing my thoughts and ideas with you, it would mean the world if you took 10sec to leave a 5-star review wherever you're listening. It tells me that you want me to keep doing it, but it also makes me feel less alone ♡ Send me your stories, questions and concerns about moving away from home and I will do a part 2! Find all my books here:

  • Losing people you love

    20/11/2022 Duração: 07min

    Everything that has ever happened to you is yours to keep. You own it. No one can ever take that away from you. Your experiences, feelings, cities you walked, people you loved, and fights you fought: they're yours and yours only. And every single thing you’ve done and every single person you’ve met will stay with you, grow with you, and it’s these things that slowly build your character. These things make your life story, and you will only lose the things you actively decide to let go of. You can leave someone without leaving them behind. You can keep the warm, safe feeling of loving someone without wanting to be with them anymore. You can keep your love for someone, even when they say they don’t love you anymore. Think about it: what’s beautiful about human relationships is the feeling we get from them. Think about a time in your life when you were hopelessly in love with someone, romantically or as a friend: you had so much love for this person! It filled you up with energy and heat, made you smile and

  • When your strengths become your weaknesses

    29/10/2022 Duração: 19min

    I know a lot of you also left your home town, or even home country, to move out in the world and change your dream, whatever that might be. I guess we all have reasons for leaving, or running away. A big reason for me was that growing up, I never felt like I had people around me who I actually looked up to. I didn’t see an adult person doing anything impressive to me. No one who lived in a way that made me excited to also grow up and take on life. I saw adults around me who were uninspired and uninspiring. They were living lives that I did not want to take on. Young as I was, I fled to the books. In books I found inspiring breathtaking extraordinary people, real and fictional, but who were so defined, in a way. Even if it was a quiet small poet, like, I discovered the American poet jack Gilbert and loved his poems but even more the fact that he fled the limelight in America when he became a little bit famous and moved to Europe and lived in kind of random hidden places, quietly, simply, just writing. He lived

  • The one thing that changed how I talk to myself and my people

    14/10/2022 Duração: 17min

    Today I'm sharing one simple idea from the book Yes, And by Kelly Leonard that actually changed the way I speak to myself and to other people.  I’m very critical of myself. I have high standards, I am my own worst critic and toughest coach. Whenever I stand in front of a decision, I used to always say.. “yes, but…” “Yes, but… I am not skilled enough, good enough, pretty enough, popular enough,.. “Yes, but, I don’t have the contacts, the resources, the energy.” “Yes, but, remember what happened last time, yes but things don’t ever go that way, yes but be more realistic, yes but but but but…" What happens the second you say BUT is that you interrupt the flow of the yes. It’s basically a no. The premise of this book I'll be talking about in today's episode is: imagine switching that but out to and… Yes, and… You will then start saying things like ... “Yes, and... this has been challenging before so I’m going to have to be real smart about the plan forward." “Yes, and, since you don’t have those resources yo

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    16/09/2022 Duração: 08min

    What if the universe really truly has your back. What if, every time you find yourself feeling comfortable in life, the universe will make sure that something happens so you can keep evolving. As a person, on all levels. The universe is making sure that you, as an individual, becomes the highest version of yourself. And to become the highest version of yourself, you have to always be tested, challenged to think in new patterns and leave your comfort zone. What if you could learn to see setbacks and rejections as gifts: you’re being challenged to grow and evolve. I have always had a deep, powerful belief in the universe’s ability to guide and direct. I do believe we are the creator’s of our own opportunities and we can make things happen, but the universe will direct us, slightly, sometimes without us noticing. That guidance can appear as people. When I look back at my life I can see how every person who showed up in my life ultimately taught me something, or led me somewhere, or introduced me to someone, th

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  • Living Through Past Achievements or Failures

    20/08/2022 Duração: 09min

    Maybe, today, I know that I am more interesting internally than I will ever be externally. My thoughts and ideas and goals and visions are grander and more magnificent than any external achievement I’ve ever achieved, so telling my past story feels small and empty because I carry bigger things inside, so I don’t often talk about myself anymore. I don’t need to. I know one day it will materialise and maybe some people will notice, or they won’t, and I no longer care. As long as I took pride in my past achievements I couldn’t actually completely move towards the future; I held myself back by trying to still fit inside my past story. But you will never fit your future story if you’re still trying to play small and fit in the past one. You’ve grown! Future you shouldn’t be able to go back, she or he should have evolved so much that there is no going back, and the past shouldn’t even be realistic or nurturing anymore because you are now a new you. Evolved. Bigger. More refined. Connected to this is of course als

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    09/06/2022 Duração: 09min

    But life is not a static object or a one-way-street. It’s an ever-growing ever-evolving movement, a fleeting process that will flow in whichever direction it can, just because it simply can, and I’d like to mention amore fati; trusting your fate. Every single time something crashed my plans or dreams, I was forced to write a new plan, new goals, and take a different road. I cursed the moon and the stars and all the people walking on this earth who were in my way, because I thought I was being challenged. I thought I was being stopped from reaching my goal. But I can see it crystal clear now. Look back on your life, a month, six months, ten years, and you will see how it all connects. Every time you were forced to change your ways it led you to something that led you to the next dot and suddenly you see how it’s a beautiful well-crafted story with wonders and defeats, leaving and arriving, and that’s why they call it a life story and not just a life. Life will keep redirecting you until you’re on the right pat

  • How to find your people and your place in the world… Q&A episode!

    14/05/2022 Duração: 43min

    “As a young poet, reading is a search for your lost family. You’re looking for your secret poetry fathers and your secret poetry mothers. And cousins and sisters, people who are like you. Not your biological family, but your imaginative family. The family you’d like to be reborn into. Every time you’ve found a poet you absolutely love, you’ve found another relative. People who are spiritual relatives. And that means you’re not alone. It means that you read Walt Whitman and you feel that recognition and think ‘My God! This is my strange great uncle Walt!’ It makes it easier for you to live. To know that you’re not alone. And so these poems become a part of your life.” // Please come find all my books and links to social media on my website:

  • Life lessons from the Johnny Depp v. Amber Heard Trial

    01/05/2022 Duração: 53min

    In this episode I share 7 life lessons I’ve learned from becoming obsessed with court trials on YouTube lol. 1. Know what you want before you begin. 2. Don’t make assumptions. 3. Don’t speculate 4. State “Irrelevant” and move on. 5. Move on quickly. 6. Listen and ask more than you speak. 7. Tell a story. Please come find me on Instagram @justaglasschild, and pick up signed copies of my books at

  • Do I have another job? How to create daily opportunities and deal with self doubt!

    03/04/2022 Duração: 01h03min

    “I don’t have another job other than being me and serving my life mission, which is to make people feel less alone and inspire people to design their own lives. But that involves more than just strumming my guitar or writing prose for a book.” Another episode in which I talk about questions, thoughts or struggles you’ve sent to me. I would love to hear your thoughts on the things I talk about on this podcast! Send me a DM on Instagram @justaglasschild, and we’ll create a community of support and belonging ♡

  • Bored of Traveling? My Anxiety? Limiting Beliefs? Q&A episode!

    13/03/2022 Duração: 01h03min

    Will I move to Portugal permanently? What is my daily routine? Life-changing book recommendations? A massive Q&A episode coming your way!

  • The search for a home… [from the archive]

    05/03/2022 Duração: 08min

    You can never go back to the same place twice. Something has always changed a little. You have changed, the place has changed, the people in it ... it’s not the same and you need to visit it with new eyes, no expectations, no lofty thoughts of wanting to go back to something. You can’t go back to anything, things are in constant movement and so are you. You must keep moving forward, on and on and not fight it. The ones who fight the natural flow of life will go against the current and nature is stronger than will.

  • Deep Talk & Wine with Elto [singer/songwriter] Music during lockdown, panic attacks, crypto and hope

    29/01/2022 Duração: 01h11min

    Welcome to a brand new podcast season where you’ll get to join me and some of my most inspiring, intelligent, creative and driven friends for deep talks over a bottle of wine or two! In this episode you’ll get to meet Elto, a singer/songwriter from Austria who’s currently working on a new album here in Berlin. Elto and I always get lost in conversations about everything and nothing, so we decided to catch over some wine and let you in on our conversation. We talk about everything from finding hope in the middle of a lockdown, crypto and NFTs, my winter in Portugal and much more. Go give Elto some love at If you know someone inspiring you think I should invite for a deep talk, please let me know! www.charlotteeriksson //

  • Letter to Younger Me [from the archive]

    21/01/2022 Duração: 07min

    If I could say anything to 17 year old me, it would be this: 1. Don’t be so scared. Don’t waste your days worrying about the next day, next month, 5 years from now. Just do what you can with today. Be what you are right now, and work with it. You’re exactly in the right place, at the right time, doing the right thing. Trust your story, you’re going to be something wonderful one day but now you are something too. 5. Learn to let go. People, seasons, cities and feelings will come and go. it’s the natural flow of life and nature, and you must be a part of it. Nothing is static and you don’t want to be, you want to learn to grow and flow with the seasons, being in constant movement. Learn to treasure what you what when you have it. When they leave you, learn to smile, say goodbye and move on being grateful that you now will go on being one experience richer. Lastly, live a little. Put your feet up. Laugh, loud, with strangers and friends. Take a night off. Go to the party and stay the night. let someone kind w

  • On grief and loss

    07/01/2022 Duração: 12min

    How to handle grief and loss What is grief? Grieving, to me, is loving. Grieving is honoring. Missing is honoring. Missing the space this person used to take up on the planet, and now that space is aching, it’s empty. The problem with grief is that we make it about us. We always make things about ourselves, when it’s really not about us at all and neither does it serve us to believe it is. It’s never about us. I’ve had this one ringing line repeating in my head lately, saying: “There is no wrong way for reality to play out. There is no wrong way for reality to play out.” David Kessler is an author who’s written several book on the subject of grief, and I really recommend you to google him if you’re going through something heavy. In his book “life lessons”, he says: “But like it or not, change happens and, like most things in life, doesn't really happen to us - it just happens.” The second we really truly start to live from this belief, so much will shift. Things don’t happen to us, they just happen. It’s

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